II. Answer the questions. Check your comprehension. III. Give English equivalents to the following phrases.

  1. What cargoes are liable to spontaneous combustion?
  2. What oil products do you know?
  3. What liquids are known as dangerous cargoes?
  4. How are lubricating oils transported?
  5. In what packages are bitumens carried?
  6. How should readily ignite cargoes be packed?
  7. Are inflammable solids dangerous when wet?
  8. What should be done to avoid the interaction of dangerous cargoes with moisture?

III. Give English equivalents to the following phrases.

1. Какая безопасная нагрузка на эту стрелу?

2. Очистите трюмы, пожалуйста.

3. Трюмы сырые. Пожалуйста, высушите их.

4. Пожалуйста, дайте электрический свет на трюмы.

5. Трюмы грязные. Вы должны подмести их. В какое время я могу прийти, чтобы осмотреть их?

6. Штивайте этот груз лучше.

7. В трюмах есть какие-нибудь тяжеловесы свыше трех тонн?

8. Когда трюмы будут готовы к погрузке?

9. Есть у вас подстилки под груз на борту?

10. С 15.00 до 18.00 шел дождь (снег). Пожалуйста, дайте ваше подтверждение в письменной форме.

IV. Match the words on the left column with the correct endings on the right column.

1. By trim is understood the the vessel is fully laden and is floating on her load line.
2. By "Full and Down" is meant that well trimmed.
3. When there is no difference between draft fore and draft aft the vessel is trimmed (or "down") by the head.
4. When aft draft is greater than draft fore she is transverse and longitudinal position of the floating vessel.
5. When draft fore is greater than draft aft she is trimmed (or "down") by the stern.

V. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

Damage; flammable; result; shield; fire extinguisher; personnel injury; protective shoes; moving blades; stay clear; debris; clothing.
  1. Fire may__________ from lube oil or fuel oil sprayed on hot surfaces causing _________

____________ and equipment ____________.

  1. All fuels, most lubricants and some coolant mixtures are ______________ .
  2. Have a _____________________ available and know how to use it.
  3. When using pressure air for cleaning, wear a protective face __________, protective ________________ and _________________ .
  4. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________ of all rotating and moving parts.
  5. Keep objects away from __________________ .
  6. Chips or other __________ can fly off objects when they are being cleaned off.


з дисципліни “Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням ”

спеціальність СМВВШ, курс 3, заочна форма навчання

Variant 3

I. Read and translate italics part of the text.

The Weather

The weather concerns everyone and has some effect on nearly every human activity. It occurs within the atmosphere, the gaseous fluid that completely envelope the Earth. Weather is defined as the momentary, day-to-day state of the atmosphere over any place on the Earth’s surface. Climate, on the other hand, refers to weather averaged over a long period. The basic atmospheric conditions that make up the weather include precipitation, humidity, temperature, pressure, cloudiness, and wind. The science of observing and predicting the weather is known as meteorology.

Wind is the movement of air parallel to the Earth’s surface. The direction from which a wind is blowing is very significant in weather prediction. In the North Hemisphere, for example, northwest winds usually indicate cold, drier weather; easterly winds, cloudiness and precipitation; and southerly winds, warm, humid weather.

Atmospheric pressure by itself has little significance in weather forecasting. Falling pressure generally indicate that a storm is approaching; rising pressure indicates the approach or continuation of fair weather.

Water vapor in the air is what clouds, fog, rain, and snow are made from. The amount of moisture in the air is known as humidity.

Clouds often signal an imminent weather change. Rising cloud level indicate clearing weather, while thickening and lowering clouds signify precipitation. Fog is a cloud that base is on the ground.

The tornado has a narrow, funnel-shaped trunk that reaches down from a dark thundercloud and whirls at speeds up to 300 miles per hour.

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