Unit 2. Sensation: Studying the Gateways of Experience

A whole industry can sometimes be based on a single sense. The early motion picture industry appealed primarily to vision. Radio appeals primarily to hearing.

Today’s motion pictures and television make a combined appeal to vision and hearing. Other senses such as taste and smell play important roles in the food industry and the perfume industry.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the senses. They are our gateways to experience. Without our senses we would be creatures living in solitary confinement. We wouldn’t know the world “out there."' the world beyond the self. Learning would be impossible because, the very definition of learning requires that we be capable of experience. Consequently, psychology considers it important to study the process of sensation, the basic process by which we obtain information about external reality.

Here is a useful way to think about the character of conscious experience.

Imagine three ascending steps. The first step is associated with sensation. Sensation refers to the raw data of experience. Seeing a flash of light, hearing a single note sounded on a musical instrument, or feeling the touch of a fingertip, are all examples of simple sensations. Instead of yourself, imagine that an infant only a few days old is having these sensations. To the extent that they have little organization and little meaning, they are dose to simple sensations.

The second step is associated with perception. Perception refers to organized experience. If a set of notes sounded on a musical instrument takes on a particular form, and you hear a melody, you have attained the level of perception.

The third step is associated with cognition. Cognition refers to knowing.

Thinking and concept formation are processes associated with cognition. If you perceive a melody and remember the name of the song, you have attained the level of cognition. You know what you’re listening to. (Note that the familiar word recognition can be broken down into “re” and “cognition,” suggesting that its root meaning is to “know again.”)

Vision: Seeing Is BeHeving

Most people think of vision as the primary sense. We need to see in order to drive, to read., to look at the people we love, and so forth. If asked what sense they consider the most important, most students in an introductory psychology class answer that it is vision.

In order to appreciate the visual process it is necessary first to give some attention to the stimulus that makes it possible. That stimulus is light. From the point of view of physics, there are two ways to look at light. It can be said that light consists of a set of electromagnetic waves. Or it can be said that light consists of a stream of particles, or quanta, called photons. In either case, light travels at the same speed—about 1S6,000 miles per second. For the purposes of psychology, we win limit our description of light to the electromagnetic wave theory.

An electromagnetic wave, consisting of a system of electrical and magnetic fields, is a unique kind of wave. It can even travel through a vacuum—without a medium to carry it. Otherwise, communication with voyagers to the Moon or with distant space probes would not be possible. P^adio waves are one kind of electromagnetic wave.

The waves to which we give the name “light” are a narrow band of the electromagnetic spectrum. This spectrum ranges from relatively “long1' radio waves at one end of the spectrum to relatively “short” gamma rays at the other end. In between the extremes we find the light waves. These range in length, measured crest to crest, from ~S0 nanometers to 400 nanometers. (A nanometer is one billionth of a meter.) The part of the electromagnetic spectrum we can see is called the visible spectrum. The principal colors of the visible spectrum, also known as the rainbow, starting at "SO nanometers, are red. orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The colors always appear in the same order either in a rainbow or when white light is broken up by a prism.

Waves a little longer than “50 nanometers are called infra-red rays. Waves a little shorter than 400 nanometers are called ultra-violet rays. Both of these kinds of waves are invisible to the naked eye.

Light is necessary for vision, but it is not sufficient. In order to see it is necessary to have a sense organ that can convert light waves into useful neurological information. This organ is. of course, the eye. In the front of the eye is the cornea, a kind of window that allows light to enter the eye. Because the cornea has a convex shape, it also is somewhat responsible for bending light waves and making them converge on the lens.

The lens is used to focus light waves, and it produces an inverted, or up side down, image on the retina. The retina is a photosensitive neurological structure.

Think of it as a target. The center of the target is called the fovea, and it plays a dominant role in visual acuity and color vision. The outer rim of the target, the periphery, plays an important part in signal detection and brightness vision. The neurons in the retina are called photoreceptors because they are light sensitive.

The optic nerve conveys the retina’s activity pattern to the brain.

The two kinds of photoreceptors are the cones and the rods. They have been given these names because of the shapes of their cell bodies. The cones are located primarily in the fovea. The rods are located primarily in the periphery. As already indicated, color vision is associated with the fovea, suggesting that the cones have a lot to do with this particular quality of sensation.

A leading theory of color vision is the trichromatic theory. This theory is also known as the Young-Helmholt2 theory in honor of the scientists who first introduced it. The trichromatic theory hypothesizes that we have three kinds of cones. These are differentially sensitive to three wavelengths of light: (1) ”50 nanometers, (2) 500 nanometers, and (3) 400 nanometers. The first wavelength.

“30 nanometers, induces the sensation we call “red.'''' The second. 300 nanometers, induces the sensation we call “green.” And 400 nanometers induces the sensation we call “violet.” The language in the preceding sentences has been carefully chosen in order to make it dear that the “color” is ног in the stimulus itself (i.e., a light wave), but is produced by the firing of a certain kind of photoreceptor.

The trichromatic theory also accounts for the sensation of colors other than the three primary ones. The sensation of orange, for example, takes place because a wavelength of light such as 630 nanometers will cause the simultaneous firing of some neurons that usually fire at “30 nanometers and some that fire at 300 nanometers.

White light is sensed when all of the wavelengths arrive at the retina in a random or scrambled fashion. This causes the simultaneous firing of all three kinds of cones. It is often pointed out that the trichromatic theory works very well. It is the basis upon which color television sets are constructed.

However, there are flaws in the trichromatic theory. For example, people who are red-green blind, lacking the two kinds of required photoreceptors, would not be predicted to sense yellow—yet they seem to have a normal capadty to sense yellow. As a consequence, other theories of color perception have been proposed.

They have not received the level of acceptance of the trichromatic theory; but it is important to recognize that this major theory may explain some, but not all. of what is involved in the physiology of color vision.

There are three basic sensations assodated with vision. First, the sensation of hue simply indicates, as already described, that we can see a range of colors. Second, the sensation of brightness indicates that we can see that objects are white or gray or black. We can also see that they are in low or high illumination. Third, the sensation of saturation indicates that we can see how richly or deeply a color seems to soak into an object.

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