Something I would like to change


Something I would like to change -


Before I start speaking about my life and my family let me introduce myself. I am Nastya Nabokova. Nastya s my first name and Nabokova is my second name. I am 15 years old. My birthday is on the 25 of June. I was born in Kherson, so Kherson is my native town.

I am tall. I have blond heir and blue eyes. Speaking about my character I can say that I am modest, friendly and shy. I hate when somebody is not responsible.

My family is not large but very friendly. My family consist of my mother, brother and me.

Now a few words about my mother. Her name is Alla Alexsandrowna. She is an engineer. My mother is a slim and very pretty woman. My mother is a good at cooking and I help her with the housework.

My brother name is Sergey. I am very proud of him because he is very intelligent and industrious. When he is not busy we spend our time all together.

It is very important to have friends. As a rule, there are only several people whom we can really trust.

Kristina is my bosom friend. We know each other since our childhood. Kristina is a tall, good – looking girl. She is fifteen. I like our friendship because it helps me to feel strong and sure myself.

Speaking about my hobbies, I can say that I like draw and painting. I go to the Art school. Reading books is my another hobby. I find it quit interesting. Best of all I like books about history of different countries. Sometimes I read detective stories just to relax. Listening to music also helps me to relax. My favourite kind of music is pop music. Of course, watching TV is also interesting.

So, as you see, hobbies is an important part of my life.

Something I would like to change.

I have a soul friend her name is Kristina. She is fifteen years old we were born on the same day. She is my exclasmate. We know each other since our childhood. Speaking about Kristina character I can say that she is modest and shy. But I hate when Kristina is not responsible. I would like to change he character and I really hope that it possible. She always comes late. Kristina is the only child in the family and her parents love her very much. We spend a lot of time together.

Ø Speaking

I: Good morning!

Kristina: Hello!

I: What is your name?

Kristina: My name is Kristina. And what is your name?

I: Nice to meet you. My name is Nastya.

Kristina: Nice to meet you too.

I: Kristina what are you doing here?

Kristina: I want to visit my grandparents.

I: Are they live in Kiev?

Kristina: Yes. And we have not seen each other since my childhood. And what are you doing here?

I: Frankly speaking, Kiev is one of the great cities of Europe. And want to see it.

Kristina: Yes, Kiev is great city. The most wonderful place I have ever visited is Kiev. Today, there is a lot to see, both old and new, in Kiev.

I: Kristina haw long you live in Kherson.

Kristina: I was born here. Kherson is my native town.

I: Where did you go yesterday? I saw you at supermarket.

Kristina: No, I was at museum of modern art. It was so interesting. You certainly should go there.


I don’t know about you, but the way I feel about my neighbours depends on time of year and even the time of day. I will tell you why.

My neighbours name is Sergey. We have been neighbours since we are five. That is why I can say he is a nice person. He often does me a favor feeding my dog. When we are away he always keeps on eye on my dog.

But what I don’t like about him when he does DIY at night. It drives me crazy because I can not do my homework.

However Sergey is sociable I think I am very lucky to live beside him!

Ø Speaking

I: Good afternoon. Mr. Hobbs. Do you think I could have a word with you, please?

Mr. Hobbs: Of course, Nastya. Is there something the matter.

I: Well, yes, there is actually. It’s about your dog.

Mr. Hobbs: Oh, really? What seems to be the problem?

I: You let your dog bark all night. It drives me crazy. I can not get to sleep.

Mr. Hobbs: Oh dear! Sorry, I will need to change this situation.

Quot; Writing

Dear Maria,

Hi! How are you? I really enjoyed reading your e-mail. Just dropping you a line to tell you about my family.

My family is not large but very friendly. I have got a mother and brother. My mother, Alla, is an engineer. My mother is a very good at cooking and I help her with the housework. But sometimes she can be a little strict. My brother, Sergey, is a psychologist. He is not strict at all/ When he is not busy we spend our time all together.

Anyway, I have got to go now. It is dinner time. Write back soon and tell me your news.

Take care,


Quot; Writing

Dear Blair,

Hi! What’s up? I enjoyed reading your last e-mail. I would like to tell you about my new town Donetsk.

I like this town. First of all I’d like to tell you that we live in a new 9-storeyed block of flats not far from the centre of the town. My next-door neighbour name is Taras. He often does me a favor feeding my dog. When we are away he always keeps an eye on my dog. That’s why I can say he is a nice person.

I really like going to school here. The teachers are very helpful. My classmates are all really friendly and sociable, especially Kate. She is my new friend. She is really cool. We often go shopping together.

Write back soon and tell me your news. Can’t wait to see you.

Take care,



I am usually tidy my room. But sometimes my mom helps me in this. I clean my room once or twice a week with my mother. From the beginning I clear the table, polish the furniture and vacuum the carpet.

I often do the washing-up. And helps my mom with her housework. Some times on Sundays we clean out the fridge and clean windows. As a rule on these days I always help my parents. And I should say it is not boring at all.

Ø Speaking

Something I would like to change - A: Hi, Kate. This is a great party, isn’t it?

B: Hello there! Yes it’s, Ann, meet Kristina. We studied together in the same school. Kristina, this Ann, my best friend.

A: Pleased to meet you.

C: Nice to meet you too, Kristina.

A: Oh, I don’t believe it! There’s our next-door neighbour and his wife standing over there.

B: Oh no! He’s coming over. I will see you.

D: Good evening Kristina!

B: Hello, Oleg this is my next-door neighbour.

D: Oh, nice to meet you.

D: Pleased to meet you.


Informal writing

Ø Notes

Ø Postcards

Ø E-Mails

Ø Letters

Formal writing


What comes to mind when you think of Ukraine? Even if you are never been there, you will probably think of embroidery and a sweet honey. What about the Ukrainians? Again, even if you are never met any Ukrainian people, you will probably come up with ideas such a polite, workaholic or reserved. But what are the Ukrainians really like?

Anya: We are very polite! We say “Please” and “Thank” you a lot. A lot of people think it is extreme but politeness is an important part of our daily lives.

Sergey: Ukrainians are workaholic. We are very responsible and we love our work.

Kate: The Ukrainians are famous for their stiff upper lip. If you keep a stiff upper lip you are trying not to show you are upset. However, the fact that we don’t show our emotions doesn’t mean we don’t have any!


Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect disappears. If nothing is done about it, over one million species will disappear in twenty years from now.

Today, about 65% of the world is still at risk. Unless we do something to help, thing will only get worse.

The main reason why some types of plants and animals are becoming endangered species. Is that their habitats are lost or have changed. Animals like moths, insects and bats have lost their homes as people have cut down the hedgerows they live in. Also, a lot of ponds are no longer suitable for the animals and plants to live in because they are polluted, or people have filled them in.

But what can we do?

In opinion I think it is necessary to help wildlife. I think there are a lot of ways we can help to save our environment. One way is to put toys and paper away. Don’t live them in the garden or street.

Always put rubbish in a rubbish bin. If you see rubbish on the ground, put it in to a rubbish bin.

How about don’t drawing or painting o pavement, walls or trees. Keep them clean instead. Never break plants and baby trees.

You can help by supporting environment groups like Green peace and other that are working to protect our wildlife and habits from the danger of disappearing forever.

So let’s help save our environment!


Dear Kristina,

Hi! How are you? I’m safe and sound. Sorry I haven’t been in touch for a while. I’m writing to tell you about my summer holidays.

Last summer my family and I went on holiday to the seaside. We stayed at a small resort town near Yalta. The weather was wonderful, the sun shone all days long, and I could spend my days idling at the sea. We went on every excursion the hotel management arranged. We saw Bakhchisaray Palace, Vorontsovskiy Palace in Alupka. And there was still much to see and do.

As my mother was afraid to get sun burnt she went to the beach only early in the morning or in the evening when the sun wasn’t so hot. We enjoyed our time and admired the beauty of the sea. But suddenly our happy sunny days were over. It started to rain. All we could do was to go to the cinema or to the café.

Local food deserves compliments. At the seaside I prefer to taste seafood. And numerous cafes on beaches and on the town offer a great variety of it. What is more, I tasted many of Crimean style dishes. But most I like Tatar meals. For example, a Lagmaan soup and kebabs are delicious.

In general, I can’t say tat our vacation was bad, but we all the same couldn’t fully enjoy our holiday.

Well, that’s all from me. I’m really looking forward to seeing you soon. Write back soon and tell me your news.

Take care,


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