D.2 Point incidence of ducting

Calculate a parameter depending on the longest inland section of the path:

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru (D.2.1)

Calculate parameter μ1 characterizing the degree to which the path is over land, given by:

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru (D.2.2)

where the value of μ1 shall be limited to μ1 £ 1.

Calculate parameter μ4, given by:

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru (D.2.3)

The point incidence of anomalous propagation, β0 (%), for the path centre location is now given by:

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru (D.2.4)

D.3 Site-shielding losses with respect to the anomalous propagation mechanism

Corrections to transmitter and receiver horizon elevation angles:

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru (D.3.1a)

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru (D.3.1b)

The losses between the antennas and the anomalous propagation mechanism associated with site‑shielding are calculated as follows.

Modified transmitter and receiver horizon elevation angles:

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru mrad (D.3.2a)

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru mrad (D.3.2b)

Transmitter and receiver site-shielding losses with respect to the duct:

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru dB qst > 0 (D.3.3a)

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru dB otherwise (D.3.3b)

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru dB qsr > 0 (D.3.4a)

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru dB otherwise (D.3.4b)

D.4 Over-sea surface duct coupling corrections

Obtain the distance from each terminal to the sea in the direction of the other terminal:

dct = coast distance from transmitter km (D.4.1a)

dcr = coast distance from receiver km (D.4.1b)

As for dtm and dlm in § D.1 above, it is preferable to obtain the distances over land to the first coast from the IDWM. If climatic zone codes are inserted into zi as described in § 2.1, dct and dcr should be calculated on the assumption that when adjacent values of zi differ, the change occurs half-way between the corresponding profile points.

The over-sea surface duct coupling corrections for the transmitter and receiver, Act and Acr respectively, are both zero except for the following combinations of conditions:

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru dB

if (w ³ 0.75) and (dct ≤ dlt) and (dct ≤ 5 km) (D.4.2a)

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru dB otherwise (D.4.2b)

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru dB

if (w ³ 0.75) and (dcr ≤ dlr) and (dcr ≤ 5 km) (D.4.3a)

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru dB otherwise (D.4.3b)

where w is the fraction of the path over sea as given in Table 3.1.

D.5 Total coupling loss to the anomalous propagation mechanism

The total coupling losses between the antennas and the anomalous propagation mechanism can now be calculated as:

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru dB (D.5.1)

Alf is an empirical correction to account for the increasing attenuation with wavelength in ducted propagation:

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru dB if f < 0.5 GHz (D.5.2a)

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru dB otherwise (D.5.2b)

where w is the fraction of the path over sea as given in Table 3.1.

D.6 Angular-distance dependent loss

Specific angular attenuation within the anomalous propagation mechanism:

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru dB/mrad (D.6.1)

Adjusted transmitter and receiver horizon elevation angles:

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru mrad (D.6.2a)

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru mrad (D.6.2b)

Adjusted total path angular-distance:

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru mrad (D.6.3)

Angular-distance dependent loss:

D.2 Point incidence of ducting - student2.ru dB (D.6.4)

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