Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

1. The candidates have arrived in time for the interview.

2. You should send your application form by fax.

3. Have you written the new résumé yet?

4. What career objective have you got?

5. Do you go after the position of a bookkeeper?

6. Our Personnel Manager will see you tomorrow.

7. How can you prove being a qualified engineer?

8. This job provided him applicable experience in the sphere of computers.

10. This company is the biggest employer at the food market.

9. The secretary was hired by Human Resources Manager.

11. Are you a job-jumper?

12. He’ll review résumé the day after tomorrow.

Compound the sentences with the following words and word combinations

to type (a document, a letter, a résumé), a typist;

job (previous, present), job description, job-jumper;

to focus on (accomplishments, achievements, lacks);

to solve (a problem), solution, problem-solving skills;

to seek (a position, assistance), job-seeker;

to take (language courses, specific company training program);

to support sb (candidacy for a particular position);

to refer, good references.

What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Complete them.

A. Is it necessary to type my résumé?

B. I consider that ______

A. I think you’d better write about your spouse and children in the résumé. Do you agree with me?

B. I don’t think so because ______

A. Is it obligatory to mention my educational history? Why?

B. I suppose that ______

A. I started with my personal data then passed to my experience. Is that right?

B. It’s not right, you’d better ______

A. Did you list chronologically all your previous positions?

B. No, because ______

A. I think you should mention ______

Mr. Green found separate parts of a good résumé’s scheme.

Help him to put the parts in a right order.

Position, company Experience
Job objective Address
Name Phone/fax number
Additional courses, specific Education
company training programs, language courses Personal data

Look at the plan and draft-résumé Mr. Green has written recently. Use it as an example to write your résumé.


6. Name, address, phone/fax number

7. Particular position, company (job objective)

8. Experience (achievements, skills)

9. Education + additional courses, specific company training programs, language courses

10. Personal data


Mr. Paul Green

112 Kingston Road October, 25, 2008

3477 London,

Great Britain

phone 22758-53

fax 22758-52

Job objective: Finance and Administration Manager

Company: Jaar International Inc.


recent position: 2008-2000 Finance and Administration Manager, Supervised Development of Management Information systems, Coordinated development of Logistics, Proved to have management skills. International Trade Company “MARS”, Great Britain.

Previous jobs: 2000-1995 Finance Manager, IBM computers Inc. Analyzed budgeting and forecasts programs. Evaluated as having problem-solving skills. French Branch, IBM computers Inc., France.

1995-1991 Bookkeeper. Glaxo International Co. Coordinated costing, budgeting programs, branch department. Ukrainian office, Ukraine.

Education: 1991 Degree with Honors in Finance and Economy, Oxford University, Finance and Administration.

1991-1992 Special training program (Glaxo International Co.)

1990-1992 special language courses (French: Finance and Economy in France – Ukrainian: Ukrainian Tax Policy)

1988-1990 Computer systems for Finance and Economy

Personal Data: age 38, fluent in French, Ukrainian.

Travel history: France, Ukraine.

Profound computer skills: Win Word, Excel, France programs.

Комплексна контрольна робота

Ділова англійська мова, ІІІ курс, 5 семестр

Варіант 3

What is it a right résumé ?

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