Exercise 2. From the box below choose the most appropriate words and expressions to fill in the gaps. Use the right tense-forms. Options are possible
to define | to describe | to discusses | to accounts for | to present |
to illustrate | to contrast | to compare | to identify | to give an example |
to explain | to acknowledge | to attribute | to apply | to assert |
1. The author _________ the advantages and disadvantages of adopting franchising operations in the Hong Kong hotel industry.
2. The author _________ the term 'system', _________ of a business system and _________ for this example the boundary, environment, inputs and outputs.
3. The author _________ the importance of image segmentation in the analysis of images. He _________ the two basic methods of segmentation: thresholding and edge detection.
4. The author _________ why a three-level Graeco-Latin Square is not a feasible design for this project.
5. The author _________ the distinguishing characteristics of wide area networks (WANS). He also _________ and ________ them with local area networks (LANS) and metropolitan area networks (MANS). He further _________ under what circumstances companies employ a particular type of network.
6. The author _________ and ________ with examples the formation process of language attitudes.
7. The author _________the Internet as a worldwide network that has emerged as the enabling technology for global electronic business. He also _________ four applications of the Internet for business.
8. The author _________ and _________ the four major types of motion control systems used in the following robots: axis-limited, point-to-point playback, contour path playback and intelligent robots.
9. Mr. Lee _________ the limitations of the article’s main argument.
10. Some people _________ that it is too complicated to recycle, but most people realize it is simple.
11. The article on mythology _________ the “follow your bliss” quote to Joseph Campbell.
12. The psychologists _________ the twin studies with other sibling data to determine the influence of nature versus nurture.
Exercise 3. Below are some useful expressions that summary writers can use ready-made while writing their summaries. Translate them into you mother tongue.
1. The author of the article follows the development (progress/history) of the topic under consideration from the point of its origin.
2. The author explains/gives the reasons for writing the article.
3. The author recognizes the relationships between the two issues discussed in the article.
4. The author of the article clearly states his opinion on the issue under consideration.
5. The author of the article supports his views with references to suitable evidence.
6. The author of the article makes use of given (known) information.
7. The author of the article solves the problems under consideration through generalization (through theorizing).
8. The author gives a concise (clear/authoritative) explanation of the issues discussed in the article.
9. The author looks for qualities (characteristics) of the issues under consideration that resemble each other.
10. The author stresses (emphasizes) the similarities and points of difference in the issues under consideration.
11. The author is aware of the differences and similarities between the items in question.
12. The author gives a detailed account of the different views on the topic under consideration.
13. The author investigates (carefully examines) the topic under consideration by arguments and debates.
14. The author of the article gives (makes) critical appraisal of the existing research facilities of UK colleges.
15. The author breaks the problem down into its constituent parts and describes in detail the main characteristics of each of them.
16. The author traces the development of the problem (the sequence of events) under consideration.
17. After summarizing the findings (results) of the research, the author reaches a balanced conclusion.
18. The author outlines further developments of the issues under consideration.
19. The author interprets the given data and considers all sides of the issue under consideration.