Explicit Cursor Attributes
Oracle offers four attributes (%FOUND, %NOTFOUND, %ISOPEN, %ROWCOUNT) that allow you to retrieve information about the state of your cursor. Reference these attributes using this syntax:
cursor%attributewhere cursor is the name of the cursor you have declared.
Table 14-3 describes the significance of the values returned by these attributes for explicit cursors.
Table 14-3. Values returned by cursor attributes | |
Name | Description |
cursor%FOUND | Returns TRUE if a record was fetched successfully. |
cursor%NOTFOUND | Returns TRUE if a record was not fetched successfully. |
cursor%ROWCOUNT | Returns the number of records fetched from the specified cursor at that point in time. |
cursor%ISOPEN | Returns TRUE if the specified cursor is open. |
Table 14-4 shows you the attribute values you can expect to see both before and after the specified cursor operations.
Table 14-4. Cursor attribute values | ||||
Before OPEN | ORA-01001 raised | ORA-01001 raised | FALSE | ORA-01001 raised |
After OPEN | NULL | NULL | TRUE | |
Before first FETCH | NULL | NULL | TRUE | |
After first FETCH | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | |
Before subsequent FETCH(es) | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | |
Before subsequent FETCH(es) | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | Data dependent |
Before last FETCH | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | Data dependent |
After last FETCH | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | Data dependent |
Before CLOSE | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | Data dependent |
After CLOSE | Exception | Exception | FALSE | Exception |
Here are some things to keep in mind as you work with cursor attributes for explicit cursors:
· If you try to use %FOUND, %NOTFOUND, or %ROWCOUNT before the cursor is opened or after it is closed, Oracle will raise anINVALID_CURSOR error (ORA-01001).
· If the result set was empty after the very firstFETCH, then attributes will return values as follows: %FOUND = FALSE, %NOTFOUND = TRUE, and %ROWCOUNT = 0.
· If you are using BULK COLLECT, it is possible for%ROWCOUNT to return a value other than or 1; it will, in fact, return the number of rows fetched into the associated collections. For more details, see Section 14.4.
The following code showcases many of these attributes:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE bookinfo_pkgIS CURSOR bard_cur IS SELECT title, date_published FROM books WHERE UPPER(author) LIKE 'SHAKESPEARE%';END bookinfo_pkg; DECLARE bard_rec bookinfo_pkg.bard_cur%ROWTYPE;BEGIN -- Check to see if the cursor is already opened. -- This is possible, since it is a packaged cursor. -- If so, first close it and then re-open it to -- ensure a "fresh" result set. IF bookinfo_pkg.bard_cur%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE bookinfo_pkg.bard_cur; END IF; OPEN bookinfo_pkg.bard_cur; -- Fetch each row, but stop when I've displayed the -- first five works by Shakespeare or when I have -- run out of rows. LOOP FETCH bookinfo_pkg.bard_cur INTO bard_rec; EXIT WHEN bookinfo_pkg.bard_cur%NOTFOUND OR bookinfo_pkg.bard_cur%ROWCOUNT = 6; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( bcur%ROWCOUNT || ') ' || rec.title || ', published in ' || TO_CHAR (rec.date_published, 'YYYY') ); END LOOP; CLOSE bard_cur;END;