В Answer these questions :

• What types of house do you know?

• What are the key features of these types of houses?

• Where can you find these homes?

Look at a house from the outside, and you can guess what type of people live in it. Well, perhaps this is not always true. Some people can live in unusual houses. Some people live on boats, in tree houses or intents. For example, imagine you are in an old part of an industrial city in the UK. Cities like London, Manchester, Liverpool or Newcastle. There is a river, or a canal, which was important for transport in the past, before the railways were built. There are a lot ofenormous buildings near the water. They were built in the 19th century. They must be industrial places to store things for import or export. But…look more closely! There are expensive cars parked outside some of these buildings. And on the corner of the street there is a French restaurant, with a wine bar opposite. And just round the corner there is a shop with beautifulfurniture. And here are more shops…Who buys these things? Answer: the people who now live in these old buildings. Old warehouses like these offer two things that are difficult to find in modern houses: space, and a view. Over the past 10 years, more and more architects have converted buildings like this into apartments, which have big rooms, highceilings… and often a terrace which looks onto the water. So, the old parts of many of Britain’s industrial cities now have a new life. They are not dead anymore, with empty warehouses anddisused factories. You can buy factory space and make yourself a home in it. And the people who live in them can walk or cycle to work. Or…with so much space. They work from home with a computer and a modem! Buildings don’t always tell us about lifestyles immediately. So, next time you see an old station, a deserted church or a village school in Britain, look carefully for the clues. You may get a surprise. Is this true in your town too?

WriteВ the highlighted words or phrases with the definitions






Are these sentences true or false, according to the text?

• These buildings were built recently • They are very spacious • Britain’s city centres do not have people living in them • Some people in Britain live and work in the same place • Some people in Britain live in churches.


Your ideal home. Describe your ideal place to live. • Would you rather live alone or with lots of people? • In a town or rural area? • In a flat, house or something more unusual like a boat? • Do you like old buildings or modern ones? •



Tasks for self-study

Future homes

In recent years there have been many predictions about what our houses will be like in the future.Some experts think we will all live in boxes; others
think we may actually live on the moon or another planet! Two things are clear. We will use power from the sun, wind or sea and computers will
control everything in our lives and especially in our homes. Every house will have devices to change energy from natural sources into power, and we’ll
build houses that can use this power efficiently.
Computers will open and close doors to allow people to come in and out and they will make sure the house and the people in it are safe. They will switch on the lights when we go into different rooms or switch on gadgets when we ask them to. They will know when the fridge is empty and order food automatically. They will even tell us who has visited the house while we were out and at what times!
Rooms will be smaller than today but furniture like beds, tables and chairs will come out of the floors and walls when we want to use them. Again, the
computer will do this for us. Some experts predict that computers will control
the entire world in the future, so perhaps they might decide to shut us in our little boxes forever! There’s a thought.

1.Are the sentences true or false?
1 We may live on the moon in the future. ___
2 Our energy will come from oil. ___
3 Our houses will have no doors. ___
4 We will order our shopping on the computer.
5 We will sleep on the floors. ___

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