

Korean Government Scholarship Program for

International Students for an Undergraduate Degree


The objective of the Korean Government Scholarship Program for an undergraduate degree is to provide international students with an opportunity to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in Korea in order to promote international exchanges in education and mutual friendship between the countries.

2. Total Number of Scholarships Available: 110 [from 62 countries]

※ Only those who hold a citizenship of the countries below are eligible for the program.

Country Quota of Scholarship Country Quota of Scholarship Country Quota of Scholarship Country Quota of Scholarship
Afghanistan El Salvador Mexico Singapore
Angola Ethiopia Mongolia Sri Lanka
Azerbaijan Gabon Mozambique Sweden
Bangladesh Ghana Myanmar Tajikistan
Bolivia Guatemala Nepal Tanzania
Brazil India Nigeria Thailand
Brunei Indonesia Pakistan Timor-Este
Bulgaria Iran Panama Turkey
Butan Iraq Paraguay Uganda
Cambodia Japan Peru Ukraine
Chile Jordan Philippines Uzbekistan
Colombia Kazakhstan Poland Venezuela
Congo(DRC) Kenya Romania Vietnam
Dominican Republic Kyrgyzstan Russia Yemen
Ecuador Laos Rwanda    
Egypt Malaysia Saudi Arabia    

3. Academic Programs: Undergraduate degree course (4 yrs.) after preliminary Korean Language course (1yr.)

※ Grantees should take a preliminary Korean language course at the institution designated by NIIED. The institution will be specified in a letter of invitation after the announcement of final successful candidates.

※ Grantees should reach level 3 in TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) after the completion of a one-year preliminary Korean language course ; otherwise, grantees are not allowed to take a bachelor’s degree course ; instead s/he may take an additional 6 month Korean language course WITHIN the scholarship period stipulated in a letter of invitation.

※ The grantees with level 5 or higher in TOPIK shall begin to take a bachelor’s degree course from 2014 spring semester without the preliminary Korean language course.

4. Eligible Universities and Fields of Study : 4-year undergraduate degree programs provided by the universities below

※ NOT Applicable : Fields of study which exceed 4 years(e.g. Medicine, dentistry, architecture, pharmacy)

※ Detailed information about the fields and majors offered by the listed eligible universities can be found in the University Information section on the GKS website(www.studyinkorea.go.kr). Applicants must choose their desired fields of study from the listed programs in the University Information section provided by participating universities.

Ajou Univ. Ewha Woman’s Univ. Kongju National Univ. Sogang Univ.
Cheongju Univ. Gyeongsang National Univ. Konkuk Univ.(Seoul) Sookmyung Women’s Univ
Chonbuk National Univ. Handong Global Univ. Konkuk Univ.(Glocal campus) Soon Chun Hyang Univ
Chonnam National Univ. Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies Konyang Univ. Sung Kyun Kwan Univ.
Chosun Univ. Hallym Univ. Korea Tech. Sunmoon Univ.
Chung-Ang univ. Hannam Univ. Korea Univ. Univ. of Ulsan
Chungbuk National Univ. Hanyang Univ. Kyongpook National Univ. UNIST
Chungnam National Univ. Inha Univ. Kyunghee Univ. Wonkwang Univ.
Daegu Univ. Jeju National Univ. Kyungsung Univ. Woosong Univ.
Daejeon Univ. Jeonju Univ. Myongji Univ. Woosuk Univ.
Dong-A Univ. KAIST Pukyong National Univ. Yeungnam Univ.
Dongguk Univ. Kangwon National Univ. Pusan National Univ. Yonsei Univ.
Dongseo Univ. Keimyung Univ. Seoul National Univ.  

5. Qualifications:Prospective applicant must meet the following qualification criteria;

(1) Must be a citizen of the country to which scholarships are offered, which is also applied to his/her parents

※ Both applicant and his/her parents must not be a holder of Korean citizenship

(2) Should be under 25 years of age as of March 1, 2014 (Should be born after March, 1, 1989)

(3) Have adequate health, both physically and mentally

※ The handicapped who satisfy the above (3) are also eligible for the program

※ NOT Eligible: those who are pregnant or who have a severe illness

(4) Have graduated or be scheduled to graduate from a high school as of March 1, 2014

※ NOT Eligible: those who have already obtained a bachelor’s degree or a higher degree

(5) Must possess above 80% (out of 100%) cumulative grade point average (C.G.P.A.), or must be within 20% (out of 100%) in the rank during their entire high school period

※ C.G.P.A. should be 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5, 3.23/5.0 or higher [see Appendix 3]

※ If applicant’s high school evaluation criteria differs from the stated above, see 7-(2)-⑨

(6) Must not at any time have ever received a Korean government scholarship for an undergraduate course

(7) Must not have enrolled in an undergraduate course in Korea before

NOT Eligible: those who have ever enrolled at a Korean university as a regular or an exchange student

(8) Must have no limitations in travelling abroad

(9) There may be preferential selection for applicants who have proficiency in Korean or English

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