Vocabulary. Each English term is supplied with its dictionary definition

Each English term is supplied with its dictionary definition. Think of the corresponding Russian equivalent and its explanation. Fill in the appropriate empty box.

accumulation records/archives documenting and generating in the course of the transaction of affairs of any kind; usually characterised as a ‘natural’ accumulation, in contrast to a collection, which is an ’artificial’ accumulation  
classification the preparation of a filing plan/system or classification scheme for records/archives and the placing of series and/or items within such a plan/system or scheme  
classification scheme a pattern of arrangement of archives by groups, series and items  
code a) a system of writing based on a key, or set of predetermined rules or symbols, used for secret/specialized communication; b) the key to such a system of writimg; also referred to as cipher  
collection a) an artificial accumulation of documents of any provenance brought together on the basis of some common characteristic, e.g. way of acquisition, subject, language, medium, type of document, name of collector; b) a body of documents comprising a record/archive group with other related materials of different provenance(s); c) a loose usage for private records/archives  
conservation a) a basic archival function of storing and protecting records/archives; b) the totality of processes and operations involved in the physical protection of records/archives against damage or deterioration and in the restoration/repair of damaged or deteriorated documents; also referred to as preservation  
deposit a) the placing of documents in the custody of archives without transfer of legal title; b) the documents covered by a single deposit  
destruction the disposal of documents of no further value by incineration, maceration, pulping or shredding  
file a) an organised unit (folder, volume, etc.) of documents grouped together either for current use or in the process of archival arrangement; b) a series of files (US); c) in machine-readable records/archives, two or more records of identical layout treated as a unit; the unit is larger than a record but smaller than a data system, and is also known as a data set or file set  
list an enumeration of records/archives at the level of record/archive groups, fonds, classes, series, items or documents and also of holdings, accessions, finding aids, etc. compiled for purposes of control and/or information  
reference code the unique code assigned to an item to facilitate its storage and retrieval  
retention schedule a document describing the recurring records of an agency, institution or administrative unit, specifying those records to be preserved as having archival value and authorising on a continuing basis and after the lapse of specified retention periods or the occurrence of specified actions or events, the destruction of the remaining records; also called: comprehensive records schedule, disposal schedule, records retention schedule, records disposition schedule, retention schedule, transfer schedule (US), disposal list (UK).  

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