Give verbs corresponding to these explanations
abandon, v
1. go away from, not intending to return to
e.g. The order was given to abandon ship (= for all on board to leave the sinking ship). He abandoned his wife and child.
2. stop (doing sth)
e.g. They abandoned the game because of rain.
3. abandon oneself to, allow oneself to feel, act, etc. because of necessity, extremely emotional, etc.
e.g. He abandoned himself to despair.
Syn.: give up, leave, desert
abandon, n
careless free behaviour without thinking of the consequences or of convention
e.g. dance with abandon
abandonment, n
abandoned, a
1. immoral; having no shame
2. left or deserted (with no intention to return or reclaim)
e.g. an abandoned wife/ car
adapt, v
make suitable for a new use, need, situation, etc.
e.g. When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself to new manners and customs. Novels are often adapted for the stage, television and radio.
adaptation, n
1. state of being adapted; adapting
2. thing made by adapting
e.g. an adaptation of a novel for the stage
adaptor, adapter, n
a person or thing that adapts
adaptable, a
able to adapt or be adapted
e.g. an adaptable man can change according to circumstances
adaptability, n
▪Cf.: adjust, v
(to) change slightly, esp. in order to make right or make suitable for a particular purpose, use or situation; put right; put in order; regulate
e.g. You can adjust the colour on the TV by turning the knob. He adjusted (himself) very quickly to the heat of the country.
adjustment, n
adjustable, a
well-adjusted, a
(psych) getting on well with other persons
broad, a
1. liberal
e.g. a man of broad views (a tolerant man)
2. not limited in thought, ideas, etc.
e.g. the broad sweep of imagination; His taste in literature is very broad,
broaden, v
make or become broader
e.g. The river broadens out at this point. He hoped the course would broaden his horizons.
Syn.: widen, v
Remember the pattern:
A + -en → V “make A or A-er” darken, weaken, ripen
broad-minded, a
willing to listen sympathetically to the views of others even though one cannot agree with them; having a liberal or tolerant mind
▪Cf.: open-minded, a
without prejudice
Opp.: narrow-minded, a
broad-mindedness, n
determine, v
1. decide; fix
e.g. to determine the date for the meeting
2. calculate; find out precisely
e.g. to determine the speed of light
3. decide firmly, resolve, make up one’s mind
e.g. His future hasn’t yet been determined.
4. cause to decide
e.g. What determined you to accept the offer?
5. be the fact that decides
e.g. the size of your feet determines the size of your shoes.
determination, n
1. determining or being determined; deciding
e.g. the determination of the meaning of the word
2. calculation or finding out
e.g. the determination of the amount of metal in ore
3. firmness of purpose; resolution
e.g. his determination to learn English
determinable, a
that can be determined
determinate, a
(fml) definite; fixed
determined, a
having a strong will; resolute
e.g. I’m determined to go, nothing will stop me; a very determined woman who always gets what she wants.
fancy, a
1. decorative or brightly coloured; not ordinary; elaborate
e.g. fancy cakes; They are too fancy for me, I prefer the plain ones. It was a simple lunch - nothing fancy.
2. (derog.) (of a price) higher than is usual or reasonable
e.g. He sells poor goods and charges fancy prices
insist, v
1. declare firmly, urge strongly against opposition or disbelief
e.g. insist on one’s innocence/ that one is innocent
2. declare that a purpose cannot be changed; order or demand (that sth must happen or be done)
e.g. I insisted that he should come with us/ on his coming with us,
ðinsist on/ upon,
consider very important
e.g. I insist on having a holiday abroad every year.
insistent, a
1. urgent; compelling attention
e.g. insistent requests
2. repeatedly insisting
insistence, n
1. the act of insisting
e.g. at sb's insistence
2. (also insistency) the quality or state of being insistent
▪Cf.: persist, v
1. (in) refuse, in spite of argument, opposition, failure, etc. to make any change in (what one is doing, one’s beliefs, etc.)
e.g. She persists in wearing that old coat
2. (with) continue to work hard at
3. continue to exist
e.g. The fog is likely to persist in many areas.
persistent, a
continuing (to refuse); occurring again and again
e.g. persistent denials/ attacks of malaria
persistence, n
persistently, adv
judge, v
estimate, consider; form an opinion about
e.g. Judging from what you say, he ought to succeed.
judgement, n
1. judging or being judged
2. good sense, ability to judge
e.g. He showed excellent judgement in choosing a wife.
3. opinion
e.g. in the judgement of most people
passable, a
1. (of roads, etc.) that can be passed over or crossed
e.g. Are the Alpine roads passable yet?
2. that can be accepted as fairly good but not excellent
e.g. a passable knowledge of German
passably, adv
succeed, v
(in) do what one is trying to do
e.g. succeed in passing an examination; The attack succeeded.
Opp.: fail, v
be unsuccessful
e.g. fail (in) an examination. All our plans/ attempts failed.
success, n
1. succeeding; the gaining of what is aimed at
e.g. meet with success
2. prosperity
e.g. have great success in life
3. person or thing that succeeds
e.g. The plan/ play/ lecture was a great success.
ð make a success of sth
do it successfully
Opp.: failure, n
successful, a
having, gaining success
e.g. successful candidates
Opp.: unsuccessful, a
successfully, adv
tolerate, v
1. put up with, allow without protest
e.g. I won't tolerate your imprudence/ your doing that.
2. put up with the company of
e.g. How can you tolerate that rude girl?
tolerance, n
quality of tolerating opinions, beliefs, customs, physical types, behaviour, etc. different from one’s own
e.g. religious/ racial tolerance
Opp.: intolerance, n
toleration, n
tolerance, esp. the practice of allowing religious freedom
tolerant, a
having or showing tolerance
e.g. Mrs. Cane is not very tolerant of criticism.
Opp.: intolerant, a
tolerantly, adv
intolerable, a
that can’t be tolerated or endured
e.g. intolerable heat
▪Cf.: patient, a
having, showing patience,
e.g. be patient with the child
patience, n
1. (power of) putting up with trouble, suffering, inconvenience, without complaining
e.g. She has no patience with people who always grumble.
2. ability to wait for results, to deal with problems calmly and without haste
Continental breakfast is a light breakfast usu. consisting of croissants or bread rolls, butter, jam and coffee, typically eaten in various European countries.
jam, n
fruit boiled with sugar until it is thick and preserved in jars, pots, tins
roll, n
a small cake of bread, often rolled or doubled on itself before baking
▪Cf: bun, n
small, round, sweet cake
English breakfast usu. consists of bacon and eggs followed by toast and marmalade and tea, eaten in England. When cereal or fruit or fruit juice and/ or toast and marmalade are offered as well as bacon and eggs in a hotel, the meal is sometimes advertised as a full English breakfast. Although it is thought of as a typically English meal, few English people have English breakfast every day.
bacon, n
salted or smoked meat from the back or sides of a pig
marmalade, n
(bitter) jam made from citrus fruit (usu. oranges)
fish and chips, n
fried fish with fried pieces of potato
haddock, n
sea fish much used for food usu. smoked
kipper, n
kind of salted herring, dried orsmoked
Give verbs corresponding to these explanations.
1. stop doing something
2. make suitable for a new use, need, situation
3. decide firmly, resolve, make up one’s mind
4. form an opinion about
5. do what one is trying to do
6. put up with sth without protest
Give synonyms.