Technology of analysis and solutions of pedagogical situations

Key words

Analysis is the operation thinking or real dismemberment of the whole (thing, property, process or relationship between objects) into its constituent parts, performed in the process of learning or subject-practical human activity. (Detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation)

Pedagogic situation is a set of conditions and circumstances, make by teacher expressly or arising spontaneously in the educational process.

Educational situation interaction of teacher and student in a particular time segment of the educational process, which is the kernel (cell) educational system, reflects all of its elements (goal, education entities, their activities and communication, content, methods and forms of educational interaction).

The educational task - pedagogically meaningful, controlled constructed educational situations (interaction) at a particular time segment of the educational process.

The valuable targeted settings.The technology is aimed at developing the ability to analyze and solve professional-pedagogical situations.

Competence direction Technology of analysis and solutions of pedagogical video situation aimed at mastering the future teachers the system of psychological tools (methods, forms, techniques, and technologies), the organization of communicative interaction, analysis and evaluation of the psychological state of another person or group, the positive impact on the individual, predicting her reaction, his psychological control state in the conditions of pedagogical communication. As a result of mastering this technology the student will be prepared to analyze professionally-pedagogical situation and to find optimal way of solutions.

The basic ideas and principles of the technology

The educational process is a set of interactions between pupils and teachers in specific educational situations. The situation in French means the position, situation, the totality of the circumstances. The structure of the teaching situations reflect the presence of two actors (teacher and student), and how they interact.

Exit of this or that situation always requires from teacher solutions pedagogical tasks involving interpretation of the situation and decision-making on this basis and appropriate action plan. Any pedagogical task may have a large number of decisions, since it is always subjective; ways of its solution depends on the characteristics of students and teachers.

Here are some examples of pedagogical situations:

1. You have embarked on a class, all the students calm down, was the silence and suddenly in the group someone laughed loudly.

2. The teacher gives for student task. Student does not want make it and claiming: "I do not want do it! »

3. A student once again cannot respond on examination ticket. Teacher says: «Give your direction of resit», and the student said: "I forgot it at home."

4. Following remarks made by the teacher the young man came out of the audience, defiantly slamming the door.

VS Bezrukov classifies the situation on the basis of the following criteria:

 at the place of occurrence and occurrence: in class, at the educational event, home, etc .;

 for the participants: the student - student, student - teacher, student - parent, etc .;

 for laid contradictions: conflict, conflict-free;

 in the degree of projectivity: intentionally created, natural;

 according to the degree of originality: the standard, recurring and non-standard (the original);

 according to the degree of control: hard-coded, unmanaged and managed. Features of content and procedural characteristics of the technology

In this technology solutions of pedagogical problems are four basic steps:

1) Formulation of pedagogical objectives based on an analysis of the situation and the concrete conditions;

2) Construction of method of pedagogical interaction (exposure);

3) Implementation of the plan to address the pedagogical problems in practice;

4) Analysis of the results of the decision of pedagogical problems

Offered the next algorithm for analysis of pedagogical situations:

1. Determine the type of pedagogical situation (by VS Bezrukova).

2. Definition of the pedagogical sense of this situation, that is, description of it in terms of the state of the participants of the situation, their relationships, life experiences, opinions, positions.

3. Identify of educational problems (actually existing or emerging conflicts), the possible reasons to create a conflict.

4. Designing pedagogical objectives (planned results, which would like to achieve in the given situation).

5. The choice of means and methods of influence or interaction rationale for the most optimal method of educational interactions in a given situation.

6. Determination of professionally significant qualities of the teacher's personality, needed to effectively address the situation

7. Analysis of the expected results: the characteristics of the changes that need to occur due to the successful solution of the educational situation.

8. The implementation of selected methods of solving educational problems.

9. Systematic monitoring of ongoing activities, prompt adjustment of the selected methods.

10. Analysis of the results of the decision (the feelings, thoughts, cause the decision to educate, educator).

11. The summary of the results, to determine its impact on the overall development of the individual and the collective.

At the decision of pedagogical problems should take into account their specificity. First, the task of teaching at the stage of interaction of subjects of educational process to decide at least two subjects (the teacher and the pupil). Secondly, the decision of pedagogical problems solving process ends with reflection.

The effectiveness of the solution of pedagogical problems is largely determined by:

1) Teacher's pedagogical thinking (the ability to analyze, diagnose);

2) The ability to integrate the solution of operational, tactical and strategic objectives;

3) Knowledge of psychology and pedagogy, age features, the collective laws;

4) Active interested attitude toward interaction.

Imitation of professional work will allow realize multimedia computer of design - video library teacher.

Videos of the teacher is an interactive computer design, including a video of pedagogical situations, a list of recommended for viewing films and documentaries, as well as guidelines on the use of video in educational work.

Video library structure represented by the section "Video case" and "filmography", section "Video case" includes video recording pedagogical situations, the solution of which contributes to the development of students' analytical, forecasting and organizational skills.

This Section is divided into three sections: theory, practice and control. The first block contains theoretical and methodological material to address the pedagogical problems. In practical section presents the interactive pedagogical situation (Fig. 55). From the standpoint of the activity approach situations are divided into four groups: motivational, evaluative, organizational and reflective-evaluative.

Рис. 55. Практический раздел видеотеки

A great amount of work is generally characterized by the selection of interactive pedagogical situations. At this point can be seen a large number of domestic films, representing not only artistic but also pedagogical interest: "Big Break", "We'll Live Till Monday", "Lesson of literature" and others, modern youth television series "Kadet", "Simple Truth", "seniors" and others.

While viewing each situation is accompanied by explanatory captions, on completion of the video clip to the student asks questions for reflection and for the control of the acquired knowledge.

It is important to note that the perception of pedagogical situations through video activates experiences, promotes emotional involvement of students in the proposed problem.

Controlling block gave the opportunity for student to take a test to identify the readiness to solve pedagogical situations.

Test "Test yourself in situations," contains a description of pedagogical situations and solutions, among which only one is correct.

With the introduction of information technologies in educational process it is possible to introduce a new concept of "interactive pedagogical problem", which can also be defined as meaningful pedagogical situation in bringing into it the aim, in the process of solving a student, not a direct participant in the situation, has the opportunity to select methods and means of egress from the current situation that allows you to create readiness for pedagogical activity.

Interactivity is the most significant advantage of the video library of the teacher. Interactivity allows to a certain extent control the presentation of the information. Students can set the feed rate of the video, the number of repetitions and other parameters that meet the individual educational needs.

Performance criteria

- The situation has pedagogical value;

- The basis of the situation is the conflict (dissatisfaction, disagreement, opposition, etc.);

- To activate the mental activity of students accompanied by fragments of video titles, questions, explanations.

Questions for reflection

1. Under what conditions pedagogical situation becomes a pedagogical challenge?

2. What types of pedagogical situations by VS Bezrukova.

3. Describe the process steps of analysis and solutions of pedagogical situations.

4. What determines the effectiveness of the solution of pedagogical situations?

Practical workOffer scenario of the pedagogical situation on the basis own of life and teaching experience.

Analyze and decide on the following situations algorithm:

Situation 1 One student intentionally interferes to teach. Teacher makes for him remark. The student is outraged that he's not fault, and after some time continues in the same spirit. What to do to the teacher?

Situation 2: The student regularly late for morning classes invited by curator for a conversation. But unexpectedly curator late and came 20 minutes after the appointed time. The student waited and waited with curiosity as behave of curator. How to proceed?

Situation 3 Following remarks made by the teacher, the student came out of the audience, defiantly slamming the door.

If you want to know more

1. Morozova OP Pedagogical situations in fiction. - M .: Academy 2001.

2. Morozova OP Teaching workshop: learning activities, tasks and issues. - M .: Academy, 2001. - 320 p.

3. Natanzon Elza Psychological analysis of student behavior. - M .: Education, 1991.

4. Petrochenko GG Situational problems in pedagogy. - Minsk: The University, 1990.

5. Spirin, LF Pedagogy solution of educational problems [electronic resource]. - Access:

6. Spirin, LF Theory and technology solutions of pedagogical problems. M., 1997. - p.174.

7. Chernyshev AS Workshop to address conflict of pedagogical situations. - M., 1998.

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