Some useful tips for tourists to the UK
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст.
Taking our diet more seriously
Many people believe that health is very important and, because of this, many are trying to eat more healthily. For example, people in the UK are eating less salt and more low fat margarine and milk; fruit is now America’s favourite snack and Japan is currently promoting cocoa because it is healthy alternative to soft drinks like Coca Cola. These changes in eating habits are also having an effect on the food market. Global sales are increasing for soy drinks and drinkable yoghurts more than any other food and sales of bread, pasta, and cereals are growing much more slowly. People are also becoming interested in fresh fruit and vegetables and ‘farmers’ markets’ are getting more popular throughout Europe. When they can, people often opt for ‘natural goodness’, and they are buying more products that are healthy, like fruit, salads, and nuts. They are also buying products that help to protect environment, like organic vegetables. So it’s clear that things in the food world will never be the same again.
Задание 2. Прочитайте предложения и напишите T(True- верно) и F(False- неверно) после предложения.
- Americans eat more fruit than any other food.
- Cocoa drinks are good for your health.
- People are buying more soy drinks.
- People are buying less pasta.
- Nuts are good for you.
Задание 3. Сопоставьте подчеркнутые слова из текста с их синонимами.
1. worldwide –
2. think –
3. now –
4. becoming –
5. choose –
6. a substitute for –
7. getting bigger –
8. look after, keep from danger –
Задание 4. Заполните пропуски подчеркнутыми словами из текста.
1. Many vegetarians eat soya as an __________ meat.
2. Some people __________ that all ready-cooked meals are unhealthy.
3. The number of people buying organic vegetables is __________ in mane countries.
4. The UK government is __________ studying how to encourage people to change their eating habits.
5. In the US and Europe, many children are __________ fatter because of their bad diets.
6. Many people __________ a change a diet because it makes them feel better.
7. A balanced diet can help to __________ you from illness.
8. Unhealthy eating is now a __________ problem: not just in the US and Europe.
Задание 5. Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами из списка.
Home-made / meal /raw/ spicy /diet/ chicken /steak/ takeaway /meat/ frozen
1. His __________ is terrible: he eats too many sweet things.
2. Strict vegetarians don’t eat __________ or fish.
3. __________ vegetables have more vitamins than when they are cooked.
4. I love __________ food but I don’t have too much time to cook.
5. She likes her __________ well done.
6. I am very busy so I often buy a __________ meal and heat it up in the microwave.
7. Our biggest __________ of the day is usually lunch.
8. She doesn’t like Mexican food because it is too __________.
9. Our typical Sunday lunch is roast __________, I especially like the wings.
10. We often buy __________ food on Fridays – either Chinese or Indian food.
Задание 6. Напишите транскрипцию для каждого слова.
food spoon cook | sugar mousse butcher | biscuit fruit juice | good lettuce would |
Задание 7. Напишите названия продуктов, воспользуйтесь при необходимости словарем.
1. One red fruit, one yellow fruit, one green fruit;
2. Two things that a strict vegetarian doesn’t eat;
3. Three kinds of food made from milk;
4. Four things people have for breakfast;
5. Five things people eat between meals;
6. Six vegetables you can put in a salad;
7. Seven things which are usually on a table in a restaurant.
Задание 8. Ответьте на вопросы письменно.
1. Is food a pleasure for you?
2. What you normally eat in atypical day?
3. Do you ever cook?
4. Do you ever eat ‘unhealthy’ food? How do you feel about it?
5. Are you trying to cut down on anything at the moment?
6. Are people’s diets in your country getting better or worse?
Задание 9. Прочитайте статью и диалоги.
SPAs – women love them
Can men enjoy them too?
The Sunday Times decided to find out. They sent two journalists, Joanna Duckworth and Stephen Bleach, to spend a day at a health spa, which offers thermal baths, saunas, and steam rooms, an outdoor swimming pool, and of course a wide variety of massages and treatments.
These are some of the treatment they had:
Banana, papaya and strawberry body polish
- a treatment which will smooth and hydrate your skin, with a head massage – 40 minutes.
Kanebo Kai Zen facial
- a deep intensive cleansing, with face and neck massage – 1 hr 40 minutes.
Elemis foot treatment
- a foot bath, pedicure and foot massage – 55 minutes.
1. The body polish.
Joanna: So? What did you think?
Stephen: It was just horrible! Horrible. Fruit’s for eating, not for putting on your body. It was hot and sticky and incredibly uncomfortable. And I felt so stupid. I’d never have that again. I give it zero out of ten.
Joanna: Sticky? It was fruit for goodness’ sake! I thought it was incredibly relaxing. I mean how could anybody not like it? And the head massage was divine! That was one of my favourite spa treatment ever. Ten out of ten.
2. The facial
Stephen:Oh that was so boring. It went on forever.
Joanna:I loved it.
Stephen:Well, I must admit my face feels different - much smoother. But I'm not sure I really want a smooth face. And it was nearly two hours and she used about 12 different creams and things. It normally only takes me a minute to wash my face — and I just use soap and water — the therapist said I ought to buy five different products!
Joanna:Well, I enjoyed every second. My skin feels great - really healthy. I give it nine out of ten.
Stephen:Hmm... I give it four.
Joanna:Your problem was that you were hungry so you couldn't relax. We could have a fruit juice before the last treatment...
Stephen:A fruit juice? Oh, OK then.
3. The foot treatment
Joanna:Don't tell me you liked it!
Stephen:It was wonderful!
Joanna:I must say, your feet look...well, better. Clean anyway.
Stephen:Well, I've never liked my feet much to be honest, but now they look great. That was definitely worth the time and money. Nine out of ten. What do you think?
Joanna:Yes, it was great. A real luxury. And I love the colour they painted my nails. I agree – nine out of ten.
Задание 10. Ответьте на вопросы к статье:
1. What is SPA? What does health spa offer?
2. What do you know about body polish/facial/foot treatment?
3. Did Stephen like the body polish? What about Joanna?
4. What is Stephen’s opinion about the facial? And Joanna?
5. Did he enjoy the foot treatment? Joanna?
Задание 11. Прочитайте диалоги еще раз. Заполните пропуски.
1. It was hot and _______ and incredibly uncomfortable.
2. The head massage was __________!
3. My face feels different – much __________.
4. I just use _________ and water.
5. I love the colour they painted my __________.
Задание 12. Прочитайте следующий список, напишите M(Man), если то или иное занятие относится к мужчинам, W(Woman) – к женщинам, B(Both) – как к мужчинам, так и к женщинам.
A man thing or a woman thing?
- Going shopping
- Going to health spas
- Going to the gym
- Going to the cinema
- Reading novels
- Going to sport events
- Doing housework
- Learning languages
- Going to bars and pubs
- Playing games (e.g. cards, chess)
Задание 13. Составьте семь предложение по образцу, используя фразы из предыдущего упражнения.
Образец:In our country women go shopping more often than men.
In our countrymen go shopping not so often than women.
Задание 14. Прочитайте следующий список, отметьте соответствующей буквой, кто чаще о чем говорит: (M – Man, W – Woman, B – Both):
- Sport
- Work
- Clothes
- Health
- Family
- Films
- Politics
- Cars
- Their house
- The opposite sex
Задание 15. Выполните следующее задание письменно (напишите не менее 5 предложений).
If you are a woman, say what is your attitude to:
- football
- cars choose only one point
- computers
If you are a man, say what is your attitude to:
- fashion
- shopping choose only one point
- dieting
Задание 16. Прочитайте текст, выберите подходящие по смыслу модальные глаголы. В некоторых случаях правильными являются оба варианта. Выполните письменный перевод.
Some useful tips for tourists to the UK
1. You should / have to always carry an umbrella. British weather is very changeable and rain is always a possibility.
2. If you want to ask someone a question in the street, you must / should say 'Excuse me!' to attract their attention.
3. You must / should drive on the left!
4. You must / have to wear a seatbelt at all times in a car.
5. You mustn't / don't have to pay to visit most museums and art galleries. Entrance is usually free.
6. You shouldn't / don't have to leave a tip in a restaurant but if service has been good, 10% extra is a normal amount to leave.
7. If you are sightseeing in London, you must / should buy a Travel card which gives you cheaper travel on trains, buses, and the London Underground.
8. You mustn't / don't have to smoke in any public building. It is prohibited by law.
9. When talking to British people you shouldn't / don't have to ask very personal questions (like How much do you earn?) as some people might think this was rude.
10. You must / should go for a trip on the London Eye. The view of London from the top is magnificent.
Задание 17. Заполните пропуски словами из списка.
Ask / art / carry / wear / prohibited / leave / drive / changeable / cheaper / attract
1. __________ an umbrella 6. __________galleries
2. __________ weather 7. __________ a tip
3. __________ their attention 8. __________ travel on trains
4. __________ on the left 9. __________ by law
5. __________ a seatbelt 10. __________ personal questions
Задание 18. Выберите верный синоним для следующих слов.
1. changeable
o unsteady
o steady
2. possibility
o suggestion
o probability
3. free
o vacant
o expensive
2. tip
o gratuity
o trip
3. travel
o road
o voyage
4. British people
o The English
o The British
5. personal question
o private question
o funny question
6. magnificent
o awful
o majestic
Задание 19. Какие черты характера подходят больше русским, а какие британцам? Запишите в два столбика под соответствующим заглавием.
Reserved, sensitive, emotional, polite, rude, funny, unreliable, self-confident, caring, imaginative, helpful, easy-going, stubborn, selfish, shy, disorganized, forgetful, active, lazy, loyal, arrogant, bossy, intelligent, mean, decisive.
Задание 20. Сравните характер русских и британцев, используйте вышеперечисленные прилагательные (составьте семь предложений).
Образец: The Russians are more emotional than the British.
The British are not so emotional as the Russians.
Вариант 2
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст.
Quality or quantity
You didn't ask for it, and you might not know about it. But you've probably already eaten some of it. It's genetically engineered food.
Perfectly round tomatoes all exactly the same size, long straight cucumbers and big fat chickens are now a normal part of our diets.
They are made that way by genetic engineering - not by nature. Their genes have been changed.
Every living thing has genes. They are passed on from generation to generation. They make sure that humans give birth to humans and cows give birth to cows. They also make sure that a dog cannot give birth to a frog or an elephant I to a horse. Genetic engineers take genes from one species - for example, a scorpion, and transfer them to another - for example corn. In this way a new life form is created.
Genetic engineers put duck genes into chickens to make the chickens bigger. They put hormones into cows to make them produce more milk. They put genes from flowers into soya beans and from scorpions into corn. This does not make them cheaper, tastier or healthier. It makes them easier and faster for the farmer to grow.
The effects of genetic engineering on our health are not known. Many of the genes which are used - such as those of scorpions, rats, mice and moths - are not part of our diet so we do not know how dangerous they may be. For example, people can develop allergies to food which has been genetically engineered.
The effects of genetic engineering on the natural world may be disastrous. The engineers may create life forms - monsters -that we cannot control. The new life forms have no natural habitat or home. They will have to find one, fight for one - or kill for one.
Some people believe, though, that genetic engineering could be the solution to the problem of famine. Plants which grow faster, or cows which produce more milk, can save the lives of starving people.
We would all like a better, healthier and longer life, and genetic engineering might give us this. On the other hand, it may be a dangerous experiment with nature. In the story, Frankenstein created such a terrible and dangerous monster that he had to destroy it. We must make sure that it remains a story - and no more than that.
Задание 2. Заполните пропуски словами из текста.
1. They are made that way by genetic engineering - not by ________.
2. Every living thing has ________.
3. They make sure that _______ give _______ to humans and cows give birth to cows.
4. This does not make them cheaper, tastier or _______.
5. The _______ of genetic engineering on our health are not known.
6. We do not know how ________ they may be.
7. Plants which grow faster, or cows which produce more milk, can ________ the lives of starving people.
Задание 3. Заполните таблицу.
What are the arguments for and against genetically engineered food?
for | against |
Задание 4. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
1. Have you ever heard about genetically engineered food?
2. How tomatoes are made perfectly round?
3. Is it true that every living thing has genes?
4. Who takes genes from one species and transfer them to another species?
5. Are the effects of genetic engineering on our health known?
6. Can genetic engineering be a solution to any problem?
Задание 5. Прочитайте следующее меню. Напишите, какие из блюд:spicy, sweet, salty, healthy, fattening, creamy, juicy, vegetarian.
Chicken soup – healthy, creamy.
Green salad – …
MENU STARTERS ü Chicken soup ü Green salad MAIN COURSES ü Steak and chips ü Beef curry ü Roast beef and potatoes ü Fish and chips ü Steak and kidney pie ü Spaghetti DESSERTS ü Ice-cream ü Fresh fruit salad ü Chocolate cake |
Задание 6. Заполните таблицу. Распределите слова по колонкам. Некоторые слова можно отнести к нескольким прилагательным.
Ice-cream, lettuce, lobster, cake, onion, lamb, chips, cabbage, peas, eggs, garlic, cheese, yoghurt, milk, mushrooms, pumpkin, ham, mussels, bread rolls, nuts, melon, cucumber, rice, sandwich, toast, green beans, potatoes, watermelon.
Задание 7. Напишите, что лучше есть на завтрак, обед, ужин, используя модальный глагол should.
I think you should eat (cheese, bread, etc)… for breakfast because it is (healthy, tasty, etc)…
I think you should eat … for lunch because …
I think you should eat … for dinner because …
Задание 8. Прочитайте текст.
The secret to a long and happy life… being lazy!
Joggers who get up early and run through the park, executives who try to work off stress with a game of squash, and people who do bodybuilding may all be shortening their lives. According to Peter Axt, a German researcher and ex-marathon runner, laziness is good for you.
'No top sportsman,' says Axt, 'has lived to a very advanced age.' Among the examples of athletes who have died young, he mentions Jim Fixx, the author of The Complete Book of Running, and the man who almost single-handedly launched the American fitness revolution. He died at the age of 52. As Axt says, 'Better not to start'.
With his daughter Michaela, a doctor, he has written a book called The Joy of Laziness. It says that there are three keys to long life: to play less sport, to reduce stress, and to eat less food. He gives the example of an Italian village with an unusually high number of centenarians which seems to owe its communal good health to following the Axt principles. No one runs, siestas stretch through the afternoon from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., and the main activity seems to be sitting in the shade or gossiping.
The Axt’s ideas are based on research which argues that animals have only a limited amount of energy. Those who use up energy quickly live for a shorter time than those who conserve energy. So an executive who wants to compensate for a stressful day by going to the gym is in fact multiplying his problems.
However, Peter Axt believes that light exercise is beneficial. 'I jog gently for 20 minutes three or four times a week,' he said, 'but I have no time for men over 50 who insist on running several kilometres a day.'
Задание 9. Подчеркните ударный слог в следующих словах, переведите их.
jogger / squash / shorten / marathon /
laziness / athlete / launch /centenarian /
gossip / conserve / multiply / beneficial
Задание 10. Заполните пропуски словами из списка.