Planning your information sheet


Themes Total workload
Total Lecture Seminar SIW
Module 1.
Theme 1. A.The notion of Intercultural communication (2 hours) 1) Terminology in Intercultural communication - What is communication? - What is Intercultural communication, Interethnic communication, Interracial communication - What is the difference between intercultural and cross-cultural communication? 2) Intercultural Communication: as a discipline 3) The Necessity of Intercultural Communication 4) Benefits of Intercultural Communication        
B. The History of Intercultural communication (2 hours) 1) Edward T. Hall as a founder of Intercultural Communication a) Four major influences on Hall’s Intercultural Communication Theory - Cultural anthropology - Linguistics - Ethology - Freudian psychoanalytic theory b) Intellectual Influences on Edward Hall’s Paradigm of Intercultural Communication 2) The Silent Language, Impacts of the Silent Language 3) Hall’s Paradigm for Intercultural Communication        
Theme 2. Communication as Basic Linguistic Functions (2 hours) 1) Communication as a Function of Language 2) Expression as a Function of Language 3) Expression and Communication 4) Linguistic domain in Intercultural Communication 5) Socio-psychological domain in Intercultural Communication 6) Cognitive domain in Intercultural Communication (silent in IC)        
Theme 3. Components of Intercultural communicative Competence (2 hours) 1) Intercultural competence (Attitudes, Knowledge, Skills of interpreting and relating, Skills of discovering and interacting, critical cultural awareness/political education) 2.) Communicative competence (Linguistic competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence) 3.) Approaches Introducing IC Theory: - Some Specific Models and Approaches: Baldwin’s Model - Martin, Nakayama, &Flores’ Dialectical Approach - Gudykunst’s Approach: Anxiety-Uncertainty Management. Emic/eticapproaches - Samovar & Porter’s Model of Intercultural Communication        
Модуль 2.
Theme 4. Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory (2 hours) 1) Hall’s Low-and High-Context Cultures 2) What is a culture? Levels of culture. 3) Culture approaches to culture. Social identity and ethnicity      
Theme 5. The danger of stereotypical descriptions (2 hours) 1) Misunderstandings and differences in communicative behavior - Individual level: - Sender and receiver 2) Communication behavior on an interactive level -Interaction sequences - Turn-taking - Feedback - Influencing factors 3) Culture shock      
Theme 6. Understanding, values and attitudes (2 hours) 1) Types of pre-understanding • Realia • Esthetic culture • Expert knowledge • Attitudes and values 2) Problems and consequences related to intercultural communication 3) Awareness and insight about differences between cultures and communication patterns 4) Barriers to InterculturalCommunication • Prejudices (Individual and institutional) • Discrimination • Ethnocentrism • Dialogue (inter-religious dialogue, conflicts) • Cultural conflict Verbal and Nonverbal Communication      








Almaty, 2012-2013

Tasks for individual work of students on Basics of Intercultural Communication

Course. 8 semester


Module 1

IWS №1 (2 hours)

Theme: The notion of Intercultural Communication

Subtheme #1: Intercultural Communication and cultural linguistics.

Task 1:Make a table and give examples to each of the following objects of cultural linguistics:

1) Words and phrases which have no equivalents in another language;

2) rituals, beliefs, and superstations reflected in language;

3) proverbs and sayings;

4) symbols and stereotypes;

5) metaphors and images;

6) stylistic norms;

7) speech behavior;

8) speech etiquette.

Form of control: Making a table with analysis

Time to pass: February, 2013

Task 2:Make up your ownproblem questions or tasks on the given theme.

Task 3:Based on the information you have found from the recommended literature and Internet prepare a report concerning to the given theme.

Form of control: Making a report

Time to pass: February, 2013

Task 4. Divide into small groups of 3 or 4 students. You are going to participate to the students’ scientific conference related to the theme “The problems and topical issues of Intercultural Communication”. Think of different points to include in your scientific presentations. Consider different ideas of your team and discuss your ideas and decide on the best five to include in your presentations. Make an outline or program of the conference.

Form of control: Making a scientific conference

Time to pass: February, 2013

IWS №2 (4 hours)

Theme: The history of Intercultural communication

Subtheme #1:Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures

Task 1: Writing:information sheet

1. Your local tourist office has asked you to write an information sheet (about 250 words) for visitors to your country. The purpose is to inform foreigners about any culturally sensitive issues so that they avoid offending local people by mistake.

2. Before writing discuss with other students possible topics for inclusion in your information sheet. Make a list, for example: gestures, greetings, going to someone’s house for dinner etc.

If you have trouble coming up with ideas, think about

Planning your information sheet - times you have accidentally offended people when travelling abroad;

Planning your information sheet - things that visitors to your country sometimes do that cause offence.

3. Choose three or four areas that are culturally sensitive to include in your information sheet. Make notes of points for inclusion under each heading. For example:


1. with people you don’t know. to female friends.

Either a handshake or nothing Either a single kiss on the cheek or nothing

2. men to male friends. 4. in business situations.

Either a handshake or nothing Usually a handshake will be appropriate in most contexts

Planning your information sheet

a.What title will you give your information sheet so as to make it interesting and attractive to your audience?

b.How many sections will you have in your information sheet and what headings will you use for each one?

c.Will you need to use a more formal or informal style with the audience you are writing for?

d.What is the purpose of your information sheet (e.g. to inform, warn and advise)? How will this affect the language you use? (Remember, you don’t want to put visitors off coming to your country!)

e.How will you introduce the topics you cover in each section? (Remember, you don’t want to make your customs and values seem illogical to visitors.)

5.Write the first draft of your information sheet.

6.Check your first draft by answering these questions:

Ø Does the general heading make you want to read the sheet?

Ø Is there a helpful introduction?

Ø Are the different paragraphs clear and complete? Does each paragraph have its own heading?

Ø Are linking words/expressions used in an appropriate way?

Ø Does the information sheet inform in a clear and readable way?

Ø Is the style appropriate for the target reader?

7.Reread your information sheet and decide how you will change it.

8. Rewrite your information sheet.

Form of control: Writing information sheet

Time to pass: March, 2013

SIW №3 (4 hours)

Theme: Communication as Basic Linguistic Functions

Subtheme #1:Visual means of culture

Task 1:Culture has been represented as an onion, where the metaphorical layers of the onion stand for layers of culture which can be peeled away to reveal underlying basic assumptions from the outer to the inner level’s of one’s cultural identity.

Can you think of other visual models of culture? Give three or more examples and make a Power Point Presentation according to your model in order to make it understandable to the audience.

Task 2.Make a presentation on the following themes and prepare self evaluation questions, pragmatic-professional tasks. Illustrate your findings with tables, schemes.

1) The role of Intercultural communication in your specialty

2) Basic directions of the ICC development

3) Types of communication and its role in ICC

4) Benefits of ICC

5) Components of ICC

6) Culture approaches to culture

7) Culture shock

8) Values, belief, attitudes in different cultures

9) Stereotypical characteristics of different nations

10) Cultural conflict

Form of control: Slide show presentation of a research work.

Time to pass: March, 2013

Task 3. Make an outline of a special lecture or seminar devoted to the theme “Stereotypical descriptions and communication behavior”. In your outline you may include the following factors:

- aims and principles of the lecture or seminar

- problem tasks or questions related to the theme

- introduction, body and conclusion of your presentation

- list of used literature

- typical tasks to fulfill.

Form of control: Making an outline of a lecture or seminar

Time to pass: March, 2013

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