Concept about processor approach to a control system at the enterprise (organization)

Any activity or complex of activity in which resources for transformation of entrances to exits are used, can be considered as process.

Productively to function, the organizations have to define and operate the numerous interconnected and interacting processes. Often the exit of one process forms directly a following entrance. Systematic identification and management of the processes applied by the organization, and especially interactions of such processes, can be considered as "processor approach".

The quality management system based on processor approach described in family of the ISO 9000 standards is given in figure 1. It shows that interested parties play an essential role in representation of entrance data to the organization. Supervision over satisfaction of interested parties demands an assessment of information, interested parties of extent of performance of their requirement and the expectations concerning perception.

Processor approach is in details formulated in the 4th principle - Processor approach. The version of the ISO 9000-2000 standards of year has a new view on system which assumes algorithmic approach to design of the quality system as sets of the interconnected processes.

Thus each process is considered as system with following from here consequences:

1) the entrance and results of process have to be defined and measured accurately;

2) consumers of each process are defined, their requirements are identified, their satisfaction with results of process is studied;

3) interaction of this process with functions of the enterprise is established;

4) each process has to cope and be established powers, the rights and responsibility for management of process;

5) at design of process it is necessary to define its resource providing.

Coordination of quality management with business processes is necessary for realization of process approach at introduction of MS of ISO 9000.

Processes are understood as logically ordered sequence of the stages (steps, elements) transforming entrances and exits.

The example of model of process is given in figure 55.

  Process 1
  Process 2
Process 3

Somewhat such understanding of processes closely to idea of algorithms. It is connected with that in our life information technologies take root more and more, and they do not know other language. Besides, representation of process in the form of algorithm has advantages in its presentation, so, and in faster perception for the performer.

2 Processes can be divided into two groups: the main and auxiliary.

The first group included processes which results is creation of production, its sale and maintenance. Usually such processes are called business processes. They are characterized first of all by that have the specific consumer ready to pay for results of business process (section 7 of the ISO 9001 standard).

The second group processes of management and the providing processes - purchases make, metrological and information support (sections 6 and 8 of the ISO 9001 standard).

Key benefits:

processes are carried out in the operated conditions;

integration and alignment of those processes which will promote in the best way achievement of desirable results;

results of process are predictable;

orientation on continuous improvement.

The principle 5 - system approach to management.

This principle is closely connected with previous and with idea of the quality system as about set of the interconnected processes. On the basis of knowledge of it design of system is reached in the most effective way. System approach assumes also continuous improvement of system through measurement and an assessment.

This principle assumes an agreement of all processes in uniform system. System approach demands coordination of all aspects of activity of the enterprise. For this purpose it is necessary to specify first of all tasks within the concept of quality with mission of the enterprise and its strategic objectives. It is necessary to develop the mechanism of operational planning and bringing plans to each performer. The problem of estimation of results of activity of the enterprise is closely connected with the organization of process of planning. Long time as an assessment the financial activity important first of all for owners, investors, shareholders was used. But recently such criteria of an assessment as satisfaction of clients, efficiency of processes, satisfaction of own employees were added.

Key benefits:

expenses due to effective use of resources decrease;

continuous improvement of activity of the enterprise due to system approach;

providing confidence to interested parties in efficiency of the enterprise.

The principle 6 - continuous improvement.

Continuous and continuous improvement - one of the purposes of the enterprise.

At any enterprise there is a certain level of deficiency. Statement of the purpose of decrease in this level will promote continuous improvement and improvement. Realization of this principle first of all demands a certain reorganization of consciousness and formation from each employee of the enterprise of need for continuous improvement of production, processes and system in general.

As a rule, achieve it not large-scale actions, but small steps, but constantly and everywhere. Quite so Japanese automobile firms got on the American market. Systematically improving processes, they had an opportunity gradually to reduce the prices, and not due to decrease in the income, and thanks to quickly growing gap between prime cost and the price. Such reduction of price conducts to expansion of a market niche, and it leads to decrease in prime cost.

But each improvement begins with the person - his improvement, knowledge acquired by it, skills, abilities, personal qualities.

The following step - improvement of work of team and involvement of the personnel.

The principle demands a certain knowledge and application of certain methods and approaches, such as a cycle of Deminga, Pareto's chart, control maps. For stimulation of process of improvement the atmosphere of their recognition has to be created.

Continuous improvement of environment and people creates prerequisites for improvement of business processes.

3 System approach

System approach to management: Identification, understanding and management of the interconnected processes as system make a contribution to productivity and efficiency of the organization at achievement it is more whole.

Application of system approach to management of all processes of the enterprise is an implementation in the organization of the activity directed on:

- structuring system by establishment and development of the system of the processes providing achievement of the set purposes of the organization;

- creation of such system at which the set objectives are achieved in the most effective way

- understanding of interdependence between processes in system

- establishment is more whole also definition of that as concrete services in system of achievement of the established purposes have to interact

- continuous improvement of system by means of estimation and measurement

- definition first of all opportunities and resources, and then making decision on action

At system approach full use of feedback with the consumer for development of strategic plans of the enterprise and plans for quality taking into account planning of each component of system became possible.

4 Most widespread way of improvement of business process - use of a cycle of V. Shukharta-E.Deminga "Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) - an improvement cycle (planning - implementation - check - the correcting actions, improvement). The cycle is presented graphically in the form of the circle divided into four parts (figure 1). Each segment clockwise means one of four consecutive actions:

▪ planning - what to do how to do and that for this purpose is necessary;

▪ implementation - do that is planned

▪ check - as results correspond to the plan;

▪ action - how to improve next time.

  4. Act 1. Plan   3. Check 2. Do

The figure 1 Scheme PDCA - an improvement cycle.

When carrying out improvement it is necessary to consider three major factors which are negatively influencing quality: losses, discrepancies and irrational actions.

Carrying out the analysis of business processes, it is necessary to raise four main questions:

▪ that: what exactly becomes in this process or operation?

People ▪ why: Why it becomes and whether it is possible not to do it?

▪ where: where it becomes, whether it is better to do it in other place?

▪ when: when it becomes, maybe, to do it sooner or later better?

At realization of this principle use so-called seven simple instruments of statistical quality control. The most popular is carrying out the analysis on the basis of the scheme Isikava which is based on four "M" (cars, people, technology, raw materials). This approach is directed on team work, assumes involvement of all personnel in activities for improvement of processes, prevention, repair, service.

At the same time practically any enterprise faces need of radical reorganization of bases, structures, technologies. Such perfection is called as reengineering or reorganization of business.

Key benefits:

▪ aiming at achievement of strategic objectives of the enterprise;

▪ increase of organizational opportunities due to involvement in activities for improvement of all personnel;

▪ fast response to favorable opportunities.

Control questions:

1 Give definition to the term "process"

2 In what principle of QMS it is formulated definition "process approach"

3 On the example of the concrete enterprise define the main and auxiliary processes

4 Key benefits from application of process approach

5 Give definition to the term "system approach"

6 Give an example of a system campaign to quality management at the enterprise

7 Tell about V. Shukharta-E.Deminga's cycle. Give a concrete example

8 Key benefits of application of a cycle of improvement


1 Лапидус В.А. Система статистического управления процессами. Система Шухарта // Методы менеджмента качества. Надежность и контроль качества, № 5, № 6, № 7, 1999;

2 Мазур И.И., Шапиро В.Д. Управление качеством: учебное пособие. - М.: Высшая школа, 2003. - С. 75-77.

3 Современное управление качеством на предприятиях: методы, инструменты, рекомендации. А.Ю. Афонин, В.А. Васильев, С.В. Васильева, П.В. Москалев, С.А. Одиноков, В.С. Родионов, М.А. Скворцов. - М.: ИТЦ «МАТИ» - РГТУ им. К.Э. Циолковского, 2002.

4 Аристов О.В. Управление качеством: Учеб. пособие для вузов.- М., 2007

Lecture 11

Theme: Information support of quality systems – CALS, ARIS – technologies. Application of the computerized technologies of the electronic description of processes of development, a complete set, production, modernization, sale, operation, service and production utilization.

Lecture plan:

1 Introduction

2 History of development of CALS-of technologies

3 Concept of CALS

3.1 Main definitions

3.2 The tasks solved by means of CALS technologies

3.3 Advantages of CALS technology

CALS Standards

4.1 Objects of standardization

5 Introduction of CALS-of technologies

5.1 Basic principles of introduction of CALS

1 Introduction

Modern conditions are characterized by more and more fierce competition in ­ the international market, increase of complexity and knowledge intensity of production that puts ­ new problems before ­ industrialists and businessmen of the country. Treat their number:

- criticality of time ­ which is required for creation of a product and the organization of its ­ sale;

- decrease in all types of the expenses connected with creation and maintenance of a product;

- improvement of quality of processes of design and production;

- ensuring flexible and reliable operational service.

As effective cure of these problems new information CALS technologies of through support of difficult knowledge-intensive production at all stages of its life cycle (LC) from marketing before utilization act in the last decade. These technologies which are based on the standardized uniform electronic data presentation and collective access to them allow to simplify significantly performance of stages ZhTs of a product and to increase labor productivity, according to the western experience, approximately for 30%, automatically to provide the set quality of production.

Abroad works on creation and introduction of CALS technologies are conducted more than 25 years. In this direction essential results are reached. CALS technologies are considered as favorable global economic strategy in all industries now. Works are conducted in all leading industrial countries, the international cooperations of producers of similar types of production, the so-called "virtual" enterprises uniting suppliers, producers and consumers of production are created.

For the first time elements of CALS technologies started being applied in the mid-eighties at interaction of the Ministry of Defence of the USA with the suppliers when the task to transfer all operations with them to an electronic look was set. Subsequently scope of CALS technologies extended before all life cycle of a product and went beyond military departments. Despite it, the most advanced users of CALS technology nevertheless are military developers. For example, by means of CALS technologies the fighter F-22 (USA), the Viking submarine (Denmark, Norway and Sweden), a self-propelled howitzer of Crusader (USA) were created. In all these projects attempt to organize a full-scale common information space for all participants of life cycle of a product became. In the field of civil introduction of CALS technologies in the world and in Russia the space and nuclear industries, the car - and shipbuilding are in the lead.

In Russia similar works began in the mid-nineties, at a turn of centuries at Gosstandart the committee No. 431 coordinating works on CALS technologies was created; Research Center CALS technology applied logistics is created; the program of standardization in the sphere of CALS technologies in 2000 - 2003 is developed; in aircraft industry, shipbuilding, the defensive industry pilot projects on introduction of CALS technologies are realized. In Russia among pioneers of introduction of CALS - Sukhoi Aviation Military Industrial Complex, JSC Tupolev, Instrument Design Bureau (Tula), the Voronezh mechanical plant. These projects are supported by the Ministry of Industry and Science of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, retraining of specialists of the enterprises, training of specialists in higher education institutions, etc. are necessary for normal introduction of CALS in Russia.

Now CALS technologies in Russia are considered as an integration tool in world economy, as the important instrument of restructuring of the defensive industry, shipbuilding, aircraft industry and other branches radically simplifying internal and international industrial cooperation, increasing appeal and competitiveness of industrial products, providing quality of production, acceleration of mutual settlements of suppliers and consumers, improvement of the organization of management on convertible and the reformed enterprises. The approximate price of introduction of CALS technologies at the domestic enterprises - from 50 to 900 thousand dollars. Thus realization of already initial stage gives essential effect due to reduction of time of an entry of a product into the market, improvement of quality of a product, satisfaction of requirements of the customer.

Lag with introduction of CALS technologies will make for the enterprises impossible participation in the international cooperation, will negatively be reflected in competitiveness and appeal of the made production, will serve as the reason of loss of certain segments of the market.

2 History of development of CALS-of technologies

For the first time the concept of CALS arose in the mid-seventies in defense industry of the USA due to the need of increase of management efficiency and reduction of costs of information exchange in processes of the order, deliveries and operation of means of arms and military equipment. A driving force were the needs of nature in the organization of the "common information space" providing expeditious data exchange between the customer (federal bodies), producers and consumers of military equipment. This concept initially was based on ideology of ZhTs of a product and covered phases of production and operation. At an initial stage the abbreviation of CALS was deciphered as Computer Aided Logistic Support - computer support of deliveries. The subject CALS was the paperless technology of interaction between the organizations ordering, making and operating military equipment, and also a format of submission of the relevant data.

CALS was based on results of implementation of the Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM) program - programs of the integrated computerization of production realized in the Ministry of Defence of the USA. The purpose of this program consisted in increase of production efficiency by means of application of computer information technologies. Complex application of these technologies within the ICAM program demanded unification and standardization of methods of the description and the analysis of organizational and production systems. On the basis of already being available technologies of the structured analysis and design of SADT systems (Structural Analysis and Design Technology) the family (more than ten) IDEF methods (Integrated Definition) a row from which was accepted as federal standards was developed, and the method of functional modeling of IDEF0 is accepted as the CALS standard.

CALS technologies, having proved the efficiency, stopped being a prerogative of military department and started being applied actively in the industry, construction, transport and other branches of economy, extending and covering all stages of life cycle of a product. The new concept kept CALS abbreviation, but received broader treatment of Continuous Acquisition and Life Cycle Support - continuous support of ZhTs of a product (product). Thus, the idea which arose in the Ministry of Defence of the USA connected with uniform information support of logistic systems quickly turned into global business strategy of transition to paperless electronic technology of work, increase of efficiency of the business processes which are carried out during product ZhTs due to information integration and sharing of information at all its stages.

In 1987 at the initiative of 1100 leading representatives of the industry of the USA the American ­ Industrial Managing Committee in the field of CALS for coordination ­ of work of various organizations of the USA in the field of CALS was created­­.

Works on introduction of CALS technologies were conducted in 2 stages. At the first stage (a boundary of the 90th years) the main attention was paid to submission in electronic form of technical documentation. At the same stage the technology of representation technical and construction-technological documentation in a so-called "neutral" electronic format was defined. At the second stage (the beginning of the 90th years), within the world consortium of 25 ­ leaders of the technical organizations of the USA, ­ the agreement on ­ use of the new "neutral" standard of the description of the given ISO 10303 (STEP-Standart for the Exchange of Product Model Data) was reached­­. At once after development of the STEP standard development of the ISO 13584 (PLIB), ISO 15531 (MANDATE) standards intended for the description and submission of information on components and accessories of a product, the production and operational environment and data exchange which have the structure, general from STEP, and technology of construction was begun. These standards laid the foundation of CALS technologies.

In 1995 the memorandum on the general understanding and cooperation in use ­ of the standard of new generation of ISO 10303 (STEP) was put into the USA­. In the memorandum it is noted that the new standard is key technology of the description of data on a product for ­ the world market. This standard provides the description of physical and ­ functional parameters of a product throughout all its life cycle. The memorandum signed ­ by heads of the main space companies of the USA contains the obligation of participants to use STEP in realization of CALS. It ­ pushes suppliers, other participants of space branch and sellers of its ­ technical systems to participation in development and deployment of STEP technology. It is specified in the memorandum that now various companies ­ need effective exchange of information with their partners, customers and suppliers around the world. To keep ­ competitiveness in the world market, these companies have to be sure that the exchange is compatible, exact and timely. Using these international standards, the companies eliminate ­ the barriers existing at exchange of information that allows to provide the maximum flexibility during the designing, production and ­ logistic support (support of deliveries) of production. Use ­ of the international STEP standards gives the chance to these space companies (and to the companies of other branches) to reach new, higher rates of quality and productivity, ­ depreciation of production and reduction ­ of time of its entry into the market. It is characteristic that the considered ­ memorandum concluded by the main space companies is similar with ­ the international memorandum of carmakers.

Similar committees and­, respectively, projects in the field of CALS were created and developed in other countries. So, for example, in ­ Great Britain CALS became known since 1988. In 1991 Industrial Council of Great Britain in the field of CALS was created. Since ­ 1993 the department of trade and the industry ­ of Great Britain started promoting development of CALS. The guide to ­ introduction of CALS was the same year let out­. Industrial Council sees the task in advance and support of the best methods of reorganization of business activity so that the companies of Great Britain could take advantages of electronic exchange of information. The very first enterprises ­ which began application of CALS are: space complex, military industrial complex, ­ large oil and ­ oil refining companies. ­The projects ­ connected with the organization of chain deliveries between "pioneers" in the field of CALS were the very first projects ­ in the field of CALS in Great Britain­.

CALS also found ­ rather wide circulation in Europe­. The European Industrial Group in the field of CALS is created, are created and national programs for CALS, and also separate projects for CALS, for example ­ such as PROSTEP, PISTEP are created­.

NATO pays considerable attention ­to the questions CALS. Department concerning CALS in ­ structure of NATO is created in 1994. Within this department the researches ­ covering are carried out­: technical standards, functional metamodels, network infrastructure, analysis ­ of profitability, principles of electronic ­ commerce, legal questions and contract right.

Introduction of CALS achieves of rates and in ­ the Pacific region. So, for example, the Industrial Forum on CALS in Japan was created in May, 1995. Within the Industrial Forum various projects in the field of CALS are carried out. Two of them are estimated ­ by especially high probability of their realization:

- the national N-CALS project (­ allocations of 35.3 million dollars in three years);

- the international MAT1C project (­ allocations of 17.7 million dollars in three years).

Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, China and Japan participate in the international MAT1C project.

Now in the world more than 25 national organizations coordinating questions of development of CALS technologies including in the USA, Canada, Japan, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Australia, and also within NATO work.

In Russia, though with some time lag from the advanced industrial countries, since the middle of the 90th years, ­ experts of various industries start paying the attention to CALS­. Interdepartmental Industrial ­ Council on the questions CALS at Minoboronprom of the Russian Federation is created­. Its main objectives are:

- development of the Russian ­ industrial infrastructure in support of effective communications and a mutual exchange between ­ the enterprises at realization of strategy of CALS;

- support of the coordinated works in the field of CALS on integration of the enterprises for increase of their efficiency and ­ productivity;

- elimination of possible barriers in the course of integration of CALS standards and technologies.

One of the lag reasons in the field of CALS - technologies is lack of the domestic regulatory base regulating the basic principles of electronic conducting works at design, production, delivery and service of a product. For the organization and implementation of works on standardization in the field of CALS technologies (according to the decision of board of the Ministry of Economics of Russia) within Gosstandart of Russia in 1999 the Technical Committee No. 431 "by CALS - technologies" is created. Within shopping mall No. 431 the subcommittee No. 2 "Data presentation and data exchange about products and processes", organized on the basis of Research Center CALS - the technologies "Applied Logistics" and uniting specialists of the leading domestic enterprises works. Works on preparation of normative documents are conducted according to "The program of standardization in the field of CALS technologies in 2000 - 2003", Russia approved by Gosstandart and number of the interested ministries and departments.

At the moment CALS is understood as global strategy of increase of efficiency of the business processes which are carried out during life cycle of a product due to information integration and continuity of information generated at all stages of life cycle. Implementers of this strategy are CALS technologies which cornerstone the set of the integrated information models is: the most life cycle and business processes which are carried out in its course, a product, the production and operational environment. Possibility of sharing of information is provided with application of computer networks and the standardization of formats of data providing correct interpretation of information.

3 Concept of CALS

3.1 Main definitions

In the conditions of continuous and considerable complication of technical projects, programs of development of new production and growth of knowledge intensity of products competitive will be enterprises which reached the perfection in a business management possessing the debugged processes of design, production, delivery and support of a product, focused on functioning in the conditions of the fast-changing economic situation and capable instantly to react to the arising new inquiries of the market.

Such objectives cannot be achieved by private, gradual changes of traditional methods of work and dot introduction of an automation equipment. The enterprises have to carry out cardinal reforming in the management sphere, relying on the hi-tech, positively proved strategy of the organization of modern business. Such strategy accepted now as the international standard is CALS.

CALS (Continuous Acquisition and Life Cycle Support) - continuous information support of life cycle of a product or product. It is strategy of increase of efficiency, productivity and profitability of processes of economic activity of the enterprises due to introduction of modern methods of information exchange of participants of ZhTs of a product.

Life cycle of a product as it is defined by the ISO 9004-1 standard, is a set of the processes which are carried out from the moment of identification of needs of society for certain production until satisfaction of these requirements and utilization of a product. The main stages of life cycle are shown further in drawings.

Process is the structured set of functions covering various essence and which is coming to the end with the global purpose (definition on ISO/CD 15531-1). By the definition given in the ISO 8402:1994 standard, process is a set of the interconnected resources and activity which will transform the entering elements to the leaving. Resources are the personnel, means of service, the equipment, technology, methodology.

ZhTs of a product is inherent a big variety of processes. The most known: production, design process, process of purchases. Each of these processes, in turn, consists of technological processes and organizational and business processes. Technological process is understood as part production (or other process), containing purposeful actions for change and (or) the subsequent definition of a condition of an object of the labor. Organizational and business processes are understood as the processes connected with interaction of people (divisions, the organizations).

For a general characteristic of these processes the concept "business process" is used.

Business process - the set of technological and organizational and business processes which is carried out purposefully within in advance set organizational structure.

Business processes can be different scale: the scale of the enterprise (employees of several divisions, for example, supplying the enterprise with materials and accessories), intra shop are involved in it, intra laboratory (for example, to make a detail). In one business process the part of the technological and organizational and business processes making it can be organized in the separate enclosed smaller business process. Separate technological and organizational and business processes can be displayed on operation (the finished parts of process which are carried out on one workplace - to write out the consignment note, to make the contract), which in turn share on transitions (the finished parts of operation which are carried out by the same means - to call, write down, mill).

Business processes also differ as activity:

- the main business processes (define the main activity of the enterprise: production, service, rendering services, etc.);

- auxiliary business processes (the processes connected with the solution of internal tasks of the enterprise for service of the main business processes);

- business management processes (planning of activity of the enterprise, organization of production, control);

- business processes of a network (interaction with suppliers and consumers).

The analysis of business processes allows to look in a new way at work of the enterprise, to specify duties of workers, to estimate efficiency of use of resources, to see the shortcomings hidden in organizational structure. From the moment of introduction of the term "business process" there was a concept "reengineering of business processes" (Business Process Reengineering, BPR) which means fundamental reconsideration and a redesign of business processes of the enterprise for the purpose of increase of efficiency of its work.

Generally ZhTs need to be considered as set of ZhTs of the final product and ZhTs of the components entering it, results of activity of subsuppliers.

Let's consider definition of CALS more in details.

In a literal translation the abbreviation of CALS means "a continuity of deliveries of production and support of its life cycle". The first part of definition - "a continuity of deliveries of production" demands and means optimization of processes of interaction of the customer and supplier during development, design and production of difficult production, life which term, taking into account various modernizations, makes ten years. For ensuring efficiency, and also reduction of expenses of means and time, process of interaction of the customer and supplier has to be really continuous. The second part of definition of CALS - "support of life cycle" - consists in optimization of processes of service, repair, supply with spare parts and modernization. As costs of support of a difficult knowledge-intensive product in operating state are often equal or exceed costs of its acquisition, basic reduction of "the possession cost" is provided with investments into creation of system of support of ZhTs.

The purpose of application of CALS technologies as tool of the organization and information support of all participants of creation, production and use of a product, increase of efficiency of their activity due to acceleration of processes of research and development of production, giving to a product of new properties, reductions of costs in processes of production and operation of production, increase of level of service in processes of its operation and maintenance is.

The subject CALS are technologies of information integration, that is sharing and exchange of information about a product (product), the Wednesday and processes which are carried out during life cycle of a product.

Basis of CALS is use of a complex of uniform information models, standardization of ways of access to information and its correct interpretation, safety of information, legal issues of sharing of information (including intellectual property), use at various stages ZhTs of the automated program systems (CAD/CAM/CAE, MRP/ERP, PDM, etc.) allowing to make and communicate in the CALS format.

Sometimes the term CALS, is identified with various ACS and computer technologies in general.

Information exchange of the subjects participating in support of ZhTs has to be carried out in the common information space (CIS). For destruction of communication barriers and implementation of the concept of CALS EIP need to create for all participants of ZhTs of a product (including for operators). EIP has to:

- to accumulate all information on a product;

- to be the only source of data on it (direct data exchange between participants of ZhTs is excluded);

- to be formed on the basis of the international, state and industry standards.

EIP is created by means of the hardware-software means which are already available for participants of ZhTs. In the conditions of a domestic production it is better for EIP to organize in two stages:

The I stage - automation of separate processes of ZhTs of a product and data presentation on them in electronic form;

The II stage - integration of the automated processes and the data relating to them.

EIP can be created for structures of different level: from separate division to the enterprise or corporation.

Use of open architecture, the international standards and the approved commercial products of data exchange is the cornerstone of the concept of EIP. Standardization is subject data presentation formats, methods of access to data and their correct interpretation. Standards are the main CALS construction unit. In more detail they will be considered further.

Information integration is based on use:

- the ZhTs information model of a product and the business processes which are carried out in its course;

- information model of a product;

- information production and operational environment.

The integrated classification of information models and their communication with stages of ZhTs of a product is given in tab. 1.

Table 1

Stages of life cycle of a product Information models
  Product model The ZhTs model of a product and the business processes which are carried out in its course Model of the production and operational environment
Marketing Marketing (the conceptual Model of process of marketing of a product Model of the marketing environment
Design and time - a rabotka of a product The design Model of processes of design and development Model of the design environment
Production or pre-bringing of services The technological Model of processes of production Model of the technological environment
Realization Marketing (prices, terms of sale and so forth) Model of processes of sales Model of the environment in which sales are carried out
Installation and commissioning, technical assistance and service, operation, utilization The operational Model of processes of operation Model of the operational environment

3.2 The tasks solved by means of CALS technologies

Modeling of life cycle of a product and the carried-out business processes. It is the first and very essential step to increase of the organizational effectiveness supporting one or several stages of ZhTs of a product - modeling and the analysis of its functioning.

The business analysis purpose - to reveal the existing interaction between components and to estimate its rationality and efficiency. For this purpose with use of CALS technologies the functional models containing the detailed description of the carried-out processes in their interrelation are developed. The format of the description is regulated by the IDEF and ISO 10303 AP208 CALS standards. The received functional model not only is the detailed description of the carried-out processes, but also allows to solve a number of the problems connected with optimization, an assessment and allocation of costs, an assessment of functional productivity, loading and balance of components, that is questions of the analysis and reengineering of business processes.

Methods of functional modeling, for example, with success can be used at creation of systems of ensuring quality of production (see further). In this case as functional model functions of system of ensuring quality of production, regulated by the ISO standards of a series 9000 can be described. The developed functional model allows to reveal the logical mistakes made at creation of system of ensuring quality to specify distribution of powers and responsibility, automatically to generate reporting documents on structure of system. The functional model of the quality system of production describes a network of processes of ensuring quality of production and their interfaces, the related duties, powers, procedures and resources, distribution of duties and powers of divisions and the personnel of the enterprise. When modeling the quality system information models are also used.

Design and production of a product. Joint, cooperative design and production of a product can be effective in case it is based on a basis of uniform information model of a product (electronic model of a product).

The design-technology information model developed on this phase is based on use of the ISO 10303 (STEP) standard. The model of a product created once is reused. Additions and changes are made to it, it serves as a starting point at modernization of a product. The product model according to this standard includes: geometrical data, information on a product configuration, data on changes, coordination and statements.

The standard way of submission of design-technology data allows to solve a problem of exchange of information between various divisions of the enterprise, and also the participants of cooperation equipped with diverse systems of design. Use of the international standards provides correct interpretation of the stored information, possibility of operational transfer of function of one contractor to another which, in turn, can use results of already done work. It is especially important for products with long ZhTs when it is necessary to provide continuity of information support of a product, irrespective of the developing market or political situation.

Operation of a product. It is known that volumes of the developed documentation for a difficult knowledge-intensive product are very great. Therefore traditional paper documenting of difficult products demands huge costs of support of archives, updating of documentation, and also reduces operational appeal and competitiveness of a product.

The solution consists in the translation of the operational documentation on a product delivered to the consumer in an electronic look. Thus the set of electronic operational documentation - the interactive electronic technical managements (IETM), electronic reference books, etc. should be considered as a component of the integrated information model of a product. Electronic documentation can be delivered on electronic media (for example, on compact disks) or to take place on the global Internet. Standardization guarantees applicability of such electronic documentation on any computer platforms.

Operational documentation may contain information of various types according to the CALS standards: ISO 10303 (STEP), ISO 8879 (SGML), ISO 10744 (HyTime) and MIL-PRF-28001C - for graphic, text and multimedia information, MIL-PRF-28000A, MIL-PRF-28002C, MIL-PRF-28003A - for vector and raster graphic illustrations.

It is important to note that the operational documentation created earlier without use of computer systems can be transformed to an electronic look. For the products which are already in operation the long period and designed by traditional methods, the problem of support of documentation is not less actual. It is possible to give experience of the projects which are carried out in the Navy and the U.S. Air Force on mass transfer of millions of pages of the managements and sheets of drawings to the standardized electronic look as an example. The received electronic documentation is placed in special storages on bases of the Navy and the Air Force or directly at producers and is available through computer networks. Thus modern technologies of scanning, recognition of the text, vectorization of drawings and schemes are used, electronic reference books on the whole products and separate systems are created.

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