Business-Industry-Education Days were designed to improve teachers' understanding of the American business system. Reprinted from Ameri­can Business, Sept. 1951

Business-Industry-Education Days were designed to improve teachers' understanding of the American business system. Reprinted from Ameri­can Business, Sept. 1951 -

The superintendent of the mechanical division conducts a group of teach­ers through the machine shop of the Wester Cartridge Company during the East Alton, Illinois, 1950 Education Day. Reprinted from American Business, Sept. 1950.

Business-Industry-Education Days were designed to improve teachers' understanding of the American business system. Reprinted from Ameri­can Business, Sept. 1951 -

This widely distributed NAM comic book advised students to be skepti­cal of union promises of "cradle to grave" security; courtesy of State His­torical Society of Wisconsin.

Business-Industry-Education Days were designed to improve teachers' understanding of the American business system. Reprinted from Ameri­can Business, Sept. 1951 -

Companies used employee magazines to urge workers to attend church. Vernon Alcoan, Apr.-May 1950; courtesy of the Archives of Labor and Ur­ban Affairs, Wayne State University.

Business-Industry-Education Days were designed to improve teachers' understanding of the American business system. Reprinted from Ameri­can Business, Sept. 1951 -

After World War II, conservative religious organizations charged the Fed­eral Council of Churches with advocating communism. Reprinted with permission of Laymen's Commission of the American Council of Chris­tian Churches; courtesy of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.

Business-Industry-Education Days were designed to improve teachers' understanding of the American business system. Reprinted from Ameri­can Business, Sept. 1951 -

Dr. William Holmes Borders speaking at a religion-labor luncheon in At­lanta, Georgia, about 1945. John Ramsey is seated at Borders's right. John Ramsay Papers; courtesy of the Southern Labor Archives, Georgia State University.

Business-Industry-Education Days were designed to improve teachers' understanding of the American business system. Reprinted from Ameri­can Business, Sept. 1951 -

Bringing labor and the religious community together was a central fo­cus of the CIO's community relations program in the 1950s. John Ram­say is at right. John Ramsay Papers; courtesy of the Southern Labor Ar­chives, Georgia State University.

Business-Industry-Education Days were designed to improve teachers' understanding of the American business system. Reprinted from Ameri­can Business, Sept. 1951 -

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