Saving a Document

Medical Informatics

Microsoft Word 2010

Toolkit for students

Orenburg in 2015

The main objectives of Word 2010

General information about the application Word

Microsoft Word 2010- a word processor, designed to create professional-looking documents. Combining a better means of text formatting, Word makes it easy to create documents and organize them. In addition, due to the powerful editing tools and changes, Word provides a convenient environment for working together.

Find and use a template

Word 2010 allows you to use both built-in and user-defined templates, as well as to search among the many templates available on the website of The website offers a wide range of templates popular Word, including basic resumes, resume certain positions, agendas, business cards, print and fax.

To find and apply the template in Word, follow these steps.

1. On the Filetab, click New

2. In the Available templates, do one of the following actions.

• To use one of the built-in templates, click Sample Templates, click the template you want, and then click Create.

• To re-use the template with which you have recently worked to select the last template, click the template you want, and then click Create.

• To use your own (created earlier) template, select My Templates, click the template you want, and then click OK.

• To find a template on the website of, Templates section, select the appropriate category of templates, click the template you want, and then click Download to download the template to your computer from the site

NOTE. Moreover, search templates to web site can be made of Word. In the Search dialog box templates on the website of enter one or more search terms, and then click the arrow to start the search.

Create a new document

1. Click the File tab, and then clickCreate

2. In the Available Templates, select New Document

3. Click Create.

Opening a document

1. Click the File tab, and then click Open

2. In the left pane of the Open dialog box, click the drive or folder containing the desired document.

3. In the right pane of the Open dialog box, open the folder with the desired document

4. Click the document, and then click Open

Saving a Document

To save in a format Word 2010 and Word 2007, follow these steps.

1. Open the File tab

2. Click the Save As button.

3. In the File Name box, type the name of the document.

4. Click Save.

To save a document in such a way as to be compatible with Word 2003 and earlier versions, follow these steps.

1. Open the document you want to use in Word 2003 or an earlier version.

2. Click the File tab

3. Click Save As.

4. In the Save as type list, click Document Word 97-2003. The file will be saved in the format DOC.

5. Enter the name of the document in the File Name field

6. Click Save.

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