Complete each sentence using only one word

1 Our neighbours apologised for making so much noise.

2 I feel lazy. I don´t feel like doing any work.

3 I wanted to go out alone but Joe insisted on coming with me.

4 I´m fed up with my job. I´m thinking of trying/getting/doing something else.

5 We have decided against buying a new car because we can´t really afford it.

6 I hope you write to me soon. I´m looking forward to hearing from you.

7 The weather was extremely bad and this prevented us from going out.

8 The man who has been arrested is suspected of having/holding/bearing/carrying a false passport.

9 I think you should apologise to Sue for being so rude to her.

10 ome parents don´t approve of their children watching/seeing a lot of television.

11 I´m sorry I can´t come to your party but thank you very much for inviting/asking me.

5 Put in a suitable verb in the correct form, infinitive or -ing form. Sometimes either form is possible.

1 It´s nice to be with other people but sometimes I enjoy being alone.

2 I´m not quite ready yet. Do you mind waiting a little longer?

3 When I was a child, I hated to go/going to bed early.

4 I don´t enjoy writing letters. I can never think what to write.

5 I need a new job. I can´t stand being/to be here any more.

6 I would love to come to your wedding but I am afraid it isn´t possible.

7 Would you like to sit down? - No, thanks. I´ll stand.

8 Have you got a moment? I´d like to talk to you about something.

6 Complete the sentences for each situation.

1 Shall we get married? - Yes, let´s. They decided to get married.

2 Please help me. - OK. She agreed to help him.

3 Can I carry your bag for you? - No, thanks. I can manage.

He offered to carry her bag for her/to carry the bag.

4 Let´s meet at 8 o´clock. - OK, fine. They arranged to meet at 8 o’clock.

5 What´s your name? - I´m not going to tell you. She refused to tell him her name.

7 Put the verb in the correct form, infinitive or -ing form.

1 When I´m tired I enjoy (watch) watching television. It´s relaxing.

2 It was a nice day. We decided (go) to go for a walk.

3 It´s a nice day. Does anyone fancy (go) going for a walk?

4 I´m not in a hurry. I don´t mind (wait) waiting.

5 They don´t have much money. They can´t afford (go) to go out very often.

6 I wish that dog would stop (bark) barking.It´s driving me mad.

7 Our neighbour threatened (call) to call the police if we didn´t stop the noise.

8 We were hungry, so I suggested (have) having dinner early.

9 Hurry up! I don´t want to risk (miss) missing the train.

10 I´m still looking for a job but I hope (find) to find something soon.

8 Complete each sentence with a suitable verb.

1 Don´t forget to post/to send the letter I gave you.

2 There was a lot of traffic but we managed to get to the airport in time.

3 Jill has decided not to buy a car.

4 We´ve got a new computer in our office. I haven´t learnt (how) to use it yet.

5 I wonder where Sue is. She promised not to be/ to arrive/to come late.

6 We were all afraid to speak. Nobody dared to say anything.


1 Insert a or an or 0.

1. He broke a leg in a skiing accident. It´s still in 0 plaster.

2. I want an assistant with a/0 knowledge of French and – experience of 0/an office routine.

3. I see that your house is built of 0 wood. Are you insured against 0 fire.

4. The escaping prisoner camped in a wood but he didn´t light a fire because 0 smoke rising from the wood might attract 0 attention.

5. I had an amazing experience last night. I saw a dinosaur eating a meat pie in a London park.

6. You mean you had a nightmare. Anyway, dinosaurs didn´t eat – meat.

7. I´ll pay you a hundred a week. It´s not an enormous salary but after all you are a completely unskilled man.

8. If you kept a graph you could see at a glance whether you were making a/0 profit or a/0 loss.

9. 0 little (hardly anything) is known about the effect of this drug, yet a chemist will sell it to you without a prescription.

10. I have a little money left, let´s have dinner in a restaurant.

11. Would it be a/0 trouble to you to buy me a newspaper on your way home?

12. 0 man is a reasoning animal.

2 Insert the or 0.

1. The youngest boy has just started going to – school, the eldest boy is at –college.

2. She lives on the top floor of an old house.When the wind blows, all the windows rattle.

3. –darkness doesn´t worry – cats, –cats can see in the dark.

4. My little boys say that they want to be–spacemen, but most of them will probably end up in –less dramatic jobs.

5. Do you know the time? - Yes, the clock in the hall just struck nine. - Then it is –time to go.

6. He was sent to –prison for –six months for – shop-lifting. When the six months are over he´ll be released, the difficulty then will be to find –work. - Do you go to the prison to visit him?

7. I went to the school to talk to the headmistress. I persuaded her to let Ann give up –gymnastics and take –ballet lessons instead. –ballet isn´t much use for –girls, it is much better to be able to play the piano.

8. I am on –night duty. When you go to –bed, I go to –work.

9. Peter´s at the office but you could get him on the phone. There´s a telephone box just round the corner.

3 A biometric is, as its name suggests, a measurement of a biological characteristic. Fingerprints are the best-known example, but others include hand geometry, iris scanning and facial recognition. Biometric systems are employed for _0__ two main purposes. The first is identification, in which a subject's identity is determined by comparing a measured biometric against a database of stored records. The second is verification, which compares a measured biometric with one known to come from a particular person. All biometrics can be used for verification, but only those that are unique to an individual - notably fingerprints, iris scanning and facial recognition - can be used for identification. As a result, different biometrics are used for different kinds of security check.

Iris scanning is used in __0_ dozens of jails in America to identify prisoners, staff and visitors, ensuring that the right people are let in and out. Iris scanners have also been tested by banks in a number of countries to identify _0__ users of cash machines. Since the iris scan identifies each customer, there is no need to insert a bank card or remember apersonal identification number.

Facial recognition, on the other hand, is unique among biometrics in that it can be used passively _0__ in other words, an image of a face can be compared with a database of suspects without the subject's knowledge. Such systems, connected to a network of closed-circuit television cameras, are already used to spot _0__ criminals and football hooligans in Britain. The same technology has been installed at Keflavik airport in Iceland. As well as passively scanning _0__ airports for known suspects, everybody should be required to have a close-up facial scan as they check in, just as your credit is checked when you buy something with a credit card.

4 Insert a, an, the or 0. Fat fingered typing costs a trader’s bosses £128m

By fat finger syndrome we mean accidentally pressing (1) the wrong button when entering details on (2) a computer keyboard. But (3) the consequences of fat finger syndrome in (4) _0__ financial contexts can be rather serious. In December 2005, fat finger syndrome was responsible for one of (5) the most spectacular financial errors in history, when (6) a share dealer on (7) the Tokyo stock exchange pressed the wrong button on his computer and landed his firm with (8) a bill for £128,000,000. (9) The Japanese trader meant to sell one share in (10) a recruitment company for 600,000 yen - about £3000. But (11) a typing error meant he sold 600,000 shares at a price of one yen, or around half (12) a penny! (13) The significance of fat finger syndrome is not just restricted to (14) _0__ financial transactions. In December 2005, it was alleged that (15) _0__ London’s victory in hosting (16) the 2012 Olympics was partly attributable to (17) a member of (18) the International Olympic Committee pressing the wrong button during (19) a/the crucial third-round vote.

5 After you studied the theory of Articles, do a self-check test here:

the United Kingdom, the High Tatras, the Matterhorn, Oxford Street, Gatwick Airport, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Great Britain, the Atlantic, the Vltava, the River Thames, Niagara Falls,

the North, the Bahamas, the Krkonoše, the Sněžka, Mt Everest,the Alps, the Sahara, the University of London, the Prime Minister, Elizabeth II., the President,the Hilton, Ben Nevis, Loch Ness, Europe, Cambridge University, Tyl Theatre, St Martin’s Church, page 45, Appendix A

1) He likes biology.

2) English is a Germanic language.

3) Lunch is served from twelve to two.

4) I liked the dinner she cooked.

5) She cooked avery delicious lunch.

6) He died of cancer.

7) Can you play darts?

8) They were jumping on the bed.

9) I want to go home by train.

10) He went to the church only for the X-mas.

11) I went to the hospital to see my friend there.

12) The more friends you have, the more debts they can pay for you.

13) I’ve bought the same T-shirt as Jára.

14) A car must be insured.

15) Is a spider an insect?

16) Acomputer is a device that allows you….

17) He is a tour operator.

18) The artist Van Gogh cut off his ear.

19) He has a Picasso in his garage!

20) There is a Mrs Wilkins to see you.

21) Come on and have a rest.

22) Julie earns 500 US dollars a week.

23) Here isa cup and saucer.

24) What a day it’s been! !

25) I buy magazines about computers.

26) Time is money.

27) Life is hard.

28) Would you like a cup of tea?

29) She hates dishonesty.

30) I liked the tea served.

Subject – Verb Agreement – Key

1 Put is or are into each space.

1 My hair is much too long for summer.

2 Where are my new yellow trousers?

3 What is the news from Florence?

4 The wages here are very high.

5 That advice is very useful; thanks very much.

6 He says that maths is his favourite subject.

7 My new shorts are much too tight; I must have put on weight.

8 The money you wanted is on the table by the front door.

9 My clothes are all still in the washing machine!

10 Where are the scissors I lent you last week?

11 The luggage is out in the hall waiting to be brought in.

12 The information he gives us is always useful.

13 All my life savings are hidden in my mattress.

14 The goods you ordered are still in the warehouse.

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