More bold automotive ides intelligent wheels

Задание по Деловому английскому языку № 1

Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в требуемых видовременных и залоговых формах.

Public transport (1) __________(to be) a shared passenger transportation service which is available for use by the general public.

Public transport modes (2) __________ (to include) buses, trolleybuses, trams and trains, rapid transit and ferries. Public transport between cities (3) __________ (to dominate) by airlines, coaches, and intercity rail. High-speed rail networks (4) __________ (to develop) in many parts of the world now.

Most public transport (5) __________ (to run) to a scheduled timetable with the most frequent services running to a headway.

Urban public transport may (6) __________ (to provide) by one or more private transport operators or by a transit authority. Public transport services usually (7) __________ (to fund) by government subsidies and fares charged to each passenger.

For historical and economic reasons, there (8) __________ (to be) differences internationally regarding use and extent of public transport. While countries in Old World (9) __________ (to tend) to have extensive and frequent systems serving their old and dense cities, many cities of the New World (10) __________ (to have) more sprawl and much less comprehensive public transport.

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More bold automotive ides intelligent wheels

Sophisticated electronics are playing a big role in current automotive research. One of the latest applications is the “intelligent” wheel computerized systems that continually monitor the air pressure of automobile tires and alert drivers if their tires are over- or underinflated. Neotech Industries of Dallas is developing a digital electronic monitoring system. Another firm, techni Guidance Inc. of Santa Clara, Calif., has devised a product that not only monitors air pressure in tires but adjusts it automatically.

The system, called entireControl, also enables a driver to set tire pressure while seated. Techni Guidance claims entireControl, which is still being tested, will enhance the safety and fuel efficiency of a car. EntireControl consists of three separate modules. The first is the dashboard display, which houses the system’s main microprocessor, programming buttons and warning signals. It contains a tire-pressure display, which provides psi (pounds per square inch) readings for the front and back tires (in pairs); tire-positions indicators that light up when a tire is losing pressure; selectors that establish optimum tire pressure for city and highway driving; and buttons for setting specific tire pressure (within pre-programmed limits).

The second component is the detector/drive module – which is essentially four microchips attached, in one unit, to the chassis. Each chip “faces” a tire and detects pressure changes that may occur. When they do, transistors within the module signal the third component – a programmable actuator transducer (PAT), which is attached to each wheel and inflates or deflates the tire. It includes half-inch-thick tubes containing compressed carbon dioxide that surround the inside of the wheel and connect to a mixing valve. If there is a hole in the tire and it cannot be inflated, the system will alert the driver.

Moscow News

News Week; (New York, N.Y.)

3. Изучите структуру сопроводительного письма о приеме на работу (Letter of Application) и составьте собственное письмо, следуя приведенному примеру.

Сопроводительное письмо к резюме (Letter of Application) – важный документ, который необходим при трудоустройстве в зарубежную компанию или отечественную фирму с определенными требованиями к соискателям. К составлению сопроводительного письма необходимо отнестись со всей ответственностью.

Сопроводительное письмо к резюме оформляется по общепринятым критериям. В частности:

· На отдельном бланке при отправлении в распечатанном виде.

· В теле электронного письма в формате MS Word.

· С реквизитами, заголовком, датой, а также наименованием и адресом получателя, оформленными в соответствии с правилами по написанию деловых писем.

Сопроводительное письмо на отклик на вакансию или же к резюме обязательно должно «зацепить» работодателя. В нем, как правило, отражается то, что именно вы – наилучший кандидат на вакантное место, соответствующий всем заявленным критериям компании.

Santos Deliva, 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)-456 7890.   Date: June 1st, 2008   Mr. Ronaldo, Personel Manager, ABC Travel 12345, Park Avenue South, New York, USA 12345     Dear Mr. Ronaldo,   I’m responding to your advertisement in for a bus driver. I consider that my credentials and interests match with your requirements and want to apply for the same position.   I have a calm and stable nature, an interest in people, and I am friends with two bus drivers on the west side. Jerry Jones and Ann Lorenz both suggested I apply for this position. They know me as someone who is reliable and comfortable with driving and with people – even in stressful situations. Inevitably, a well-trained and professional Bus Driver is highly needed to the growth and integrity of any Travel agent. I believe I am the one who has the skill set and the experience you’re looking for.   If you’d like to meet for a brief interview, please call me at 123-3456-7890 for an appointment that suits your schedule. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you ahead of time for reading my letter and resume and considering me among the other Bus Drivers you interview.   Sincerely Yours, Santos Deliva

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