The language of advertising

Here are some methods used in persuasive advertising. Read them quickly. Decide which appeal to you and which don't.

Now think of an example for each type from your country.

Persuasive advertising

1 Repetition The simplest kind of advertising. A slogan is repeated so often that we begin to associate a brand name with a particular product or service.

2 Endorsement A popular personality is used in the advertisement.

3 Emotional appeal Advertising

often appeals to basics such as mother-love, sex, manliness, femininity.

4 Scientific authority Sometimes the advert shows a person in a white coat (i.e. a scientist) telling us about the product. More often it mentions 'miracle ingredients' or 'scientific testing' to persuade us.

5 'Keeping up with the Jones's' An appeal to pure snob value. You want to appear to be richer or more successful than your neighbours.

6 Comparison The advert lists the qualities of a product in direct comparison with rival products.

7 An appeal to fear or anxiety This type is similar to 3, but works on our fears.

8 Association of ideas This is usually

visual. Until it became illegal in Britain, cigarette advertising showed attractive, healthy people smoking in beautiful rural situations.

9 Information If a product is new, it may be enough to show it and explain what it does.

10 Special offers/free gifts This is a

very simple and direct appeal — it's half price!

11 Anti-advertising This is a modern

version which appeals to the British sense of humour. It makes fun of the techniques of advertising.


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You can use Merciacard to pay for just about anything you want, almost anywhere you want. In fact it's accepted at more than 7 million places around the world. Your monthly statement will allow you to check up on your purchases before you make any repayments, and then it's up to you how to pay. You can take advantage of our interest free credit facility, which gives you up to 8 weeks to repay. Or, if you'd like to spread the cost of your purchases, say in a particularly expensive month, interest will be charged at a very competitive rate, provided you pay at least 5% of what you owe. And for times when you need cash, you can withdraw up to £500 from Mercia or Visa cash dispensers around the world, around the clock.

Mercia Cheques

Mercia Eurocheques and card are a convenient way of paying for goods and services abroad, in much the same way as paying by cheque in the UK. You can also use Mercia Eurocheque or card to obtain cash abroad. Mercia Eurocheques can be used to pay bills in local currency in over 5 million shops, hotels and other outlets in over 70 countries, including the UK. Mercia1 Eurocheque Card


The IT revolution

Broadband internet

One of the key issues in information technology (IT) is, of course, the future of the Internet.

The Internet may not have 'changed everything' in the economy, as some predicted a few years ago, but it is still growing fast. On landlines - fixed telephone lines - high-speed broadband access is making it faster and easier to use the Internet and to download files with text, pictures, video, etc.

Faster connections also allow better use of some applications such as video-conferencing, where people in two or more locations can see and talk to each other.

Note: Broadband is also known as DSL (direct subscriber link) in the USA.

Mobile Internet

The next step is accessing the Internet via mobile devices such as mobile phones and PDAs (personal digital assistants, also referred to as handhelds).

High-speed access is already available on wireless LAN (local area network) systems, also known as wi-fi. To access the Internet in this way, you have to be in a particular hotspot: a place such as a cafe or airport terminal, which is equipped with the network. High speeds are promised for 3G or third generation systems offered by mobile phone companies, who paid very high prices for the licences to operate them. They were expecting high

demand by mobile phone users for a wide range of information and entertainment services, for example

replays of football highlights. Time will tell if these prices were justified.

Moore's Law

Another factor in these developments is Moore's Law, the principle that the computing power of a particular size of computer chip, the basic component of computers, will roughly double every 18 months. This law can also be used to talk about cost - the cost of a particular unit of computing power will continue to halve every 18 months for the foreseeable future. The law is named after Gordon Moore, co-founder of the chip company Intel, who made the prediction in 1965.

Internet security

Attack and defence

Melissa Vorster is a consultant on Internet security:

'I work with companies to try to prevent hackers from penetrating their computer systems in order to steal or destroy the information on them. Hackers are people who may write programs designed to overload an organization's system with requests for information so that users cannot access it. We call this a denial of service attack, and it causes huge inconvenience for customers and lost business for companies. Another problem is viruses. A virus is a small program designed to make computers misfunction, despite the firewalls and anti-virus programs that we installas the technical defences against them.'


'Some companies that I work with sell goods and services over the Internet and need to reassure their customers that their credit card details are safe and will not be stolen by hackers. Credit card details and other confidential information to be transmitted is encrypted, or coded, so that it cannot be read by others. Companies that sell on the Internet will display the level of encryption that users of their site benefit from. This is a defence against one form of cybercrime - criminal activity on the Internet.'

Privacy and confidentiality

'When someone uses the Internet, they leave an electronic trail, a record of the sites they visit, and if they buy something, their personal details. This raises issues of privacyand confidentiality. Who should have the right to access and analyze this information ?

This is all part of the debate about the powers of surveillance (the powers to watch and examine the activities of private individuals) that law enforcement agencies, such as the police, should have. Critics call this snooping, and there are big issues of human rights law and civil liberties at stake because these are freedoms that ordinary people should be able to enjoy.'

what is overbooking?

Sometimes passengers whose tickets have been.......................(1) and bookings confirmed fail to turn up for check-in without notifying the.......................(2) in advance and without cancelling their booking in time.

Obviously this has negative repercussions both in economic and operative terms. On the basis of tried and tested statistical models, airlines cope with such cases by accepting more.......................(3) than the actual

number of seats available on the flight. This is a step that normally involves no adverse effects for ....................... (4) by allowing the airline to optimise its payloads and avoid an increase in costs.

It can however happen that all the passengers booked on a flight turn up for check-in creating a problem of seats ........................(5). In order to minimize the adverse effects arising from a case of overbooking, airlines provide for the payment of an indemnity as.......................(6) to passengers or, as an alternative, pay a larger sum to those who voluntarily agree to forgo departure. In both cases the airline is required to offer passengers alternative arrangements on the next available flight, including those of other airlines, offering also the maximum priority on....................(7). Moreover the airline undertakes to cover the......................(8) incurred by customers such as meals, telephone calls and general assistance. Some airlines offer passengers willing to forgo the flight a ....................... (9) to purchase a ticket whose value is usually established on the basis of the delay.

1. published issued made

2. airline aircraft airport

3. reserves bookings books

4. personneJ travel agents passengers

5. configuration possibility availability

6. compensation charge income

7. standing lists waiting lists mailing lists

8. prices tariffs expenses

Are you fond of traveling, do you travel a lot, what kind of traveling do you prefer, have you ever dreamt of visiting remote place of the earth.

For me it is difficult to imagine the person who doesn’t like traveling I am sure that everyone does. But the truth is that traveling is quite expensive today mostly due to the price of airfare of train tickers. Krasnoyarask is located far from most cities that are favorite tourist destinations, it take us four hours to get to Moscow and three hours to get from Moscow to Europe, there are relatively few charter flights and their destinations are mostly limited to the resorts of Turkey and Taiwan. The trip from Krasnoyarsk to China by train is relatively cheap, the travel fare to the Black Sea is almost equal to the cost of packager tour itself, thought resorts of Krasnodar and Sochi are located in Russia. So in Krqasnoyarsk we are at disadvantage compared with people living in cities located in European part of Russia.

But all in all, I know that Russian people like traveling and save up money to spend a vacation in some new place in Russia or abroad. Why people like travelling? There are many reasons?

The first one quite practical is that it is a chance to get away from everyday routine, and make your life more exciting by discovering something new.

Moreover, the change of place and activity also aloows us to learn more about ourselves our spirit our character it no onle that we learn new things and new cultures? The truth is that we enrich ourselves with new experience that add some new dimensions to our personality.

Many people enjoy sightseeing because the visit to some historical places for example medieval castles allows them to make a sort of traveling to the past, even without a time machine. With some imagination you may feel as if past ages have come to life and you can feel their spirit of adventure, the magic of old ballads and tales carries you away and makes your forget about modern world, where is too much haste to enjoy life thoroughly.

Another type of sightseeing is going to museums and exhibitions f you travel to Eropean countries you get the change of seeing the masterpieces of famous artists, both canvases and sculptures make unforgettable impression on people, the experience of seeing the real picture within the reach of your hand can’t be compare to seeing reproductions of famous paintings because they still preserve the unique atmosphere created by artists, some kind of magic chemistry that evokes strong emotions and feelings.

There is also the type of tourism related to visiting places related in some way to the life and work of modern celebrities, for example the estate of Joan Rollings is attracting tourists who adore her books about Harry Porter, furthermore there are special entertainment centers or theme parks related to some famous films or books, for example very soon the special theme park related to Harry Porter series will be open? There you can walk the streets of a magic town, pop into the shops where magic lotions and crystal balls are sold.

Parets tale there children to Disney parks and other local parks where there are a lot of charater from catoons and films from Mickey Mouse to the pirates of Caribbean Sea. This is the chance for adults to enjoy a second childhoods? Have fun at famous attractions such as americla roller coasters or horror chambers, share the experience of advature with there kids.

Another reason for travelling is to get to the place with a good climate and exotic nature. For example Siberians dream of spending some time sunbathing on a golden beach? Swimming in the sea or lake, getting suntanned in some joyful resort.

Some people consider that doing shopping is a good reason fro traveling? For example in the autumn most European shops have sales and unlike Russian shops the offer really good discount for all famous brand some you can get a good value for your money by making real good bargains.

Some people appreciate an opportunity to try local dishes and discover national cuisine of a country. The industry of catering in Russia develops and at a fast rate nad Russian cuisines is also very good, still European restaurants have very good reputation and a change of visiting them is also a reason to travel. Many people suppose that the interior of restaurants is usually more elaborate, they are decorated in a good style, the quality of dishes is very good and waters are usually helpful. Women who like cooking can discover some new recipes and ingredients that make dishes better, there is usually good live music, some times classical one , but more often jazz. Many restaurants have open air cafes and if they are located ina good place your can also enjoy a good view.

Most famous wine producers and breweries offer tasting sessions for tourists, where you can both visit production facilities and try different types of wine or beer, this is also very helpful because when you come back home it allows you to choose a good bottle of wine of a good sort of beer from a famous brewery.

Others would say that the most interesting phenomenon in the world is people themselves their cultures customers traditions and characters. Some national features have become stereotyped and it is interesting to find out what is the real state of things, observe the energetic and joyful Italians, reserved and ironic Englishmen, spend some time bargaining at oriental market, or plunge in the colorful life of some Indian city where you can see a lot of brightly dressed people from different communities.

The nature itself is a good reason for traveling the abundant of plants and animals fascinated the visitors of tropic countries, high mountains with snow covered tops and green valleys with crystal clear lakes can make us feel the energy of life and it mystery.

A lot of people choose to travel because they enjoy mountain climbing of mounting skiing and a lot of European resort have very good facilities and well trained instructors that can help you to do some sports in a safe way. This also includes some extreme thing like paragliding, parachute jumping that gives you’re an injection of adrenaline and make you feel newly born.

There are different means of traveling of course traveling by train is the cheapest one but it takes a lot of time in order to get to Moscow? you’ll have to spend more than three days in the train and if you want to go to the Back Sea - more than four days, that’s a great deal of time, and as you know some fellow-travelers are very unpleasant either too talkative or drunk most time the trip takes.

So I prefer to travel by plane if you book tickets in advance you'll get a discount, the longer the period is the greater discount, so my relatives and I usually use this condition in order to save on our travel expenses, of course traveling by plane saves a lot of time too. I know that certain people have the fear of flying, but my family and I usually choose well established carriers, so we do not worry about safety of the trip. Of course things happen, but you know that life is a risky business. Some of my friends feel airsick and feel really awful when the plane takes off and lands. So they feel relief only when the plane touches down the runway and taxis toward the exit, as for me I don’t feel airsick and I like to observe distant ground surface, high altitude makes things look different, so the woods look like green ocean and rivers look like blew ribbons and it is inspiring sometimes to be physically above the clouds.

I have to admit that when there’re the moments when planes gets into the turbulence and in the middle of the flight the sign “fasten your seat belts” lights up, I feel a little uneasy, all this films about plane crashes come to mind and you know that there are many films of that type, but when the turbulence is overcome I feel the injection of adrenaline and I feel more alive than ever before, so I prefer going by pane.

I’ve been in Germany two times, of cause many people go abroad to do sightseeing or to enjoy good weather and nature at resorts. For me a good traveling is also an opportunity to understand customs and traditions of the country, to decide what do you like and do not like in its practices and social relations of people. There was a song some years ago with the line “I want know how common people live what common people do” – and this reflects my attitude to traveling, you should try to communicate with locals, spend some time with the foreign family or try to make friends, because this is sort of experience that the tourist running from one famous historical place to another can not get.

In fact the biggest disadvantage of many tours is that people actually have to visit too many places and get too many impressions, so there are too many sights and too little time. So when they watch the photos they made during the trip it s difficult for them to believe that they have actually been there . So in most cases the schedule of tours is quite demanding. I must say I was lucky because I visited my friends and I had a time to relax and get involved in the simple everyday life of people who live in Germany.

I think it will be interesting to visit some remote place like a beautiful island in Pacific ocean, but I don’t want this place to be located in thousands kilometers from civilization, so there should be enough food supplies, a good tent or may be bungalow, and there should be an opportunity to go to some bigger civilized island if there is a need for medical help or any thing else. For me a remote place is associated with the beautiful nature, good warm weather, peaceful atmosphere and relatively few people around me. But you know, it takes a lot of money to go to such a place.

Some people like the idea of adventure holidays, when they have to go through the jungle or climb mountains or go down a river in a small boat, but I don’t like dangerous experiences, I want either entertainment in a famous retort or peaceful relaxation in some remote place.

Are you fond of traveling, do you travel a lot, what kind of traveling do you prefer, have you ever dreamt of visiting remote place of the earth.

For me it is difficult to imagine the person who doesn’t like traveling I am sure that everyone does. But the truth is that traveling is quite expensive today mostly due to the price of airfare of train tickers. Krasnoyarask is located far from most cities that are favorite tourist destinations it take us four hours to get to Moscow and three hours to get from Moscow to Europe, there are relatively few charter flights and their destinations are mostly limited to the resorts of Turkey and Taiwan. The trip from Krasnoyarsk to China by train is relatively cheap, the travel fare to the Black Sea almost cots a fortune thought resorts of Krasnodar and Sochi are located in Russia. So in Krqasnoyarsk we are at disadvantage compared with people living in cities located in European part of Russia.

But all in all I know that Russian people like traveling and save up money to spend a vacation in some new place in Russia or abroad. There are different means of traveling of course traveling by train is the cheapest one but it takes a lot of time in order to get to Moscow you’ll have to spend more than three days in the train and if you want to go to the Back Sea more than four days, that’s a great deal of time, and as you know some fellow-travelers are very unpleasant either too talkative or drunk most time the trip takes.

So I prefer to travel by plane if you book tickets in advance you'll get a discount, the longer the period is the greater discount, so my relatives and I usually use this condition in order to save on our travel expenses, of course traveling by plane saves a lot of time too. I know that certain people have the fear of flying, but my family and I usually choose well established carriers so we do not worry about safety of the trip. Of course things happen, but you know that life is a risky business. Some of my friends feel airsick and feel really awful when the plane takes off and lands. So they feel relief only when the plane touches down the runway and taxis toward the exit, as for me I don’t feel airsick and I like to observe distant ground surface, high altitude makes things look different, so the woods look like green suede and rivers look like blew ribbons and it is inspiring sometimes to be physically above the clouds. I have to admit that when there’re the moments when planes gets into the turbulence and in the middle of the flight the sign fasten your seat belts lights up, I feel a little uneasy, all this films about plane crashes come to mind and you know that there are may films of that type, but when the turbulence is overcome I feel that injection of adrenaline and I feel more alive than ever before so I prefer going by pane.

I’ve been in Germany two times, of cause many people go abroad to do sightseeing or to enjoy good weather and nature at resorts. For me a good traveling is also an opportunity to understand customs and traditions of the country, to decide what do you like and do not like in its practices and social relations of people. There was a song some years ago with the line “I want know how common people live what common people do” – and this reflects my attitude to traveling, you should try to communicate with locals, spend some time with the foreign family or try to make friends, because this is sort of experience that the tourist running from one famous historical place to another can not get. In fact the biggest disadvantage of many tours is that people actually have to visit too many places and get too many impressions, so there are too many sights and too little time. So when they watch the photos they made during the trip it s difficult for them to believe that they have actually been there . So in most cases the schedule of tours is quite demanding. I must say I was lucky because I visited my friends and I had a time to relax and get involved in the simple everyday life of people who live in Germany.

I think it will be interesting to visit some remote place like a beautiful island in Pacific ocean, bit I don’t want this place to be located in thousands kilometers from civilization, so there should be enough food supplies a good tent or may be bungalow, and there should be an opportunity to go to some bigger civilized island in there is a need for medical help or any thing else. For me a remote place is associated with the beautiful nature, good warm weather, peaceful atmosphere and relatively few people around me SO you know it tales a lot of money to go to such a place.

Some people like the idea of adventure holidays, when they have to go through the jungle or clime mountains or go down a river in a small boat, bit I don’t like dangerous experiences, I want either entertainment in a famous retort or peaceful relaxation in some remote place.

As for me I know most famous pictures of Russian artists such as surikov, kustodiev Shishkin and so on. And some paintings of foreign artists such as Da Vinci, Raphael, and others. But I must confess that I like modern form of art, the one where artist use different computer applications to make an image more impressive. There are technologies that allow to compile a picture when the photos of people or landscapes are used as well as certain painted backgrounds for example Valedgio is famous for this type of panting, I like his picture signs of Zodiac and many others, And don’t like surreal painting,

pictures that don’t contain any specific images of people or objects, it is difficult for me to consider the blurred strokes of paint as a work of art. Sometimes painting technique is good but the picture produces impression of crazy things painted by crazy person.

To me going to museums is related to sightseeing so I don’t go to museums in krasniyarsk but I have been to a number of museums in Moscow and Germany. It is a wonderful opportunity to see real pictures of famous artist and of course the feelings they evoke are mush stronger that the ones that you get looking at reproduction, for examples the pictures of Aivazovosly occupy the whole wall and everyone can admire this unbelievable portrayal of sea both magic and realistic. In Germany I’ve seen some sculptures of Roden, they are from white marble and there is an amazing harmony in people’s figures and their features. His sculptures are very realistic, and it is difficult to believe that such beautiful images may be made of stone, many people know his famous sculpture "Eternal Spring" .It is also interesting to go to museums when they host exhibitions of paintings of famous artists, but unfortunately krasnoyarsk museums are not rich enough to organize these exhibitions in our City.

Space travel.

Well this is a very unusual type of travelling. By now if I am not mistaken there have been only two or three space travelers, one of them is the owner of a French Circus. If to be more precise, it seems to me that some American businessmen went to space to times and then there was the trip of this Circus owner. Well, what am I to say about space travel, the first thing, I wish I had so much money as they have , because one trip costs about 30 million dollars.

Was this money well spend, I strongly doubt that. Well, surely, going to space is a very unusual and unique experience, but still I can’t say that is a comfortable and easy trip that offers pure joy. All space travelers took long training sessions because acceleration during the launch of a rocket with its multiple increase of pressure and the state of weightlessness are both harmful for health, or to put it in other words, you should be really physically fit not to be affected by such demanding conditions of a journey. Certainly seeing the earth from an orbit is a fascinating experience as well as seeing large bright stars. But I must say that the video of these images is already available to all people due to the work of our space pilots or cosmonauts. Another reason against going is that there is an increased radiation on the space ship because it is not protected by earth’s atmosphere.

So right now I suppose that a commercial space flight is quite dangerous adventure, I suppose that until the technology of special commercial flights is invented, only few people would agree to spend money on it. Some American company offers a future space flight for 200 000 dollars and it only promises a 10 minutes experience of weightlessness and then the plane goes back into the earth’s atmosphere. Well I think that it is not a very attractive offer, though I know that all tickets for the first flight have already been booked.

In my opinion you can travel around the world for these money, saty at the best five star hotels and go to the best restaurants and book individual routes to some exotic places, and this is a much brighter experience I suppose.

Still I hope that with development of technology we will be able to carry out manned flights to other planets of the solar system, and going to the Moon or to Mars is a really exciting experience, I must admit that such offer would be really attractive to me. The only question is how to make a lot of money so that I could afford such space tour in future.

) alarmed. aging.
are aging aging.
aging. the moped coach remains.
remedns Travel agency

Arrived at pier directed her to

Deiced it was worth it

see smn off

Stood among the passengers

slide out of sight

Cousin’s called differed marching took stood pointed me

1 B2B e-commerce can cut firms' costs because

2 The company operates four e-commerce sites,

3 There was a huge temptation for me to follow the dotcom frenzy

4 Management theorists agreed that old-fashioned command-and-control management styles would not work

5 There has been a trend for investors to shift funds out of the technology, media and telecoms sectors

6 As the early web firms were addressing the business-to-consumer market,

A the low prices they promised consumers meant that the scale of their business had to be enormous.

b but I felt more comfortable investing in a fund whose core holdings are large multinationals.

c it reduces procurement costs, both by making it easier to find the cheapest supplier and through efficiency gains.

d selling books, CDs, DVDs and computer games.

e in the new economy, where creativity and innovation are everything. f back into old economy companies such as oil

and car producers.

Loan ссуда

Change сдача

Mortgage ипотечный кредит

Currency валюта

Notes банкноты

Cash наличные

Cash point банкомат

Coins монеты

Cheque чек

Debt долг

Pay off выплачивать

Repay выплачивать

  1. repayment выплата

Borrow занимать (брать)

15. lend занимать (даватьGrocery’s продуктовый магазин

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