Write an e-mail to your pen friend Allan, who lives in England inviting him to visit Egypt for a week

†Tell him about yourself and your family.

†Invite him to come to visit Egypt during the summer holidays.

†Tell him about the places he'll visit.

†Finish the e-mail.

† Allan's e-mail address is : [email protected].

†Your mane is Mustafa and your e-mail address is: [email protected].

Model Answer

To : [email protected].

From : [email protected].

About : Invitation.

Dear Allan

Greetings from Egypt. I'm writing to you to tell you about myself and my family. I have just finished my exams and I'm waiting for the results. I have had the summer holiday. Would you like to come to Egypt during the summer holiday? You will enjoy our beaches and monuments. Tell if would come. Best wishes.



السؤال التاسع

سؤال القصة المقررة ب 6 درجات ركز وأنت بتجاوب وعبر بأسلوبك مش شرط الحفظ

[A]- Answer the following questions:

1- What name did the professor give to the discovered sea?

† The Lidenbrock Sea.

2- What did Hans make to help them explore the sea?

† A raft.

3- What animals did they see on the sea shore?

† The mammoths.

4- Which character do you like best in the story? Why?

†Hans as he was brave, calm and sensible. He knows the way to Sneffles.

5- What was strange about the people that the group saw?

† They were very big and more than three metres tall.

6- Why did Arne Saknussemm, carve his initials A.S. on a stone at the entrance of the tunnel?

† To guide travellers on their way to the journey to the centre of the earth.

7- How did Axel blow the rock up?

† By using gunpowder.

8- What did the group lose while going down on water at a great speed?

† Everything they owned. The only thing left is biscuits and a piece of meat.

9- How did Hans and Axel make a huge hole in the rock?

†By Hans's pickaxe.

10- What happened after the explosion?

† A huge hole opened in the rock and the became one big wave.

11- Why did the P.L think they were in the middle of an active volcano?

† Because the compass was going crazy in all directions.

12- Where did the volcano throw the three men?

† The volcano threw them in Stromboli in the south coast of Italy.

13- What noise did Axel hear when he woke up?

† Waves crashing on the shore of a sea.

14- How was the noise that awakened Axel?

† It was like thunder.

15- Why did P.L ask Axel to call again? How far was him?

† To know the distance between them. 6 k.m.

16- Why did Axel faint on his way to meet his uncle and Hans?

† Because the path was steep so his head hit a sharp rock and fainted.

17- What did the professor call the sea? Where was it?

† Lidenbrock Sea. It was under the ground.

18- What did the team see and find a long the sea shore?

† Mushrooms, taller trees and bones of extinct animals.

19- How were the plants under the ground different?

† Taller and bigger.

20- Who mad the raft? How? Why?

† Hans. Cut down some trees and tied them together. To cross the sea.

21- How did Hans try fishing? What did he catch?

† He tied a hook with some meat into a rope. A strange fish.

22- How did P.L. try to find out the depth of the sea?

† He tied a pickaxe onto a long rope but it didn’t reach the bottom.

23- What name did the professor give to the island?

† Axel Island.

24- Why did the team leave the island quickly?

† Because it was very hot and trembled under their feet.

25- How was the storm useful to the team?

† It helped them to reach the other shore.

26- What did the team see on the other shore?

† Mammoths, strange forest and a shepherd.

27- What proves that men used to live in that sea shore?

† They found a skull of a human and saw a giant man.

28- Who recognized the mammoths? How?

† Axel. He had seen pictures of them in his science books.

29- What was strange about the knife they found? Why?

† It was rough. Someone used it to write on a rock.

30- Where did they find the letters “A.S” ? what did they mean?

† On a rock near a tunnel. Arne Saknussemm.

31- Why did Saknussemm carve his name on the rock?

† To guide other scientists.

32- How did Axel and Hans try to break the rock at first?

† By pickaxes but it was too hard and huge.

33- How did Axel and Hans break the rock that blocked their way?

† By gunpowder.

34- Why wasn’t Axel worried about losing their food?

† Because he thought that they would be killed soon.

35- How did they know that they were inside an active volcano?

† The compass was going crazy and the water was boiling.

36- How was the active volcano useful to the team?

† It took them to the surface of the earth.

37- How did they know that they were in Italy?

† They found a boy who spoke only Italian.

38- How were the people in San Vicenzo helpful and kind?

† They gave them food, drink and new clothes.

[B]- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1- While Axel was running along the shore, he saw……….……in the sand.

† something shining / a knife.

2- The professor and Axel felt sorry when Hans decided to return to Iceland because…………….…….

† they loved him as he was calm and sensible.

3- The knife which Axel found was rough because ....................................

† someone had used to carve his name on a stone.

4- There was lava everywhere, so Axel fainted because of...........................

† the heat. It was unbearable.

5- They were not in Iceland because ................................................................

† the sun was very hot and the ground was dry.

6- A volcano had thrown the team out of the crater and they returned to…...

† the surface of the earth.

7- The light inside the cave was........................................................

† unlike sunlight or moonlight. It was cold and white.

8- The fish that Hans caught was...................................................................

† extinct, it had a flat head but no tail or eyes.

9- The giant mushrooms, they had seen, looked like ………………………

† giant umbrellas.

10- Although the sea monsters were terrifying, they …………………….....

† didn’t attack the raft.

11- The travelers were not afraid of the mammoths, but……………..…..

† they were afraid of the shepherd.

12- As the raft continued to go up in the chimney …………………..…….

† the water under it got hotter and hotter.

13- Axel’s doubts about the journey disappeared when …………….…

† he saw the letters “AS”.

14- They had to break the rock in the tunnel because .……………...

† it blocked their way to the centre of the earth.

15- The pickaxe, the professor threw, didn’t reach the bottom …………

† because the sea was deeper.

16- As soon as the gunpowder had exploded ………………………………

† a huge hole opened in the rock and the sea became one big wave.

17- The team lost every thing they owned because ……………………….

† the waves swept them.

18- The compass was going crazy because …..……………………………...

† they were inside an active volcano.

19- Axel and the professor wanted Hans to stay in Hamburg but …………..

† he decided to go home in Iceland.

20- The people in Hamburg believed the story of the journey because……

† Hans was with them and there was news from Iceland about the journey.

21- Although the team had entered the centre of the earth through an extinct volcano, they came back…….…

† through an active volcano.

22- As soon as the team saw the letters A.S, they knew ………………........

† that Arne Saknussemm had been there before them.

23- The team have to blow up the huge rock to ……………………………..…

† reach the centre of the earth.

24- P.L. wasn’t upset about being inside an active volcano as …………..…

† it would take them to the surface of the earth.

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