Methodical guidance for laboratory work №15


Methodical recommendation for the laboratory lesson

Specialty:0501301General medicine

Discipline: chemistry

Chair:of chemistry and technology of medicine

Higher base medical education, course– 1

Topic №15: Biological active heterocyclic compounds. Five- and sixmembered heterocyclic with one and two heteroatoms.

Semey 2007


on the chair meeting from “_____”____________2007.

Protocol № ____

Head of the chair of chemistry and technology of medicine,

prof. __________ Gavrilenko I.V

1.Topic№15 Biological active heterocyclic compounds. Five- and sixmembered heterocyclic with one and two heteroatoms.

2.Aim:to study structure and chemical properties of the most important representatives five-, sixmembered heterocyclic compounds, install its biological importance.

3.Objectives of teaching: to study the formulas of the most important heterocyclic compounds. Fulfil the qualitative reactions on heterocyclic compounds. Studding of topic to form the knowledge of structure and particularities of the chemical behaviour of heterocyclic compounds, possessing biological activity.

4. Basic questions:

1. Biological active heterocyclic compounds. Classification.

2. Heterocyclic with one heteroatom. Pyrrole, pyridine. Aromatic. Acid-base properties. Electronic structure of pyrrolic and pyridinic nitrogen atom.

3. Heterocyclic with two heteroatoms. Pyrazole, imidazole, pyrimidine.

4. Chemical properties of five- and sixmembered heterocyclic with one and two heteroatoms.

5. Derivatives of pyridine: nicotinamide and pyridocal.

6. Pyrozalon-5 as base of unnarcotic analgetic.

7. Pyrimidine bases (uracyl, thymine, cytosine). Aromatic properties. Lactim-lactam tautomerism.

5. Methods of teaching:

The determining initial level knowledge’s of student on chemistry. The conversation and questioning on topic of the lesson. Fulfilling the laboratory work and protection of the report.

Methodical guidance for laboratory work №15

Experiment №1. Quality reactions of antipyrine and amidopyrine withiron chloride

Pour in two test-tubes: first - 5-6 drops 0,5% solution of amidopyrine, second – 1-3 drops 1% solution of antipyrine. Addin each t-t 1-3 drops of iron chloride FeCl3. Antipyrinewith iron chloride gives orange-red colorand amidopyrine gives violet color which quickly disappears. They give the different colors.

Make conclusion. Write formula of antipyrine and amidopyrine.

Experiment №2. Quality reactions of antipyrine and amidopyrine with.nitric acid

Pour in two test-tubes: first - 5-6 drops 0,5% solution of amidopyrine, second –5-6 drops 0,5 % solution of antipyrine. Addin each t-t21-3 drops 5% solution of nitric acid and 10% solution of sulphuric acid. Antipyrinegives emerald colorand amidopyrine gives unstable violet color which quickly disappears. They give the different colors.

Methodical guidance for laboratory work №15 -

Make conclusion about quality reactions of antipyrine and amidopyrine.


1. J. M. Sehgal. Modern Chemistry, class XI, Delhi, 1989 - 15 items.

2. Jean B. Umland & John M. Bellama, General Chemistry. Houston. USA. 1996 - 1 item.

3. Darrel D. Ebbing, General Chemistry, Wayne University, USA. 1990 - 3 items.

4. Karen C. Timberlake, Chemistry - An Introduction to General. Organic and Biochemistry, Los Angeles, USA, 1991-1 item.


1. What are compounds - pyrrole, pyrazole, imidazole - possesses the most acid and the maincharacteristic?

2. Write reaction of receiving amide of nicotinic acid.

3. Write formula of medicines compounds: antipyrine and amidopyrine.

4. Write equation of nitration of pyrrole, thiophen, imidazole.

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