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Подберите правильный перевод для слов левой колонки.
1. add 1. применять
2. produce 2. решать
3. develop 3. достигать
4. invent 4. добавлять
5. reach 5. изобретать
6.solve 6. развивать
7. prove 7. производить
8. apply 8. доказывать
Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на правильные и неправильные глаголы.
1. He taught Electrical Engineering last year.
2. Edison lost his hearing and became almost deaf.
3. Faraday, English experimental physicist, in his early life worked as a bookbider’s apprentice (ученик переплетчика).
4. Rontgen called a new kind of rays X-rays.
5. Edison made many useful inventions.
6. Tsiolkovsky was not only a scientist but a writer of science fiction (научной литературы).
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на способы выражения отрицания.
1. Nobody knew Einstein till 1905.
2. Einstein never proved his discoveries experimentally.
3. My friend had no ability to mathematics.
4. The experiment added nothing new to our knowledge in the field of chemistry.
Союзы и союзные слова, вводящие придаточные определительные предложения
R U S S I A N S C I E N T I S T S.
Russian scientists made great contributions to world science. Who does not know the names of the great Russian scientists and inventors such as Lomonosov, Mendeleyev, Pavlov, Michurin, Tsiolkovsky, Lobachevsky, Kulibin and many others.
Peter I established the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1725. There the brilliant scientist Lomonosov worked in the fields of physics, chemistry, astronomy and laid the foundation of the Russian literary language. He had to work under very difficult conditions, because from the first years at the Academy he carried on the struggle for the development of Russian science and culture. Moscow University was named after Lomonosov.
The people of this great land produced many geniuses such as Mendeleyev who gave the world his periodic table of elements, mathematicians like Lobachevsky whom the world knows as the “Copernicus of Geometry”.
The people of our country are proud of scientists like Lodygin who produced the electric lamp, and Popov who invented the radio, Tsiolkovsky who was the founder of the modern theory of space rockets. At the end of the 19-th century K.Tsiolkovsky decided to solve the problem of cosmic flights. In 1895 he put forward the idea of building artificial satellites. Mankind’s dream about cosmic flights has come true.
Words and word combinations:
to establish – учреждать, основывать
foundation – основание, фундамент
founder - основатель
condition – условие
to carry on – продолжать
to produce – производить
geniuse – гениальный человек, гениальная личность
to be proud of smb.(smth.) – гордиться кем-либо (чем-либо)
space rocket – космические ракеты
flight – полет
to put forward – выдвигать
artificial satellite – искусственный спутник
to come true – осуществиться
mankind – человечество
dream - мечта
1. Определите к каким частям речи относятся слова одного корня и переведите на русский язык:
to establish –establishment –
founder – to found – foundation -founding
culture – cult - cultural
to know – knowledge- knowing – knowingly- known
to develop – development – developing
to build – building – builder
2. Закончите следующие предложения, опираясь на содержание текста.
Переведите на русский язык.
1. Russian scientists made great …..
2. Moscow University was named …..
3. The people of our country are proud of….
4. Tsiolkovsky decided to solve the problem….
5. Mankind’s dream about cosmic flights has….
3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What did Russian scientists make to science?
2. When did Peter I establish the Academy of Sciences in St.Petersburg?
3. Lomonosov was a great scientist, wasn’t he? Prove it.
4. What was named after Lomonosov?
5. Who was the founder of the modern theory of space rockets?
6. has mankind’s dream about cosmic flights come true?
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5. Напишите небольшое сообщение о каком-нибудь ученом ( изобретателе) или его открытии.
1. Найдите в (Б) соответствующие русские словосочетания:
А). 1. at the age; 2. a well-known scientist; 3. was born; 4. like his father; 5. to enter the institute; 6. to graduate from an institute; 7. to do one’s research; 8. to solve a number of problems; 9. three times.
Б). 1. поступить в институт; 2. как и отец; 3. в возрасте; 4. решить ряд проблем; 5. родился; 6. хорошо известный ученый; 7. окончить институт; 8. три раза (трижды); 9. проводить исследования.
2. Напишите три основные формы следующих глаголов.
To know, to make, to heat, to be, to do, to take, to carry, to leave, to bring, to show, to become, to give, to come, to produce, to establish.
3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на союзы и союзные слова, вводящие придаточные определительные предложения.
1. He was a well-known scientist who had the ability to carry out research.
2. Chemistry is the science that deals with the structure of matter and its changes.
3.The laboratory is the place where experiments may be carried out.
4. The liquid takes up the shape of a vessel in which it is contained.
5. An American, George Eastman, was the first who brought photography to the man in the street in 1888.
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