Unit: at the restaurant



to explore - исследовать, познакомиться to feel homesick- тосковать по дому, родине

a diner - обедающий (посетитель ресторана) roasting fire- жаровня

to wheel- подкатывать, подвозить to carve - разрезать

before your eyes- у вас на глазах a chop-house- дешевый ресторан

rumpsteak- ромштекс Unit: at the restaurant - student2.ru kidney- почки

an oyster- устрица a pancake- блин, оладья

punch – пунш a china bowl - фарфоровая чаша (для пунша)

either... or- либо .... , либо beforehand- заранее

disengaged- незанятый, свободный a menu- меню

to contain– содержать available- имеющийся в наличии

a choice– выбор as well as- так же, как

various kinds - разнообразные виды noodles– лапша

to take an order– принимать заказ a bill- счет

to reserve a table- заказывать стол в ресторане


In all large English towns there are plenty of restaurants, cafes, tea rooms, or public houses (pubs). All the large hotels have restaurants where you can have a snack or dinner.

In London for the really cheap places it is very interesting to explore the little French or Italian restaurants of Soho. Spanish visitors who are feeling homesick can, within a hundred yards of Piccadilly, find the Spanish Restaurant and imagine they have gone back to Spain for the decoration, the salads, the cooking, the wines, the waiters and most of the diners are Spanish.

Unit: at the restaurant - student2.ru In the same way there are Indian, Chinese, Hungarian, or Jewish restaurants.

If you want real old English food you must go to the Strand. Here roast beef - cooked at open roasting fire - is wheeled to your table and carved before your eyes.

Most visitors like to go to the "old Cheshire Cheese" of Fleet Street, an old chop-house where famous writers used to go. The traditional dish here is rumpsteak, kidney, and oyster pudding. A plate of this with a pint of bitter beer in a long glass, followed by the pancake or the toasted cheese and special "punch" in a china bowl, is a meal you don't easily forget. At the restaurant you may either reserve a table beforehand by telephone or occupy any table disengaged at the moment you come. There is a menu which contains the names of all dishes available for the first, second and third courses. It offers a choice of appetizers, drinks, meat or fish dishes as well as various kinds of soup and broth. The most popular meat dishes are beefsteak, rumpsteak, roast beef, chicken with mashed or fried potatoes, macaronis or noodles.

For dessert you may order ice-cream, coffee, tea or juice. After you have chosen the dishes the waiter or waitress takes your order and gives you a bill. Some minutes later the dinner is served.

Exercise I

A. Answer the following questions:

1 .In all large towns you can have a snack or dinner at a restaurant. What other places for having a snack can you name? Which is the cheapest (the most expensive)?

2. In London there are some international restaurants. Why were they opened? Do you have restaurants like these in your town? Did you have to visit one of them? Do you like foreign food? Which is your favourite? What is the real English food? What are the most popular meat dishes in England?

B. Describe the procedure of visiting restaurants. These questions will help you:

1. What is the way of reserving a table at a restaurant?

2. How can you know of the dishes offered at the restaurant?

3. What other information can be found on the menu?

4. What follows the procedure when the visitor has chosen dishes?

Exercise II

Using the model "We call this (these),.. " answer the questions:

What do we call ... ?

1) a slice of bread browned on each side by heat especially at the fire

2) two slices of buttered bread with a piece of meat, cheese, etc. between

3) drinks like juice, lemonade, tonic

4) fresh eggs broken and poured on the frying pan (сковорода)

Unit: at the restaurant - student2.ru 5) drinks like beer, gin, wine, sherry

6) a meal served between half past twelve and half past one

7) a vegetable or meat salad, slices of cold meat, herring served at the very beginning of the meal

8) raw (сырой) potatoes fried crisp (хрустящий)

Exercise III

Name five various kinds of:

1)fish dishes;

2) vegetable dishes;

3) meat dishes.

Exercise IV

Say what you can order at the restaurant or cafe:

1) foran appetizer;

2) for the second course;

3) for dessert.

Exercise V

Write out the menu for:

1) a dinner party at home;

2) a Sunday supper at home.

Exercise VI

Read and translate the dialogue:


Waiter: Good evening, sir. Good evening, madam.

George: Good evening. We’d like a table for two, please.

W: Certainly. Is this table all right?

G: That’s fine. Could we have the menu, please?

W: Certainly. The soup of the day is French onion soup.

W: Are you ready to order?

G: Yes. First I’d like the pate.

Linda: And for me a prawn cocktail.

W: Yes, madam.

G: And then for the main course I’d like the lamb chops.

L: And I’d like the steak.

W: How would you like the stake?

L: Medium, please.

W: That’s fine. What vegetables would you like?

L: Potatoes and cauliflower, please.

W: Would you like to order some wine?

L: Yes. Can I see the wine list? A bottle of French red.

G: And some mineral water, please.

W: Fizzy mineral water or still?

G: Still, please.

______ _______ _______

G: That was delicious.

W: Thank you very much. Would you like some coffee?

L: Yes. Black, please.

G: And can we have the bill?

W: Of course.

G: Is the service included?

W: No. It isn’t, sir.

G: Can I pay by credit card?

W: Yes. That’s fine.




a foodstuff - продукт (пищевой) a food store - продуктовый магазин in quantities- в большом количестве to load – загружать a luggage compartment - багажник автомобиля spacious – просторный a shop window – витрина dairy produce- молочная продукция a grocery- бакалея fowl- дичь bakery goods - хлебо-булочные изделия a confectionery- кондитерский отдел a ring- бублик, баранка garlic- чеснок

curds – творог margarine - маргарин

mayonnaise – майонез a rusk- сухарь flour – мука groats- крупа spice- спeции , пряность granulated sugar - сахарный песок instant- моментальный, здесь : растворимый attractive- привлекательный

frozen fish - мороженая рыба smoked fish - копченая рыба

a shrimp- креветка crawfish- рак (речной, морской)

a lobster- омар an oyster- устрица

tinned fish- рыбные консервы a greengrocery- отдел" Овощи -фрукты"

irrespective of smth. - независимо от чего-либо a pear - груша

a tangerine- мандарин an apricot- абрикос

a peach – персик grapes- виноград

a berry – ягода strawberry – клубника

raspberry – малина cherry - вишня

cranberry- клюква red bilberry - брусника

carrot- морковь a cucumber - огурец

cabbage-капуста beetroot- свекла

onion – лук a crab - краб

a cashier- кассир

an expiry date- дата истечения срока (хранения)

to be well stocked with smth.- иметь в продаже ши­рокий ассортимент

to be at one's disposal- быть в чьем-либо рас­поряжении

to provide oneself with smth. - обеспечивать себя ч.-л.


People buy foodstuffs at the food stores, at the markets and at the supermarkets. It is more convenient to do shopping at the supermarket: you can find there everything you need. More and more people nowadays prefer to provide themselves with foodstuffs for a long period. As they buy in quantities, they go to the supermarket by car and after having done shopping they load their bags and packets into the luggage compartment.

Let us visit one of the supermarkets in the city. It is a one-storied building, spacious and light, with large shop windows. Inside we can see some signs: Dairy produce, Dry groceries, Vegetables and Fruit, Meat and Fowl, Fish, Bakery Goods, Confectionery and Pastry, Wine. The dairy produce counter is well stocked with fresh milk foodstuffs. What is there for sale? Butter, cheese, curds, cream, sour cream, milk, fruit yoghurt, eggs, margarine, mayonnaise.

Everything is sold ready packed. Next to this is the bakery counter where everybody can choose whatever he or she likes: white and brown bread, buns, rolls, rings, pies, cheese cakes and so on.

In the dry groceries counter there is also a great choice of produce. You can buy flour, spice, tea, sugar (lump, cube, granulated) there. Besides, customers can find there various packets filled with dry soup, noodles or chips. They are easy to cook within three minutes.

The meat and fowl counter looks very attrac­tive too. Chicken, ham, pork, bacon, beef, veal and mutton are at your disposal there. You will find a variety of sausages in this section too. A special counter handles frozen and fresh fish; smoked and dry fish is also offered to the customers. Besides, the counter is full of sea products, quite exotic and unseen before. There are crabs, shrimps, crawfish, lobsters, oysters. A large space is occupied with tinned fish.

The section where fruit and vegetables are for sale is called a greengrocery. It always attracts a lot of customers because irrespective of the season the counters are full of fresh fruit and vegetables grown in Russia or brought from other countries. Apples and pears, oranges, lemons and tangerines, apricots and peaches, bananas and grapes are practically available all the year round. For those who like berries there are strawberries, raspberries, cherries, cranberries and red bilberries nicely packed in small baskets. If you want to buy vegetables, you will find everything you need: potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, beetroot, onion, garlic.

When doing shopping at the supermarket don't forget to look at the expiry date printed on the packet. You are recommended to use the foodstuff before it.

Choosing products customers put them into a special basket and with the basket full go to the cashier. The cashier calls the price and gives them a check.

Visiting a supermarket you considerably save your time.

Exercise I

Answer the questions:

1. What is the most popular supermarket in your district? What counters look attractive there?

2. How often do you visit the supermarket? Do you buy in quantities? Do you go there by car?

3. Do you always look at the expiry date when buying dairy or meat foodstuffs?

4. What produce do you buy if you want to cook a holiday dinner?

5. Do you like exotic foodstuffs? Which of them did you have to buy?

6. Is the price for foodstuffs at the supermarket higher than that in small shops or in the markets?

7. How much do you spend for foodstuffs a week? Can you afford to buy in quantities?


We buy:

bread at a bakery (at a baker's)

vegetables and fruit at a greengrocery (at a greengrocer's)

flour and groats at a grocery (at a grocer's)

meat at a butcher's

fish at a fishmongery (at a fishmonger's)

butter and milk at a dairy

Exercise II

Unit: at the restaurant - student2.ru Name as many things as possible that you can buy:

at the dairy at the bakery

at the fishmongery at the grocery

at the greengrocery at the butcher's

Use the model:At the________ one can buy or

The following things are for sale at the____________

Exercise III

Say to what counter of the supermarket you go if you want to buy:

Unit: at the restaurant - student2.ru granulated sugar, tea, and spice

cheese, sour cream, and butter

chicken, turkey, and frankfurters

trout, shrimps, and caviar

a pastry, a bun, and a cake

a bottle of brandy, a tin of beer, and a bottle of champagne

veal, ham, and beef

eggs, margarine, and mayonnaise

herring, tinned fish, and cod

Use the model:If I need .......... , I go to the ..............

Exercise IV

Read and translate the dialogue.


Alice: Let's go to the meat counter.

Mark: OK. I think we need some veal, ham and a chicken.

Alice: ... and a turkey. Don't forget about the Christmas holiday.

Mark: We also need half a pound of butter, a packet of sour cream and
a dozen of eggs. Dairy products are in aisle 3.

Alice: How about fruit and vegetables? There are no apples in our fridge
and not many vegetables. Let's find this counter.

Mark: Oh, fruit is in aisle 8, and vegetables are next to this.

Alice: I wonder what apples and tangerines cost now.

Mark: They are cheap because it's the height of the season.

Alice: We'll take three pounds of apples and two pounds of tangerines. And
I want to buy half apound of berries ... strawberries or bilberries.
I'm going to make a pie.

Mark: That's all right. And now let's go to the wine counter and choose
good drinks. Oh, look here, we need two bottles of champagne, a
bottle of brandy and martini ... and orange juice for the children...
and maybe some tins of beer?

Alice : OK. Our trolley is full. Let's go to the cash register.


turkey - индейка

dozen -дюжина

aisle - проход, ряд (в универсаме)

bilberry - черника

trolley - тележка

Exercise V

Make up dialogues according to the model:

Shop-assistant: What can I do for you?

Customer:I want a cheese cake, a loaf of brown bread, a box of biscuits ...

Shop-assistant: Anything else?

Customer:No, thank you. How much is it?

Shop-assistant:Ten rubles.

Customer:Here you are.

Shop-assistant: Here is your change. Thank you.

You are buying: a bottle of oil, a packet of sour cream, ten eggs; a kilo of pears, a kilo and a half of cucumbers, half a kilo of plums; a packet of frankfurters, a chicken, half a kilo of ham; a tinof soft caviar, half a kilo of salmon, two tins of salted sprats; some spice and seasoning; a jar of horse radish, a packet of pepper, a bottle of vinegar.

Exercise VI

Write a recipe of your favorite fruit or vegetable salad.

Exercise VII

Translate into English:

1. Мне нужно полфунта сухарей. Сколько они стоят?

2.Я куплю баранину, если она не очень жирная, немного ветчины и сосисок.

3.В рыбном отделе можно купить свежую и заморожен­ную рыбу; там также продается икра и рыбные консервы.

4.- Где можно купить специи? - В том же отделе, где продается мука и крупа.

5.У вас есть в продаже сметана и творог? Когда истекает их срок хранения?

6.Цены на овощи в этом магазине вполне приемлемые, а вот фрукты стоят дорого.

7.Дайте мне, пожалуйста, полкило копченой рыбы, ки­лограмм свежей трески и баночку красной икры.

8.По дороге домой мне нужно зайти в универсам и купить пачку индийского чая, растворимый кофе и буханку бе­лого и черного хлеба.

9.В этом магазине большой выбор сухих вин из Франции и Испании.

10.В этом универсаме продаются экзотические фрукты и овощи. Вы найдете их в шестом


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