A rock, which usually breaks lies about 2 miles SE of Hoster.
A rock which usually breaks lies about 2 miles south-eastward of Hoster.
1. Hvitinger is a drying rock, lying about ¾ of a mile NNE of Burnst.
2. A reef extends in SW direction.
3. A low rock that is steep-to lies off the W side of Rifsnes.
4. From the S end of Malmey a reef that nearly dries extends in SSE direction to the its W side, but on its E side the depths decrease gradually.
5. Strandagrum is a very large bank that extends N, NE and E from Horn.
6. This spit extends NW from the shoal S of the creek.
7. Island Bluff forms the N point of the entrance to a shallow creek that takes an E direction.
IV. Give the Russian equivalents to the following word combinations:
1.entry is prohibited 2.drying patch 3.visible above sea level 4.marked by buoys 5.surface navigation 6.seabed activity 7.sea breaks heavily 8.give this locality a wide berth 9.bank extends 10.local knowledge 11.position doubtful 12.channels change frequently 13.to cause a confused sea 14.enclosed by pecked line 15.care must be exercised 16.onshore (offshore) winds 17.shifting shoal 18.encumbered by drying bank 19.subject to constant change
V. Translate the following sentences into Russian, taking into account the use of the Passive Voice:
1. The bank may be passed on either side.
2. The main NE-going route keeps SE of Sandettie Bank and should be usedby all vessels that can safely navigate in that part of the channel.
3. Overtaking in the vicinity of the Bank is not recommended.
4. Many of these wrecks stand well above the seabed and mayneed to be avoided.
5. In bad weather Beachy Head should be given a berth of 2 miles to avoid the overfalls.
6. Overfalls are caused in bad weather by a ridge of uneven ground, extending 1 mile SSW from Beachy Head.
7. The Goodwin Sands are moved by the tidal streams and their form can be altered extensively as a result.
8. A bank of shingle across the entrance forms a bar and the channel ispartially obstructed. Local knowledge is required to enter the harbour.
9. When the channel is obstructed a yellow light is displayed.
10. Anchoring and fishing are prohibited in the triangular area, which is shown on the chart.
11. A prohibited area in which explosives have been dumped, lies close SW of the head of Jetee Sud-Quest.
12. Vessels are warned not to anchor within the area of foul ground (51º26' N, 3º36' E), which is encumberedwith wrecks.
13. The bar is normally clearedby dredging.
14. The Harbour Master should be consulted for the latest information on depths.
VI. Answer the questions:
1. What main dangers for navigation do you know?
2. In what way are those dangers marked on charts?
3. What rock is called ‘under water rock’?
4. What rock is called ‘awashed rock’?
5. What do we call a bar (a spit, a shoal, a patch)?
6. Is surface navigation allowed over the foul ground?
7. What does ‘Precautionary Area’ mean?
8. What does Restricted Zone or Area mean?
9. What Guides help a mariner to avoid the dangers?
VII. Translate the following questions into English and give your answers to them:
1. Какие опасности есть в этом районе?
2. Какая минимальная глубина над этой мелью?
3. Как отмечено это затонувшее судно?
4. Почему к этому берегу надо подходить с осторожностью?
5. На каком расстоянии надо обходить этот остров?
6. Почему вы рекомендуете обойти этот мыс на большом расстоянии?
7. Почему плавание в этом районе опасно?
8. Почему опасно пересекать этот район в плохую погоду?
9. Что вызывает буруны в этом районе?
10. Все ли опасности нанесены на этой карте?
VIII. Translate into Russian:
1. In bad weather Beachy Head should be given a berth of 2 miles to avoid the overfalls.
2. A historic wreck enclosed by a restricted area lies close W of Brighton Marina.
3. The water expelled from these outfalls causes turbulence, which could be hazardous to small craft navigating close inshore.
4. The E-going stream in Rye Bay, which forms the in-going stream into the harbour, produces an eddy.
5. The area around the Goodwin Sands is littered with wrecks. Some wrecks are visible depending on the state of the tide.
6. If a vessel grounds on shifting sands the tidal stream tends to wash away the sand from the extremities of the vessel causing her to capsize or break her back.
7. It is dangerous for vessels to attempt to cross the bar in a heavy or confused sea.
8. When there are onshore winds the sea is very rough over the bank, which should be avoided.
9. There are several shoals; offshore overfalls are 1¾ miles WSW of the shoal.
IX. Translate into English. Do it in writing:
1. В проливе существует большой риск столкновения, особенно при плохой видимости.
2. В середине канала навигация ограничена из-за мелководных банок, состоящих из крупного песка и битого ракушечника.
3. Минимальные глубины над большинством затонувших судов определены тралением гибким тралом.
4. Судам следует избегать многочисленные затонувшие суда вдоль побережья и на расстоянии 9 миль от берега.
5. Толчея, отмеченная светящим (специальным) буем, тянется на 1¼ мили от берега.
6. В плохую погоду ветер заходит против часовой стрелки на юг, и уровень моря резко повышается.
7. Этот район изобилует затонувшими судами, часть из которых выступает над уровнем моря в зависимости от состояния прилива.
8. Банки лежат мористее 20 метровой изобаты и состоят из песка, гравия, ракушечника и представляют опасность при сильном ветре.
9. Любая деятельность на дне моря опасна из-за наличия мин на грунте.
10. Восточная сторона банки приглубая; над этой банкой в плохую погоду образуются буруны.
11. Сильные и продолжительные ветры с моря вызывают сильные входящие течения и повышают уровень моря у входа в реку.
X. Decipher the following abbreviations and translate them into Russian:
Br, ED, dr., PA, PD, Rf, Rk, Sh, Wk, Obstn, Bk.