Task 1. A). Study information


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………5

Unit I. The history of building ………………………………………………………….7

Unit II. Building materials ……………………………………………………………..13

Unit III. Bridges and tunnels …………………………………………………………..22

Unit IV. Types of transport ……………………………………………………………..28

Grammar ………………………………………………………………………………39

References ……………………………………………………………………………..46


Учебная дисциплина «Иностранный язык» относится к общему гуманитарному и социально-экономическому циклу основной профессиональной образовательной программы и является обязательной для изучения студентами СПО. На основании действующих рабочих программ по иностранному языку, разработанных в соответствии с ФГОС СПО третьего поколения для специальности 270837 Строительство и эксплуатация городских путей сообщения на изучение тем по профессиональной тематике на третьем курсе отведено 48 часов аудиторных занятий и 10 часов самостоятельной работы. Раздел состоит из четырех тем, нашедших отражение в данном учебно-методическом пособии - The history of building, Building materials, Bridges and tunnels, Types of transport. Каждая тема состоит из лексических и грамматических упражнений, текстов и диалогов, а также послетекстовых упражнений. Работа над языковым материалом начинается с введения и закрепления лексики, а для ее активизации предложены различные типы упражнений. В конце пособия предложены таблицы по рассматриваемому грамматическому материалу. К данному пособию прилагается терминологический словарь.

В результате освоения раздела студенты должны уметь:

- общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональную тематику;

- переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты строительной направленности;

- пересказать текст, опираясь на план и используя вводные фразы;

- выделить основную мысль текста и высказать ее на английском языке;

- задавать все виды вопросов;

- употреблять нужное грамматическое время в предложениях;

- рассказать о любом архитекторе или архитектурном памятнике на английском языке;

- рассказать о преимуществах и недостатках строительных материалов на английском языке;

- рассказать о современных средствах транспорта.


В результате освоения раздела студенты должны знать:

- лексический и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов строительной направленности;

- значение и уместность употребления различных английских аффиксов;

- сложные времена английского глагола в действительном и страдательном залоге.

Для проверки полученных знаний и умений по каждой теме проводится контрольная работа, по темам Types of transport и Bridges and tunnels студенты выполняют задания по самостоятельной работе в виде докладов и презентаций.

Unit I.

The history of building

Task 1. a). Study information.

Types of affixes.

1. Affixes of nouns:

- ion / - sion /-tion; -ure / -ture; -ment; -ance / -ence - abstract nouns;

- er / -or - denotes a job;

-ing - process;

-ty / -ity; -ness - property, attribute.

2. Affixes of adjectives:

-ic; -able / -ible; -ant / -ent ; -ive; -ous; -al; -ful – presence of the characteristic expressed by stem;

-less - lack of quality;

-un / -in / -ir / -il / -im - opposite, not.

3. Affixes of verbs:

- ize – from noun, to acquire the features of noun;

re- (prefix) again or back.

b). Find in the dictionary all meanings of the words. Construct all possible words adding any affixes.

Example: research – researcher(noun), construct – constructive(adjective),write- rewrite (verb).

1. Engineer ___________________________________________________

2. Build ______________________________________________________

3. Application _________________________________________________

4. Construct ___________________________________________________

5. Utilize _____________________________________________________

Task 2. Use the table to construct statements about buildings and builders.

Her father is are have has a builder.
Builder an honorable profession.
The builder’s profession many old bridges in our town.
There pads to protect their hands.

Task 3. Read and translate the following word combinations into Russian.

1. Profession of civil engineer_______________________________________

2. Branches of civil engineering _____________________________________

3. Utilization of materials and forces of nature________________________

4. To protect oneself against the elements _____________________________

5. Civil engineering_______________________________________________

6. Mechanical engineering _________________________________________

7. Electrical engineering __________________________________________

8. Nuclear engineering ___________________________________________

9. Mining engineering____________________________________________

10. Military engineering ___________________________________________

11. Marine engineering____________________________________________

12. Sanitary engineering ___________________________________________

Task 4. Read and translate the text.

Civil Engineering

The word "engineering" means the art of designing, construct­ing, or using engines. But this word is now applied in a more extended sense. It is applied also to the art of executing such works as the objects of civil and military architecture, in which engines or other mechanical appliances are used. Engineering is divided into many branches. The most important of them are: civil, mechanical, electrical, nuclear, mining, military, marine, and sanitary engineering. While the definition "civil engineering" dates back only two centuries, the profession of civil engineer is as old as civilized life.

In order to understand clearly what civil engineering con­stitutes, let us consider briefly the development of different branches of engineering. Some forms of building and utilization of the materials and forces of nature have always been necessary for man. Man had to protect himself against the elements and sustain himself in the conflict with nature.

Up to about the middle of the 18th century there were two main branches of engineering - civil and military. The former included all those branches of the constructive art not directly connected with military operations and the construction of fortifications, while military engineering concerned itself with the application of science and the utilization of building materials in the art of war. But later there came a remarkable series of mechanical in­ventions, great discoveries in electrical science and atomic energy. It led to the differentiation of mechanical, electrical, nuclear engineering, etc.

Architecture, which up to the 18th century had been considered a branch of engineering had become a profession by itself. The term "civil engineering" has therefore two distinct meanings. In the widest and oldest sense it includes all non-military branches of engineering as it did two centuries ago. But in its narrower and at the present day more correct sense civil engineering includes mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, metallurgical, and mining engineering.

Task 5. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the main branches of engineering?

2. What is civil engineering?

3. How old is the profession of civil engineer?

4. What are the fields of civil engineering?

Task 6. Put these items of the plan in the order according to the content of the text above.

1. Two main branches of engineering.

2. The age of the profession of civil engineer.

3. The meaning of the word “engineering”.

4. The widest and oldest sense of the term “civil engineering”.

5. The consequences of inventions and discoveries.

Task 7. Use these clichés to retell the text.

I’m going to retell…….

In the beginning of……

I’ve known that……

It was interesting to know that……..

Speaking of….. it turned out that………

The fact that ……… was new for me..........

It goes without saying that ..........

Moreover (Furthermore)...............

To sum up ...................

In conclusion ..................

However ..................

Task 8. Read, translate and complete the dialogue.

Teacher: Today we are going to discuss the development of different branches of engineering. Can you name any?

Student: Yes, certainly. The most important of them are: civil, mechanical, electrical, nuclear, mining, military, marine and sanitary engineering.

Teacher: Let’s remember the fields of civil engineering.

Student: In the whole, civil engineering makes housing, industrial construction; the construction of highways, city streets and railroads.

Teacher: Explain, please, the fields of mechanical and military engineering.


Task 9. Read and translate the text.

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