Port Operations and Information Service
CALL: Mersey Radio
LOCATION: Port Operations Control: Maritime Centre (53°28΄·03N 3°01΄·13W)
Port Radar: Royal Seaforth Dock (53°27΄·93N 3°02΄·37W)
TELEPHONE: Port Operations Control: +44(0) 151 949 6136 (H24)
Port Auth: +44(0) 151 949 6000
FAX: Port Operations Control: +44(0) 151 949 6150
Telex: 626264 PTOPS G (prefix PORT OPERATIONS)
FREQUENCY: Calling and Safety: Ch 16
Port Operations: Calling and Navigation: Ch 12
Port Operations and Routine Broadcasts: Ch 09
Port Operations and Radar Information: Ch 18
HOURS: VHF Ch 12& 16: H24
(1) Serves vessels navigating in the River Mersey bound to or from Liverpool, Birkenhead, Eastham and Garston. Provides information regarding arrival, berthing, anchoring and departure of vessels, as well as information on aids to navigation, navigation generally, visibility and safety. The height of the tide at Hilbre Island (for Liverpool Bay), Gladstone River and Alfred River entrances and Eastham Lock is available on request.
(2) A general situation and movement statement, giving traffic movements, local navigational warnings and weather reports is broadcast on VHF Ch 09 at 3h and 2h before HW.
Local navigational and gale warnings are broadcast on receipt on VHF Ch 12.
(3) Vessels requesting radar assistance will be directed to communicate with Mersey Radio on VHF Ch 18. The vessel will be advised of its position relative to buoys or other reference points close by.
(1) The following requirements are mandatory.
(2) All times should be given in local time.
(3) For details of regulations affecting vessels carrying dangerous cargoes, see PROCEDURE (4) below.
(1) All vessels over 50 GT are required to carry VHF equipment capable of working at least VHF Ch 06, 12 and 16. Portable sets can be hired from the Port Authority by giving at least 48h notice.
Whilst within the port a listening watch should be maintained on VHF Ch 12 and a report made to Mersey Radio before leaving this frequency.
(2)Vessels Inward-Bound of over 50GTshould report ETA at Bar Lt F at least 24h in advance, or on departure from last port if within 24h steaming. ETA should be confirmed when within VHF range.
Massages should include:
(a) Vessel’s name
(b) Draught
(c) GRT
(d) Destination
(e) Date and time of ETA
(f) Pilot station at which pilot should be taken
(g) Last port of call
(h) Origin of message
Vessels should establish contact with Mersey Radio when within VHF range, and not later than when near the Bar Lt F. They should report when they have entered a lock, berthed or anchored.
(3) Vessels over 50 GT Outward-Bound or shifting berth should report to Mersey Radio on VHF Ch 12 or, if within a dock, to the appropriate dock master at least 1 hour before ETD stating:
(a) Position
(b) ETD
(c) GT
(d) Draught on departure
Within 10 minutes before vessel proposes to start navigating within the port, vessels are to advise Mersey Radio, or in case of vessels in dock, the appropriate Dock Master. Advise on completion of movement.
(4) Vessels of over 50 GT Carrying Dangerous Cargoes, i.e.
(a) Explosives (class 1 of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code) other than the Safety Class, Distress Signals and Shop Goods Fireworks.
(b) Liquid cargo in bulk with a flashpoint of less than 141°F (class 3 of the above code).
(c) Liquefied gas in bulk (class 2 of the above code).
(d) Liquid chemicals in bulk (class 3, 4, 4, 6, 8 and 9 of the above code).
(e) Ballast only, but not gas free after carrying a previous cargo of (b), (c) or (d) above.
(f) Radioactive substances (class 7 of the above code) which are notifiable to the competent authority under the Atomic Energy Agency Transport Regulations.
(g) Any other dangerous substance as defined in the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations, 1987.
Vessels should report not less than 48h in advance, stating the nature of the cargo, or in the case of (e) the nature of the previous cargo.
In addition, vessels of 1600 GT and over, carrying cargoes as in (b) – (e) above, should include:
(i) Whether vessel is fitted with an inert gas system
(ii) If vessel is fitted with an inert gas system, whether it is operational
(iii) Whether Tanker Check List has been completed
Vessels should confirm the nature of their cargo on giving notice of intention to navigate as specified in (2) and (3).
(5) REPORTING POINTS: All vessels carrying dangerous cargoes as in (4) (b) – (e) inclusive, and all vessels towing another vessel as in (6) should report when passing the following points:
(a) Q1 Lt F (inward-bound) or Q2 Lt F (outward-bound)
(b) Crosby Lt F.
(c) Brazil Lt F or C22 Lt F.
(d) Woodside Stage or Dukes buoy.
If during times of poor visibility the above is not practicable vessels will, on request, be tracked by radar.
(6) Tows:The vessel controlling the towing operation, (other than a tug assisting a powered vessel) should:
(a) Give at least 1h notice of commencement of tow within the port, including details of the tow.
(b) Report when passing the points as specified in (5) (a) – (d)
(7) Vessels which have been grounded, has a fire, been in collision or sustained heavy weather damage,
outside the port:The Master should report on the condition of his vessel and cargo at least 24h prior to arrival at the Bar Lt F, or as soon as possible after the incident, whichever is late.
(8) Vessels within the port which have grounded, been in collision or on fireshould immediately report:
(a) Position of vessel.
(b) Known damage.
(c) Confirmation of cargo.
And should not navigate further without prior permission.
(9) Vessels wishing to adjust compasses within the port: Masters should give 24h prior notice and confirm
immediately before commencing adjustment.
(10) Large vessels swinging: The Master of a vessel 150m or over in length, intending to swing in the river, should report his intentions at least 10 minutes before the manoeuvre.
(11) Anchoring within the Port:Vessels of over 50 GT may not anchor in the port inward of Q1 Lt F (53°31΄·00N 3°16΄·63W) without permission from Mersey Radio. If anchoring in an emergency, report as soon as practicable.
NOTE: Liverpool Port Radar (53°27΄·93N 3°02΄·27W) provides radar coverage up to 20 n miles range from the station and will, on request, provide on VHF Ch 18 continuous information on a vessel’s position during low visibility.