VII. Describe the pipeline operation according to the following plan.

1. The functions of a dispatcher.

2. Storage of refined products.

3. Transport of product batches.

4. The system of communication on a pipeline.

5. Control systems.

VIII. Translate into Russian. Find out if the underlined words are the Gerund or the Participle.

1. Oil in a pipeline moves so fast that mixing between two adjacent product batches amounts to a fraction of 1%. 2. The pipeline coating is usually tested electrically for breaks or pin holes, known as “holidays”, before burying the line.

3. Control systems, including automatic remote control of pumping and take-off stations with the help of telemetering systems are widely used. 4. Dispatching orders coordinates starting or stopping of units, raising or lowering of pressure, opening or closing of important valves, utilization of tankage and sampling of oil. 5. Recently they started to use elastomer spheroids in some pipelines for separating batches more effectively and thus reducing interfacial mixing. 6. Maintenance crews keep the lines and ancillary facilities operating at high efficiency and with a little loss of operating time.

IX. Define the function of the Infinitive used in the following sentences. Translate them.

1. The main emphasis in pipeline safety must always be on building a well-designed pipeline to avoid possible failures. 2. Modern computers are used to assist in planning and programming for the most economic operation. 3. A dispatcher controls a work of the pumping stations and storage tanks in order to move oil through the line on schedule. 4. While different crude oils may be either mixed or kept separate, refined products should be kept separate. 5. It is a standard rule to inspect and test the tubes continuously during the process of manufacture. 6. To ensure that all materials and equipment in a pipeline system are suitable and safe they must meet the requirements of strict standards and specifications. 7. Our oil industry needs safe, reliable and efficient pipelines to serve terminals, refineries and depots.

X. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the Participle II.

1. Pipeline safety is ensured in many ways. 2. Pipelines, if properly welded, coated and cathodically protected, require not much maintenance. 3. Great significance is attached to fire and accident prevention. 4. The completed pipe is inspected visually. 5. Many types of control systems such as automatic remote control of pumps and valves are used in construction of pipelines.

XI. Read and translate the following extracts with the help of a dictionary.

Health Protection

Health Protection specialists in each company must make sure that the Company Management observes the established norms and regulations in the area of Health Protection in relation to their employees and also make sure that these norms and regulations are observed by the Company employees; these specialists perform periodical audits and inspections in the area of industrial hygiene in order to maintain production environment conditions at the required level, ensure work of medical stations and periodical medical examinations of employees.

As a rule, safety includes assurance of safe works at facilities, performance of trainings and drills for personnel, fire safety at the facilities, issuing permits for specific types of works, supervising by safety specialists facilities and also operations presenting hazard to personnel health and lives, incident investigations, development of reports and provision of personnel with personal protective equipment.

Environmental issues

Environment protection issues have paramount significance for all oil and gas producing companies, therefore Environment Protection Departments are established in each Upstream and Downstream oil company; specialists of these departments control implementation of Environment Management system at each company facility, perform periodical environmental audits, implement environmental monitoring, develop regulatory documents in compliance with legislation requirements in order to prevent releases and discharges of hazardous substances, and also perform many other activities to ensure that the company's performance is in full compliance with the environmental legislation.



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