Other words and expressions. Deep draught route – глубоководный путь
deep draught route – глубоководный путь
guard – береговая охрана
hazardous to small craft – опасный для малых судов
need to be avoided – необходимо избегать
the sea rises rapidly – волнение быстро усиливается
to avoid the overfalls – избегать сулои
to keep well clear – держаться в стороне
to navigate close inshore – идти в непосредственной близости от берега
to take precautions – предпринимать меры предосторожности
Phrases to remember
1. as found necessary как найдут необходимым
2. the existence and positions нельзя полагаться на наличие и
of buoys cannot be relied on местоположение буев
3. the shape and position of these banks очертание и местоположение
are liable to change банок подвергаются изменению
4. no reliable position can be obtained достоверное местоположение не
by sounding может быть получено промером
глубин (лотом)
5. great caution should be exercised; необходимо проявлять большую
care should be taken осторожность
6. precautionary area район повышенного внимания
7. the head should be given a berth этот мыс следует обходить
8. account should be taken необходимо проявлять внимание
Memorize the translation of the following sentences:
1. Dredging is frequently in progress. Дноуглубление производится часто.
2. It is prudent not to leave the harbour. Благоразумно не покидать гавань.
3. The wind tends to back S. Ветер имеет тенденцию заходит к югу
против часовой стрелки.
4. If a vessel is unable to make the port. Если судно не может войти в порт.
5. Large vessels should avoid passing Большие суда должны избегать
one another in theStraight. расхождения друг с другом в проливе.
6. Local cross currents may cause Местные пересекающие течения могут
difficulties to large or deep draught доставлять трудности большим
vessels. или глубоководным судам.
7. Vessels are requested not to remain Суда просят не оставаться в районе in the area any longer than is strictly дольше, чем это необходимо, necessary, particularly in poor особенно при плохой видимости.
8. Pipelines are not always buried, Трубопроводы не всегда скрыты в
their presence may reduce грунте, их наличие может умень-
the charted depth by as much as 2m шить указанную на карте глубину
на 2 м.
9. Frequent accidents are caused by Частые аварии вызваны тем, что
the failure to appreciate the effect не учитывается воздействие
of the wind upon the tidal streams. ветра на приливные течения.
1. In poor visibility vessels unsure of their position should remain to seaward of the 30 m depth contour between Outer Owers (50º 40' N,0º 41'W ), 5 miles SE of Selsey Bill and Beachy Head. This precaution keeps vessels well clear of Owers. Outer Owers and the shoals off Bognor Regis are described in the Channel Pilot.
2. Winkle Island, a hard bank of stones and shells lies to the E and N of the training wall beacon. The bank is liable to change and small craft to the E of the entrance should keep S of the line of bearing 090º from the beacon. The tidal stream sets W over the training wall from 2 hours before to 4 hours after HW and is particularly strong off East Pierhead while the in-going stream is running. It is advisable to wait for a clear channel before entering the harbour.
3. If a vessel is unable to make one of the ports in the Baie de Somme before HW, then it is recommended to proceed at once to seaward of the banks. Anchoring in the shelter of a bank or point is not safe because the holding ground among these shifting sands is poor.
4. Hovercraft follow the direct track between the hoverport and CA2 Light-buoy (N cardinal) (51º 00'·9N, 1º 48'·9E ), 3½ miles NW of the hoverport. In strong winds from the S to W this track may be altered to run between the hoverport and CA4 Light-buoy(W cardinal ) (50º58'·9N, 1º45'·2E ), but remaining N of the buoyed approach channel.
5. A heavy sea breaks over Middelkerte Bank and Oostende Bank during N gales and alters the depth and position of the shoal patches.
6. Vessels are warned not to anchor within the area of foul ground (51º26'N, 3º08'E) in mid-channel SE of Vlissingen, which is encumbered with wrecks.
7. With strong sustained W winds there is a heavy ground swell over Kucerens and in W gales the sea breaks over the shoal in places. Even a slight wind, when it is against the tide, causes a confused sea to rise quickly.
8. Within this stretch of the channel, even light winds can cause a rough sea, particularly when the wind is against the tidal stream. The sea moderates quickly further offshore.
9. The bend in the channel off Bath is reported to be difficult for long and deep draught vessels, especially if opposing traffic is met.
10. Vessels bound for the locks take their tugs off Noord Ballastplaat Light-beacon and cross the fairway between the light-beacon and Plaat can Doel. рPas van Rilland is subject to considerable change due to constant silting of Plaat van Saeftinge on the NW side and Ballastplaat to the SE. It is kept at depth by dredging.
11. Vessels navigating in the area prohibited for anchoring and fishing are requested not to remain in the area any longer than is strictly necessary, particularly in poor visibility.
12. Local knowledge is required for the passage through East Swin, which is only suitable for small craft. There are a number of wrecks and obstructions SW of Maplin Spit, which are shown on the chart.
13. There are numerous posts for military purposes on Maplin Sands. Obstructions to navigation and beacons of no navigational significance, some exhibiting lights at night, may also be encountered.
14. The buoys marking the channel through East Swale are shifted as necessary to mark changes in the channel, which should not be attempted at night.
15. The outer part of the route passes through areas of changing depths and allowance should be made for the possibility that depths may be less than charted.
16. The dredged channel on the S edge of Sunken Buxey is only 60 m wide and continually used by commercial shipping. Vessels should ensure that the channel is clear before entering.
17. Small craft, yacht and fishing boats are often present in great numbers on the N side of Sea Reach between Shoebury Ness and Canvey Island.
18. Due to erosion of the river bed in the vicinity of the piers of Tower Bridge, vessels are warned against anchoring within 45 m of these piers.
19. Account should be taken of the proximity of vessels using the NE-going deep draught route NW of Sandettie Bank to vessels using the SW-going lane of the Dover Strait TSS. Overtaking in the vicinity of Sandettie Bank is not recommended.
20. Breskens is liable to silting and dredging takes place in the spring and autumn, but prior to dredging depths in Oosthaven may be up to 2 m less than charted. The Harbour Master should be consulted for the latest information on depth.
21. The buoyage on the approaches changes frequently and should be considered as reflecting the current state of the channel.
22. Depths are irregular in places and soundings give little guidance. There is no reason to stand close inshore as the coast is straight and the strength of the tidal stream does not diminish close inshore.
23. NE gales cause a heavy scend in the harbour and it is not possible to enter in strong SE winds. On these occasions the leading lights are extinguished.
24. Four cross – Channel submarine cables, buried to 1·5 m, converge to land 2 cables W of Copt Point. Vessels are warned not to anchor or trawl in their vicinity and on no account cut them should they be fouled in any way.
25. A vessel proceeding with the out-going stream S through Tolmie Channel and intending to pass through Sarah Passage, may, when the stream is on the port quarter be set towards Hazard Rock. It is therefore recommended that S bound vessels, when proceeding with the out-going stream, should proceed W of Jane Island and pass through Jane Passage using Jane Island as a traffic separation barrier.
26. It has been reported that all navigational aids in Georgian waters may be unreliable and that navigational aids in Georgian and Ukrainian waters may be different from those charted and described in nautical publications. Mariners should exercise extreme caution in the identification of navigational aids.
27. With strong onshore winds or during gales a heavy swell is experienced in the roadstead causing vessels to roll and sheer heavily. The swell continues after the storm has passed. In recent years three vessels have dragged their anchors during gales and have been driven onto the breakwater, where the vessels have sunk with resultant loss of life.
28. The position of the bar varies and depths on it range between 1 and 2 m. When there is a lot of water in the river a slight wind from N will raise a considerable sea on the bar, which is then dangerous.
29. Weed growing from the bottom is very abundant and attains great length by mid summer. It is liable to foul propellers.
I. Learn the following word combinations, taking into consideration the use of prepositions:
to accuse of – обвинять в чем-либо
to approve of – одобрять что-либо
to be afraid of – бояться чего-либо
to be capable (incapable) of – быть способным (неспособным) на что-либо
to be engaged in – заниматься чем-либо
to be interested in – интересоваться чем-либо
to be liable to – быть подверженным чему-либо
to be responsible for – быть ответственным за …
to consist in – заключаться в …
to consist of – состоять из …
to count on (upon)=to depend on (upon)=to relay on (upon) – рассчитывать; полагаться на что-либо
to get used to – привыкать к …
to hear of – слышать о …
to insist on – настаивать на …
to keep away (from, off) – держаться в отдалении чего-либо
to keep on – продолжать делать что-либо
to object to – возражать против чего-либо
to prevent from – препятствовать, мешать (сделать что-либо)
to result in – приводить к чему-либо, явиться результатом чего-либо
to spend in – тратить время на что-то
to succeed in – удаваться; преуспеть в чем-либо
to suspect of – подозревать в чем-либо
to think of – думать о …
II. Complete the sentences, you may use the following words:
to stop, to proceed, to enter, to leave, to cross, to navigate close inshore, to overtake,
1. It is dangerous …
2. It is prudent …
3. It is not allowed …
4. It is advisable …
5. It is prohibited …
6. It is not recommended …
7. It is unsafe …
III. Complete the sentences, using the phrases in brackets:
Model: Do not enter this area. (much shipping)
Do not enter this area: there is much shipping.
1. Take caution. (dredging operation in progress)
2. Keep clear of the fairway. (leakage of inflammable cargo)
3. Avoid the area enclosed by pecked lines. (Telegraph Cables)
4. Stop your engine at once. (crossing vessel ahead)
5. Do not come close inshore. (shallow depth)
6. Do not anchor. (insufficient room for anchoring)
7. Exercise great care. (constant shifting of buoys)
8. Reduce your speed. (obscured area)
9. Keep sharp look out. (numerous wrecks in the area)
10. Keep on line of the light-buoys. (Drift Nets)
IV. Say it in English:
1. Опасно пересекать этот бар в штормовую погоду.
2. На местоположение этих буев нельзя полагаться.
3. Необходимо проявлять большую осторожность при следовании в этом районе.
4. Вдоль побережья имеются многочисленные затонувшие суда; только некоторые из них нанесены на карту.
5. Высокоскоростные паромы, имеющие скорость до 40 узлов могут встречаться на подходах к порту.
6. Не рекомендуется покидать гавань при усилении входящего течения.
7. Лучшее время для входа в гавань 1 час до или после полной воды. (1 hour either side of HW)
8. Суда предупреждаются избегать постановки на якорь.
9. Постановка на якорь, траление запрещены вблизи трубопровода.
10. Так как район, отмеченный на карте пунктирной линией, все еще не исследован, не следует предпринимать попыток пройти через него.
V. Translate these questions into English and give your answers:
1. Есть ли какие-либо предостережения для этого района, которые я должен знать?
2. Почему этот район опасен в штормовую погоду?
3. Не опасно ли входить при плохой видимости?
4. Почему якорная стоянка для больших судов не рекомендована в этом районе?
5. Как часто паромы и суда на воздушной подушке пересекают этот район?
6. Постоянна ли глубина в этом канале или она может меняться?
7. Есть ли какие-либо затонувшие суда и другие препятствия, не нанесенные на карту?
8. Достоверная ли глубина указана на карте?
adverse weather [æd'və:s wəðə] неблагоприятная погода
amend [ə'mend] исправлять, вносить поправку
attempt to enter [æt'emp tə 'entə] пытаться войти
available [ə'veiləbl] доступный, свободный
board a ship ['bɔ:d ə'∫ip] подняться на борт
compulsory [kəm'p⋀lsəri] обязательный, принудительный
confirm [kən'fə:m] подтверждать
cover the area ['k⋀və ði 'eəriə] охватывать район
delay [di 'lei] задержка; задерживаться
disembark a pilot [disə'mba:k] высаживать лоцмана
embark a pilot [əm'ba:k ə'pailət] брать лоцмана на борт
ensign ['ənsain] поднять кормовой флаг
extend [ik'stend] простирать (-ся); тянуть (-ся); продолжать
extreme [ik'stri:m] крайний, чрезвычайный
fly a flag [flai ə'flæg] нести флаг; ходить под флагом
follow ['f ɔləu] следовать
give ETA подать извещение о предполагаемом времени прибытия
~ notice подать извещение
hampered vessel ['hæmpəd 'vesl] судно, ограниченное в возможности маневрировать
licensed ['laisnst] pilot лоцман, имеющий лицензию на выполнение своих обязанностей
obtain [ɔb'tein] получать
order a tug ['ɔ:də ə't⋀g] заказывать буксир
pilot ['pailət] лоцман; производить лоцманскую проводку
~ boat ['bəut] лоцманский катер
~ cutter ['k⋀tə] лоцманский катер
~ launch ['lɔ:nt∫] лоцманский катер
prevent [pri'vent] предотвращать; предохранять; препятствовать
request [ri'kwest] просьба
on ~ по просьбе
rough [r⋀f ] weather штормовая погода
stranger ['streindƷə] иностранное судно; судно не знакомое с местными условиями плавания
vessel under tow буксируемое судно
Memorize the following sentences:
1. Pilotage is (not) compulsory. Лоцманская проводка обязательна
2. Pilotage is available. Лоцманская проводка
3. Tugs are available. Буксиры предоставляются.
4. Vessel should give one hour’s notice Судно должно уведомить Порт
to Port Control. Контроль за один час до прихода.
5. Pilot embarks (boards) the vessel Лоцманская проводка
except for vessels exempt by law. Обязательна для всех судов, за
исключением судов,
имеющих разрешение на
самостоятельное движение.
6. Pilotage is recommended for strangers. Лоцманская проводка
судам не знакомым с местными
условиями плавания.
1. Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels carrying dangerous cargoes and other vessels over 50 m in length. Pilots board within 2 miles of the harbour entrance from 4 hours before HW until tidal conditions after HW make entry into harbour unsafe. One tug is available.
2. Pilots board by arrangement about a mile to the SW of the breakwater. In severe weather the pilot boat leads in keeping 100 m from the breakwater. One tug is available.
3. Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels except those exempt by law. Pilots should be requested from Folkestone Port control at Folkestone. There are no tugs at Folkestone. Tugs can be ordered from Dover giving 1 hour notice.
4. Request for pilots should be sent 12 hours in advance and confirm 1 hour before ETA. The pilot boarding point, shown on Chart, is 3 miles ENE of the harbour entrance.The pilotage area extends 3 miles from West Pier Light between the bearing 065º and 145º. A tug is available.
5. Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels longer than 45 m. Vessels requiring a pilot should set VHF watch 2 hours prior to HW. If bad weather prevents the pilot from boarding, vessels under 60 m in length may still enter harbour at the time of slack water, being governed by the Traffic Signals.
6. There is no pilot station in the Baie de Somme, but unlicensed local pilots are available. Because of the frequent changes in the sand banks, the assistance of such a pilot is most strongly advised.
7. When the pilot boat cannot cross the bar, vessel should pass between S1 and S2 Buoys moored to the E of the channel, and then follow the pilot boat. The pilot flies flag P by day or, by night, makes four flashes on a light at regular intervals.
8. Pilots board 1½ miles W of the harbour entrance at a position shown on the chart. In adverse weather conditions, when boarding is not possible, vessels should remain in the vicinity of outer anchorage and await instructions.
9. In good weather the pilot boards to the N of CA4 Light-buoy and in bad weather closer inshore in the vicinity of CA6 and CA8 Light-buoys, but in the latter case care must be taken not to drift down onto these buoys. Tankers or vessels carrying dangerous substances are prohibited from proceeding without a pilot embarked.
10. Pilotage is not compulsory for internal movements unless a tug is employed or the vessel is carrying dangerous substances in bulk. Movements through locks are subject to compulsory pilotage.
11. While the pilot is boarding care should be taken not to drift down onto Dunkerque Lanby as the stream setting onto the buoy can be very strong.
12. Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels, except those in ballast drawing less than 2.2 m. Local pilots are available. Tugs are available.
13. Normally the pilot embarks to carry out his duties, but if it is not possible a radar controlled pilotage service is available. Such pilotage is controlled in English or Dutch on VHF radio for vessels bound for Dutch or Belgian ports.
14. The ETA of towed vessels of more than 100 m in length, 30 m beam or draught 8 m should be sent at least 24 hours in advance.
15. If pilotage is suspended off Westerschelde the following signals are exhibited from the pilot station at Vlissingen: all vessels – green light; small vessels only – two horizontal green lights.
16. Vessels may embark their pilots by helicopter. The procedure is entirely handled on VHF. Transfer positions, shown on the chart are to the N of Maas North TSS.
17. Unless thoroughly acquainted with the river the services of a pilot are essential. Pilotage is compulsory upstream of the boundary between the Netherlands and Germany.
18. The area of compulsory pilotage for vessels over 40 m in length extends WNW from the Hoek van Holland. Vessels in transit are not subject to compulsory pilotage, providing they are not entering Nieuwe Waterweg.
19. Request for pilots should be sent to the Port Control Centre London 24 hours in advance or on leaving previous port if later. The request should include point of pilot embarkation, GRT, LOA, draught and destination. Confirmation is required 8 hours in advance.
20. VHF radio contact should be made with the pilot station prior to the pilot boarding for advice on the time and position of boarding and whether the vessel should be underway or at anchor.
Noun (n) | Verb (v) |
attempt board coast delay ensign license notice order pilot request | to attempt to board to coast to delay to ensign to license to notice to order to pilot to request |
Verb (v) | Noun (n) |
to embark to disembark to confirm to congest to connect to consider to instruct to intend to navigate to prevent to prohibit to regulate to restrict | embarkation disembarkation confirmation congestion connection consideration instruction intention navigation prevention prohibition regulation restriction |
I. Learn the following:
1. licensed deep sea pilots - лоцман, имеющие лицензию на проводку глубоководных судов
2. unlicensed local pilots – лоцманы без лицензии
3. pilots should be requested – лоцманов следует запрашивать
4. pilots may be embarked (disembarked) – лоцманы могут быть взяты на борот (высажены)
5. embarkation normally takes place – посадка обычно происходит
6. to embark a pilot by helicopter – осуществить высадку лоцмана с вертолета
7. to travel long distance to the points of embarkation – пройти большое расстояние до точки посадки лоцмана
8. vessel coasting from port to port in the area – суда, курсирующие от порта к порту в прибрежном плавание
9. to make entry into the harbour safe (unsafe) – войти в гавань безопасно (небезопасно)
10. pilotage area extends – район лоцманской проводки простирается
11. vessel should give 5 hours notice of her ETA – судно должно подать извещение о предполагаемом времени прихода за 5 часов
12. weather prevents the pilot from boarding – погода не позволяет лоцману подняться на борт
13. assistance of a pilot is most strongly advised – лоцманская проводка настоятельно рекомендуется
14. make flashes on a light at regular intervals – давать проблески огнем с равными интервалами
15. entry should not be attempted – не следует пытаться войти
16. adverse weather conditions – неблагоприятные погодные условия
17. on no account should vessels attempt to enter – ни в коем случае суда не должны пытаться войти
18. weather permitting – если позволит погода
19. care must be taken – следует проявлять осторожность
20. care is required – требуется осторожность
21. towage can be arranged – буксировка может быть предоставлена
22. tug with fire-fighting capabilities – буксиры со средствами пожаротушения
II. Make up sentences with the following phrases:
1. to embark a pilot 2. pilot boarding point 3. to give notice of ETA 4. weather permitting 5. not to attempt 6. on no account 7. care must be taken 8. to order a tug 9. to prevent from 10. vessels with local knowledge.