Rostov-on-Don - City of Military Glory. MODULE 1. COUNTRY STUDY





Rostov-on-Don city flag Rostov-On-Don city coat of arms

Rostov-on-Don - City of Military Glory. MODULE 1. COUNTRY STUDY - Rostov-on-Don - City of Military Glory. MODULE 1. COUNTRY STUDY -

Talk about these questions.

· Why do you think fortress is in the flag and coat of arms?

· What do you think about the origin of the crown in the coat of arms?

· Is Rostov-on-Don your native city?

· What do you think is the population of Rostov-on-Don?


2. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text “Rostov-on-Don”.

1. settlement – поселение

2. customs house - таможня

3. trading centre – торговый центр

4. access – доступ

5. to occupy an area – занимать территорию

6. to be situated – располагаться

7. junction – пересечение

8. considerable – значительный

9. volume – объём

10. enterprise – крупное предприятие

11. military glory – военная слава

12. cultural heritage – культурное наследие

13. pace – скорость

14. to consolidate - объединять

15. exhibition hall – выставочный зал

3. Compose the sentences using the above mentioned vocabulary.


Read the text and underline or mark the main ideas of this text.


In 1749, Rostov-on-Don town was founded with the main purpose to be a customs house. The settlement received its name after Saint Dimitry Rostovsky.

The town grew quickly and soon it became the major trading centre of the region. The Don River connected the northern and southern regions of the Russian Empire. Rostov-on-Don city became a major river port.

Rostov-on-Don became the capital of the region in 1928. The previous capital of the region was Novocherkassk (Cossack capital). The city was heavily damaged during the World War II. German armies captured Rostov-on-Don twice (in 1941 and 1942). Present time city is one of the centres of the new Russian economic growth.

Rostov-on-Don occupies an area of 354 square kilometres and has a population of more than a million people. The city is situated 1226 kilometres from Moscow. It is a junction of many important transportation routes providing the city with an access to three seas – the Black Sea, the Azov Sea and the Caspian Sea – and immediate contact with all the countries of the European part of the CIS, the Middle East and the Mediterranean. An international airport with a capacity of 4.5 billion passengers functions in the city. By 2018, it is planned to construct the Yuzhny (southern) airport - the largest international airport in the South of Russia.

Rostov-on-Don is the political, economic and cultural centre of the south of Russia, with considerable industrial, banking, trade and scientific potential.

The volumes of industrial production – taking in account only large and medium-sized enterprises – constitutes about 31 billion roubles a year. Almost 50% of the total trade turnover in the region occurs in Rostov.

There are over 800 objects of cultural heritage in Rostov-on-Don. Among them are 470 architectural monuments, 55 archaeological monuments and 106 monumental objects of arts and military glory.

The historical centre of the city is especially rich in architectural buildings and monuments. The building constructed after architect A.N.Pomerantsev’s design - “City Duma” is unique. The building of M.Gorky Drama theatre refers to the masterpieces of world architecture. Its model is kept in the British Museum in London.

Large industrial companies have shown significant interest in Rostov as the capital of the region’s business. These companies include such leaders in the world markets as Samsung, Canon, Panasonic, Philips, Bosch and Siemens.

The investments in the construction in Rostov Region constitute about 7 billion roubles every year. The index of the newly built housing per capita is higher than the one in Moscow. By the pace of the newly built housing, Rostov occupies one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation.

The project for Free Customs Zone “Southern Gates of Russia” is being implemented. The project is to consolidate the infrastructures of Rostov-on-Don and Rostov Region in order to broaden the export-import of the goods, capitals and services exchange going through the territory of Southern Russia.

Rostov-on-Don is a large educational and scientific centre of Russia. It has the third largest university after Moscow and Saint-Petersburg. There are 4 theatres in Rostov-on-Don, the Don State public library (the largest in the south of Russia), S.V.Rakhmaninov conservatoire, and various interesting exhibition halls.

The Rostov-on-Don zoo opened about 80 years ago and is one of the largest in Europe. The Botanical garden of Rostov State University is considered to be one of the largest in Russia, and it occupies about 161 hectares.

The city is also one of the largest jazz centres in Russia. It has turned into a tradition to conduct art festivals in Rostov-on-Don: “Donskaya vesna (spring)”, “Mini-fest” and international jazz festivals.


5. Answer these questions:

1) When was Rostov-on-Don founded and under what circumstances? 2) What is the total area of the city? 3) What is the population of Rostov-on-Don? 4). What was the previous capital of the region? 5) What is the main point of “Southern Gates of Russia” project? 6) What do you know about the international airport? 7) How many objects of cultural heritage are there in Rostov-on-Don? 8) Tell about the historical centre of Rostov-on-Don. 9) What do you know about the Rostov-on-Don zoo? 10) What are the main art festivals in Rostov?

6. Find the situation in the text where the following expressions are used:

Rostov-on-Don town was founded //the previous capital of the region //It is a junction //Rostov-on-Don occupies //the largest international airport //objects of cultural heritage //The project for Free Customs Zone //jazz centres.

7. Work in pairs. Imagine that one of you leaves in England but he (she) travelled to Rostov-on-Don. Your friend wants to know your impressions and asks a lot of questions.(You may talk about history of the city, main sights and cultural life.)

8.At homeprepare a presentation about Rostov-on-Don as if you were a travel agent. Try to advertise the city showing and telling about the best sights to attract tourists.(You may use additional sources of information.)

9. Make up the plan of the text and retell it according to the plan (not less then 100 words).


10. Translate the text “Rostov-on-Don - City of Military Glory” into Russian.

Rostov-on-Don - City of Military Glory

Peaceful life of Rostov-on-Don was violated by the invasion of Nazi hordes. In October 1941 the first fascist bombs fell on the city. The nearest way to the Caucasus led through Rostov. Rostov was a key city in the plans of the fascist general headquarters.

Hitler’s general Kleist wrote: “Rostov is the key to the Caucasus… By turning this key we’ll come as masters through the gateway leading to the oil of Baku and then to India”. That is why the best Nazi troops such as the first tank army and the SS divisions “Viking” and “Adolf Hitler” stormed Rostov. The defenders heroically repelled the aggression.

The aggressors occupied Rostov on July, 1942. The fascist invaders shot, tortured to death in a concentration camp, burned alive and killed more than 5 thousand people. On the territory of our region the Nazi aggressors annihilated more than 98 thousand people and 85 thousand people were driven away to Germany for hard labour.

Freedom came to Rostov on February 14, 1943. For heroism and courage displayed during the Great Patriotic War about 500 partisans were awarded different orders and medals. For the heroic fight against the enemy, for selfless work during the years of the Great Patriotic War and for heroic deeds in the restoration of the city Rostov was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War.

Rostov-on-Don It was awarded the honorable title of City of Military Glory. The Don Cossacks’ military service to the homeland has always had a special status. Cossack divisions were in the vanguard of the Russian army in the time of Peter the Great and during the Napoleonic wars. In the summer of 1942, in the space of a few days these soldiers defended the city against enemy forces that outnumbered them five to one.

It is important to note that the citizens of Rostov have a special respect for the heroic deeds of the soldiers and officers of the 56th Army. It defended the city for more than a month against the fearsome attacks of the powerful fascist tank corps. The honour guard at the eternal flame that burns in memory of the defenders of the city never sleeps.


The Russian Federation


Rostov-on-Don - City of Military Glory. MODULE 1. COUNTRY STUDY - Rostov-on-Don - City of Military Glory. MODULE 1. COUNTRY STUDY -
Flag Coat of arms

1. Answer the questions:

· What are the colours of the national flag?

· What is depicted in the Russian coat of arms?

· What cultural traditions of Russians do you know?


2. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text “The Russian Federation”.

1. Surface – поверхность

2. total area – общая площадь

3. constituent part – составная часть

4. superpower – супердержава

5. Soviet Union – Советский Союз

6. nuclear weapons – ядерное оружие

7. to border on – граничить с

8. variety – разнообразие

9. vegetation – растительность

10. to flow into – впадать

11. legislative power – законодательная власть


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