Module 1. Country study




Rostov-on-Don city flag

Module 1. Country study -

Rostov-On-Don city coat of arms

Module 1. Country study -

Talk about these questions.

· Why do you think fortress is in the flag and coat of arms?

· What do you think about the origin of the crown in the coat of arms?

· Is Rostov-on-Don your native city?

· What do you think is the population of Rostov-on-Don?


2. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text “Rostov-on-Don”.

1. settlement – поселение

2. customs house - таможня

3. trading centre – торговый центр

4. access – доступ

5. to occupy an area – занимать территорию

6. to be situated – располагаться

7. junction – пересечение

8. considerable – значительный

9. volume – объём

10. enterprise – крупное предприятие

11. military glory – военная слава

12. cultural heritage – культурное наследие

13. pace – скорость

14. to consolidate - объединять

15. exhibition hall – выставочный зал

3. Compose the sentences using the above mentioned vocabulary.


Read the text and underline or mark the main ideas of this text.

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