Exercise 5. Complete the table. Use information in the text.

(1) … little or no construction qualifications.
Skilled (2) …
Technical and (3) … (4) …
(5) … hold more legal responsibility.

Exercise 6. Match the beginning of the sentence to its ending.

1. There are many routes to different careers within the construction industry…

2. Skilled occupations in the UK require…

3. Technical and specialized occupations require more training as greater…

4. In the UK, 8500…

5. The professions like a civil engineer, a building services engineer, a project manager, a quantity surveyor, a structural engineer and others…

A. further education qualifications, often in vocational subject areas.

B. hold more legal responsibility.

C. which vary by country.

D. further education qualifications, often in vocational subject areas.

E. construction-related apprenticeships were commenced in 2007.

Exercise 7. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Главный инженер проекта должен иметь специальное образование согласно общим требованиям большинства строительных организаций.

2. Существует множество строительных квалификаций, на которые может претендовать как квалифицированный, так и среднеквалифицированный и неквалифицированный сотрудник.

3. Какие ступени карьеры проходит инженер-строитель?

4. Геодезист – это специалист, который не должен отвечать за правовые вопросы в строительстве.

5. Очень важно обучать штат сотрудников специальности без отрыва от производства.

6. Он начал свою строительную карьеру со строительной площадки.

Exercise 8. Group work to brainstorm vocabulary. Each student is going to have one of the following tasks:

Student A asks “Where do you work?” over and over again.

Student B gives a different answer each time.

Student C notes down each of student B’s answers.

Then students C have to read out any answers they guess are wrong. The class can correct them.

Repeat the activity several times so that everybody has been an observer, a questioner and an answerer.

Text B

Exercise 10. Match the words with their definitions.

1) contractor; 9) to obtain;
2) sewer; 10) an order;
3) highway; 11) property;
4) carpentry; 12) partition;
5) plumbing; 13) to maintain;
6) to omit; 14) a glazier;
7) to subcontract; 15) insulation;
8) crew; 16) demolition.

1. To leave out, to drop.

2. A main road, especially one that connects towns or cities.

3. Someone whose job is fitting glass into windows and doors.

4. The act of deliberately destroying it, often in order to build something else in its place.

5. To get, to achieve.

6. A wall or screen that separates one part of a room from another.

7. A company pays other people to do part of their work for them.

8. Method, regularity, symmetry, regular arrangement, disposition.

9. A person or company that does work for other people or organizations.

10. Wealth, estate, goods, possessions, one's own, thing owned.

11. A thick layer of a substance that keeps something warm, especially a building.

12. To sustain, to support, to preserve, to keep.

13. The activity of making and repairing wooden things.

14. Company, band, crowd.

15. The work of fitting and repairing water pipes, baths.

16. A large underground channel that carries waste and rain water away, usually to a place where it is treated and made harmless.

Exercise 11. Give each group of words its correct heading from the list.

Electrical systems Infrastructure Types of construction work
Construction professions Materials  

1. General contractor, trade contractors, architect, trade worker, brick masons, paperhangers, plasterers, roofers.

2. Sewers, roads, highways, bridges, tunnels.

3. Carpentry, painting, plumbing, electrical work, heating.

4. Brick, panels, concrete block, stone.

5. Lighting, climate control, security, communications.

Exercise 12. Read and translate the text.

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