V.Из данных предложений выпишите и переведите те, в которых сказуемое стоит в Passive Voice

16. His greatest wish was to see an end of wars.

17. Each year, thousands of international experts are invited to nominate candidates.

18. Sir Winston Churchill received a literature prize in 1953.

19. Many scientists were attracted to American universities by generous research funds.

20. Alfred Nobel is remembered long after his death.

VI. Выберите и выпишите соответствующую форму глагола.

21. The Nobel Committee for physics invites / is invited 2,000 professors to nominate candidates.

22. In his famous will Nobel left / was left money to provide prizes for outstanding works in science.

23. Large amounts of money donated / were donated by Nobel’s relatives to research and education.

24. The safety of explosives improved / was improved by inventing dynamite.

25. He quickly saw / was seen industrial openings for his scientific inventions.

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Прочитайте текст, вдумайтесь в его содержание, постарайтесь понять его, чтобы выполнить задания после текста.

Alfred Nobel (1833 - 1896)

1. The first Nobel prizes were awarded in 1901 to carry out the final wishes of the Swedish chemist and inventor Alfred Nobel, who wanted to recognize people whose work conferred “the greatest benefit on mankind”. The annual awards in the sciences, literature and the promotion of the international peace are among the most prestigious in the world. Nobel’s interest in rewarding achievements in five fields was rooted in family tradition and his own life experience.
2. Nobel was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833. His father, Immanuel Nobel, was an engineer and inventor. He designed steam engines and underwater mines. He also was a pioneer in arms manufacturing and had experimented with different techniques of blasting rocks.
3. When Alfred was young the family had to move to Russia. There, Alfred and his brothers received a first-class education. By the age of 17, Alfred was fluent in five languages and had developed interests ranging from chemistry to English poetry. Soon after young Nobel was sent to Paris for more training in chemical engineering. This gave him the foundation for the work that would place him in history books.
4. A meeting with Italian chemist Ascanio Sobrero, who invented nitroglycerine, led to Nobel’s invention of dynamite. As nitroglycerine and its production were difficult to control Nobel tried adding silica to make a paste that could be shaped into rods and inserted into drilling holes. In 1867, he patented his material, calling it dynamite. As a man who discovered how to reduce costs for blasting rocks and drilling tunnels, Nobel became a very wealthy man.
5. He died in Italy on December 10, 1896. In his will, he directed that his fortune be used for prizes in chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, literature and peacekeeping. The prize in economic sciences was established in 1968 to commemorate the Bank of Sweden’s 300th anniversary. According to Nobel’s wishes the prizes in science and literature were to be awarded by a Swedish Committee, while the peace prize was to be given out by the Norwegian Nobel Committee. Each year, thousands of international experts and research institutes are invited to nominate candidates. Members of governments and the International Court of Justice at the Hague can make suggestions for the peace prize. The nominators are carefully investigated and a vote is taken.

Прочтите пояснения к тексту.

mine – мина

blasting – взрывание

rock – горная порода

silica – двуокись кремния

drilling holes – буровые скважины

International Court of Justice – Международный суд

the Hague – г. Гаага

will – завещание

I. Какое из данных утверждений выражает основную идею текста?

1. Nobel’s famous will, in which he left money for prizes in science and literature, is a memorial to his interests and ideals.

2. Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor and chemist, was a man of many contrasts.

3. Nobel had outstanding ability to combine the qualities of an original scientist and a forward-looking industrialist.

II. Запишите номер абзаца, в котором вы найдете ответ на вопрос.

What position did Nobel’s father make for himself in the engineering industry?

III. Расположите данные пункты плана в последовательности, соответствующей содержанию текста.

1. All prizes, except the Peace Prize, are awarded in Sweden.

2. At about twenty Alfred Nobel was already a skillful chemist and an excellent linguist.

3. The Nobel prizes are among the most prestigious prizes in science and literature.

4. Nobel’s father was a talented engineer and inventor.

5. Nobel invented dynamite to improve drilling and road building.

IV. Есть ли в тексте ответы на вопросы? Запишите “да” или “нет”.

6. Who chose the five fields of science for awarding prizes?

7. Did Immanuel Nobel, being a skillful inventor, make a fortune?

8. What foreign languages did Alfred Nobel speak?

9. When are the Nobel prizes awarded?

10. Where is the prize for the promoting international peace awarded?

V. Переведите письменно 4 и 5 абзацы.


Вариант C

Для выполнения данной контрольной работы рекомендуется найти по словарю значения заданных слов и словосочетаний, постараться их запомнить, а затем перейти к выполнению контрольной работы.

almost, always, to educate, to learn, inspiration, to set up, habit, chemicals, workshop, to improve, schooling, to fail, failure, discouraged, forever, to manufacture.


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