Exercise 2. P.12 Generation gap

1. I think parents should spend more time with their kids. 2. Some adults talk to their children only when they must scold them for something. 3. It's completely wrong. 4. How can they expect teenagers to be open with them if they aren't interested in their life? 5. Often, parents don't understand their children because they don't really try to.6. Another thing is too much control. 7. If adults don't trust teenagers, don't see them as equals, it's only natural that teenagers behave in an irresponsible and childish way. 8. They do what's expected of them.

Exercise 2. p.13

For example:

Dear Olga!

I want to congratulate you with your birthday. Many happy returns of the day! I wish you happiness and all the best one can imagine. Be always such a nice lady as you are now. I wish you to have many good friends, to live interesting life, to meet your love, to find your place in the society. Be always in a good mood. Let the world smile to you and let the evil keep far away from your home, from you and people you love. Happy birthday to you!

Exercise 6.p.27 Match the phrases with their translation

-Что ты делаешь сегодня вечером? -What are you doing tonight?
-Ничего особенного, а что? -Nothing special, why?
-Ты не хочешь сходить в кино? -Would you like to go to the cinema?
-Неплохая мысль. Я уже несколько недель не был в кино. -That’s not a bad idea. I haven’t been at the cinema for several weeks.
-В кинотеатре «Москва» идёт «Унесённые ветром» по роману Маргарет Митчел. -The Moscow cinema is showing “Gone with the Wind” based on Mitchel’s novel.
-Мой друг уже видел его. Он говорит, что это замечательный фильм. Конечно, мы не должны пропустить его. -My friend has already seen it. He says it is a wonderful film. Of course, we mustn’t miss it.
-Тогда я куплю два билета на восьмичасовый сеанс. Тебя устраивает это время? -Then I shall buy two tickets for the eight o’clock show. Does this time suit you?
-Да, спасибо. А где мы встретимся? -Perfectly, thank you. And where shall we meet?
-Давай встретимся у меня в 6 часов. -Let’s meet at my house at 7 o’clock.
-Хорошо. До скорой встречи. -All right. See you soon.

Exercise 1 p.38 Audition

Jack: I think that the Internet is here to stay and will change al our lives for the better. For example, I think shopping as we know it will have disappeared by 2020 as it can be done electronically. Goods will be selected on screen and delivered to our door. I already buy books this way from an online bookshop and my mum orders her groceries on the net. I know that there are technical problems about the amount of information we can transmit but computer technology is increasing so fast that I am sure these problems will be solved. I think that in the future our computers will be part of the family. We’ll talk to them, ask them questions, and have access to all the knowledge in the world.

Liam: I think people are attaching too much importance to computers and the Internet. Very few aspects of our daily life require computers. Computer technology is irrelevant when we play sport, cook, drive, speak, have fun and are engaged in most of everyday life activities. You don’t need a keyboard to play basketball. Have you tried surfing the net? It can take fifteen to thirty seconds for a single picture to appear. I think people will become bored with it, and the Internet will just be another fad. I haven’t got a computer and I’m not getting one either.

Caroline: I haven’t got computer at home but I hope that my parents will buy me one for my next birthday. I use a computer at college but with my own machine I’ll be able to stay in touch with my friends and do a lot more research. I think the Internet will makes women’s lives easier. For example, my elder sister is able to look after her baby and carry on working. She usus e-mail to stay in constant contact with her company. In a few years we’ll be accessing the Internet from our TVs.

Exercise 2 p.52

Ann: Good morning, doctor!
Doctor: Good morning. What is your surname?
Ann: Stelmakh
Doctor: Here is your patient’s file. What’s wrong with you?
Ann: I am shivering and, I think, I have a temperature. I slept bad this night, but in the morning I went to the colledge. When two lessons were over I had to go – I felt so bad.
Doctor: Let me examine you, but first take your temperature. The temperature is too high. Will you open your mouth and say “A-a”.
Ann: A-a-a.
Doctor: The throat is slightly inflamed. Will you take your blouse off, I want to examine you. Breathe in, now breathe out. Cough. Enough. How many days have you been coughing?
Ann: The second day.
Doctor: You have a typical cold. You should stay in bed some days and take medicine. Here is a prescription.
Ann: How many times a day should I take the medicine?
Doctor: Three times a day after meals. Drink hot tea with milk.
Ann: What do you think, how much time have I to stay in bed?
Doctor: Three or four days. I am sure that by the end of the week you will have recovered.(will have felt better).
Ann: Thank you, doctor.
Doctor: Good bye.

Exercise 2.p.55

I say, when this film of yours finishes? Oh, really, in an hour or so. What a pity! In 10 minutes “the Animal Kingdom” starts at the “1+1” channel. I always watch this programme, every week, I’s true. It’s so interesting. They show wild animals from all over the world: Africa, South and North America, Asia, Australia. I adore animals of Australia. Do you know that it’s the only continent of the world where marsupials (as kangaroos and others) live nowadays? They also have so many different birds, big and small. And sometimes this programme is shot at the Zoo. All the Zoos of the world! We can see the animals we have never seen alive. Panda for example. What a nice creature! It eats only bamboo shoots and it is very careful. It’s almost impossible to meet it in the wild. Not to say that it lives only in China. And the film you are watching looks very much like the film you watched yesterday. Come on, let’s switch over to my favourite programme. And you can watch almost the same film tomorrow – shooting, running and driving like mad, oh yes, and kissing. All right, let’s at least start to watch it. If it’s about Australian animals, we’ll watch it till the very end. Thanks.


1. Агабекян И.П., Коваленко П.И. «Английский для технических вузов», издательство «Феникс», 2003 г.

2. Бех П.О. «Англійська мова», навчальний посібник, Київ, 2001 р.

3. Гужва Т. «Английские разговорные темы», Киев, Тандем, 2000 г.

4. Куриленко Ю.В. «400 тем по английскому языку», Донецк, 2003 г.

5. Парахина А., Тылкина С. «Учебник английского языка»

6. Шевелева С.А., Стогов В.Е. «Основы экономики и бизнеса», Москва, ЮНИТИ, 2001г.

7. Шпак В.К. «Англійська мова для повсякденного спілкування», Київ, Вища школа, 2003 р.

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