The consitution is the main law of ukraine

The constitutions take a special place in the world civilization and play an important role in the political history of every country. The constitution of the young independent state of Ukraine is not the exception.

The principles forming the basis of our Constitution conform to the modern democratic norms operating in all developed countries. But we can say with pride that the legal traditions of the Ukrainian people are deeply rooted in the past.

The first constitutions were adopted at the end of the eighteen centuries. The Constitution of the USA was adopted in 1787. In 1791 the Constitution of France and Poland were adopted.

But long before, in 1710, in Bendery city Cossack Rada and Pylyp Orlyk, Getman of Ukraine in expulsion, adopted the document which was the first prototype of modern constitutions. It was called ‘Pacts and Constitutions of Laws and Freedoms of Zaporozhsky Troops’

The Constitution included the preamble and 16 paragraphs. The main principles of construction of the Ukrainian state were formulated there: the role of orthodoxy in state and society, the independence of Ukraine from Poland and Moscow. But the most important achievement of the Constitution was the idea of separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers. This idea reflected the most progressive views of that time on the state building.

Nevertheless, all the attempts to create the independent Ukrainian stat failed. 150 years later, in 1917-1920, the Central Rada, and then Getman Skoropadsky made one more unsuccessful attempt. Only at the end f the 20th century Ukraine became both the independent state and the full member of the Euroean Council.

Due to this, it was necessary t bring the Ukrainian legislation into accord with European norms. And during the 5th session of the Verhovna Rada, after the intensive and dramatic debates, which did not stop even a night, the Main Law of Ukraine was adopted. It happened on the 28th of June, 1996, at 9.20 a.m.

The Constitution of Ukraine includes the preamble and 102 clauses. They reflect the main principles of the state system of Ukraine, the rights and duties of its citizens.

6. Learn the words and put them down into your vocabularies:


to conform to-відповідати (чомусь),

to be deeply rooted-заглиблюватись корінням у минуле,

to adopt-приймати,






To fail-зазнати невдачі,

Full member- повноправний член,


7. Use the given words to complete the sentences? Learn them and write down into your vocabularies:

Ukrainian single

Right Secondary

Limited national

Independent preamble

Supreme Unitarian


1. The Constitution of Ukraine was adopted by the ________ Rada of Ukraine on June 28, 1996.

2. The Constitution of Ukraine consists of the _________, 15 chapters and 161 articles.

3. Ukraine is a sovereign and _________, democratic, social, legal state.

4. Ukraine is a _______ state. The territory of Ukraine is integral and inviolable.

5. The man is the ______- social value in Ukraine.

6. Ukraine is a state with a _________ citizenship.

7. The state language in Ukraine is ________.

8. Ukraine guarantees free development of Russian and other languages of the _______ minorities.

9. Article 53. Everyone has the right to education. __________ education is obligatory.

10. Article 41. The right of _______ property is inviolable.

11. Article 42. Everyone has the right for enterprise, which is not ________by the law.

12. Article 43. Everyone has the ______ to work.


My Native Town

1. Learn these words and word-combinations and put them into your vocabularies:

To cover-охоплювати;

To be founded-бути заснованим;

In smb’s honor-на чиюсь честь;


To expand-розширяти;


To accommodate-розміщати;


2. Read the text, translate it, write down the new words into your vocabularies:


Zhytomyr is a regional city of Ukraine on the Teteriv River. The population of Zhytomyr is over 300 000.

The legend tells that the town was founded by Zhytomyr, the counselor and favorite of the legendary Kyivan Princes Askold and Dir in 884. When Askold was killed, Zhytomyr did not want to serve Oleh and escaped to the Volyn forests.

Some time a Slav tribe of Zhytyches lived here. In some Slav languages ‘myr’ means a region. Hence Zhytomyr means the region where Zhytyches lived.

In the 14th century Zhytomyr as under the rule of the feudal Lithuania. After the Union of Liublin of 1569 it became a Polish town. In 1793 the town was united with Russia.

The leading industries of Zhytomyr include machne engineering and metalworking.

The city is the cultural and educational center of the region. Zhytomyr boasts of the Zhytomyr University and the Agricultural University. The Museum of Local Lore was founded in 1865. The museum includes the houses-museums of V.G. Korolenko (1853-1921) and S.P. Koroliov (1907-1966).

The Ukrainian Musical and Drama Theter established in 1944 boasts of the noted Ukrainian actor V.P. Tolok.

The architectural image of the city s represented by the Polish Roman catholic Church (1744), the magistrate (1789) and the Cathedral of 1866. The city boasts of the monumants to O.S. Pushkin (1899), Yaroslav Dabrowski (1836-1871), V.G. Korolenko (1853-1921).

In 1937 the city became the capital of the Zhytomyr region.

The Zhytomyr Region includes 22 districts, 9 towns, 45 settlements, and 1653 villages.

3. Answer the questions:

1. Where is Zhytomyr situated?

2. What is population of the city?

3. What do you know about the history of Zhytomyr?

4. When was Zhytomyr founded?

5. What are the leading industries of Zhytomyr?

6. What is the architectural image of Zhytomyr?

4. Complete the sentences with the given words:

Harvesters economic

Chemical shipbuilding

Buses television sets

Reserves recreational

Industry zinc

Potential grape

1. Present-day independent Ukraine has a considerable _______ to quickly develop its economy.

2. Ukraine can be divided into three _______ areas: Southwestern, Donets-Dnieper and Southern.

3. The Southwestern Economic Area has supplies of metal and fuel, largest _______ of mineral and wood.

4. The top position is held by the sugar industry. __________ of the Lviv plant have won great popularity.

5. The area produces also trams, _____________ and cameras.

6. The Donets-Dnieper Economic Area has rich mineral deposits and industrial base for heavy ________.

7. The Donets Basin contains the power stations and plants producing _____m plastics, soda and dyes.

8. The Southern Economic Area is close to the sea. Its key sector is _________.

9. Local factories produce machinery for the power industry, tractors and ________.

10. There are many saline deposits for the ___________ industry.

11. Southern Ukraine is a large producer of _________ wines, canned fruits and vegetables.

12. Crimea has rich ____________ resources.


5. Complete the sentences with the words from the brackets:

(trade, rivers, transportation, economy, railway, air)

1. Transport plays a big role in the ___________ of Ukraine.

2. The ___________ network has some 22 000 km of track.

3. The ports of Ukraine ensure ________ contacts with over 80 countries.

4. The length of navigable __________ in Ukraine is close to 5000 km.

5. The _________ transport has become one of the principal means of ____________ in Uraine.

Economic reforms.

6. Complete the sentences with the following words:

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