Zhytomyr Technological College

Term 1



1. Read and translate the text ‘English Language’, try to give your own ideas that concern your study of English.

Language belongs to each of us. Everyone uses words/ there is almost nothing in our lives that is not touched by language. We live in and by language. We all speak and we listen.

Everyday we can see that it is very important to know foreign language. The Internet and the satellite TV enable us to get information from all over the world. We are able to get education or a job in any country of the world. But we all know that we have to know the language of the country we want to study or work in.

English is the world’s first truly universal language. The rise of English is a story of wonderful success. When Julius Caesar landed in Britain nearly two thousands years ago, English did not exist. Five hundred years later, in the 5th century, English was already spoken by the people who inhabited Great Britain but they were not many, and their English was not the language we know today. Nearly a thousand years later, at the end of the 16th century, when William Shakespeare created his works, English was the native language of about 6 million Englishmen. At that time English was not used anywhere else except Great Britain.

Today English is more widely spoken in written than any other language has ever been. There are more than 1.5 billion English speakers in the world. At any station or airport in the world we can find instructions in English. Pilots and air traffic controllers, sailors speak English at all international airports and ports. Three quarters of the world’s mail and its telexes and telegrams are in English. More than half of the world’s scientific periodicals and eighty per cent of the information in the world’s computers are also in English. Business and trade can’t exist now without English. It is the language of sports: the official language of international air organizations, such as Oxfam and Save the Children, as well as of UNESCO, NATO and the United Nations.

If we listen to the talk of young people we’ll hear the words like ‘rap music’, ‘bodybuilding’, ‘windsurfing’, ‘computer hackers’ and others. English has become a part of youth culture all over the world and in Ukraine too.

If we want to feel ourselves comfortable in our modern world we must know English. But it’s not the limit. The knowledge of one foreign language extends our mind more than twice. So let’s not put limits on our minds and souls and study more foreign language. You know that those who control the information, those control the world.

2. Complete the sentences below with the words and expressions from the brackets:

(Native speaker, strong accent, second language, mother-tongue, bilingual)

1. My _____________________ is Ukrainian, but I am ________________________.

2. I will keep learning English until I can hold a conversation like a _______________.

3. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand Mark. Yes, he comes from Liverpool and has a ____.

3. Use the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences below:

(Pick up, hold, study, make, do, practice, say, improve)

1. When I started learning English five years ago I hardly ______________a word.

2. I went to classes two evening a week and I was surprised at how quickly I ______progress.

3. During the course we learned lots of vocabulary and __________grammar rules.

4. The thing I enjoyed most was being able to ___________speaking with the other students.

5. After two years I went to a language school in Oxford and ___________a three-week course.

6. I stayed with a local family and __________a lot of new language from speaking with my host family.

7. I really___________ my pronunciation as well.

8. When I got back to Ukraine, I could ____________conversation with my teacher in English.

4. Use the words from the brackets to complete the sentences:

(Correct, repeat, do the exercise, practice, listen carefully, hand in)

1. I’m playing the tape once so________________________.

2. Well, everybody__________________ after me: ‘It’s better late than never’.

3. Remember to ________ some o the rules you have learned today outside the classroom.

4. I want you to ________________ on page 47.

5. Don’t forget you need to _________________your essays on Monday.

6. I’ not going to __________________every mistake you make because it won’t be helpful.

(Revising, rub it out, look it up, make mistakes, write it down)

1. If you’re not sure what his verb means, ____________ in your dictionary.

2. Whenever you hear a new word for you, ______________ in your notebook.

3. Don’t worry about _____________, to err is human.

4. Write the answers in pencil. Then I you get some wrong, you can __________and do them again.

5. Remember there’s a test on Wednesday. So, spend some time ___________this evening.


Zhytomyr Technological College

1. Read and memorize the following words, word-combinations and word-groups, write them down into your vocabularies:

College-коледж; tutor- класний керівник;

Faculty-факультет; assembly hall-актовий зал;

Technical school-технічне училище; canteen-столова;

Higher education-вища освіта; cloak-room-гардероб;

fee-плата; gymnasium-спортивний зал;

industrial training-виробнича практика; hostel-гуртожиток;

stipend-стипендія; laboratory-лабораторія;

scholarship-стипендія; library-бібліотека;

time-table-розклад; headmaster’s office-кабінет директора;

graduate-випускник; staff room-учительська, кафедра

headmaster-директор; woodwork room-майстерня;

monitor-староста; break-перерва;

undergraduate-студент останнього курсу; lecture- лекція;

first year student-першокурсник; mark-оцінка;

correspondence student-заочник; period-пара.

2. Give English equivalents of the followings:

1. Професійне технічне училище; 6. Мати 4 пари;

2. Жити в гуртожитку; 7. Кликати старосту;

3. Чекати на перерву; 8.бути випускником університету;

4. Іти до лабораторії; 9. Навчатись на заочному відділенні;

5. Шукати класного керівника; 10.поїсти в їдальні.

3. Read and translate the substitutional patterns and make sentences with the appropriate words:

clever at drawing

good at? good at doing sums

What is Jim clever at? He is poor at solving problems

poor at? clever at memorizing foreign words

Can you help me with this problem? Of course, I can.

sum? You’re welcome.


4. Read, translate and dramatize the following dialogues:


-Have you written your composition, Ben? It’s due today.

-Of course. And what about you?

-Not yet. I didn’t think it would be so difficult and started it only yesterday.

-Well, it will teach you a lesson. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today, you know.


-Paul wouldn’t like to fail in his exam, would he?

-Of course he wouldn’t. Who would?

-But he hasn’t been working very hard. He thinks he is clever enough to pass his exams without much work, doesn’t he?

-Yes, he relies too much on his memory but I doubt it can carry him out when doing physics.


-Why doesn’t Jim work harder?

-You know that very well-because he is lazy.

-Do you think the teacher will put up with that very long?

-I’m afraid he won’t, and Jim will have to repeat the class.


-May I go to the cinema today, Dad?

-Yes, you may, if you’ve done all your lessons.

-And may I stay a little longer than usual?

-No, you may not. You must be back by 11. You have your exams soon.

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