D. Prepositions of Direction

Основными предлогами направления являются:To, On (to), In (to)

  D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
    D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru

  D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru

a. Основный предлог направления "to"

TO: обозначает движение по направлению к какому- либо объекту

Robert returned to his apartment.

b. The prepositions “onto”, “into”:

ON + TO = onto: обозначает движение по направлению к поверхности D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
IN + TO = into: обозначает движение по направлению во что-либо D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
4) The swimmer jumped in/into the pool. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
5) Tom fell on/onto the floor. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
6) The crab washed up on/onto the shore. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
  Выполнение какого-либо действия   Расположение объекта  
Jean fell on(to) the floor. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru Jean is on the floor. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
Carol dived in(to) the water. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru Carol is in the water. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru

  D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru

Drive towardthe city limits and turn north. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru (Drive in the direction of the city limits; turnoff may be before arriving there.)
The plane was headed toward a mountain. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru (It was headed in the direction of a mountain; it may not have reached or hit the mountain.)
Take me to the airport, please. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru

Предлог "оnto" может быть заменён на предлог "on" с глаголами движения.

The sportsman jumped on(to) the mat. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
Mark fell on(to) the floor. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru

D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru Exercise 1.Complete the following sentences with the correct prepositions: to, toward, on, onto, in,or into. Some sentences may have more than one possible correct answer.

1. Anna has returned ______ her home town.

2. The dog jumped ______ the lake.

3. Are the boys still swimming ______ the pool?

4. Thomas fell ______ the floor.

5. The plane landed ______ the runway.

6. We drove _____ the river for an hour, but turned north before we reached it.

7. The kids climbed ______ the monkey bars.

8. Joanna got ______ Fred's car.

9. The baby spilled his cereal ______ the floor.

10. We cried to the man on the ladder, "Hang ______!"

11. I just called ______ say I love you.

12. Matthew and Michelle moved the table ______ the dining room.

13. Allan left your keys ______ the table.

14. Dr. Karper apologized for interrupting us, and told us to carry ______ with our discussion.

15. I'd like ______ ask you a question.

16. Pat drove Mike ______ the airport.

17. Glenn almost fell ______ the river.

18. The waitress noticed that there was no more Diet Pepsi ______ Marty's glass.

19. 19. Greg and Sarah took the bus that was heading ______ the university.

20. 20. Mary Sue jumped ______ the stage and danced.



ü Doctor: Did you drink your orange

juice after your bath?

ü Patient: After drinking the bath I

didn’t have much room for

the orange juice.

Exercise 2. Read the letter and insert the suitable prepositions of direction:

Dear Pamela,

Thanks for your letter. It is quite easy to find my house. When you get off the bus, start walking ____ the High Street ____ the church. ____ the way, you will pass a pub called The Queen and a telephone box. Just ____ the telephone box, ____ the left, there is a car park. Go ____ the car park and continue ____ the footpath that goes ____ Box Wood. Turn right ____ the signpost and walk ____ the river bank until you come _____ a bridge. Don’t go ___ the bridge but keep on walking until you reach a cottage called Hillside. ____ the cottage there is a narrow road that leads ____ a farm. Follow the road and turn left just before you reach the farm. ____ the end of this road there is a row of houses. I live ____ the middle house. It’s number 16 and has a lamppost ____ it. I hope you won’t get lost! I’m really looking forward to seeing you again. Lots of love,


E. Prepositions of Spatial Relationship

above над Write your name above the line. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru  
across поперёк, через Draw a line across the page. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
against прямо напротив, лицом к, перед чем-л. She leans against the tree. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
ahead of перед The girl is ahead of the boy. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
along вдоль, по There is lace along the edge of the cloth. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
among среди He is among the trees. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
around вокруг Draw a circle around the answer. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
behind сзади, позади The boy is behind the girl. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
below внизу, ниже Write your name below the line. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
beneath внизу, ниже, под He sat beneath the tree. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
beside рядом с, близ, около The girl is standing beside the boy. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
between между She is between two trees. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
from от, из, с He came from the house. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
in front of перед ч-л к-л The girl is in front of the boy. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
inside внутри, внутрь He is inside the house. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
nearby вблизи, около There is a tree nearby the house. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
off указывает на отдаление, удаление ч-л His hat is off. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
out of вне, сверх, снаружи He came out of the house. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
through через She went through the door. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
toward по направлению к She is walking toward the house. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
under под He is hiding under the table. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru
within в, внутри Please mark only within the circle. D. Prepositions of Direction - student2.ru

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