Упражнение 56 - Exercise 56 Read!-Читай! 1 – one 2 – two 3 – three 4 – four 5 – five 6 – six 7 – seven 8 – eight 9 - nine 10 – ten

One boy one girl one car one bear one vase Two boys three girls four cars five bears six vases Seven boys eight girls ten cars nine bears three vases Ten boys two girls eight cars three bears two vases Six boys four girls five cars two bears ten vases

Упражнение 57 - Exercise 57 Read!-Читай!

One plus one is two two + two = four three + three = six four + four = eight five + five = ten two + three = five three + four = seven four + five = nine one + eight = nine seven + two = nine five + three = eight eight + two = ten seven + one = eight six + two = eight five + one = six

Упражнение 58 - Exercise 58 Напиши примеры по-английски (смотри упр. 57)

1 + 1 = 2 3 + 4 = 7 5 + 1 = 6 7 + 3 = 10 4 + 4 = 8 8 + 1 = 9 3 + 3 = 6

Упражнение 59 - Exercise 59 Перепиши в тетрадь слова в алфавитном порядке (от Адо М). Смотри в алфавит!!! doll ball apple elephant house jam car frog mother goose kite ice lemon

10 – ten

Exercise 60 Допиши к словам окончание -s и перепиши слова в тетрадь

One boy – two boy……, nine friend……., four girl…… , six parrot……., three orange….., two sister……, two ball……, five doll……, three car……, eight robot…., seven lamp…., eight house……, ten finger…… Exercise 61 Подчеркни правильное слово в скобках и перепишu предложения в тетрадь 1.They (is/are) my friends. 2.We (are/ is) pupils. 3.You (is/are) my friend. 4.It (is/ are) my house. 5.He ( are /is) Boris. 6. They (are/is) brothers. 7.They (are /is) kind. 8.Her name ( is/are) Lena.

*Exercise 62 Напиши по-английски : (эти слова ты найдёшь в упражнении 60) Один мальчик, два мяча, три машины, четыре девочки, пять кукол, шесть попугаев, семь ламп, восемь роботов, девять друзей, десять пальцев

Тема 5 : Seasons and Nature

Exercise 63 1) Проверь себя: определи, какие буквы пропущены в алфавите 1.A B C D F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z 2. B C D E F H I J K L M O P Q R S T V W X Y Z 3. A B C E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z

2) Проверь себя Впиши пропущенную букву A B C ……… E F G H ………. J K ……. M N O ………. Q R S T ……… V W X ……… Z

Exercise 64 Подчеркни то английское словосочетание, которое соответствует русскому

1.моя семья - a) his family b)my family c)her family 2.твой папа - a)your mother b)your sister c)your father 3.её мама - a)her mother b)her brother c)her father 4.наш друг - a)his friend b)her friend c)our friend 5.его дедушка - a) our grandfather b) our friend c) his grandfather 6.её бабушка - a)our sister b)her sister c)her grandmother 7.моя сестра - a) my teacher b)my friend c)my sister 8.их брат - a)their teacher b)their brother c)his brother 9.его учитель. – a)his teacher b)my teacher c)her teacher 10.наша семья - a)our friend b)our family c)our father

Exercise 65 Прочитай слова, в которых буква Wчитается как звук [w]: перепиши слова в тетрадь Winter weather wind what when where Willy Wendy

Exercise 66 Перепиши в тетрадь слова в алфавитном порядке (N - Z ) Смотри в алфавит! Pig sun zebra orange window yellow umbrella rabbit nose queen vase table x-ray

11 - eleven

Exercise – 67 Подчеркни то английское предложение, которое соответствует русскому 1)Я девочка. a) I am a boy. .b) I am a girl . c) She is a girl. 2) Ты добрый. a) She is kind. .b)He is kind . c)You are kind. 3) Она симпатичная. a) I am nice. b) She is nice c)You are nice. 4) Мы ученики. a) We are kind. b)We are young. c) We are pupils. 5) Они молодые. a) They are young. b)They are nice. c)They are kind. 6) Он из Украины. a) He is from Ukraine. b)She is from Ukraine. 7) Мне 8 лет. a) I am young. b) I am a pupil. c) I am 8. 8) Это попугай. a) It’s a parrot. b) It is a dog. c) It is a frog. 9) Они счастливые. a) They are happy. b) They are pupils.

Exercise – 68 Выучи!!!

1. Season- время года spring- весна summer – лето autumn- осень winter- зима What season is it? - Какое сейчас время года? - It’s winter. Зима 2. It is warm- тепло It is sunny – солнечно It is rainy – дождливо It is cloudy – облачно It is windy – ветрено It is cold- холодно It is snowy- идет снег It is frosty - морозно 3. I like winter.- Я люблю зиму Do you like winter? – Ты любишь зиму? Yes, I do.- Да. No, I don’t.-Нет. I don’t like – мне не нравится
4. I can – Я умею (могу), You can- ты умеешь, He can – он умеет, She can – она умеет,We can – мы умеем (можем), They can- они умеют I see – I can see – Я вижу 5. Jump – прыгать, run- бегать, swim- плавать, skip – прыгать через скакалку, ride a bike- ездить на велосипеде, play football –играть в футбол, play badminton – играть в бадминтон 6. Play snowballs – играть в снежки Ski – ездить на лыжах Fly a kite – запускать воздушного змея Skate – ездить на коньках Sledge – Ездить на санках Make a snowman – делать снеговика

Exercise 69 Прочитай и переведиI can run. I can jump. I can skip. I can swim. I can ride a bike. He can play football and I can play badminton. Cindy can play the piano and Oscar can play the guitar. My friends can ski and play snowballs in winter. My friend Nikita can ride a bike and play badminton. My friend Roma can ski and skate. My friend Veronika can fly a kite. My friend Sergey can make a snowman. Our friend Denis can skip and swim. Our friend Lisa can run and swim. My friend Oleg can sledge.

Exercise 70 Скажи и напиши о том, 1) что ты умеешь делать2)что умеет делать твой друг или подруга. Используй слова из упражнения 68 или предложения из упражнения 69.

12 – twelve

Exercise – 71 Напиши рядом со словом цифру, которую оно обозначает One ………… seven …….. four ……….. nine ………… two ………….. ten …………. Five…………. eight ……… three ……….. six ……………

Exercise – 72 Реши пример и напиши ответ цифрой one + one =……… . three + two = …… five + three = …… six + three = …… one + seven = ……….. eight + one = …… eight + two = …… four + four = …… five + two= ……… nine + one = ……….

Exercise 73 Выучи!!!

11 – eleven 12 – twelve 13- thirteen 14 – fourteen 15 – fifteen 16 – sixteen 17 – seventeen 18 – eighteen 19 – nineteen 20 – twenty

Exercise 74 Прочитай и переведи I am seven. My brother is eleven. My sister is thirteen. Her friend is nineteen. Natasha is twenty. Polina is sixteen. Danil is fourteen. Oleg is seventeen. I am twelve.He iseleven. She is his sister and she is only seven. This is Clementin and she is eighteen. That is Polin and she is fifteen. This is Kate and she is only eight.

Exercise – 75 1) Послушай учителя и напиши сколько лет этим детям Jane …………. Mary ………. Tom …………. Cindy ……….. Oscar ……….Nick …………… Lena ………… Oleg ………… Polina ……….. Dasha ………. 2)Напиши в тетради ответы на вопросы: 1. How old is Mary? 2.How old is Tom? 3.How old is Lena? 4.How old is Oleg? 5.How old is Dasha?

Exercise – 76 Запомни : “favourite” - значит «любимый».1)Прочитай и переведи предложения. My favourite season is summer. My favourite month is February. My favourite day is Saturday. His favourite season is winter. His favourite month is May. Hisfavourite day is Sunday. Her favourite season is Spring. Her favourite month is September. Her favourite day is Friday 2)Напиши ответы на вопросы о тебе. Задай эти же вопросы своему другу или подруге What is your favourite season? …………………………………………………………………… What is your favourite month? …………………………………………………………………… What is your favourite day? ……………………………………………………………………

Тема 6 : Animals

Exercise 77 Прочитай слова и вспомни как они переводятся на русский язык winter, autumn, summer, spring, windy, cold, snowy, warm, frosty, sunny, rainy, cloudy, jump, run, play, swim, skip, ski, skate, ride a bike, fly a kite, make a snowman

13 - thirteen

Exercise 78 Выучи!!!

My little friend – мой маленький друг Dog – собака puppy – щенок rabbit - кролик cat- кот kitten - котенок hamster – хомяк parrot – попугай Clever – умный nice – симпатичный big - большой small –маленький young – молодой not old – не старый Meat - мясо fish - рыба milk - молоко corn – зерно
I have got - у меня есть You have got – у тебя есть He has got - у него есть She has got– у нее есть We have got - у нас есть They have got – у них есть

It’s name is - его зовут ( о животном) It likes - ему нравится (о животном)

Crocodile - крокодил hippo – бегемот lion - лев bear – медведь fox – лиса elephant – слон giraffe – жираф penguin - пингвин tiger - тигр
My favourite pet – моё любимое домашнее животное

Exercise 79 Прочитай и переведи

I have got a cat. It is nice and clever. My cat is black and white. Polina has got a kitten. It is small and nice. Her kitten is white. Taras has got a dog. It is big and clever. His dog is black. Dasha has got a puppy. It is small and nice. Her puppy is brown. Nikita has got a rabbit. It is big and young. His rabbit is white. We have got a parrot. It is small, young and clever. Our parrot is red Exercise 80 Прочитай и переведи “MY PET”

1.I have got a pet. It is a parrot. Its name is Gosha. It is big and clever. It likes corn. It can fly but it can’t run. I love my pet. 2.My friend Masha has got a pet. It is a puppy. It’s name is Tosha. It is very nice. It likes milk and meat. It can run and jump. 3.My brother Oleg has got a pet. It is a cat. It is big and clever. It is not old. It likes fish and milk. It can run and jump. It is very nice.

Exercise 81 Прочитай и переведи HELLO! My name is Nick. I live in London. I like animals and I have got many pets. I have got two cats. They are big and nice. They are clever. I have got five hamsters. They are small and nice. My three puppies are small and clever. I have got four yellow parrots . They are not old. I love my pets!

14 - fourteen

Exercise 82 Впиши нужные словав рассказ о своем домашнем животном . Перепиши рассказ в тетрадь. (Тебе поможет упр.80.) “MY PET” I have got a pet. It is a ………………………………… It’s name is ………………… It is ………………………………….. and ……………………………….. . It likes ………………………………….. It can …………………………………….. but it can’t ……………… I love my pet.

Exercise 83 Прочитай и переведи I can see - Я вижуI can see a lion. I can see a big bear. I can see a green crocodile. I can see four rabbits. I can see a small green frog. I can see a nice red fox. I can see a tiger. You can see – Ты видишьYou can see a dog and a cat. You can see a lion and a tiger. You can see a big hippo. You can see a nice fox and a big bear. You can see three giraffes. He can see – Он видитHe can see a big elephant. He can see a small frog. He can see my puppy. We can see – Мы видимWe can see two kittens. We can see a hamster and a rabbit. We can see a penguin and a giraffe. We can see two foxes. We can see an elephant and a hippo.

Exercise 84 Напиши по-английски 1.Моя собака 2.Твой кот 3.Его щенок 4.Её кролик 5.Наш котенок 6.Их хомяк 7. Наш попугай (my, your, his, her, our, their – cat, dog, kitten, puppy, rabbit, hamster, parrot)

Exercise 85 - Read and learn ! –Прочитай и запомни!

red - красный blue – синий yellow- желтый green -зеленый black - черный white– белый grey- серый brown – коричневый pink– розовый purple -сиреневый orange -оранжевый

Exercise 86 - Прочитай и переведи 1.red ball 2. green tree 3.blue car 4.pink pig 5. yellow chicken 6.white bear 7.black dog 8.grey mouse 9.orange car 10.purple car 11.brown horse

Exercise 87 Соедини правильно пары предложений 1.Наш попугай красный. A.Her kitten is white. 2.Его кролик белый. B.Our parrot is red. 3.Её котенок белый. C.My cat is black and white. 4.Его собака черная. D.Her puppy is brown. 5.Мой кот черно-белый. E.His rabbit is white. 6.Её щенок коричневый. F.His dog is black.

15 - fifteen

Exercise 88 Подчеркни правильное слово в скобках 1.I have got one (hamster / hamsters). 2.Sergey has got two (puppy / puppies). 3.My parrot ( is / are) clever. 4.His rabbits (are / is) white. 5.Her kittens (are / is) nice. 6.It is a (dog / dogs). 7.He has got five (cat / cats).

Exercise 89 Прочитай, перепиши и переведи словосочетания 1.one hippo 2.three lions 3.five crocodiles 4.two bears 5.seven foxes 6.four elephants 7.ten giraffes 8.nine frogs 9.six penguins 10.eight tigers

Exercise 90 Пользуясь таблицей построй и запиши предложения: 1.Я вижу 2 медведя. 2.Я вижу 3 слона. 3.Мы видим маленького кролика 4.Мы видим 5 тигров. 5.Он видит большого льва. 6. Она видит красивого котенка.

I can see I can see We can see We can see He can see She can see a big lion. two bears. a nice kitten. three elephants. a little rabbit. five tigers.

Exercise 91 Соедини пары предложений 1.Я вижу три щенка. A)My dog is big and clever. 2. Моё любимое домашнее животное –кролик. B) She has got a nice kitten. 3. У неё есть красивый котенок. C)I can see three puppies. 4.Моя собака большая и умная. D)We can see a tiger. 5.У него есть маленький котенок.E) My favourite pet is a rabbit. 6.Мы видим тигра. F) He has got a little kitten.

Exercise 92 Read!-Читай!

My favourite My favourite colour is red, Cot is my favourite pet, Car is my favourite toy, Tom is a very good boy! I can I can ride a bike, I can drive a car, I can swim in the river, I can play the guitar! How many? My brother Claus lives in a big house And he has got: one cat, one bat, two dogs, three frogs, four balls, five dolls, six vases, seven buses eight pens and many friends! I can I can read, I can write, I can speak English too! I love learning English, And what about you? Read - читать write –писать speak English– говорить по-английски I love learning English– я люблю учить английский what about you?– а ты?

Exercise 93 Подчеркни правильное слово в скобках и перепиши предложения в тетрадь

1.Dogs like (meat / corn). 2.Kittens can (run / ride a bike). 3.Parrots like (milk / corn). 4.Fish can (read /swim). 5.Rabbits can (write / jump). 6.Elephants are (big / small). 7.Lions kike ( fish / meat).

16 - sixteen

Тема 7 : I like Holidays

Exercise – 94 Впиши слова I he she it и перепиши текст в тетрадь …… am a boy. My name is John. I have got a sister. Her name is Jane. ……… is 10 and ……… is a pupil. I have got a brother too. His name is Robert. ……….. is 5 and ……….. is not a pupil. We live in a big house. ……… is nice. We have got a dog. ……….. is not big, ……. is little.

Exercise – 95 Прочитай и переведи текст Hello! My name is Tom. I am a boy. I live in London. I have got father. His name is John. He is kind. I have got mother. Her name is Jane. She is nice. I am a pupil. This is my brother Pete. He is 9. He is a pupil too. We are friends. This is our parrot Eric. It is young. It is 2. This is Polly. She is Pete’s friend. She is a nice girl. They are friends.

Exercise – 96 Впиши в текст слова am is are

Hello! My name …………………… Tom. I ………………. a boy. I live in London. I have got father. His name ……………………. John. He …………… kind. I have got mother. Her name …………… Jane. She ……………. nice. I ………… a pupil. This …………… my brother Pete. He …………… 9. He ………………… a pupil too. We ……………… friends. This ……………………… our parrot Eric. It ………………… young. It …………….. 2. This …………………. Polly. She ……………….. Pete’s friend. She ……………… a nice girl. They ………………………… friends.

Exercise 97 Прочитай и переведи предложения 1.My favourite day in a year is my birthday. It is in April. My father’s birthday is in January. My mother’s birthday is in September. And my sister’s birthday is in August. 2.My brother’s name is Vladislav. Today is his birthday. He is eleven today. 3.I have got two friends – Natasha and Marina. Their birthdays are in February. 4.My grandmother’s birthday is in November and my grandfather’s birthday is in May. Day - День year - год birthday - день рождения today –сегодня

Exercise 98 Том маленький мальчик. Напиши, что он не умеет делать то, что умеют его старшие друзья. Например: Oscar can ride a bike. – Tom can’t ride a bike.1.Cindy can swim. 2.Eddy can read. 3.Lin can write. 4.Oscar can play the guitar. 5.Patric can drive a car.

Exercise 99 Выучи!!!

I have not got - у меня нет You have not got – у тебя нет He has not got - у него нет She has not got – у неё нет We have not got - у нас нет They have not got – у них нет
17 - seventeen

Exercise 100Прочитай, переведи предложения 1.I have got a dog butI have not got a puppy. 2.You have got a ball but you have not got a robot. 3.He has got a sister but he has not got a brother.4.She has got a bike but she has not got a guitar. 5.We have got a kitten butwe have not got a hamster. 6.They have got a parrot but they have not got a rabbit. Exercise 101 Прочитай, переведи и перепиши предложения 1.I have not got a ball. 2.You have not got a parrot. 3. He has not got a car 4.She has not got a doll. 5.She has not got a kitten. 6.I have not got a pet.

Тема 8: I am at school

Exercise 102 Выучи !!! I am at school - Я в школе

My school things - мои школьные принадлежности а pen - ручка а pencil - карандаш an exercise-book – тетрадь a textbook – учебник a brush - кисточка a bag – сумка a desk – парта а rubber – резинка а picture – картинка a pencil-case - пенал an album – альбом а ruler – линейка paints - краски a sharpener – точилка a classroom - классная комната

Exercise 103 Прочитай и переведи. Перепиши в тетрадь слова 1-го и 2-го столбика 1)my pen 2)Tom’s bag 3)Oleg’s sharpener your pencil Lin’s album Masha’s brush his ruler Cindy’s brush Nikita’s picture her rubber Eddy’s pencil-case Nastia’s pencil our picture Oscar’s textbook Roman’s paints their desk Wendy’s paints Danil’s ruler

Exercise 104 Прочитай словаи вспомни ихзначение Red blue green black white pink purple orange brown yellow grey Exercise 105Прочитай и переведи. Перепиши в тетрадь предложения под цифрой 1)1).My pen is blue. Your pencil is yellow. His ruler is white. Her bag is pink. Our desk is not big. Their classroom is big.

2).What colour is your pen? – It’s orange. What colour is his rubber? – It’s green. What colour is her pencil-case? – It’s black.

18 - eighteen

Exercise 106 Прочитай и переведи. Перепиши в тетрадь предложения под цифрой 1)

1)I have got five pens. You have got eight pencils. He has got two small pictures. She has got four exercise books. 2)Tom has got one rubber and one ruler. Natasha has got an album and paints. We have got two nice pictures. I have got paints and a brush. Roman has got an exercise-book.

Exercise 107 (аудирование) слушай словосочетания на русском языке и подчеркни те на английском языке, которые им будут соответствовать

1.small kitten small boy small puppy
2.clever parrot clever dog clever hamster
3.young lion young man nice woman
4.clever elephant big hippo big elephant
5.small hamster big hamster nice hamster
6.seven tigers two tigers three bears
7.ten bears eight bears three bears
8.six crocodiles one crocodile five crocodiles
9.nice fox three foxes big foxes
10.young hippo young giraffe young penguin

Exercise 108 Поставь my, your, his, her, our, their. 1.I am Mary and this is ……………. dog. 2.She is Cindy and this is ………… bike. 3.We are Tom and Jack and this is ……….. family.4.That’s Wendy and that’s Lin and this is ……………………………. teacher 5.He is Eddy and this is ……………… parrot. 6.You are Polly and this is …… computer. 7.That’s Wendy and that’s …… brother. Exercise 109 подчеркни то английское предложение, которое соответствует русскому 1.Я вижу три щенка. – a) I can see five puppies. b) I can see three puppies. 2.Моё любимое домашнее животное – кролик. a) My favourite pet is a rabbit. b) His favourite pet is a parrot. 3.У неё есть красивый котенок. – a) I have got a nice kitten. b)She has got a nice kitten. 4.Моя собака большая и умная. – a) My dog is small and young. b)My dog is big and clever.

Exercise 110 Проверь себя, знаешь ли ты эти слова. Для этого подчеркни слова , которые обозначают членов семьи одной линией, числительные – двумя. У тебя останутся слова, обозначающие животных.

Sister five cat hamster brother seven parrot mother crocodile hippo rabbit father one ten puppy kitten grandmother six two tiger lion penguin eight

Читай ! - Read!

1. Black sheep Черная овечка Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool? (шерсть) Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full! One for my master, (хозяин) One for my dame, (хозяйка) And one for the little boy, Who lives down the lane. (который живет по этой улице) 2. Ten little piggies One little, two little, three little piggies, four little, five little, six little piggies, seven little, eight little, nine little piggies, ten little piggies.
3.Five little monkeys Five littlemonkeys Jumping on the bedOne felloff and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor And the doctor said: - No more monkeys jumping on the bed! 4. Rainbow - радуга Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink.Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink.It’s a rainbow, it’s a rainbow, A beautiful rainbow in the sky! (небо)
5. One, two …. One, two, tie your shoe! Three, four, close the door! Five, six, count the ticks! Seven, eight, don’t be late! Nine, ten, take your pen and sing! 6. I see - я вижу I see a box, (коробка) I see a pen,( ручка) A little dog, а brown hen, (курица) I see a cat, I see a cock, I see them all (я вижу их всех) In my small book! (в моей маленькой книге)
7. Look! – посмотри! Look! Thisis a brown hat (шляпа) and that is a black cat. This is a white dog and that is a green frog! 8. Look at ..! – посмотри на… Look at the boy – He has a toy. (игрушка) Look at the girl – She has a doll.(кукла) Look at the cat – It is in the hat. Look at the pig – It is very big!
9. This is – that is … This is a big blue lake, (озеро) that is a big grey snake, (змея) This is a little red fox, (лиса) that is a little yellow box. This is a little grey hare, (заяц) that is a big brown bear. (медведь) This is a big white dog, that is a little green frog. 10.I have got … I have got a brown dog, You have got a little frog, He has got a small grey hare, She has got a teddy bear, We have got a nice doll, They have got a yellow ball!
11. My pet is red. My pet is red, My cat is fat,(толстый) My ball is small, My friend is tall, (высокий) My sister is nice, My brother is wise, (мудрый) My house is large (большой) I love them very much! ( я очень их люблю) 12. I like animals –я люблю животных I like animals and I have got a wolf,(волк) a fox, two dogs and three frogs, four hares and five bears six cats and seven rats, (крысы) eight cows,(корова) nine crows,(ворона) and a big fat mouse!(мышь)
13. Nelly has got Nelly’s got a doll’s house, Nick’s got a little mouse, Bob has got a blue bus,(автобус) Rosa’s got a tall vase,(высокая ваза) Mike’s got many pets,(много домашних животных) Jane’s got five hats! 14.Head, shoulders, knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Head, shoulders, knees and toes And eyes, and ears, and mouth and nose, Head, shoulders, knees and toes! Head – голова shoulders – плечи knees – колени toes- пальцы на ногах eyes – глаза ears – уши mouth – рот nose- нос
15. . Who has got? – у кого есть? Who has got a doll’s house? – Nelly. Who has got a little mouse? – Nick. Who has got a blue bus? – Bob. Who has got a tall vase? – Rosa. Who has got many pets? – Mike. Who has got five hats? – Jane. 16. Jingle Bells! Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh O’er the fields we go, Laughing all the way. Bells on bobtails ring, Making spirits bright, What a fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight! Oh! Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh!

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