Ex.1. Say what sentences are true or false


~My name is______________.

~I am ____________years old.

~I live in Ukraine Donezk. region.

~I fond of (music, sport, computer games, theatre, cinema, art gallery, foreign languages and so on).

~I finished the school № _________________________.

~The main aim in my life is________________.(family, children, romantic relations, career, well paid profession, money, wedding.

Ex. 3 Text

Hello, friends. Let me firstintroduce myself. My name is Vera. My surname or last name is Voronina. I was born on the13th of October in Sochi, Krasnodarsky Krai. This is the most beautiful city in Russia situated on the Black Sea coast. Now I am a first-yearstudent at the Faculty of Economics of Rostov State University,Now let me describe myappearance. I am tall and slim and have fair hair and blue eyes. My friends say that I am pretty. I love sports and music. I was very serious about a career ingymnastics when I was in the 4th form. But thenI broke my arm and doctors didn't let me to go in for gymnastics. I love to listen to the modern music and dance. I dance a lot and I hope I am good at it. I also love swimming. I always swim in the Black sea when I visit my parents.I would like to tell you about my family. There are five people in our family. My father's name is Mikhail Evgenyevich. He is amathematician by education but works at a bank now. My mother's name is Natalya Yakovlevna. She works as achief accountant at the hotel "Zhemchuzhina". She also has much work about the house after she gets home from work. But my sister and I always help her. Yes, let me introduce my younger sister. She is still a pupil. Her name is Tanya and she is in the fifth form. She is very pretty and a great dancer. We are good friends with my sister. My grandmother, my mother's mother, lives with us. She is very kind and helps us a lot.Our family is very friendly, we have many friends. In summer many relatives come to visit us. And of course they use a chance to spendseveral weeks in beautiful Sochi.In May I have finished school № 5 in Sochi. I did well in all the subjects but my favourite subjects at school were Computer Science and English. I also enjoyed Geography lessons. I am very interested in learning English because I always wanted to become an economist or a manager at somejoint venture. That is why I think it is necessary to know at least one foreign language. Besides, knowledge of foreign languages helps in everyday life.
Ex.4 Complete the sentences. 1. My friends say............................................... 2. I dance a lot and............................................ 3. There are five people..................................... 4. My father's name........................................... 5. She is very pretty........................................... 6. She is very kind............................................. Ex. 5 Put the words in the correct order. 1. ~My, name, or, last,is, surname, Voronina..................................... 2. ~Describe, my, let, appearance, me................................................ 3. ~Sister, my, help, I, her, always, and.............................................. 4. ~Still, is, she, pupil, a...................................................................... 5. ~We, good, are, with, my, friends, sister......................................... 6.~Relatives, come, many, us, to visit................................................

ТО 1.Моя родина, друзі, я.

Тема 2: «Мій робочий день»

1-6 балів: Вміти оперувати новою лексикою. Переказ тексту “My working day”.
7-11 балів: Написати твір з теми My working day використовуючи нову лексику та переказати (15-20 речень).

Ex.1 Essential vocabulary to the text:

~ to get up - підніматися
~ to take a shower - приймати душ
~ to listen to the radio - слухати радіо
~ to clean one's teeth - чистити зуби
~ break for dinner - перерва на обід
~canteen - їдальня
~ cabbage soup - щі
~ course - блюдо
~ test-paper - контрольна робота
~ to go to bed - лягати спати
~ event - подія
~ state tax inspection - жержавна налогова інспекція
~ to make (to have) an appointment - домовлятися про зустріч
~ joint-stock company - сумісне підприємство

Ex.2 My Working Day

On my working day I usually get up at 6 o'clock. I make my bed, open the window and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom where I clean my teeth, wash or take a shower. At half past six I am ready for breakfast. It may be a cup of tea or coffee and a sandwich. During breakfast I listen to the news over the radio. At half past seven I leave the house and go to my plant. The plant where I work is far from my house. I usually go there by bus. It takes me half an hour to get to my plant. I begin to work at 8 o'clock. At 12 o'clock I have a break for dinner. I usually have cabbage soup for the first course, some meat or fish with some vegetables for the second. Then I drink a cup of tea.My working day lasts 8 hours. After work I go home or do some shopping. I come home at half past 4 and have a short rest. I read newspapers and make some telephone calls. I am a worker, I'd like to be an engineer. Therefore I study at the correspondence department of Vladimir State University. Inthe evening I write test-paper and read text-books. Sometimes I go to the library to write a re­port. Our family has supper at 8 o'clock p.m. At that time we all meet in the kitchen, have supper and discuss our problems. After supper I help mother to clear away the dishes and wash them up. After supper I go for a walk if the weather is fine. I go to bed at 11 o'clock.

On Sunday I don't go to bed early. I often go to see my friends and we dis­cuss problems and events we are interested in. Sometimes I go to the cinema if an interesting film is on. In the evening I play the guitar or listen to a good clas­sical music. If I have free time, I go in for sports. In spring I play football, in winter I like to ski.

Before going to bed I prefer to read an interesting novel.

Ex. 3 Questions:

1. When do you usually get up on your working day? ____________________________

2. What do you do in the morning? __________________________________________

3. What do you do during your breakfast? ____________________________________

4. Is your plant far from your house? ________________________________________

5. Do you go to the plant by bus? ___________________________________________

6. How long does it take you to get to the plant? _______________________________

7. Do you have dinner at home or at the plant? ________________________________

8. How long does your working day last? _____________________________________

ТО 1.Моя родина, друзі, я.

Тема 3: «Моя родина»

1-6 балів: Вміти оперувати новою лексикою. Письмовий переклад тексту.
7-11 балів: Вміти оперувати новою лексикою. Переказ тексту. Письмово відповісти на питання

Ex.1 Family

Family is supposed to have your back,
Family is supposed to know you,
There are supposed to be no secrets with family,
There are supposed to be no lies with family,
Family is supposed to love each other unconditionally,
Family is supposed to be there for you,
There is supposed to be understanding in a family,
There is supposed to be trust in a family,
Family is supposed to be there for you,
Family is supposed to understand. (by Violet Creek)

Ex.2 Essential Vocabulary:

1. relationship — спорідненість, відношення 2. unit — єдність а most — дуже, надзвичайно 3. complex — складний 4. rarely — рідко 5. peaceful — мирний definite — визначений, точний 6. old maid — стара діва 7. spinster — стара діва 8. to turn out — виявлятися 9. to bring up — виховувати, ростити 10. to provide — забезпечувати 11. despite — не дивлячись на 12. to keep the house — вести домашнє господарство 13. to raise children — ростити дітей 14. custom — звичай 15. breathtaking — захоплюючий 16. "Pride and Prejudice" — «Гордість і упередження» 17. to take place — відбуватися 18. at the turn of the 19th century — в кінці XIX століття 19. to retain — зберігати, утримувати 20. fascination — чарівність, чарівливість, привабливість 21. modern — сучасний 22. to reveal — відкривати, розкривати, оголювати 23. urgent — насущний, актуальний 24. to concern — торкатися, мати відношення до 25. to start а family — заводити сім'ю 26. to be in one''s forties — бути у віці від 40 до 50 років 27. to juggle — поєднувати 28. suitable — відповідний 29. well-paid — добре оплачуваний 30. steady — постійний 31. higher education — вище утворення 32. to seek — шукати 33. independently — незалежно generation — покоління 34. separately — окремо 35. to suffer from — страждати від 1. lack of attention — недолік уваги 2. nuclear family — повна сім'я 3. typical — типовий 4. single-parent family — неповна сім'я 5. to consist of — складатися з 6. to divorce — розлучатися 7. divorce rate — рівень розлучень 8. occurrence — виникнення, випадок 9. adultery — зрада 10. throughout — на протязі, протягом 11. unfaithful attitude — зрадницьке відношення 12. spouse — чоловік, дружина 13. separation — розставання 14. communication breakdown — неможливість спілкування 15. to be incompatible — бути несумісними 16. clash — конфлікт 17. brawl — суперечка, скандал 18. squabble — суперечка, дрібна сварка 19. difference — розбіжність 20. to resolve — залагоджувати, вирішувати 21. hug — міцні обійми 22. abuse — образа, наруга 23. to taunt — насміхатися, говорити колючості 24. to humiliate — принижувати 25. to hit — бити, ударяти 26. lamentably — сумно, сумно 27. wellbeing — благополуччя priority — пріоритет 28. to solve — вирішувати 29. boredom — нудьга
Ex.3 Family Relationships How could you describe the word "family"? First of all "family" means a close unit of parents and their children living together. But we shouldn't forget that it is a most complex system of relationships. Family relationships are rarely as easy as we would like, and very often we have to work hard at keeping them peaceful. When do people usually start a family? This question doesn't have a definite answer. In the 18th, 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century people used to get married at the age of 18 or even 16. If a girl about 23 or more wasn't married, she was said to be an old maid or a spinster. That might have turned out a real tragedy for her family which usually brought up more than three children, because in some cases a successful marriage was the only chance to provide a good life for the daughter and to help her family. Despite the fact that the girl was so young, she was already able to keep the house, take care of her husband and raise children. To feel the time, its culture and customs I advise you to read a wonderful novel or see a breathtaking film "Pride and Prejudice". Though the story takes place at the turn of the 19th century, it retains fascination for modern readers, revealing some problems which may be urgent in the 21st century. But life's changing as well as people's style of life. Nowadays we have got much more freedom in questions concerning family. It is natural to get married at the age of 20 up to 30; however, some people prefer to make a career first and only after that start a family when they are already in their forties. Moreover, there are many cases when people prefer to live together without being married. There are some reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, it is difficult to juggle a family life with studies at school or university. But without good education it is practically impossible to find a suitable well-paid steady job. It's a must to get a higher education, but by this moment you are already 22—24 years old. After that you seek for a well-paid job to live independently, which takes about 3—5 years. Now you see why people in the 21st century do not hurry to get married. There is also another difference between old and modern families. Nowadays it is very unusual to find three generations living under one roof as they used to do in the past. Relatives, as a rule, live separately and don't often meet one another. This fact sharply hurts an older generation. Our parents and grandparents usually suffer from lack of attention and respect from their children and grandchildren, although they try not to show it. They really don't need much, just a telephone call or a visit once a week will make them happy.There are two basic types of families. A nuclear family — a typical family consisting of parents and children. A single-parent family consists of one parent and children. Nowadays there are very few people who have never divorced. Today the highest divorce rate in the world has the Maldive Republic. The United States of America take the third place. Russia is at the ninth place. What are the reasons of great numbers of divorce? Let us name some of the most common and serious ones. • Occurrence of adultery once or throughout the marriage. The unfaithful attitude towards a spouse destroys the relationship and leads to a final separation. • Communication breakdown. After some time of living under one roof spouses find out that they are absolutely incompatible. Constant clashes, brawls and squabbles cause serious problems. The differences grow as a snowball and can't be already settled by kisses or hugs. • Physical, psychological or emotional abuses. When a person taunts, humiliates, hits the children or his spouse, it can't but end with a divorce. • Financial problems. It sounds lamentably, but sometimes love alone can't guarantee well-being, whereas money can solve many of your problems. So when a couple lacks it, their relations become more and more complicated, their priorities change and the relationships end. • Boredom. A lot of couples get bored of each other after 7 or more years of marriage. Boredom may become the reason of constant quarrels and adultery which inevitably leads to a divorce
Ex.4 Questions: 1. What can be done by both spouses to prevent a divorce? 2 What are the family roles distributed within a family? What is a "woman's place" and what is a "man's place" in the family? 3. Can the birth of children strengthen the family? 4. There is a good phrase in the English language about marriages — "to go on the rocks". It means to break down, to crumble. Think of the similar ones in Russian. 5. Do you agree with the statement that unhappy couples with children should stay together until the children are grown?

ТО 1.Моя родина, друзі, я.

Тема 4: « Батьки та діти. Стосунки у родині.»

1-6 балів: Письмовий перекласти тексу. Відповісти на запитання. Виконати граматичний тест.
7-11 балів: Детальний переказ тексту. Виконати граматичний тест.

Ex. 1 Essential vocabulary:

English Ukrainian English Ukrainian English Ukrainian
-Relationships -Teenagers -Advice -to unfairly -the adult -rare -generation Взаємостосунки Підлітки Порада   дорослі рідко   -Formation -The socialist -Partially -Possibilities -Duties -To survive -friendship     Обов’язки   дружба -opinion -common -cliques -to deal -to dictate - quite -neutral думка   природній
Ex.2 Text:
Relationships between parents and children The problems of teenagers 1. As for me, I get on with my parents all right. 2. I know, that thousands of young people run away from their homes each year, because they don’t get on with their parents well. 3. Every day I can talk with my mother (father died last week) about everything, because she is young too. 4. And she knows my problems as well as her own. 5. Mother always gives me necessary, correct advice. 6. Many parents are busy, but my mother helps me at any time. 7. I have some friends, whose parents treat them unfairly as small children, but my mum treats me as the adult, as the equal. 8. I clean my room myself - this doesn’t do my mother. 9. She always says: “Go and clean your room tidy.”10. I consider, that my relationships with my mum are very good, which is especially rare at this time. 11. Our grandparents say that nowadays the younger generation has a more difficult life then they had. 12. They explain it taking into consideration the fact about the change of the economic formation from the socialist to capitalist. 13. They are also sure that the younger generation that is youth is not sure in its future. 14. As for me I partially agree with them but I think that nowadays has more possibilities and ways for developing, it has more rights them before. 15. Of course one should remember not only one’s rights but also duties. 16. When a person is young he or she survives more vividly all the problems, for teenagers nearly everything becomes a tragedy. 17. Love, friendship, conflicts these are all the things that go hand in hand with youth. 18. Young people who are alike become friends, they spend time in their own companies share the same opinions, have common interests. 19. Those who are different are very often in the state of a conflict, because they cannot control their emotions. 20. Very often such “hot” boys organize one group against the other and the conflict becomes serious. 21. In big cities there are so-called cliques which dictate their own rules to all their members and they are very difficult to deal with. 22. As for me I live in a small town of Maykop and I cannot say that my town’s problems correspond to the big town’s ones. 23. As far as I know we do not have cliques and our youth is quite neutral to all the exotic changes in way of life and so on. 24.I have a lot of friends. 25. We share common interests, have the same hobbies and visit the same places. 26. We are alike, we want to be students, have a funny life and get much pleasure out of it.
Ex.3 Questions: Ø What is the main idea of this text? Ø Do you agree with opinion? Ø How do you think, what are the main problems between parents and teenagers? Ø What are the typical conflicts? Ø What can you advice for destroying such problems?  

ТО 1.Моя родина, друзі, я.

Тема 5: «Я і товариші. Мій кращий друг.»

1-6 балів: Вміти оперувати граматичним матеріалом. Написати твір (10-15речень)на тему: «Мій кращий друг».
7-11 балів: Вміти оперувати граматичним матеріалом. Написати та розповісти твір на тему: «Як я розумію поняття дружба». (15-25 речень).

Ex.1. Say what sentences are true or false.

  True False
1. Little Hans lived in his little house without family.    
2. The rich Miller was so devoted to little Hans, that he always brought him some flowers or some fruit when he was passing.    
3. The Miller used to say that felt very proud to have a friend with such noble ideas.    
4.“There is good in my going to see little Hans in winter,” the Miller used to say his Wife.    
5. Miller’s son suggested inviting poor Hans to their house.    
6. Miller didn’t want to make Hans feel bad.    
7. Hans would be glad to see his friend whenever he came.    

Ex.2 Text

MY FRIENDS. FRIENDSHIP Friendship is very great thing. An English proverb says: “A good friend is as the sun in winter”. I think it is a good proverb. A real friend makes your life happier and more interesting. He/she is clear to you and you want your friendship to last for a very long time. You must always think how to keep it, as it difficult to find a new friend. Friends have the same interests; they understand, help, respect and trust each other. As for me I have a friend, too… We like to be together. We often listen to music (go to the cinema, walk about the city, play games, read books) together. We have the same hobby and devote all our free time to it. We speak of all sorts of things. We tell each other our secrets and troubles. Together we decide what to do. It is interesting to discuss our school life, films that we have seen, interesting books, TV programmes, political news, and the results of sport events. I never quarrel with my friends (if we quarrel we try to make peace as soon as possible). We share the same ideas about sports (music, books, films friendship). But of course there are some issues on which we have different opinions.What I like in my friend is that she (he) is always willing to help, to share his knowledge (success, feelings). I like that she (he) is very sensitive, she (he) knows a lot, I can rely on her (him) in any situation. I trust her (him) a lot and she (he) never lets me down.I respect her (him) for her (his) fairness, strong will. She (he) is very kind-hearted, honest, serious, well-bred, modest, and intelligent. It is easy to get along with her (him). She (he) is always full of ideas. She (he) is good at sports, drawing and music. And there is only one thing I don’t like in her (him): she (he) is sometimes hot-tempered. Friendship helps me to feel strong and self-confident.

Ex.3 Questions

Ø What is friendship?_________________________________________________________________ Ø What is it based on?________________________________________________________________ Ø What proverbs and sayings about friendship do you know? Comment on them.__________________ Ø In what way can friendship influence people?_____________________________________________ Ø Does it help you to rid of your drawbacks?_______________________________________________ Ø Describe your friend. What do you have in common? Is hour friendship important for you?_________ Ø Why do we like our friends?___________________________________________________________

ТО 2.Дозвілля

Тема 6: «Дозвілля»

1-6 балів: Скласти діалог на 10 реплік з теми: «Дозвілля», та вміти розповідати.
7-11 балів: Написати та розповісти твір на тему: «Мій вільний час» (15-20 речень).
  Ex. 1 How often do you do these activities? Write often (O), sometimes (S), or never (N). § Aerobics________________________________________ § Computer activities________________________________ § Cooking_________________________________________ § Cycling_________________________________________ § Dancing_________________________________________ § Going to the cinemas (movies)________________________ § Reading_________________________________________ § Shopping________________________________________ § Swimming_______________________________________ § Walking_________________________________________ § Watching TV_____________________________________  

Ex.2 Text Mall rats


My friends and I go to the mall every day. We usually hang out or walk up and down looking at the clothes shop. We don’t often buy anything, but we go to the movie theater there or hang out in the ice-cream parlor.

The Kowalskis

We take the kids to the mall every weekend. We go to the bowling alley there, and the kids like eating at the food court – there’s so much choice: Mexican, Italian and plenty of fast food, of course! Sometimes Vanessa goes to the spar there. It’s great to have everything under one roof!


My friend and I go to the mall about twice a week. We play the games in the arcade, and we like to check out the latest DVDs and computer games in the shops. Sometimes if it’s raining at the weekend, we go to the indoor skate park at the mall too.

Ex.1. Say what sentences are true or false - student2.ru Ex.3 Vocabulary Ex.5 Complete the sentences about your leisure

  Ex.1. Say what sentences are true or false - student2.ru

- Find the words for these leisure facilities in the text Mall rats. ~ The American name for a cinema. /the movie theatre/ ~ A café that specializes in milk and ice cream products. / the ice-cream parlor/ ~ A place where you can go bowling. / the bowling alley/ ~ An area where there are lots of different restaurants and takeaways. / the food court/ ~ A place where you can relax, eg. in a pool, sauna or steam room. / the spar/ ~ A place where you can play on games machines. / the arcade/ ~ A place where you can skateboard. / the indoor skate park/
1. I love __and __ at the weekend. 2. I`m good at __ but I`m bad at _. 3. __and __ are really good fun when you are on holiday. 4. I can`t stand _______. 5. I enjoy ______ when at home. 6. In winter, I really like _____ but I miss ___. 7. When it`s hot in summer, I prefer _______ to ______.  

Ex.1. Say what sentences are true or false - student2.ru Ex. 4 Text: Dancing in the street

Breakdancing emerged in New York in the 1970s. The style of movement, which combines dance, gymnastics and boxing, was performed by kids, often in teams, in competitions at street corners. It was a part of the large hip-hop culture that also incorporated rappers, DJs and the graffiti artists. The rock Steady Crew from the Bronx was one of the first hip-hop groups and became world famous. The group still organizes a Rock Steady Crew Anniversary every year in New York to celebrate hip-hop culture, and its main focus is always a street dance competition. The Anniversary attracts competitors from all over the world and over 20,000 observers.

ТО 2.Дозвілля

Тема 7: «Мій вільний час. Хобі.»

1-6 балів: Ex.1. Say what sentences are true or false - student2.ru Письмовий переклад тексту «My hobby». Повторити граматичний матеріал з тем: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future simple. Підготуватися до тестування
7-11 балів: Детальний переказ тексту «My hobby»

Ex.1 Essential vocabulary

ü to jog ü to skating ü to skiing ü competition ü shape ü health ü slim ü trim ü weak ü to lose ü бігати ü кататися на ковзанах ü кататися на лижах ü змагання ü форма ü здоров′я ü стрункий ü у гарній формі ü слабкий ü програвати

Ex. 2 Text My Hobby

Tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies. I go in for sports, I like to play tennis. I go to play tennis every day.

Sport is very important part of our life. Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections. Physical training is an important subject at school. Pupils play volleyball, football, basketball. I have been playing tennis for 5 years. Tennis became very popular now. I take part in different competitions. To be in a good shape I'm jogging every morning and do my morning exercises. Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy and choose the sport he is interested in. I do not understand people who say that they like sport, but they only watch sport on TV. If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, sleeps much better. Your physical appearance will change too. You will be slimmer and trimmer. And what is even more important you will not get sick often. Why do I go in for sports? Because I think that it is very important for a man to be strong and well-built. Sport is not for weak, because, you have to learn how to lose, and it's not

easy. My favourite proverb says: "A sound mind in sound body".

Ex. 3 Questions:

1. What is your hobby?

2. What sports do you go in for?

3. Do you like summer (winter) sports?

4. What does it mean to be healthy?

5. Why did you chose tennis?

6. Who is your favourite tennis-player?

ТО 2.Дозвілля

Тема 8: «Спорт у нашому житті. Мій улюблений вид спорту»

1-6 балів: Вивчити нову лексику, вміти оперувати нею при усному мовленні. Ex.1. Say what sentences are true or false - student2.ru Виконати граматичні вправи
7-11 балів: Вміти розповідати про свій улюблений вид спорту використовуючи нову лексику.

Ex.1Sport Quiz

A _________

Each team may have up to eleven players, only seven of whom are allowed to play at the same time. One team should wear blue caps, the other white. Players must not splash water into an opponent’s face.


The two contestants must bow to each other at the start of the contest. They should wear white clothing. Contestants must only attack the arms and legs of their opponent. They should not get overexcited.


The game can be played by two or four players. The players must change positions after each game. The ball must touch the table on both sides of the net each time it is hit.


Competitors should wear a helmet. They must not stop another competitor from overtaking. Competitors are not allowed to help each other.

E __________

Each team may have up to ten players, only five of whom may play at the same time. Players are not allowed to leave the court without permission. The ball may be thrown but it must not be carried or kicked. A team must try for a goal within 30 seconds of getting possession of the ball.


Each team must have eleven players. The two teams should wear different colours. Only the goalkeeper is allowed to play the ball with his hands or arms.


Each team must have six players. The server may hit the ball with his hand or any part of the arm. He must release the ball from his other hand before hitting it. Players must not touch the net.


Each team may have up to seven-teen players, only six of whom are allowed to play at the same time. Players must wear skates and numbered shirts.


Contestants are weighed before the contest. The contestants’ assistants must leave the ring before the fight begins. Contestants must wear gloves and must not hit an opponent behind the neck.


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