Unit 5 grammar: there is (are).Some, any, no









Illustrative Situations

/. Прослушайте и произнесите следующие категорические законченные сообщения с нисходящим тоном:

1. This is a map. This is a fine map.

2. That is a book. That is a good book.

3. That is an office.— No, it isn't an office. It's a hospital.

4. These are armchairs. They are comfortable armchairs.

5. Those are flowers. They are nice flowers.

//. Произнесите следующие общие вопросы с восходящим тоном. Обратите внимание на интонацию кратких ответов:

1. — Is this a pen?

— Yes, it is.

2. — Is that a book?

— No, it isn't. It's a notebook.

3. — Are these chairs?

— No, they aren't. They are armchairs.

4. — Are those desks? — Yes, they are.

///. Произнесите следующие специальные вопросы с нисхо­дящим тоном:

1 — What's this? — This is a book. 2. — What's that — That is a watch.

3. — What are these? -^ These are toys.

4. — What are those? — Those are maps.

IV. Произнесите следующие альтернативные вопросы, соблю­дая членение фразы на две интонационные группы:

1. — Is this a typewriter or a tape-recorder?

— It's a typewriter.

2. — Is that a cup or a saucer?

— It's a cup.

3. — Are these apples or pears?

— They are pears.

4. — Are those lemons or oranges?

— They are oranges.

V. Произнесите следующие разделительные вопросы:

1. — This is a radio-set, isn't it?

— Yes, it is.

2. — That isn't a desk, is it?

— No, it isn't. It's a bed.

3. — That isn't an armchair, is it?

— Yes, it is. It's a comfortable armchair.

4. — These are glasses, aren't they?

— Yes, they are.

5. — Those are knives, aren't they?

— No, they aren't. They are forks.

6. — Those aren't books, are they?

— Yes, they are. They are English books.


/. Сообщите дополнительную информацию о предметах, употребив описательное определение:

e.g. This is a room, (large)

This (it) is a large room.

1. This is a car. (comfortable) 2. That is a tent. (little) 3. This is an apple, (tasty) 4. That is a bag. (brown) 5. This is a carpet, (thick) 6. This is a bank, (big) 7. This is a text, (easy) 8. This is a lake, (large) 9. That is a vase, (nice) 10. This is a tie. (red) 11. That is a cap. (white) 12. This is a textbook. (English) 13. That is a flat, (good) e.g. These are notebooks, (thin)

These (they) are thin notebooks.

1. Those are cups, (blue) 2. These are shelves, (good) 3. Those are hats, (old) 4. These are coats, (grey) 5. These are

chains, (silver) 6. Those are pictures, (nice) 7. These are knives, (sharp) 8 Those are carpets, (green) 9. These are oranges, (sweet) 10. Those are books (interesting)

//. Сообщите о принадлежности предмета, употребив при­тяжательное местоимение, данное в скобках: e.g. That is an umbrella, (my) It's my umbrella.

1. This is a typewriter, (her) 2. Those are books, (our) 3. These are maps, (their) 4. That is a tie. (his) 5. Those are pencils, (her) 6. That is a toy. (your) 7. This is a bed. (my) 8. Those are apples, (our) 9. That is a coat, (his) 10. That is a car. (their)

///. Укажите на предмет, дав ему неправильное название. Ваш партнер не согласится с данным высказыванием.

e.g. — That is a radio-set.

— No, it isn't a radio-set. It's a record-player.

e.g. — Those are lemons.

— No, they aren't lemons. They are oranges.

IV. Покажите своему партнеру картинки и задайте вопросы всех типов (общий, специальный, альтернативный, разделитель­ный). Используйте в качестве модели иллюстративные ситуа­ции на странице 11.

V. Прочитайте и воспроизведите следующие диалоги. Со­ставьте диалоги по аналогии.

1. — I think that's my jacket.

— This isn't your jacket. This is my jacket.

— I'm sorry. I made a mistake.

2. — I think those are my gloves.

— These aren't your gloves. They are my gloves.

— I'm sorry. I made a mistake.

3. — What is this?

— This is a radio.

— Is it really a radio? Not a telephone?

— Yes, it is a radio, not a telephone.

4. — What are those?

— Those are offices.

— Offices? Not shops?

— No.

5. — Those are beds, aren't they?

— No, they aren't.

— What are they?

— They are desks.

6. — Is that an office?

— No, that isn't an office.

— Well, what is that?

— That is a school.


/. Прослушайте следующие диалоги, прочитайте и воспроиз­ведите их:

1. — Excuse me!

— Yes?

— Is this your handbag?

— Pardon?

— Is this your handbag?

— Yes, it is. Thank you very much.

2. — Is this your umbrella?

— No, it isn't.

— Are you sure?

— Yes, I am sure. That umbrella is brown and my umbrella is black.

3. — Are these your boots?

— No, they aren't.

— Are you sure?

— Yes, I am sure. Those boots are dirty, my boots are clean.

4. — My coat and my umbrella, please. Here is my ticket.

— Thank you, sir. Number five.

Here is your umbrella and your coat.

— This is not my umbrella.

— Sorry, sir. Is this it?

— Yes, it is.

Thank you very much.

//. Составьте речевые ситуации:

1. Вы оставили в автобусе черную сумку. Вы пришли в бюро находок, чтобы забрать ее.

2. В гардеробе по ошибке вам выдали чужое пальто. Ваше пальто коричневое, а вам дали синее.


Illustrative Situations

/. Прослушайте и воспроизведите следующие речевые об­разцы:

1. Whose bag is this? This is my bag. The bag is mine.

2. Whose coat is that? That is Jack's coat. The coat is his.

3. Whose umbrella is this. This is my sister's umbrella. The umbrella is hers.

4. Whose house is that? That is our house. The house is ours.

5. Whose bikes are those? They are the boys' bikes. The bikes are theirs.

6. — Whose car is that?

— Which one?

— The green one.

— Oh, it's Mr Black's.

7. — Whose newspapers are those? Are they yours, Peter?

— No, they aren't. I think they are Jane's.

8. George: This is not my coat. Marian: Is it my husband's coat? George: No, it is not.

Marian: Is it Richard's? George: Yes, it is.


/. Перефразируйте следующие высказывания в соответ­ствии с моделью:

e.g. These are our books. The books are ours.

1. Those are their tickets. 2. Is this your pen? 3. That is our dog. 4. This is his typewriter. 5. Are those your gloves? 6. Is that my umbrella? 7. This is Mary's hat. 8. That is my brother's house.

9. This is his coat. 10. Are these my flowers? 11. Is that your car? 12. Is that her tape-recorder?

e.g. These pencils are hers. These are her pencils.

1. Those gloves are yours. 2. Is that dictionary hers? 3. Is that bag mine? 4. That car is ours. 5. The dog isn't mine. 6. Those glasses are his. 7. Are these pictures John's? 8. Is that shirt his? 9. That newspaper is hers. 10. That house is my brother's. 11. These newspapers are yours.

//. Ответьте на вопросы, употребив слова-подсказки:

e.g. — Which car is theirs? — The green one is theirs.

1. Which pencil is yours? (red). 2. Which bag is Mary's? (brown). 3. Which coat is his? (black) 4. Which house is theirs? (small) 5. Which glass is yours? (that) 6. Which umbrella is hers? (blue) 7. Which notebooks are theirs? (thin) 8. Which room is ours? (room 30)

///. Прочитайте и воспроизведите следующие диалоги. Со­ставьте подобные диалоги:

\. Jill: Whose book is this' Is it yours, Maria?

Maria: No, it isn't mine. I think it's Helen's.

Helen: No, it isn't mine Ask Lucy. Perhaps, it's hers. 2. — Whose coat is that?

— I think it's Mary's.

— Isn't it yours?

— Oh, no! Mine is grey.

3 — Is that John's dictionary?

— Which one?

— The one on the desk.

— No, it isn't. His dictionary is red.

4. — Are those Jane's gloves?

— Which ones?

— The ones on the chair.

— No, they aren't. Her gloves are brown.

— Whose gloves are they?

— I think they are Betty's.

5. — Which umbrella is yours?

— The blue one is mine.

— Which umbrella is Kate's?

— The green one is hers.


/. Прослушайте следующие диалоги, прочитайте и воспроиз­ведите их. Составьте подобные диалоги.

At Table

Peter: Ann, here are two plates: a blue plate and a green plate.

Which is your plate? Ann: The green one is mine, Peter. Peter: Then the blue one is mine.

Ann: Yes, the blue one is yours and the green one is mine. Peter: Here are two glasses: a small one and a big one. Which is

mother's glass?

Ann: The small one is hers. The big one is father's. Peter: The small one is hers, and the big one is his. Ann: Yes, that's right. Peter: Which is father's plate? Ann: The yellow one is his. Peter: Here are four bowls. Ann: Yes, the big bowls are Tom's and Paul's.

Peter: The small ones are ours, then?

Ann: Yes, the small ones are ours, and the big ones are theirs.

Which One?

George: How about some more wine? Charles: Please. George: Which glass is yours? Charles: That one's mine George: Which one? Charles: The empty one! (a little later)

George: Well, good night ...

Charles: Good night ... thank you for a lovely evening. George: Now, which coats are yours? Charles: Oh, those coats are ours. George: Which ones? Charles: The black one and the grey one. George: Ah, yes ... I've got them. Charles: Good. The grey one's mine, and the black one's hers.

Whose Shirt is That?

Teacher: Whose shirt is that? Is that your shirt, Frank?

Frank: No, sir. It's not my shirt. This is my shirt. My shirt is


Teacher: Is this shirt Tim's? Frank: Perhaps, it is, sir. Tim's shirt is white. Teacher: Tim? Tim: Yes, sir? Teacher: Is this your shirt? Tim: Yes, sir. Teacher: Here you are. Catch! Tim: Thank you, sir.


Illustrative Situations

/. Прослушайте и воспроизведите следующие речевые об­разцы:

1. Where are you? — I'm in the kitchen.

2. Where is John? — He's in the living-room.

3. Where is Helen? — She's at the bar.

4. Where are Mr and Mrs Jones? — They are in the garden.

5. Where am I? — You are in King Street.

6. Where are we? — We are in Oxford Circus.

7. Where is the newspaper? — It's on the desk.

8. Where is the table? — It's in the middle of the room.

9. Where are the flowers? — They are in the vase.

10. Where is the garden? — It's behind the house.

11. Where is the ball? — It's under the bed.

12. Where is the clock? — It's above the piano.

13. Where is the car? — It's in front of the house.

14. Where is the school? — It's opposite the bank.

15. Where is the supermarket? — It's near the hospital.

16. Where is the restaurant? — It's next to the bank.

17. Where is your office? — It's between the library and the park.

18. — Where is the type-writer?

— It's on the table.

— And the ink?

— It's there, too.

19. — Jack is in London.

— In London?

— Yes, he is in London.

20. — Jack and Mary are in Paris.

— In Paris?

— Yes, they are in Paris.


/. Спросите своего партнера о местонахождении предме­тов, употребив при этом данные слова:

e.g. shirt/on the bed

— Where is the shirt?

— It's on the bed.

the teapot/on the shelf;

the bank/next to the cinema;

the carpet/in the middle of the room;

the suits/in the wardrobe;

the shop/between the school and the hotel;

the pictures/above the desk;

the boxes/under the bed;

the supermarket/opposite the bank;

your car/in front of the office;

the library/near the school;

the garage/behind the hotel.

//. Спросите своего партнера о местонахождении того или иного лица, употребив при этом данные слова:

e.g. Bob/in the sitting-room.

— Where is Bob?

— He's in the sitting-room, the children/in the park; Mr Smith/in Paris;

the Blacks/in Italy; Lucy/at a party; Jane/at her office; the boys/at the cinema; your mother/in the garden; John and Helen/at the bar.

///. Запросите своего собеседника информацию о место­нахождении известных вам лиц и предметов.


/. Прослушайте, прочитайте и воспроизведите следующие диалоги. Составьте подобные диалоги.

1. — Mary is in New York.

— In New York?

— Yes, she is in New York.

2. — Is Jane in Paris now?

— Yes, she is.

— And Kate?

— She is in Paris, too.

3. — Is Kate in London now?

— No, she isn't.

— Where is she?

— In Manchester.

4. — Are Jim and Paul in Chicago now?

— No, they aren't.

— Where are they?

— They are in New York.

5. — The Blacks are in Rome now, aren't they?

— No, they aren't.

— Where are they?

— They are in Madrid.

6. — Fetch my glasses, please.

— Where are they?

— They are on the desk or on the sofa.

— They aren't there.

— Look on the TV set then.

— They aren't there either.

7. — Excuse me, sir.

— Yes?

— Where is the bank?

— It's in Regent Street.

//. Составьте речевые ситуации:

1. Вы впервые находитесь в нашем городе. Расспросите со­беседника, где находятся те или иные места, которые вас интересуют.

2. Вы уезжаете в командировку. Через час у вас поезд. Вы очень торопитесь, а у вас еще не упакован чемодан. Вы спраши­ваете у своей дочери, где находятся нужные вам вещи.


Illustrative Situations

/. Прослушайте и воспроизведите следующие речевые образцы:

1. — What colour is your new dress?

— It's blue

2. — What colour are your gloves?

— They are brown.

•3. — What is the book like?

— It's very interesting.

4. — What are the cars like?

— They are very comfortable.

5. — What kind of house is that?

— It's very big and modern.


/. Спросите своего собеседника о цвете и качестве предме­тов, употребив при этом данные слова: e.g. — What colour is your car?

— It's black, your suit/grey; the shoes/brown; the walls/blue; your hat/white; , ( ,

the coat/black; the sofa/green;

the carpet/red;

the armchair/grey;

your dress/yellow.

e.g. — What is the film like?

— It's very interesting, the hotel/modern; the flowers/beautiful; your handbag/very small; your flat/large;

the restaurant/comfortable;

the carpet/thick;

the books/interesting;

your car/fast

e.g. — What kind of house is that?

— It's very modern, river/deep; park/beautiful; flat/light; place/quiet;


hotel/big; vase/nice.


/. Прослушайте, прочитайте и воспроизведите следующие диалоги. Составьте подобные диалоги.

1. Mrs Brown: What colour's your new dress? Mrs White: It's green. Come upstairs and see it. Mrs Brown: Thank you. Mrs White: Look! Here it is! Mrs Brown: That's a nice dress. It's very smart. Mrs White: My hat's new, too. Mrs. Brown: What colour is it? Mrs. White: It's the same colour. It's green, too. Mrs. Brown: That is a lovely hat!

* * *

2. Mrs Fox: What is your new house like?

Mrs Morrison: It's large and nice.

Mrs Fox: What is the sitting-room like?

Mrs Morrison: It's light and comfortable.

Mrs Fox: What is the garden like?

Mrs Morrison: It isn't large but it's very nice.

Mrs Fox: What is the garage like?

Mrs Morrison: It's too small.

Self check

/. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Это ваша газета? — Нет, это газета Нины. 2. Как выглядит твоя новая квартира? — Она большая и светлая. 3. Чей это автомобиль, твой или твоего отца? — Моего отца. 4.— Где наши билеты? — Они у меня в сумке. 5. Что это (за вещи)? — Это стол, а то стулья. 6. Какого цвета твое новое пальто? — Синее. 7 Николай сейчас в Москве, не так ли? — Да. 8. Это твоя руч­ка? — Нет, моя красная. Я думаю, что эта ручка Нины. 9. Что это » такое? — Это лампа. 10. Чей это автомобиль? — Красный? Я ду­маю, что Виктора. 11.— Где мой зонтик? — Посмотри на пись­менном столе. 12. Мой чемодан, пожалуйста. — Какого он цве­та?— Коричневый.— Вот, пожалуйста. 13 Что это? — Это очень интересная книга. 14. Это твой зонтик? — Нет.— Ты уве­рен?— Да, уверен. Мой зонтик голубой. 15. Чьи это тетради? Они твои, Аня? — Нет, мои в сумке. Спроси Лену. Возможно, они ее.




Illustrative Situations

/. Listen and imitate: *

... name

1. — What's your name?— (It's)Chris Best.

2. — What's your surname, please? — (It's) Best.

3. — What's your first name, please? — (It's) Chris.

4. — Excuse me, please, but is your name Bill Blake?

— No, I'm sorry, it isn't. It's Baxter, Steve Baxter.

— Oh, I'm so sorry.

5. — Excuse me, please, but are you Janet Blake3

— No, I'm sorry, I'm not. My name's Jill Baxter.

— Oh, sorry.

6. — Who are you? — I'm John Forest.

— Who is that man? — He's Peter Baker.

Numbers and addresses

1. — What's your address, please? — My address is 235 Main Street.

2. — What's your phone-number? — My phone number is 741—8906.


— What are you?

— I'm a teacher. What's your job?

— I'm an engineer.

— What is your brother's job?

— He's a driver.

— Is your son a student?

— Yes, he is.


— Where are you from?

— I'm from Spain.

— What nationality are you?

— I'm Spanish.

. — Where is your wife from?

— She's from England. She's English.


— How old is Pat?

— I think he's about 28 (years old).

— What is he like?

— He's tall and handsome.

— How tall is Pat?

— He's about 6 feet. (1.83 metres tall).

Character and ability


1. He is friendly.

2. She is kind.

3. She is nice.

4. He is clever.


1. He is unfriendly.

2. She is unkind.

3. She is unpleasant.

4. He is stupid.


Informal A: This is Pat Wilson and

this is Chris Best. B: Hullo, Chris. C: Nice to meet you, Pat.


A: This is Mr. Pat Wilson and

this is Miss Chris Best.

B: How do you do. Miss Best.

C: How do you do, Mr. Wilson.

(At an informal party) A: Hullo. My name's Pat Wilson. B: Hi! I'm Chris Best. A: Pardon? B: I'm Chris Best. A: Nice to meet you.

... social greetings

A: Hullo, Pat. How are you today?

B: Fine, thanks, Chris. And you?

A: Oh, very well. How's the family?

B: (They're) all fine, thanks.

A: Good. Well, give my regards to every one.

B: Thanks. And give my love to your sister, too. Good-bye.

... physical states

— Ooh! I'm cold:

— Are you?

— Yes, I am.

— Oh, I'm not. I'm hot.

Mental states

She is angry. He is happy. They are pleased.


/. Answer the questions:

What's your name? Where are you from? What nationality are you? How old are you? What's your job? What's your address? What's your telephone number? What's your wife's first name? How old is she? What is she like? Is she kind? What is your friend's name? Where is he from? How old is he? What's his job? What's his address? What's his telephone number? Is your friend married or single? What is your friend like?

//. Ask your partner about:

a) his (her) name; b) his (her) job; c) his (her) age; d) his (her) address; e) his (her) telephone number; f) his (her) origin; e) his (her) nationality.

///. Ask your partner the same questions about his(her) relatives.

IV. Make up dialogues. Use the prompts.

Teacher: I'm tired. Are you tired, Victor? Student: No, I am not. Teacher: Jane, is Victor tired? Student: No, he isn't.

The students take over the teacher's role and ask each other questions.

Prompts: busy, married, hungry, thirsty, cold, hot, free.

V. Read the dialogues. Make up similar dialogues.

1. — What's your name?

— My name is Paul.

— And what is your neighbour's name?

— His name is Jack.

2. — Excuse me, please. Is your name Baxter?

— Yes, it is. I'm Steve Baxter And this is my wife, Jill.

— Oh, good. How do you do?

3. — Hullo! You're Jill Baxter.

— Yes, that's right, I am. And this is my husband Steve.

— Oh, good. How are you?

— Fine, thanks.

4. — How are you?

— I am very well, thank you.

— And how is Mr. Green today?

— He isn't very well, I'm afraid

5. — Good morning, Mr. Wilson.

— Good morning, Miss Best. How are you?

— Fine, thank you. How's your sister?

— Very well indeed, thank you, Mr. Wilson.

— Please give her my regards.

— Thank you. And give my regards to your tamily, too. Good­bye.

— Good-bye, Miss Best. Nice to see you.

6. — What's your job?

— I'm a doctor.

— And what about your husband?

— He is a pilot.

7. — What are you?

— I'm an engineer.

— Is Jim an engineer, too?

— Yes, we are both engineers.

8. — Hello. I'm David Clark.

— Hello. I'm Linda Martin.

— Are you a teacher?

— No, I'm not.

— Oh, are you a student?

— Yes, I am.

9. — Who is that man?

— Which man?

— The one next to Betty Brown

— Oh, that's Anthony Andrews.

10. — A: (answering phone): 0742189.

B: Is that you, Pat? A: Yes, who is it, please? B: It's me, Chris. Chris Best. A: Oh hullo, Chris.

11. — Where are you from71

— I'm from England.

— Where is Hans from?

— He is from Germany.

— Is he German?

— Yes, he is.

12. — Are you busy tonight?

— Yes, I am. And you?

— So am I.

13. — I'm not hungry. And you?

— Neither am I.

14. — Jack is married.

— And what about his brother?

— So is his brother.

15. — Tom isn't tall.

— Neither is his brother.

16. — Aren't you tired?

— No, I am not

— Are you?

— No, I am not either.


/. Listen to the texts. Ask and answer questions on the texts.

I. Steve Baxter is a journalist in London. He's a busy man His work is very interesting. Steve's wife, Jill, is a teacher at a language school. She's л busy woman. Her work is very interesting too.

2 I'm Stephen Slade. I'm English I'm 24 I'm an architect I m from London. My friends' names are Pat and Chris They are both engineers. Their office telephone number is 5952943

They're about 25 years old. They are both good-looking and very


3. Dick Smith is a teacher. He is from New York. He is tall and thin. Mary and Bob Jones aren't teachers. They are from Los Angelos. Mary is tall, but Bob is short.

4. George and Alice are students George is from Washington Alice is from New York. They are in Boston They are students al Boston University, but they aren't in the classroom now. George is in the gym. Alice is in the library.

5. My friend's name is Peter Morrison. He's English. He's an engineer. His address is 27 Grafton Street, London Wix 5 A. H., England. His telephone number is 6320748 He's good-looking He's 28 years old and about 1.75 metres tall He's a very nice man. He's always ready ш help

//. Listen to the conversations. Read and reproduce them. Act out situations based on these conversations.

1. Mr. Ford: Good afternoon, Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Davis: Good afternoon, Mr. Ford. Mr. Ford: How are you today?

Mrs. Davis: I'm very well, thank you. And you? Mr. Ford: I'm fine, thanks. How is Mr. Davis? Mrs. Davis: He's fine, thanks. How is Mrs. Ford? Mr. Ford: She's very well, too, Mrs. Davis.

Goodbye, Mrs. Davis Nice to see you. Mrs. Davis: Nice to see you too, Mr. Ford. Goodbye. Situation: You meet your friend, greet each other and as! about your families.

* * *

2. Mr. Blake: Good morning. Students: Good morning, Mr. Blake.

Mr. Blake- This is Miss Alice Dupont. Alice is a new student She is French. Alice, this is Hans. He is German

Hans: How do you do?

Mr. Blake: And this is Britt. She's Swedish.

Britt: How do you do?

Mr. Blake: And this is Dimitry. He is Greek.

Dimitry: How do you do?

Mr. Blake: And this is Paul. He's Brazilian.

Paul: How do you do?

Mr. Blake: And this is Stella. She's Spanish.

Stella: How do you do?

* * *

3. Robert: I am a new student. My name's Robert. Alice: How do you do? My name's Alice.

Robert: Are you French?

Alice: Yes, I am. Are you French, too?

Robert: No, I am not.

Alice: What nationality are you?

Robert: I'm Italian. Are you a teacher?

Alice: No, I'm not.

Robert: What's your job?

Alice: I'm a typist. What's your job?

Robert: I'm an engineer.

* * *

4. Jill: Good morning. My name's Jill Baxter, I'm your

English teacher. Welcome to London and to our school. Now, what are your names, please? Ali: My name's Mr. Badran.

Jill: And what's your first name, please? I'm Jill, not Mrs.

Baxter. First name in class. Ali: O. K. I'm Ali. I'm from Egypt.

Jill: Thank you, Ali. And who are you, please?

Monika: I'm Monika Wengli from Brugg. Jill: Where's that? Is it in Germany?

Monika: No, it isn't. It's in Switzerland, near Zurich. Jill: Thank you, Monika. And where are you from?

Annegret: I'm from Germany. My name's Annegret Wade. Jill: Wade? But that's English.

Annegret: Yes, that's right. I'm married to an Englishman.

* * *

5. Mr. Jackson: Come and meet our employees, Mr. Richards. Mr. Richards: Thank you, Mr. Jackson. Mr. Jackson: This is Miss Grey and this is Miss Taylor. Mr. Richards: How do you do?

Those girls are very pretty. What are their jobs? Mr. Jackson: They are typists.

This is Mr. Baker and this is Mr. Short. Mr. Richards: They aren't very busy. What are their jobs? Mr. Jackson: They're clerks. They are very lazy. Mr. Richards: Who is this young man? Mr. Jackson: This is Jim. He's our office boy. Situation ': You are in class. You introduce each ot'ier and ask some questions.

Situation 2: At a party you introduce your guests to each other.


1. Write about yourself and your family.

2. Write about your friends.

3. Write about your relatives.

Self check

/. Use the proper forms of the verb be

Jill: Hello. . we all here today?

No, who .. missing?

Maria: Enrico .. missing and Luisa ... missing too. Jill: Yes, they ... late. I hope they ... not ill. Enrico: Good morning! Here I .... Luisa: Sorry, I . . late.

Jill: Oh, that .. all right. ... you both O.K.? Maria: Yes, we .. .

U. Translate into English:

1. Дик Браун — инженер. Ему 30 лет. Он врач. Он женат. Его жену зовут Анной. Она журналистка Они из Лондона.

2. — Как вас зовут?

— Гарри Стоун.

— Из какой вы страны?

— Из Англии.

— А откуда ваши друзья?

— Они из Франции.

— Кто вы по профессии?

— Мы все инженеры.

3. — Как зовут вашего брата?

— Александр.

— Он женат?

— Нет, он холост.

— Кто он по профессии?

— Врач.

4.— Здравствуй! Как поживаешь?

— Спасибо, хорошо.

— Как поживает твоя сестра?

— Тоже хорошо, спасибо.

— Передай ей от меня привет, пожалуйста

5- — Здравствуйте! Я Виктор Иванов, дипломат из Минска.

— Здравствуйте, м-р Иванов. Рад с вами познакомиться.

6. — Как выглядит ваш приятель?

— Он высокий худощавый мужчина.

— Сколько ему лет?

— 45.


GRAMMAR: HAVE(GOT). Indefinite Pronouns SOME, ANY, NO.

Illustrative Situations

/. Listen and imitate:

1. We have a big kitchen.= We've got a big kitchen.

2. They have a new office. = They've got a new office.

3. I have a sister.= I've g9t a sister.

4. I haven't a brother.= I haven't got a brother.

5. Jack has a bicycle. = Jack has got a bicycle.

6. Jack hasn't a car. = Jack hasn't got a car.

7. — Have you got a phone?

— Yes, I have.

8. — What have you got in your hand?

— A coin.

9. — Have you got a sister or a brother3

— I've got a sister.

10. — Jane has (got) a dog, hasn't she?

— Yes, she has

11. — You haven't got a dog, have you?

— No, I haven't.

Some, Any, No

1. Mary has got some money.

2. Jack hasn't got any money, or Jack has no money.

3. — Have you got any red ink?

— Yes, I've got some.

4. We've got some oranges.

5. We haven't got any lemons, or We have no lemons.

6. — Has your brother got any Spanish books?

— Yes, he has some.

7. — You haven't got any relatives in Minsk, have you? — No.


/. Answer the questions:

Have you got a family? Have you got any children? Have you got a sister or a brother?

Have you got a good flat? Have you got a large kitchen? Has your kitchen got a fridge? Your flat has got a balcony, hasn't it? Have you got a telephone in your flat? Have you got a

taperecorder? Have you got any French books in your library? Have you got any good records? Huve you got a car? Have you got a garage?

What is your native town/village? Has the town got a cinema? Has it got a theatre, too? The town has got a library, hasn't it? Has the town got a church? Has the town got a park? It has got a school, hasn't it?

//. Read the dialogues. Learn them. Make up similar dialogues. Use the prompts.

1. — Kate is a lucky woman.

— Is she?

— Oh, yes, very. She's got a house of her own.

(Jane — a good husband; Mary — a good son; Mrs. Smith — a nice garden)

2. — Mike has got a telephone.

— And Lucy?

— Lucy hasn't got a telephone./Lucy has no telephone.

— (Jack — Alec — a car; Roger — Paul — a boat; Dick — Mary — a tent; Jane — Lucy — a watch)

3. — Have you got a bathing-suit?

— Yes, I have.

— What is it like?

— It's a green one.

(a car — fast; a house — large; a dog — clever; a chain — silver)

4. — Jane has got a typewriter, hasn't she3

— Yes, she has./ No, she hasn't.

(Lucy — a phone; Mike — a map; Helen — a dictionary; Roger — a taperecorder)

5. — Peter has no car, has he?

— Yes, he has. (He has an American car)

(Mike — garage; Helen — record-player; they — TV-set; Peter — boat)

6. — I've got some apples.

— Have you got any pears?

— Yes, I've got some.

(pens — pencils; lemons — oranges; newspapers — maga­zines; shirts — ties; butter — milk; red ink — blue ink)

7. — You have some cigarettes, haven't you?

— Yes, I have some.

(you — money; she — coffee; Mary — notebooks; you — oranges)

8. — You haven't got any tea, have you?

— Yes, I have some.

(you — money; she — relatives; Jane — friends; you — free

time) 9. — Have you got a radio?

— No, I haven't, but I've got a piano.

— So have I.

(a newspaper — a magazine; a pen — a pencil; a TV set"— a record-player) 10. — Has Dick got a car?

— No, he hasn't.

— Neither has Peter.

(Paul — a garage — Bob, Peter — a boat — Alec; Mary — a bicycle — Jane)

///. Alice is choosing a present for her husband. Lucy is making suggestions. Answer as in the examples:

e.g. — Has he got an electric shaver? (German)

— Yes, he's got a German one.

— What about sunglasses?

— He's got expensive ones.

1. Has he got a pocket calculator? (American) 2. What about gloves? (leather) 3. Has he got a digital watch? (Japanese) 4. Has he got a typewriter? (portable) 5. What about nice ties? (silk)


/. Listen to the texts and answer the questions:

Mr. Robinson: My wife and I have a nice house. It's a small house, but it's nice. We have three children. Oh, look! I have a picture of the children. And this is a picture of the house. We have two trees in our garden. That's the children's room, and that's our bedroom. The children have the big room.

Questions: What is Mr. Robinson's house like? Has he got any children? The Robinsons have got a garden, haven't they?

Mr. and Mrs. Robinson are in the sitting-room now. Mr. Ro­binson is in an armchair. He has a book in his hand and a cigarette in his mouth. Mrs. Robinson has a pen in her hand. Her bag is on the table. They have a dog. It is under the table.

Questions: Where are the Robinsons at the moment? What has Mr. Robinson got in his hand? He has a cigarette in his mouth, hasn't he? Mrs. Robinson has got a pencil in her hand, hasn't she? Have the Robinsons got a dog? Where is it?

//. Listen to the texts. Ask and answer questions on the texts.

1. Hi! My name's Gloria Gusto I'm an actress. I'm from Lon­don. I've got a flat in London and a house in Hollywood, with

a swimming pool. I've got a new Rolls-Royce and a lot of money in the bank. I've got a husband and three wonderful children in Hollywood. Life's great! I've got everything.

2. Hello, my name's Tom Atkins. I'm from London, too. I'm broke. I haven't got any money. I haven't got a job, or a house, or a car. I haven't got a wife, and I haven't got any children. Life's terrible. I haven't got anything.

3. Look at this man. His name's Terry Archer. He isn't from London. He's from Oxford. He's a factory worker. He's got a good job. He's got a car. He hasn't got a big house, he's got a flat. He's got a wife, but he hasn't got any children. Life's all right.

///. Listen to the conversations. Read them and act them out.

(At the bus-stop)

1. Freddy: Have you got your cigarettes? George: Yes, I've got them.

Freddy: And have you got your matches?

George: Yes, I've got my matches.

Freddy: Have you got your newspaper?

George: Yes, I've got that.

Freddy: Have you got your money?

George (feeling in his pocket): Oh! No! I haven't got my money.

Freddy: Where is it?

George: It's in my purse in the house.

Freddy: The bus is coming. It's here. Look, George, I've got

two shillings. Here, take it. George: Thank you, Freddy. Goodbye.

(On the bus)

2. Inspector: Have you got a ticket? George: Yes, I have. Inspector: Where is it?

George: I've got it in my hand. Here it is.

Inspector: This isn't the ticket for the bus.

George: Isn't it? Oh, no, it isn't! This is the wrong ticket.

Inspector: Well, where is the right ticket?

George: I've got it in my hat.

Inspector: Well, give it to me.

* * *

3. John: Have you got a match, George? George: Yes, Mr. Forest. I've got some matches in my jacket. John: I've got some cigarettes, but I haven't got any matches. George: Well, I've got some matches, but I haven't got any cigarettes.

John: Take a cigarette, George.

George: Thank you, Mr. Forest! Take a match.

* * *

4. Stella: Father, have you got any sweets in your pocket? John: No, I haven't.

Stella: Has Mother got any sweets in her handbag?

John: No, she hasn't.

Stella: What have you got in your pocket?

John- I've got a notebook and some pencils.

Stella: Have you got any matches in your pocket?

John: Yes, I have.

5. Stella: What have you got in your hand, Richard? Have you got

any sweets?

Richard: No, I haven't got any sweets.

Stella: Yes, you have!

Richard (laughing) Yes, I have a box of sweets. Take one! Stella: Thank you.

IV. Ask your friend what he has in his pocket (bag, hand, briefcase, room).

V. Using the verb have(got) ask your friend about his family, his flat, his native town or village.

Self check

/. Translate into English:

1. У Виктора есть друзья? — Да, у него есть два хороших друга. 2. У меня нет денег.— У меня тоже. 3. У меня есть несколь­ко газет.— У меня тоже. 4. У тебя есть конфеты? — Да, есть несколько. 5. У меня нет пианино. 6. У тебя есть сахар? — Да, есть немного. 7. У нее нет родственников в Минске. 8. У тебя есть немного свободного времени? — Да, я сейчас свободен. 9 У меня нет лодки — У меня тоже. 10. У них нет детей. 11. У меня нет тетрадей.



Illustrative Situations

/. Listen and imitate:

1. There is a cup on the table. The cup is clean.

2. There is a box on the floor. The box is large.

3. There is a glass in the sideboard. The glass is empty.

4. There is a knife on the plate. The knife is sharp.

5. There is a fork on the tin. The fork is dirty.

6. There is a bottle in the refrigerator. The bottle is full.

7. There is a pencil on the desk. The pencil is blunt.

8. There is a spoon in the тир. The spoon is small.

//. Listen and imitate the following questions and answers:

1. — Is there a cup on the table? — Yes, there is.

2. — Is there a box on the floor? — Yes, there is.

3. — Is there a cup in the sideboard? — No, there isn't.

4. — Is there a fork on the plate? — No, there isn't

5. — What's there in the refrigerator? — There is a bottle there.

6. — What's there in the cup? — There is a spoon there.

7. — What's there on the desk? — There is a pencil there.

8. — Is there a bottle or a cup in the fridge? — There's a bottle.

9. — Is there a fork or a knife on the tin? — There's a fork.

10. — Is there a pencil or a pen on the desk? — There's a pencil.

11. — There's a cup on the table, isn't there? — Yes, there is.

12. — There's no fork on the plate, is there? — No, there isn't.

13. — There isn't a spoon in the cup, is there? — Yes, there is.

///. Listen and imitate:

1. There are some cigarettes on the dressing-table. They are near that box.

2. There are some plates on the cooker. They are clean.

3. There are some bottles in the refrigerator. They are empty.

4. There are some shoes on the floor. They are near the bed.

5. There are some knives on the table. They are in that box.

6. There are some forks on the shelf. They're near those spoons.

IV. Listen and imitate the following questions and answers:

1. — Are there any cigarettes on the dressing-table? — Yes,

there are.

2. — Are there any plates on the cooker? — Yes, there are


3. — Are there any cups in the refrigerator? — No, there aren't.

4. — Are there any knives on the shelf? — No, there aren't (any).

5. — What's there on the floor? — There are some shoes on the


6. — What's there on the table? — There are some knives on the


7. — Are there plates or glasses on the cooker? — There are some

plates there.

8. — Are there cigarettes or pencils on the dressing-table? — There are some cigarettes there.

9. — There are some shoes on the floor, aren't there? — Ye; there are.

10. — There are some plates in the refrigerator, aren't there? -

— No, there aren't. There are some bottles there

11. — There are no cigarettes on the dressing-table, are there

— Yes, there are some.

V. Listen and imitate:

A. 1. There is some rice in the jar.

2. There's some milk in the bottle.

3. There's some sugar in the jar.

4. There's some oil in the bottle.

5. There's some water in the jug.

6. There's some wine in the bottle.

B. 1. There isn't any butter in the fridge.

2. There isn't any cheese.

3. There isn't any beer.

4. There aren't any tomatoes.

5. There aren't any oranges.

6. There aren't any eggs.

7. The fridge is empty.

C. 1. — Is there any cheese in the fridge?—Yes, there is.

2. — Is there any butter in the fridge?— No, there isn't.

3. — Are there any eggs in the fridge? — Yes, there are.

4. — Are there any tomatoes in the fridge? — No, there


Illustrative Texts

/. Listen to the text about Mrs. Smith's kitchen: Mrs. Smith's kitchen is small. There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator is white. It is on the right. There is an electric cooker in the kitchen. The cooker is blue. It is on the left. There is a table in the middle of the room. There is a bottle on the table. The bottle is empty. There is a cup on the table, too. The cup is clean.

//. Answer the questions:

Is Mrs. Smith's kitchen large or small? There is a refrigerator in the kitchen, isn't there? What colour is the fridge? Is it on the right or on the left? Is there an electric or a gas cooker in the kitchen? The cooker is white, isn't it? Where is it? What's there in the middle of the room? Is there a bottle on the table? There is a cup

on the table, too, isn't there? Is it clean or dirty? Is there a TVset in the kitchen?

///. Read the text and ask all types of questions on the text. IV. Tell about Mrs Smith's kitchen. V• What is your kitchen like? What's there in the kitchen? VI. Listen to the text about Mrs. Smith's living-room:

Mrs. Smith's living-room is large. There is a television in the room. The television is near the window. There are some magazines on the television. There is a table in the room. There are some newspapers on the table. There are some armchairs in the room. The armchairs are near the table. There is a radio in the room. The radio is near the door. There are some books on the radio. There are some pictures in the room. The pictures are on the wall.

. VII. Answer the questions:

Mrs. Smith's living-room is large, isn't it? Is there a TVset in the room? Where is it? What's there on the television? There is a table in the room, isn't there? Are there newspapers or maga­zines on the table? There are some armchairs in the room, aren't there? Where are the armchairs? Is there a radio in the room? Is it near the door or near the window? What's there on the radio? Are there any pictures in the room? Where are they?

VIII. Read the text and ask all types of questions on the text.

IX. Tell about Mrs Smith's living-room.

X. What is your living-room like? What's there in your living-room?


/. Bring some pictures to class. Make up your own utterances using the construction "there is/are":

a) affirmative and negative statements, both singular and plural;

b) questions/general, special, alternative, disjunctive/. Use the illustrative situations as an example.

//. Ask each other about your neighbourhood: e.g. A: Excuse me. Is there a laundromat in this neighbourhood?

В: Yes, there is. There is a laundromat on Main Street, next

to the supermarket.

Prompts: post-office, bank, library, bus station, cafeteria, super­market, clinic, church.

e.g. A: Is there a restaurant in your neighbourhood? B: No, there isn't.

A: Is there a cafeteria in your neighbourhood? B: Yes, there is. A: Where is it?

B: It's on Central Avenue, near the bank. Prompts: bakery, hospital, supermarket, department store, school, park, police station.

///. Make up similar dialogues.

e.g. — I'm hungry. Is there any cold meat in the house?

— No, there isn't any cold meat, but there's some bread and cheese.

— Oh, good.

Prompts: milk — cream; ham — sausage; cheese — bacon e-g- — Are there any apples in the house?

— No, there aren't, I'm afraid.

— Perhaps, there are some oranges.

— There aren't any oranges either.

— What a pity!

Prompts: lemons — bananas; sweets — biscuits; pears — plums

IV. Read the dialogues and learn them:

1. Marian: Is there a cup on the table?

Gwen: No, there isn't a cup. There aren't any cups in this room. All the cups are in the kitchen.

Marian: Is there any tea in that pot?

Gwen: No, there isn't any tea in the house. But there is some coffee.

Marian: No, we haven't got any coffee or tea.

* * *

2. Lucy: What's there in the cupboard?

Bob: There's some chalk, but there aren't any pencils. There's some bread and there are some cakes. There are some potatoes, but there aren't any apples.

V. Ask your partner what's there in his / her bag.

VI. Ask your partner what's there in his / her fridge.


/. Listen to the texts, ask and answer questions:

1. Look at this picture. This is a classroom. There are some desks in the classroom. There is a blackboard on the wall. Is there a clock on the wall? Yes, there is a clock on the wall. Is there a table in the classroom? Yes, there is. Where is it? It is near the black­board. Are there any words on the blackboard? No, there are not. There are not any words on the blackboard. Is there a chair in the classroom? Yes, there is. Where is it? It is near the table. Are there any students in the classroom? No, there are no students in the classroom.

2. Look at this office. There are two desks and two chairs in this office. There are some papers on the desk. There is a shelf near the door and there are some books on the shelf. There are some files in the cabinet and there are some files on the shelf. There is a tele­phone on one of the desks. The walls and the windows in the office aren't very clean. There aren't any flowers in this office. There aren't any people.

3. Let's have a look at our sitting-room. It's large and comfor­table. Opposite the door there's a big piano. There's a bookcase next to the piano. On the right there's a fireplace. There's an armchair on each side of the fireplace. Opposite the fireplace there's a small table with an ash-tray and some newspapers on' it. By the table there's a small chair. On the extreme right there's a radio-set. There's a comfortable sofa on the left. There are two red cushions on the sofa. There's a standard-lamp near the sofa. There are two pictures and a big oval mirror on the wall. On the floor there's a thick carpet. Our sitting-room is light because there are two large windows in it. There are nice white curtains at the windows. The room is very cosy.

4. Our flat is very nice. It's in Chelsea. It's got two rooms: a living-room and a bedroom. The living-room is very big but the bedroom is small. There's a kitchen and a bathroom. The bathroom is a beautiful room with a big window, but the kitchen is rather small. The flat's got central heating. It's £ 40 per week.

The flat is near a park and it's near the shops. The underground station is five minutes' walk. We are very happy here.

Our neighbours are very nice. They are Jane and Bill Robin­son. They are in the flat downstairs. Jane is a nurse in a hospital and Bill is an engineer in a factory. *,

7 //. Describe: a) your classroom; b) your office; c) your flat; d) your neighbour's flat.

///. Listen to the conversation, ask and answer questions.

Agent: This is a nice flat, Miss Wilkins. Here's a plan.

Miss Wilkins: Mmm...

Agent: There's a living-room. There's a kitchen, a bedroom

and there's a toilet.

Miss Wilkins: Is there a balcony?

Agent: No, there isn't.

Miss Wilkins: ...and a telephone?

Agent: No, there isn't a telephone.

Agent: Well, here's the kitchen.

Miss Wilkins: Hmm...it's very small.

Agent: Yes, it isn't very large, but there's a cooker and a

fridge. There are some cupboards under the sink. Miss Wilkins: Are there any plates? Agent: Yes, there are.

Miss Wilkins: Good. Are there any chairs in here? Agent: No, there aren't, but there are some in the living-


Miss Wilkins: Hmm. There aren't any glasses! Agent: Yes, there are! They're in the cupboard.

Miss Wilkins: ...and ... er ... where's the toilet?

IV. Give a brief account of the conversation. Role-play the conversation.

V. Here are some more questions you can ask when you are speaking to a house agent:

Is there a stove in the kitchen? Is there a lift in the building? Is there a TV antenna on the roof? Is there a radiator in every room? Is there a mailbox near the building? Are there any pets in the building? Are there any children in the building? How many rooms are there in the flat? How many floors are there in the building? How many windows are there in the living-room?

VI. Listen to another conversation:

Jill (on the phone): Hello, Steve. Here's Jill. I've got a free afternoon. Have you got enough time for lunch with me?

Steve: No, I'm sorry, Jill, I haven't. Why?

Jill: Well, I've got a newspaper advertisement

here. It's for a flat in Hampstead. It's got two bedrooms, a modern kitchen, central heating...

Steve: And has it got a garage?

Jill: Yes, it has.

Steve: I'm sure it has, Jill, but we haven't got

enough money.

VII- Read and role-play the conversation. VIII. Act out the following situations:

1. A house agent is on the phone and is giving you some informa­tion about a flat. Take notes and then tell another student about the flat.

2. Your friend has got a new flat. At the moment you are speaking about his new flat.


1. Write about your flat.

2. Write about your office.

3. Write a phone conversation between a landlord and a tenant.

Self check

/. Fill in the gaps with "there is, there are, this, the":

1. ... a lot of trees in our street. ... trees are old and big. 2. ... an airport in our town. ... airport is not far from the centre. 3. ... is my brother. He is an engineer. 4. ... no cigarettes in the box. 5. Sorry, ... nobody in the office now. ... secretary is out and ... chief is at the meeting. 6. ... is my new flat. ... three rooms in it. 7. ... hospital is two blocks from here. 8. ... is Upping Street. ... a lot of offices in it. ... building at the far end of the street is my office. 9. Where is ... typewriter?

//. Fill in the gaps with "some, any, no":

1. I'd like to buy ... flowers. We haven't got... in our garden now. 2. There's ... butter on the table, but there isn't ... milk there. 3. Is there .. paper on the desk? — No, there isn't ... . 4. Are there ... pictures in this book? — Yes, there are ... . 5. We haven't got ... sugar. Go and buy ... please. 6. There is ... carpet in our bed­room, but there is one in the sitting-room. 7. There is ... cheese on the table. Take ... cheese from the fridge. 8. I've got .. intere­sting books to read. 9. Have you got ... money? — Yes, I have ... .

10. There are ... magazines here, but there are ... on that shelf.

11. Have you got ... new stamps? — No, I haven't got ... .

///. Translate into English:

1. У моего друга хорошая двухкомнатная квартира. Комнаты большие и светлые. В гостиной стоит стол и четыре стула. Справа

находится книжный шкаф. В левом углу телевизор и кресло. Спальня тоже большая. В ней находятся две кровати и гардероб. На полу красивый ковер. Кухня очень удобная. В ней стоит кухонный стол и несколько табуреток. Рядом с газовой плитой буфет. Напротив холодильник. Жена друга довольна, что у нее такая большая и удобная кухня. 2. В вазе есть цветы? — Да, в ней несколько роз. 3. В твоем чае нет сахара. Положи немного.

4. Есть ли английские журналы в вашей библиотеке? — Нет.

5. В нашей гостиной нет дивана, но есть два удобных кресла.

6. Есть ли молоко в холодильнике? — Да, там две бутылки моло­ка. 7. На письменном столе нет книг, там несколько журналов. 8. В классе есть мел? — Нет. 9. В хлебнице нет хлеба. Есть ли хлеб в буфете? 10. В этом районе есть библиотека? — Да, недалеко отсюда есть хорошая библиотека. 11. В нашем городке есть два интересных музея. 12. Что находится рядом с почтой? — Там магазин. 13. У тебя есть тетради? — Да, есть несколько штук. 14. В нашей квартире нет телефона. А у вас есть телефон?



Illustrative Situations

/. Listen and learn the imperatives:

1. Please, take the textbook out of your bag, Mary. Open it to page 45 and read text 4. Thank you. Close the book. Go to the black­board. Don't take the book with you. Put it on the desk. Take a piece of chalk and write the new English words on the blackboard. Thank you. Your mark is excellent. Sit down, please.

2. Don't copy out this text now. Do it at home, please. Write ten questions on the text, too. Listen to the text in the sound labora­tory. Learn the text.

3. Jack, take that book and give it to Peter. Now take the pen­cils from him and put them into your bag. Take your exercise-book out of the bag and put it on the table in front of me.

4. — Take this hat and show it to Ann, please. Now take it from her and give it to me.

— Here it is.

— Thank you. Now give us that blue tie, please.

— Here is the tie. Take it, please.

— Thanks. And give us that red one, too.

— Here you are.


/. Change the following sentences as in the example:

e a. Give me that vase.

Give that vase to me.

I. Show me that picture. 2. Give her those flowers. 3. Send George that letter 4. Give Mrs. Jones these books. 5 Give the children these ice-creams. 6. Please, bring John that chair. 7. Take her these newspapers. 8. Pass him the salt, e g. Show that dictionary to him. Show him that dictionary.

1. Give that pen to her. 2. Bring that book to me. 3. Take this par­cel to Mary. 4. Send that telegram to Peter. 5. Show your bicycle to them. 6. Pass the bread to Helen. 7. Give that pencil to her. 8. Show your album to us. 9. Take that newspaper to Bob.

//. Put in me, him, her, usor them:

e.g. Give Tim this shirt. Give ... this one, too. Give Tim this shirt. Give him this one, too. 1. Give Jane this watch. Give ... this one, too. 2. Give the children these ice-creams. Give ... these ones, too. 3. Give Tom this book. Give ... this one, too. 4. That is my passport. Give ... my passport please. 5. That is my coat. Give ... my coat please. 6. Those are our umbrellas. Give . . our umbrellas please. 7. That is Jane's dictiona­ry. Give ... the dictionary please.

///. Respond to the following turning indirect orders and requests into direct ones:

e.g. Tell John to come at 5. John, come at 5.

1. Tell Mary to wash the dishes. 2. Tell Fred to bring the record-player. 3 Tell your sister to phone me tonight. 4. Tell Lucy to type this letter. 5. Tell Kate to sweep the floor. 6. Tell Helen to dust the wardrobe. 7. Tell Mike to fix the bicycle. e.g. Tell Alec not to be late. Alec, don't be late.

1. Tell Mary not to close the window. 2. Tell Mike not to go out. 3. Tell Jack not to come in. 4. Tell Bob not to work so hard. 5. Tell Lucy not to miss the lecture. 6. Tell Roger not to make so much noise. 7. Tell Betty not to take the typewriter. 8. Tell Jack not to open the window.

IV. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

1. Take the books ... the table and put them ... your bag. 2. Show me this map. Show it... me. 3. Go ... the room ... the corridor. 4. Take that pencil ... the box and put it ... front ... you. 5. Come ..., please. 6. Give these notebooks .. Lucy. 7. Take the magazine ... her and show it ... us. 8. Go ... the blackboard.


/. Listen to the conversations and learn them: 1. Steve: I've got a headache and a temperature.

Jill: Oh, dear. Stay at home then. Perhaps you've got flue.

Go back to bed and take some tablets. Steve: Yes, that's a good idea. Jill. Or phone Dr Ray.

2. Mrs. Jones: Come in, Bessie.

Shut the door, please.

This bedroom's very untidy. Bessie. What must I do, Mrs. Jones?

Mrs. Jones: Open the window and air the room.

Then put these clothes in the wardrobe.

Then make the bed. Dust the dressing-table.

Then sweep the floor.

3. Man: Give me a book please, Jane. Woman: Which book? This one?

Man: No, not that one. The red one. Woman: This one? Man: Yes, please. Woman: Here you are. Man: Thank you.

4. Man: Give me some glasses please, Jane. Woman: Which glasses? These glasses? Man: No, not those. The ones on the shelf. Woman: These?

Man: Yes, please. Woman: Here you are. Man: Thanks.

//. Situation: You are asking your daughter to do some work about the house.

Situation: You are the teacher. Give your students some instruc­tions.

Self check

/. Use the proper prepositions:

1. Please, take the cup ... Jane and put it ... the table. 2. Please

close your book and put it... your bag. 3. Please go ... the door and close it. 4. Send the telegram ... Mr. Smith. 5. Please take the cnalk ... the box.

//. Use the proper pronouns:

\. The children are hungry. Give ... something to eat. 2. We are students. This is ... classroom. 3 Take the book from the table and put ... into your bag. 4. Betty has a temperature. Give ... some tablets. 5. Ted is a schoolboy. . marks are good. 6. Those are our books. Give ... our books, please.

///. Translate into English:

1. Дай мне тот карандаш, пожалуйста.— Черный? — Нет, красный. 2. Возьми вазу из буфета и поставь ее на стол. 3. Лек­ция очень интересная. Не пропусти ее. 4. Позвони Лене. Она сейчас дома. 5. На столе грязная посуда. Вымой ее. 6. Не бери мой словарь. Возьми словарь Ани. 7. Покажи нам свой но­вый велосипед.— Вот он.



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