Use a Complex Object with Participle II
Model: Do you clean the windows yourself? — No, I have the windows cleaned. (No, I have them cleaned).
1)Do you type the reports yourself? 2) Did you repair the clock yourself? 3) Does he tune his piano himself? 4) Did she plant the trees herself? 5) Does he wash his car himself? 6) Did he build the new garage himself? 7) Are you going to cut down the tree yourself? 8) Did they paint the house themselves?
12. Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative. Remember that you must use the auxiliary verb “do”:
1. I have your taxi kept at the door. 2. She had her hair cut very short, Eton cropped. 3. She had the slips printed. 4. He had his eyes fixed on the picture. 5. He had it all planned before. 6. We had the letter sent there immediately. 7. We had all the films developed yesterday. 8. He had his bag brought downstairs an hour ago.
13. Translate into English using Participles:
1) Она сидела, улыбаясь. 2) Работа, начатая им, очень важна. 3) Не зная грамматичесних правил, он сделал много ошибок. 3) Выступая на собрании, я забыл упомянуть об этом факте. 4) Исправленные тексты лежали на столе. 5) Имея много времени, ми решили осмотреть достопримечательности. б) Купив билеты, он поспешил на платформу. 7) Собрав весь материал, он смог написать отчет. 8) Не выполнив работу вовремя, я вынужден был извиниться перед ними. 9) Большой дом, строящийся на нашей улице, — универмаг. 10) Вопрос, обсуждаемый сейчас на собрании, очень важен. 11) Так как письмо было послано по неверному адресу, оно не дошло до него. 12) Если его спросят, он им всё расскажет об этом. 13) Мне необходимо отремонтировать часы. 14) Вы хотите сшить новый костюм?
14. Translate the sentences paying attention to the use of the Absolute Participle Construction:
A. 1) The problem being very simple, everybody understood it at once. 2) It being Saturday, everyone went out of town. 3) There being a strong wind that day, it was impossible to go boating. 4) Time permitting, they will discuss the matter tomorrow. 5) The conference being over, he returned to the office. 6) My brother having taken the key, I could not enter the house. 7) The letter having been delayed, the news reached us too late. 8) All the questions having been discussed, the meeting was over.
B. 1) He works hard to pass his entrance examinations, his sister doing her best to help him. 2) They all went away, he remaining at home. 3) Some of the students want to study French, the rest preferring to study English. 4) The professor walked into the lecture hall, the students following him. 5) He spoke on the development of power stations, the lecture being illustrated by diagrams. 6) The participants came from ten countries, with Britain being represented by Professor Arthur Thornton. 7) The negotiations between the American and British representatives were conducted behind closed doors, measures having been taken that no correspondent should receive any information.