Влияние классической музыки на человека / The influence of classical music on a man
If I start a conversation about music, then in my heart immediately becomes warmer. This music, which touches my heart, is classical music. But most of all I like music, performing on the piano.This I learned when I first time climbed the stairs of the music school; I heard the greatestBeethoven`s Ninth Symphony. After that, I immediately enrolled in a music school where I wasintroduced to the beauty. And you know it has helped me in the future. Sometimes, when myapartment is empty, I sit down to an instrument to relieve stress, to calm down. At this moment I amcompletely focused only on my thoughts and I can think only about beautiful things. Currently,scientists proved that listening to classical music has a beneficial effect on the physical and themoral state of a man. This music always makes you to have emotions or associations, as thoughreading a good book and, together with its heroes live among them. Classical music also enhancesthe memory of a man. Our life without classical music, like as a novel with no idea.
cred icon within the industry.
Famous person
Albert Einstein — Альберт Эйнштейн
This German physicist is considered one of the world’s greatest thinkers in history. Not only did heshape the way people think of time, space, matter, energy, and gravity but he also was a supporterof Zionism and peaceful living.
Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany, and spent most of his youth living inMunich, where his family owned a small shop. He attended schooling in Munich, which he foundunimaginative and dull. In addition to this, he taught himself Euclidean geometry at the age of 12.
Later his family was forced to move to Milan, Italy where he then decided to withdraw from schoolat the age of 15. Eventually, he realized that he had to finish secondary school. On the other hand,he still often skipped class to study physics on his own.
At age 22, he became a Swiss citizen and in 1903 married a woman, named Mileva Marec. In a fewyears, two sons were born but in 1919 he divorced as to marry his cousin.
On the other hand, he published five major research papers at the age of 26.
The first paper was on Brownian motion, which would get him his doctorate in 1905.
The second paper laid the base of the photon, or quantum theory of light. It said that light is madeoff separate packets of energy, titled quanta or photons. The paper remade the theory of light. Alsoexplaining the emissions of electrons from some solid objects when they are struck by light.Televisions are practical applications of Einstein’s discoveries.
The third paper, which he began as an essay at age 16, contained the « special theory of relativity». He showed that time and motion are relative to the observer, and the speed of light is constantand natural laws are the same everywhere in the universe.
The fourth was a mathematical addition to the special theory of relativity. This is where hepresented his famous E = mc2, also known as the energy mass equivalence.
His fifth paper was his general theory of relativity. In which he proposed that gravity is not a force, apreviously accepted theory but it’s a curved field in the space-time continuum created in thepresence of mass.
In 1921, Einstein won the Nobel Prize for physics for the confirmation of his general theory ofrelativity although the other papers where still considered controversial.
In 1933, he moved to the USA where he became a citizen ir 1940. Einstein died in Princeton, NJ, on April 18,1955.
Альберт Эйнштейн
Этого немецкого физика считают одним из самых великих мыслителей в истории. Мало того что он сформулировал человеческое представление о времени» пространстве, энергии и гравитации, но он также был сторонником сионизма и мира.
Эйнштейн родился в Ульме, Германия, 14 марта 1879 года и большую часть своей молодости провел в Мюнхене, где его семье принадлежал небольшой магазинчик. В Мюнхене он ходил в школу, которую он считал невыносимо скучной. К тому же он в возрасте 12 лет сам выучил евклидову геометрию.
Позже его семья была вынуждена переехать в Милан, Италия, где он позже, в возрасте 15 лет, решил уйти из школы. Возможно он и понимал, что ему необходимо закончить общеобразовательную школу. С другой стороны, он все также продолжал пропускать уроки, чтобы самостоятельно учить физику.
В возрасте 22 лет он стал гражданином Швейцарии, а в 1903 году женился на Милеве Марек. В скором времени у него рождается два сына, но в 1919 году он разводится, чтобы женится на своей двоюродной сестре.
В возрасте 26 лет он публикует пять главных исследовательских работ.
Первая его работа была посвящена броуновскому движению, она и принесет ему докторскую степень в 1905 году.
Вторая работа легла в основу фотона, или квантовой теории света. Считается, что свет состоит из отдельных частичек энергий, названных квантами, или фотонами. Работа Эйнштейна переосмысливает теорию света. В ней он также объясняет испускание электронов некоторыми твердыми телами, когда эти электроны выбиваются светом. Телевидение — это практическое применение открытий Эйнштейна.
Третья работа, которая была начата им как эссе в возрасте 16 лет, содержала «специальную теорию относительности». Он показал, что время и движение относительны для наблюдателя, если время — это константа, законы мироздания одинаковы во всей Вселенной.
Четвертая работа — математическое дополнение к специальной теории относительности. Именно здесь он представил свою знаменитую формулу E = mc2, также известную как эквивалентность массы и энергии.
Пятой работой была общая теория относительности, в которой он сделал предположение, что гравитация — это не сила, как было принято в предыдущих теориях, это искривленное поле в пространственно-временном континууме, которое образуется вблизи массивных объектов.
В 1921 году Эйнштейн выиграл Нобелевскую премию по физике за свою работу по общей теории относительности, хотя другие работы оспаривают это.
В1933 году он переехал в США, где получил гражданство в 1940 году. Эйнштейн умер в Принстоне, штат Нью-Джерси, 18 апреля 1955 года.
1. What is Albert Einstein famous for?
2. Why did Albert usually skip classes usually?
3. Why did Albert Einstein get doctorate in 1905?
4. Why was Einstein’s second paper important?
5. What did the third paper contain?
6. What was presented in the fourth paper?
7. What theory did Einstein propose in his fifth paper?
8. What did Albert Einstein win the Nobel Prize for?
to consider — считать
gravity — гравитация
supporter — сторонник
dull — скучный, занудный
Euclidean geometry — евклидова геометрия
to move to — переехать куда-либо
to withdraw (past withdrew, p.p. withdrawn) — уходить
to skip — пропускать ( уроки )
photon — фотон
m theory of light — квантовоя теория света
emissions of electrons — испускание электронов
solid objects — твердые тела
theory of relativity — теория относительности
motion — движение
observer — наблюдатель
natural laws — законы природы
universe — Вселенная
energy mass equivalence — эквивалентность массы и энергии
curved field — искривленное поле
confirmation — подтверждение
controversial — спорный
David Duchovny
David Duchovny was born in New York City on the 7th of August, 1960.
His father is a writer and his mother is a housewife. Before David was bom his parents had beenEnglish teachers. When his parents divorced, David was raised by his mother, along with his sisterLaurie and his brother Daniel.
David went to a prestigious private school in Manhattan. «He was a very bright kid with a brilliantsense of humour,» his father remembers. «At school he was always top of the class.» After schoolhe entered Princeton University. Then he studied English Literature at Yale University and workedas a teaching assistant.
David was working at his PhD thesis at Yale when one of his friends suggested that he should tryacting classes.
Duchovny’s PhD thesis, Magic and Technology in Contemporary Fiction and Poetry was neverfinished. He moved to Hollywood. His mother was angry when he had given up studying. Even now, when she speaks to him on the phone, she always asks him: «When are you going to finish yourthesis?» He laughs and says: «Later, later.»
David’s first year in Hollywood was very hard. He was unemployed and could hardly make bothends meet. Luckily, he was invited to play in a commercial and later in a feature film. «Acting gaveme a sense of team and I liked this very much,» David says.
Very soon Duchovny appeared in such feature films as Chaplin, Beethoven and California. His workin the movies attracted the attention of Chris Carter, the famous creator of The X-Files. A TV seriesweren’t in Duchovny’s plans but he was impressed by the script for The X-Files. So he becameagent Fox Mulder.
David is very surprised not only by the success of The X-Files but by his own personal popularity.
Actors who have worked with him describe him as modest, professional and hard-working. David isfond of sports. He played basketball and baseball at school and university. He keeps in shape withjogging and yoga exercises. He writes poetry, but, as he says, he does not read it in public anymore.
Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher was the longest Prime Minister of the 20th century. Her style and her viewsappealed to many British people who had lost confidence in the welfare state and in the directionthe nation had taken. In some ways she was the first genuine leader the nation had since the timeof Churchill. Margaret Thatcher began her career in politics, when she became a ConservativeMember of Parliament. in 1979 she was elected as Britain’s first woman Prime Minister.
From the start, her autocratic style earned her the nickname of «The Iron Lady». Her abrasivemanner has attracted some criticism. During the Falklands War of 1982, however, MargaretThatcher’s militant patriotism found her many supporters, and she became something of a popularhero-figure, much as Winston Churchill had been in the Second World War.
Margaret Thatcher was re-elected Prime Minister in the general elections of 1983 and 1987.
Thomas Alva Edison
Most people know that Thomas Edison invented the first working light bulb, but they don’t knowanything else about him. Edison had almost no formal schooling, yet he invented over 1000different things. Among Edison’s inventions are: the phonograph (record player), the movie cameraand the movie projector.
Thomas Edison invented his electric light bulb in 1879, but there was still much work to do. No oneknew how to use electricity outside of laboratory before Thomas Edison. He and his workers had tocreate a safe electric system. First they had to build a factory. Then they had to build the dynamosto make the electricity. Next they had to build electric lines.
To show people that he was serious, Edison began his project in New York City. By 1887, most partof New York City was electrified. Edison founded the Edison Electric Light Company and continuedto supply electricity to New York and other places.
Thomas Edison lived until 1931. He continued to invent all his life. After the War, he tried to invent asubstitute for rubber because of the shortage that the war caused.
Thomas Edison was a true genius, but he never went to a college or university. The only timeEdison attended school was when he was 7 years old. He stayed for 3 months and never returned.Thomas Edison was a school dropout, yet he became one of America’s most famous and mosthonoured people.
Leonardo da Vinci — Леонардо да Винчи
Everyone agrees that Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was one of the greatest of all painters. Hispainting «The Last Supper» is probably the. most famous painting in the world. But Leonardo wouldbe famous if he had never painted a stroke. For he was also a great inventor. He invented thewheelbarrow, the military tank, and roller bearings. He made plans for dozens of weapons andmachines. He even experimented with airplane and submarine modes.
Besides, Leonardo was great as a scientist and engineer. He was also a poet, a musician, and asculptor. Perhaps no other person in history has ever learned so much in a lifetime. Certainly noone ever deserved more to be called a genius.
Leonardo was born in the village of Vinci in Italy. As a small boy he lived most of the time with hisfathers parents. Leonardo was a beautiful boy, with curly hair and bright blue eyes.
When his father found out that the boy was interested in painting, he sent him to an excellentpainter and teacher. One day Leonardo painted a beautiful angel in one of his teacher’s pictures.«You are a greater painter than Г, said the teacher, «I will paint no more»
In a few years Leonardo’s father decided that he would pay no more to the teacher. His son, hethought, was spending too much time studying rocks and plants, watching birds to find out how theirbodies work, and building models of machines. But Leonardo stayed on as his teachers helper. Hestayed till he was nearly 25. Then he set out to paint for himself, first in Florence, then in Milan andVenice, and at the end of his life in France.
Leonardo had ideas that other painters liked to copy. «Let them» he said, «I will originate. They cancopy».
Thus great painter left behind only a few paintings, he had many ideas for pictures and made manywonderful pen and ink sketches. But he had so many other interests that he found it hard to sit andpaint for hours at a time.
Some of his paintings have been lost because he liked to experiment. He used colours mixed withwax to paint a wonderful mural of a cavalry battle, but the wax melted and the picture was ruined.
«The Last Supper» is on the wall of a chapel in Milan. This picture was famous long before it wasfinished.
There is such beauty in Leonardo’s paintings that they are as hard to describe as beautiful music.The faces of his people are full of expression. He used light and shade in a new way to makepeople look very lifelike.
One of Leonardo’s paintings is called «Mona Liza». It is the picture of a woman with a faint smile onher face. The painting was ordered by the woman’s husband. But Leonardo liked it so much that hekept it for himself. He took it to France with him when he went to spend the last years of his life as acourt painter to the king of France. Now it is one of the greatest treasures of the Louvre in Paris.
Леонардо да Винчи
Никто не станет спорить, что Леонардо да Винчи (1452-1519) — один из величайших художников. Его «Тайная вечеря» — одна из самых известных картин в мире. Но Леонардо стал бы знаменитым, даже если бы ничего не нарисовал. Ведь он был и великим изобретателем. Он изобрел ручную тележку, военный танк и роликовые подшипники. Он спроектировал многие виды оружия и механизмов. Он также проводил эксперименты с моделями аэропланов и подводных лодок.
Кроме того, Леонардо был великим ученым и конструктором. А еще он был поэтом, музыкантом и скульптором. Наверно, больше никому в истории человечества не удавалось научиться стольким вещам за свою жизнь. Конечно же, Леонардо да Винчи можно по праву назвать гением.
Леонардо родился в селении Винчи в Италии. Большую часть своего детства он провел с родителями отца. Леонардо был красивым мальчиком с кудрявыми волосами и голубыми глазами.
Когда его отец заметил, что мальчик интересуется рисованием, он отправил его к замечательному художнику и учителю. Однажды Леонардо нарисовал прекрасного ангела на картине своего учителя. «Ты — более великий художник, чем я, — сказал учитель, — я не буду больше рисовать».
Спустя какое-то время отец Леонардо решил, что не будет больше платить учителю. Он считал, что его сын проводит слишком много времени, изучая камни и растения, наблюдая за птицами, пытаясь выяснить, как устроено их тело, и создавая модели механизмов. Но Леонардо остался у учителя в качестве помощника. Он оставался с ними почти до 25 лет. Потом он начал рисовать самостоятельно, сначала во Флоренции, потом в Милане и Венеции, а в конце своей жизни — во Франции.
Идеи Леонардо многие художники переносили на свои полотна. «Пусть, — говорил он, — я буду создавать. А они пусть копируют».
Итак, великий художник оставил после себя немного картин, у него было много идей, и он создал множество замечательных эскизов карандашом и чернилами. Но у Леонардо было так много разных интересов, что он не мог себе позволить часами сидеть над одной картиной.
Некоторые его картины утеряны из-за любви художника к экспериментам. Он смешивал краски с воском, работая над замечательной фреской, изображающей конный бой, но воск растаял, и изображение исчезло.
«Тайная вечеря» находится на стене часовни в Милане. Эта картина стала известной задолго до того, как была завершена.
Картины Леонардо так красивы, что их так же трудно описать, как прекрасную музыку. Лица людей на картинах очень выразительны. Он по-новому использовал свет и тень, чтобы сделать своих персонажей боле естественными.
Одно из полотен Леонардо называется «Мона Лиза». Это портрет женщины с легкой улыбкой на лице. Портрет заказал муж этой женщины. Но Леонардо картина так понравилась, что он оставил ее себе. Он забрал ее с собой во Францию, где он провел свои последние годы, работая п
ридворным художником короля Франции. Теперь эта картина — одна из сокровищ парижского Лувра.
Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio (born November 11, 1974) is an American actor and film producer.
His first role was on the sitcom Growing Pains, but his breakthrough film performance came in ThisBoy’s Life. This was quickly followed by What’s Eating Gilbert Grape; his performance as thementally handicapped brother of Gilbert (Johnny Depp) brought him nominations for the GoldenGlobe and Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. DiCaprio has also been nominated for twoBAFTAs, three SAGs, and seven Golden Globes. He is a Golden Globe and a Silver Bear winner.
He gained fame for his role as Jack Dawson in Titanic, and has starred in many other successfulfilms including Romeo + Juliet, Catch Me If You Can, and Blood Diamond, for which he wasnominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor. Another Academy Award nomination came forhis role as Howard Hughes in The Aviator, directed by Martin Scorsese. He has also worked withScorsese in Gangs of New York, The Departed and Shutter Island.
DiCaprio was born in Los Angeles, California, the only child of a former legal secretary, and anunderground comic artist and producer of comic books. His parents divorced when he was a yearold and he lived mostly with his mother, although his father was around intermittently. During hischildhood, DiCaprio was interested in baseball cards, comic books, and frequently visited museumswith his father.
DiCaprio’s career began with his appearing in several commercials and educational films. He gothis break on television in 1990 when he was cast in the short-lived series based on the movieParenthood. His debut film role was Critters 3, a B-grade horror film, which later went straight tovideo.
His breakthrough came in 1992, when he beat out hundreds of other boys for the role of Toby Wolffin This Boy’s Life, co-starring Robert De Niro and Ellen Barkin. The move from «star» to«superstar» came when DiCaprio played Jack Dawson in the 1997 blockbuster Titanic, hispopularity skyrocketed, with the media dubbing it «Leo-mania».
In 2002, DiCaprio starred in Gangs of New York (directed by Martin Scorsese) and Catch Me If YouCan (directed by Steven Spielberg). Both films were very well received by critics. DiCapriocontinued his run with Scorsese in the 2006 film The Departed as Billy Costigan, a smartundercover cop in Boston. His next film was Blood Diamond, released in December 2006.
In 2010, DiCaprio starred in Shutter Island directed by Martin Scorsese, which is based on thenovel of the same name by Dennis Lehane.