Избранная библиография
Becker Howard, Through Values to Social Interpretation, Durham, N. C., Duke University Press, 1950.
Chapin F. Stuart, Experimental Designs in Sociological Research, New York, Harper, 1947.
Doby J. T. (ed.). An Introduction to Social Research, Harrisburg, Stackpole, 1954.
Jahoda Marie, Morton Deutsch and Stuart Cook, Research Methods in Social Relations, New York, Dryden Press, 1951, 2 vols.
Lazarsfeld Paul and Morris Rosenberg (eds.), The Language of Social Research, Glencoe, Illinois, The Free Press, 1955. Lundberg G. A., Foundations of Sociology, New York, Macmillan, 1939. [[270]]
Maclver R. M., Social Causation, New York, Ginn, 1942. Merton R. K., Social Theory and Social Structure, Glencoe, Illinois, The Free Press, 1949.
Merton R.K., Paul Lazarsfeld (eds.),Continuities in Social Research, Studies in the Scope and Method of the American Soldier, Glencoe, Illinois, The Free Press, 1950.
Parsons Talcot t, The Structure of Social Action, New York, McGraw Hill, 1937.
Riley M. W. et al., Sociological Studies in Scale Analysis, New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1954.
Sorokin P. A., Sociocultural Causality, Space, Time, Durham, N. C., Duke University Press, 1943.
Stouffer S. A. et al., Studies in Social Psychology in World War II, Princeton University Press, 1949, 4 vols.
Thomas W. 1. and Florian Znaniecki, The Polish Peasant in Europe and America, Boston, Richard G. Badger, 1918-1921, 5 vols. Z naniecki Florian, The Method of Sociology, New York, Farrar and Rinehart, 1934.
[1] Говард Беккер, Алвин Босков. Современная социологическая теория в ее преемственности и изменении. М., 1961.
[2] J. Bushnell, Scientific Method in Sociology, AJS, 25 (July, 1919), pp. 45—46.
[3] W. I. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki. The Polish Peasant in Europe and America, 2nd ed., New York, 1927.
[4] Thomas and Znaniecki.The Polish Peasant... pp. 1822—1823.
[5] Cм. Robert Bierstedt, A Critique of Empirism in-Soсietogy, ASR, 14 (October, .1949), pp,584—592.
[6] Robert Bierstedt,.ор. cit., см. там же глубокую критику эмпиризма в социологии.
[7] Cм. S. A. Stouffer et al., Studies in Psychology in World War II, Princeton, 1949, 2 vol.
[8] Cм. Matilda W. Piley et al., Sociological Studies in Scale Analysis, New Brunswick, 1954.
[9] Cм. G. A. Lundberg. Contemporary Positivism in Sociology, ASR, 4 (February, 1939), pp. 42—55.
[10] Критики неопозитивизма не молчали. См. критику Сорокиным работы Лундберга «Основания социологии», AJC, 75, (March, 1940), pp. 795— 798; Ethel Shanas, A Critique of Dodd's Dimensions of Society, ibid., 48, (September, 1942), pp. 214—230; Florian Znaniecki, The Proximate, Future of Sociology, «Controversies in Doctrine and Method», ibid., 50 (May, 1945), pp. 514—521; Talcott Parsons, The Structure of Social Action, 2nd ed., Glencoe, 1949, passim.
[11] Otto Neurat h, Foundations of Social Sciences, Chicago, 1944, vol. 2, pp. 20—22, 51.
[12] Lundberg, Foundations of Sociology, p. 260; S. С. Dodd, Dimensiones of Society, New York, 1942, pp. 822—823; L. К. Frank, Causation, An Episode in the History of Thought, Journal of Philosophy, 31. (1934), pp. 421—428.
[13] R..M. Melver. Social Causation, New York, 1942.
[14] Lundberg, Contemporary Positivism in Sociology, p. 54.
[15] Howard Beckег, Through Values to Social Interpretation, Durham N. C., 1950; Talcott Parsons, The Social System, Glencoe, 1951; F1оrian Znaniecki, The Method of Sociology, New York, 1934; R. К. Merton, Social Theory and Social Structure, Glencoe, 1949; С. P. Loomis and J. А. Вeegl е. Rural Social Systems, Now York, 1950 P. A Sorokin, Science and Cultural Dynamics, New York, 1937— 1941; 4 vol.; Herbert Blumer, Science Without Concepts, AJS, 36 (January, 1931), pp. 515—533; Melver, loc. cit., E.G. Hughes, Institutional Office and the Person, AJS, 43 (November, 1937), pp. 404—413; Robert Redfiel d. The Art of Social Science, там же (November, 1948), pp. 181—190.
[16] Znaniecki, ор. cit., pp. 235—331.
[17] Cм. R.C. Angell, The Family Encounters the Depression, New York, 1936; E. H. Sutherland, Principles of Criminology, 3rd ed., New York, 1939; A. R. Lindesmith. Opiate Addiction. Bloomington, 1947; D. R. Gressy, Other People's Money, Glencoe, Illinois, 1953.
[18] Cм. W. S. Robinson, The Logical Structure of Analytic Induction, ASR, 16 (December, 1951), pp. 812—818; R. J. Turner, The Quest for Universals, ASR, 18 (December, 1953), pp. 604—611 ;a также интересные комментарии: Angell and Turner, Communication and Opinions, ASR, 19 (August, 1954), pp. 476—478.
[19] Robinson, ор. cit., p. 816.
[20] Parsons, The Social System, passim.
[21] Cм. наиболее полное существующее изложение использования моделей в общественных науках: Paul Lazarsfeld (ed.), Mathematical Thinking in the Social Sciences, Glencoe, Illinois, 1454. Также: К. J. Arrоw. Mathematical Models in the Social Sciences, in Daniel Lerner and H. D. Lasswell (eds.), The Policy Science, Stanford, 1951 и M. A. Girscick and Daniel Lerner, Model Construction in the Social Sciences, POQ, 14 (1950—1951), pp. 710-728.
[22] Cм. Stouffer et al., op. cit., and Riley et al., op. cit., которые содержат превосходное изложение этих технических приемов.
[23] " Lundberg, Social Research, New York, 1928.
[24] Е. Т. В ell and Тalcott Parsons, Review of Dimensions of Society, in ASR, 7 (1942), pp. 707—714.
[25] Ярким сторонником концепции естественного закона является Знанецкий.
[26] Искусную защиту идиографии см. в работе: N.S. Тimascheff, On Methods in the Social Sciences, ACSR, 6 (1945), pp. 169—176.
[27] См. первое изложение в: J. В. Watson, Psychology from the Standpoint of a Behaviorist, Philadelphia, 1919, а позднейшее — в его же работе «Бихевиоризм» («Behaviorism», rev. ed.. New York, 1930). Одним из немногих последователей Уотсона среди социологов в наши дни является Франц Адлер, недавно обращенный.
[28] Read Вain, An Attitude on Attitude Research, AJS, 33 (May 1928), p. 940.
[29] G. H. Mead, Mind, Self and Society, Chicago, 1934.
[30] Cм. Lundberg. Foundations of Sociology, pp. 58—61; его же, Operational Definition in the Social Sciences, AJS, 47 (March, 1942), pp. 727— 743, а также ответ Герберта Блумера на стр. 143—145; S. С. Dоdd, Operational Definitions Operationally defined, AJS, 48 (January, 1943), pp. 482— 489, with comment by Ethel Shanas, там же, стр. 489—494; Franz Adler, Operational Definitions in Sociology, ASR, 3 (December, 1939), pp. 855—861 Homell Hart, Toward an Operational Definition of the Term Operation, ASR, 18 (December, 1953), pp. 612—617.
[31] P. W. Bridgman, The Logic of Modern Physics, New York, 1927, p. 5.
[32] Lundberg, Foundations of Sociology, p. 69.
[33] Stoufferet al., loc. cit.; R. К. Merton and Paul Lazarsfeld (eds.), Communities in Social Research: Studies in Scope and Method of the American Soldier, Glencoe, 1950; Parsons, The Social System
[34] Parsons, Essays in Sociological Theory Pure and Applied, Glencoe, Illinois, 1949, p. 66.
[35] См. Dorothy S. Thomas, Social Aspects of the Business Cycle, London, 1925.
[36] Примеры см. Margaret J. Hagood, Construction of County Indexes for Measuring Change in Level of Living In Farm Operation Families, 1940—1945, RS, 12 (June, 1947), pp. 139—150; A. L. Роrterfield, Rank of the States in Professional Leadership and Social Well-Being, SF, 25 (March, 1947), pp. 303—309.
[37] См., например, F. F. Stephan, Practical Problems of Sampling-Procedure, ASR, 1 (August, 1936), pp. 569—580; I. G. McCormick, On the Amount of Error in Sociological Data, там же, 3 (June, 1938), pp. 328— 332; P. H. Furfeу, The Sampling Problem, ACSR, 8 (1947, pp. 258— 265; F. F. Stephan, Sampling, AJS, 55 (January, 1950), pp. 371—375; а также трактовку этого вопроса в последних справочниках.
[38] С. С. Zimmerman and С. С. Тaylor, Rural Organization, A Study of Primary Groups in Wake County, N. C., Raleigh, 1922; The Missouri Crime Survey, New York, 1926.
[39] CM. R. J. Jesson, Statistical Investigation of a Sample Survey for Obtaining Farm Facts, Ames, Iowa, 1942 и A. J. King and R. J. Jessоn, The Master Sample of Agriculture, «Journal of American Statistical Association», 40 (March, 1945), pp. 38—56.
[40] Классификация Хэгуд применена здесь для удобства. См. Магgaret J. Hagood and D. О. Rice, Statistics for Sociologists, 2nd ed., New York, 1954, pp. 4—5.
[41] См. последнее описание в кн.: R. L. Асkоff, Design of Social Research, Chicago, 1954, pp. 229—255.
[42] См. М. J. Taves, The Application of Analysis of in Social Science Research, ASR, 15 (June, 1950), pp. 373—381.
[43] CM. W. J. Gоode and P. K. Hatt, Methods in Social Research, New York, 1953, p. 243.
[44] J. L. Moreno, Who Shall Survive?, Washington, D. C., 1934; Helen H. Jennings. Structure of Leadership Development and Sphere of Influence, «Socm», 1 (July—October, 1934), pp. 93—143.
[45] L. D. Zeleny, Sociornetry of Morale, ASR, 4 (December, 1939), pp. 799—806; Selection of Compatible Flying Partners, AJS, 52 (March, 1944), pp. 424—431.
[46] Примеры см. у С. P. Loomis, Studies of Rural Social Organization in the United States, Latin America and Germany, East Lousing, 1945; Studies in Applied and Theoretical Social Science, East Lousing, 1950.
[47] L. L. Тhurstonе, Attitudes Can Be Measured, AJS, 33 (January, 1928), pp. 529—554.
[48] Gardner Murphy and Rensis Likert, Public Opinion and the Individual, New York, 1938; Е. A. Rundquist and Raymond Sletto, Personality in the .Depression, Minneapolis, 1936.
[49] Сhapin, A Quantitative Scale for Rating the Home and Social Environment of Middle Class Families in an Urban Environment, JEP, 19 (February, 1928), pp. 99—111; William Sewell, The Construction and Standartization of a Scale for the Measurement of the Socio-Economic Status of Oklahoma Farm Families, Stillwater, 1940; Alice M. Leahy, The Measurement of Home Environment, Minneapolis, 1936.
[50] H. A. Weeks and M. G. Smith, Juvenile Delinquency and Booken Homes in Spokane, Washington, SF, 18 (October, 1939), pp. 48— 55; G. В. Vold, Prediction Methods and Pavole, Hanover, N. H., 1931, Е. D. Monachesi, Prediction Factors in Probation, Hanover, N. H., 1932, Е. W. Burgess and L. S. Cottrell, Predicting Success or Failure in Marriage, New York, 1939; Е. L. Thorndike et al., Prediction of Vocational Success, New York, 1934.
[51] Cм. детальное описание: Stouffer et al., op. cit., особенно гл. 2— 11, написанные Луи Гуттманом и Е. А. Зухманом.
[52] Paul Wallin, A Guttman Scale for Measuring Women's NeighbourIiness, AJS, 59 (November, 1953), pp. 243—246; С. В. S с h m i d, Generalirations Concerning the Ecology of the American City, ASR, 15 (April, 1950), pp. 264—284; Karl Schulosler and Anselm Strauss, A Study of Concept Learning by Scale Analysis, ASR, 15 (December, 1950), pp. 752— 762: Riley et al., loc. cit.
[53] Cм. Stouffer et al., op. cit., vol. 4.
[54] Резюме ряда этих работ см.: Chapin, Experimental Design in Sociological Research, New York, 1947, а также Ernest Greenwood, Experimental Sociology, New York, 1945.
[55] F. Н. Allport, The Influence of the Group upon Association and Thought, «Journal of Experimental Psychology», 3 (June, 1920), pp. 159— 182; Harold Gosnell , Getting Out the Vote, Chicago, 1924; Gi1lis, An Experimental Study of the Development and Measurement of Health Practices of Elementary School Children, JES, I (November, 1927), pp. 164— 165; Etton May о. The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization, New York, 1933; S. A. Dоdd, A Controlled Experiment on Rural Hygiene in Syria, New York, 1934; W.I. Newsletter, An Experiment in the Defining and Measuring of Group Adjustment, ASR, 2 (Aprill, 1937), pp. 230— 236; Selden Menefee, An Experimental Study of Strike Propaganda, SF, 16 (May, 1938), pp. 754—782; Ronald Lippitt, Field Theory and Experiment in Social Psychology, Autocrati and Democratic Group Atmospheres, AJS, 45 (July, 1939), pp. 26—49; F. S. Сhapin. An Experiment on the Social Effects of Good Housing, ASR, 5 (December, 1940), pp. 868—879.
[56] H. W. Odum and Katharine Jocher, Introduction to Social Research, New York, 1929, pp. 260—283; H. С. В r earl у. Experimental Sociology in the United States, SF, 10 (December, 1931), pp. 196—199.
[57] Chapin, Experimental Design in Sociological Research; Greenwood, loc. cit.
[58] Cм. краткое, сжатое и все же убедительное изложение этой новой точки зрения: R. G. Francis, Principles of Experimentation, in J. Т. Dob у (ed.), An Introduction to Social Research, Harrisburg, 1954,pp. 101—122.
[59] Stouffer, Some Observations on Study Design, AJS, 55 (January, 1950), pp. 355—361.
[60] См. подробное изложение: J. С. McKinney, Constructive Typology and Social Research, in Dоby, op. cit.
[61] Cм. Becker, op. cit., pp. 97, 261—262— о вероятностной «логике» и том виде, как она изложена здесь.
[62] Веckег, ор. cit.; см. библиографию данного тома, основные ссылки на Беккера.
[63] Theodore Abel, Systematic Sociology in Germany, New York, 1929; W. J. Goodе, A Note on the Ideal Type, ASR, 12 (August, ,1947), pp. 473—474; W. L. Коlb, The Peasant in Revolution: A Study in Constructive Typology (unpublished Ph. D. dissertation. University of Wisconsin, 1943); С. P. Loomis, The Nature of Rural Social Systems: A Typological Analysis, RS, 15 (June, 1950), pp. 156—174; Paul Lazarsfeld, Some Remarks on the Typological Procedures in Social Research, «Zeitschrift fur Sozialforschupg», 6 (1937), pp. 119—139; Parsons, The Structure of Social Action, особенно гл. 14—17; Soroki n, Social and Cultural Dynamics; Arnold Rose, A Deductive Ideal-Type Method, AJS, 56 (July, 1950), pp. 35—42; R. F. Winch, Heuristic and Empirical Typologies, ASR, 12 (February, 1947), pp. 68—75; Robert Redfield, The Folk Culture of Yucation, Chicago, 1941; McKinne у, The Role of Constructive Typology in Scientific Sociological Analysis, SF, 28 (March, 1950), pp. 235— 240; Constructive Typology and Social Research in Doby et al., or. cit.
[64] Е. C. Hughes, Personality Types and the Division of Labour, AJS, 33 (March, 1928), pp. 754—768; Е. Т. Н i Her, The Strike Cycle, Chicago, 1928: Robert Redfield, Tepotzian: A Mexican Village, Chicago, 1930; The Folk Culture of Yucatan, Chicago, 1941; Robert Schmid, German Youth Movements; A Typological Study (unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1941); Howard, Вecker, German Youth, Bond or Free, New York, 1946; P. B. Fore in an, Negro Lifeways in the Rural South: A Typological Approach to Social Differentiation, ASR, 13 (August, 1948); Milton Yinger, Religion in the Struggle for Power, Durham, N. C., 1946; Pauline V. Yоunк. Pilgrims of Russian Town, Chicago, 1932; К о I b. The Peasant ill Revolution, loc. cit., Vatro Murvar, The Balkan Vlachs: A Typological Study (unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1950; Л. W. Eister, Drawing-Room Conversion: A Sociological Account of the Oxford Group Movement, Durham, N. C. 1950, Lооmis and Beegle, Rural Social Systems.
[65] Louis Gоttschalk, Clyde Кluckhohn and R. С. Angell, The Use of Personal Documents in History, Anthropology and Sociology, New York, 1945, p. 10.
[66] Т. D Eliot, The Use of History for Research in Theoretical Sociology, AJS, 27 (March, 1922), pp. 628—636; J. O. Hetzier, The Sociological Uses of History, там же, 31 (September, 1925), pp. 173—198.
[67] Наиболее выдающимся из его многочисленных трудов является «Social and Cultural Dynamics».
[68] Барнс был весьма плодовитым писателем. Его наиболее выдающаяся работа написана, вероятно, в сотрудничестве с Беккером: «Social Thought froin Lore to Science», 1st ed., 1938; 2nd ed., with numerous additions by Becker, New York, 1952.
[69] Mabel A. Elliot, Crime and the Frontier Mores, ASR, 9 (April, 1944), pp. 185—192; J. S. Slotkin. Jazz and its Forruners as an Example of Acculturation, там же, 8 (October, 1943), pp. 570-575), Paul Сressy, Chinese Traits in European Civilization: A Study ill Diffusion, там же, 10 (October, 1945), pp. 594-604; W. E. Moore and R. M. Williams, Stratification in the Anti—Bellum South, там же, 7 (June, 1942), pp. 343— 351; E. Franklin Frazier, The Negro in the United States, New York, 1949.
[70] Для справок см. сноску 16.
[71] Lооmis and Вeeglе, Rural Social Systems; Becker, German Youth: Bond or Free; Propaganda and the Impotent German Intellectual, SF, 29 (March, 1951), pp. 273—276; L. P. Edwards, Natural History of Revolution, Chicago, 1927; Redfield. The Folk Culture of Yucatan; К о I b, op. cit., Murvar, op. cit.; Stanley Mintz, The Folk-Urban Continuum and the Rural Proletarian Community, A.IS, 6!) (Sepleinher, 1953), pp. 136—143.
[72] William Healy, Mental Conflict and Misconduct, Boston, 1917; Nels Anderson. The Hobo, Chicago, 1923; С. R. Shaw. The Jack-Roller, Chicago, 1930; James West (pseud.), Plainville, U.S.A., New York, 1945.
[73] Lundberg, Social Research, rev. ed., 1942, pp. 115, 385—387.
[74] Thomas and Znaniecki, op. cit.; F. W. Burgess, Statistics and Case-Studies as Methods of Social Research, SSR, 12 (November— December, 1927), pp. 103—120; Becker, Culture Case-Study and Ideal Typical Method: With Special Reference to Max Weber, SF, 12 (March, 1934), pp. 399—405; John Dollard, Criteria for the Life History, New Haven, 1935; R. С. Angel I, A Critical Review of the Development of the Personal Document Method in Sociology, 1920—1940, in Gottschalk et al, op. cit., pp. 175—232; Note on the Statistical Treatment of Life-History Material, SF, 9 (December, 1930), pp. 200—203; In collaboration with P.M. H a user and S. A. Stouffer. Note on the Logic of Generalization in Family Case Studies, в их работе: «Research Memorandum on the Family in the Depression», New York, 1937, pp. 187—201.
[75] Stouffer, Experimental Comparison of Statistical and Case History Methods in Attitude Research (unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1930).