Challenge to Arbitrator, Expert, or Interpreter
1.Each party shall be entitled, to challenge an arbitrator, the chairman of the arbitral tribunal, or a sole arbitrator, if there are circumstances giving rise to justifiable doubts as to their impartiality or independence, particularly if it can be supposed that they are personally, directly or indirectly interested in the outcome of the proceedings. The request of challenge may also be submitted in case when an arbitrator does not have the qualifications stipulated in the parties' agreement.
The party shall submit its written request of challenge containing the motives thereof not later than 15 days after he has come to know that the arbitral tribunal has been formed, or after the party has found out about any circumstances which may be a ground for the challenge. Such request submitted subsequently shall be considered only if the arbitral tribunal finds the delay justified.
2.The question of challenge shall be decided by other members of
the arbitral tribunal. If they fail to come to an agreement, or if two
arbitrators or a sole arbitrator are challenged, the question of challenge shall be decided by the Presidium of the ICAC.
The Pennsylvania State University College of Engineering Administration by authority of the Board of Trustees and upon the recommendation of the Faculty and of the Senate hereby confers upon Bridget Horace The degree of Master of Science In recognition of the completion of the major in Computer Science In testimony whereof, the undersigned have witnessed their names and afford deal of the University this twenty-second of August in the year 2003. |
МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ВЫСШАЯ АТТЕСТАЦИОННАЯ КОМИССИЯ ДИПЛОМ КАНДИДАТА НАУК КТ № 092670 МОСКВА 5 НОЯБРЯ 2003 Г. Р е ш е н и е м диссертационного совета Волгоградского гос. Университета от 12 мая 2003 г. № 67 Сидоровой Татьяне Анатольевне присуждена ученая степень КАНДИДАТА ФИЛОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ НАУК Председатель диссертационного совета (подпись) Ученый секретарь диссертационного совета (подпись) |
Certificate of birth This certificate is issued in recognition of the birth of NAME Here sex here child, X pounds, X ounces born this day here to Parent one and Parent two Hospital of issue here Location here |
Registrar of civil status |
Регистрационный номер АФ-563 23 июня 2003г. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ Воронеж Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Воронежский государственный университет» ДИПЛОМ БВС 0168192 Решением Государственной аттестационной комиссии от 16 июня 2003 года Борисову Андрею Сергеевичу ПРИСУЖДЕНА КВАЛИФИКАЦИЯ ЮРИСТ по специальности «Юриспруденция» Председатель Государственной аттестационной комиссии (подпись) Ректор (подпись) М.П. | ||
ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ К ДИПЛОМУ Фамилия, имя, отчество Борисов Андрей Сергеевич Дата рождения 20 августа 1981 г. Предыдущий документ об образовании аттестат о среднем общем образовании, выданный в 1998 году Вступительные испытания прошел Поступил(а) в 1998 году в Воронежский государственный университет Завершил(а) обучение в 2003 году в Воронежском государственном университете Нормативный период обучения по очной форме5 лет Направление/специальность Юриспруденция Специализациягосударственное право Курсовые работы: Практика: Учебная практика, 4 недели, зачтено Производственная практика, 17 недель, отлично Итоговые государственные экзамены: Теория государства и права, отлично Государственное право, отлично Выполнение и защита выпускной квалификационной работы на тему: 17 недель, отлично Данный диплом дает право профессиональной деятельности в соответствии с уровнем образования и квалификацией. | ||
За время обучения сдал(а) зачеты, промежуточные и итоговые экзамены по следующим дисциплинам:
Certificate of Participation This is to certify that __________________________________ participated in Volga Region Russian-American Seminar “Teaching Legal English” 4-6 December, 2003 Saratov Dr. Bridget Gersten, United States Embassy Dr. Sergei Khignyak, Saratov State Law Academy Dr. Charles Hall, University of Memphis Dr. Debra Lee, Nashville State Community College |
ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ “ВОРОНЕЖСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ” (ГОУ ВПО ВГУ) СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВО Выдано __________________________ в том, что он___ в период с 20__ г. по 20___ прошел (прошла) обучение по учебной программе «Практический курс японского языка» на кафедре теории перевода и межкультурной коммуникации факультета романо-германской филологии Воронежского государственного университета. | За время обучения сданы зачеты по следующим дисциплинам:
Ректор Воронежского государственного университета В.Т.Титов Заведующий кафедрой теории перевода и межкультурной коммуникации В.Б.Кашкин М.П. г.Воронеж, «___» ________ _______г. |
General Power of Attorney
KNOWALL PERSONS by these presents that Glory International Inc., a company registered in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas (hereinafter called «the Company»), has made, named, constituted and appointed:
Attorney-in-fact Mr. George Brown
to be the company's attorney with Power of Attorney. This attorney can by a single signature do and execute on behalf of the company in all parts of the world all or any of the acts and things following namely:
A. To open, operate and close any current deposit or other bank accounts, to draw, endorse and sign checks, to deposit any money in the name of the Company, and to withdraw the same or any money deposited in the name of the company from time to time and generally to undertake any other banking transaction on behalf of the company;
B. To enter into any arrangements with any government or authorities (supreme, municipal, local or otherwise) or any corporations, companies or persons, and to obtain from such governments, authorities, corporations, companies or persons any charges, contracts, decrees, grants, licenses, leases, rights, privileges and concessions which the said Attorney may think desirable in the interest of the company; to register joint ventures or open representatives offices;
C. То purchase or otherwise acquire, and to sell, exchange, lease, dispose of and deal with chattels and real personal properties and rights of all kind;
D. To borrow money and to execute, and deliver negotiable or non- negotiable notes therefor with or without security; and to loan money and receive negotiable or non-negotiable notes therefor with such security as he/she shall deem proper. To pledge, encumber, or hypothecate personal property goods to secure payment of a note or performance of any obligation or agreement;
E. To demand and receive from all persons, firms, companies, or other bodies, indebted to the Company all debts and other sums of money now or at any time, hereafter owing from them, and to give time for payment of any debt or part thereof, and upon failure to pay any such debts, to institute and prosecute any legal or any other proceeding authorized by law for obtaining payment of the same, which may seem proper r expedient to the said Attorney;
F. To sign, seal, make and execute all such contracts, deeds, agreements and documents as shall be necessary or expedient;
G. Generally, to act as agent for the company and to execute and perform on behalf of the Company as lawful and reasonable acts as fully and effectual to all intents and purposes as the Company might or could do;
H. To delegate and transfer rights according to this power in part or in whole, to any third person;
I. The company's attorney promises to indemnify the directors of the company in respect to all costs, charges, expenses, and damages which they may sustain in relation thereto;
The Company hereby further and fully ratifies and confirms all and whatsoever the said Attorney shall legally do, or case to be done by virtue of these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Company has caused this General Power of Attorney to be signed this Third (3) day of January 2001. This power of Attorney shall be valid for one year only since the date posted to this document.
Commonwealth of the Bahamas The International Business Companies Act (No. 2 of 1990) CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION Star Enterprise Inc. I, Shane Stuart, Registrar General of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Do Hereby Certify pursuant to the International Business Companies Act (No. 2 of 1990) that all the requirements of the said Act in respect of incorporation have been satisfied, and that Star Enterprise Inc. is incorporated in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas as an International Business Company this 16th day of October 1996 Given under my hand and seal at Nassau in the Common- wealth of the Bahamas ………………….. Registrar General |