Used in psychological practiсe

ACCH Association for the Care of Children's Health. A multidisciplinary association of professionals and parents that promotes quality psychosocial health care for children and their families.
ACT Assertive Community Treatment (an evidence-based practice for adults w/severe mental illness)
AD Advance Directive: Health and mental-health care directive for treatment
ADAP (Division of) Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs, part of the Vermont Department of Health
ADD Attention deficit disorder. A condition characterized by a failure to remain attentive in various situations, especially in the school and home.
ADHD Attention hyperactivity disorder. As above, but with the added characteristic of overactivity.
AHS Agency of Human Services
AIT Application for Involuntary Treatment
ANCOR American Network of Community Options & Resources
AOP Adult Outpatient Services (mental health)
APA (1) American Psychiatric Association
APA (2) American Psychological Association
APSE Association for Persons in Supported Employment
ARC Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency model for treatment of children and families with complex and/or intense trauma histories
ARIS Area Resources for Individualized Services
AS Autism Spectrum: a range of disorders. Autism is defined in DMS-IV-TR (code 299.00) as the presence of markedly abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communica­tion and a markedly restricted repertoire of activity and interests.
AT Assistive technology
ATTC Addiction Technology Transfer Center
BD Behavior disordered
BHN Behavioral Health Network
BPD Borderline personality disorder
CAFU Child, Adolescent & Family Unit (of the Department of Mental Health)
CAN Child abuse and neglect.
CBT Cognitive Behavior Therapy. A type of mental-health therapy used as evidence-based treatment for specific diagnoses.
CCISC Comprehensive, continuous, integrated system of care (for individuals with co-occurring psychiatric and substance-abuse diagnoses)
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CEC Council on Exceptional Children. Professional organization for persons serving exceptional school-age children.
CH Child (or Children’s)
COD Co-occurring disorder(s): mental illness and substance abuse
CODTP Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment Program
COSIG Co-occurring State Infrastructure Grant (a grant awarded the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to support systems change to accommodate integration of treatment for mental illness and substance abuse)
CP (1) Cerebral palsy.
CP (2) Certified Provider
CPAP Clinical Practices Advisory Panel
CPS/CPT Child Protective Services/Child Protection Team. State or county agency responsible for addressing issues of child abuse and neglect. Regional teams are empanelled by the Commis­sioner of the Department for Children and Families to review situations and recommend strategies and services.
CRT Community Rehabilitation & Treatment: community-based programs for adults with severe and persistent mental illness
CST Child Study Team. A team consisting of the parents of a child with a handicap and professionals serving the child, convened to develop long- and short-range goals for the child's progress.
DA Designated Agency: Same as CMHC. See also the Administrative Rules for Agency Designation.
DAIL Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living
DBT Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (treatment for persons with BPD)
DCF Department for Children and Families (formerly the Department for Social and Rehabilitation Services, or SRS).
DD (1) Developmental disability/delay
DD (2) Dysthymic disorder: defined in DSM-IV-TR (code 300.4) as a chronically depressed mood that occurs for most of the day for more days than not for at least two years. For children and adolescents, there may instead be a chronically irritable mood that occurs for most of the day for more days than not for at least one year.
DSM IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th Edition Revised.) A classification system for mental illnesses developed by the American Psychiatric Association.
D.S.W. Doctoral degree in Social Work
DVR Division of Vocational Services – see also VR
EBD Emotional and behavioral disorder (more commonly used now than ED; see below)
E-Bed Emergency Bed
EBP Evidence-based practices: Those practices for which consistent scientific evidence shows that they improve client outcomes. The scientific evidence is comprised of several randomized clinical trials (or quasi-experimental studies with comparison groups) in a variety of typical community mental health settings.
ECSC Early Childhood Steering Committee
ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy
ED Emotionally disturbed
EDS Electronic Data Systems
EE Emergency Exam for psychiatric disorder
EEE Essential Early Education
EEG Electroencephalogram. A test which measures electrical impulses in the brain.
EFS Enhanced Family Services
EH Emotionally handicapped
EHB Essential Health Benefit(s)
EHR Electronic Health Record(s)
EMRD Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: a phased, information-processing therapy for a wide range of mental health conditions, including trauma.
EMR Electronic Medical Records
FAPE A free and appropriate public education.
FF Families First
FFF Flexible Family Funding
FMAP Federal Medical Assistance Percentage
FPE Family Psychoeducation (an evidence-based practice for adults with severe mental illness)
GAF Global Assessment of Functioning
GAIN Global Assessment of Individual Need
GAS Goal Attainment Scoring
HBK&F Healthy Babies, Kids & Families
HRD Human Resources Development
HRP High Risk Pool
IDDT Integrated Dual-Diagnosis Treatment (an evidence-based practice for people with dual diagnoses of mental illness and substance abuse)
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IGA Intergovernmental Agreement (under Global Commitment to Health)
IMR Illness Management & Recovery (an evidence-based practice for adults w/severe mental illness)
IOA Inpatient Options Analysis
IOM Institute of Medicine
IPC Individual Plan of Care (treatment plan)
JC Joint Commission
JR Judicial Review
LEA Local Educational Agency
LGBTQ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered and Questioning (individuals)
LICSW Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker
LIP Licensed Independent Professional: used to describe medical practitioners authorized to initiate involuntary emergency procedures.
LOS Length of stay
LRE Least Restrictive Environment.
MBD Minimal brain dysfunction.
MCO Managed Care Organization
MED Mental or emotional disturbance (or disorder)
MH Mental Health
MHA Mental Health Association. A nonprofit citizens’ organization dedicated to legislative advocacy on behalf of adults with mental illness and children with serious emotional disturbances. Other services include public education and prevention of abuse and family problems and sponsorship of parent support groups.
M/SUD (services for ) Mental health/substance use disorders
MI (1) Mentally impaired/ill.
MI (2) Motivational interviewing
MMSE Mini Mental State Examination
MSW Master's degree in Social Work
NASMHPD National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors
NAPPI Non-Abusive Physical and Psychological Intervention
NCTSN The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
NIMBY Not in my back yard!
OBS Observation: a forensic status for admission to inpatient care for a psychiatric evaluation in criminal cases.
OCD Obsessive-compulsive disorder
ODD Oppositional defiant disorder: defined in DSM-IF-TR (code 313.81) as a recurrent pattern of negativistic, defiant, disobedient and hostile behavior toward authority figures that persists for at least six months.
OH Order of Hospitalization
ONH Order of Non-Hospitalization
OT Occupational therapy or occupational therapist.
P1 Priority One
P & A Protection and Advocacy. State agency providing advocacy activities on behalf of persons with developmental disabilities and mental illness.
PA(1) Physician’s Assistant
PA(2) Prior Authorization
PACT Program in Assertive Community Treatment, a different acronym for the same EBP
PCC Patient Care Services
PDD Pervasive developmental disorder: defined in DSM-IV-TR (code 299 range) as a group of disorders characterized by severe and pervasive impairment in several areas of development: reciprocal social interaction skills, communication skills, or the presence of stereotyped behavior, interest and activities. PDD includes Autistic Disorder, Rett’s Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, and PDD Not Otherwise Specified.
PDP Prescription drug plan (under Medicare Part D’s prescription drug coverage)
Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy
PORT (Schizophrenia) Patient Outcomes Research Team
PRAMS Pregnancy Risk Assessment Management Survey  
PRC Psychiatric Research Center (Dartmouth)
PRI Practices requiring improvement
PRO-ACT Professional Assault Crisis Training—principles for dealing with violence (previously used at Vermont State Hospital)
PT Physical therapy or physical therapist
PTSD Post-traumatic stress disorder
QA Quality Assurance
QAPI Quality Assurance/Performance Improvement (Program): a collaboration between DVHA and its Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) partners under the Global Commitment Waiver to conduct performance improvement projects, calculate and report on performance measures, review utilization and assess quality appropriateness for special populations.
QHP Qualified Health Plan(s)
QI Quality Improvement
QM Quality Management
QMHP Qualified Mental Health Professional
RAISE Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode
REV Revocation
REV/ONH Revocation of an Order of Non-Hospitalization
RN Registered Nurse
RR Resource and referral
RS Research and Statistics
RT Research and Training Centers (or R & T Centers).
SED Serious emotional disturbance. Also commonly: EH for "emotionally handicapped," ED for “emotional disability,” or EBD for “emotional/behavioral disability.”
SFI Severe Functional Impairment or Severely Functionally Impaired
SGA Substantial gainful activity (used in determining Social Security benefits)
SOC System of care
SFI-SIG Strategic Prevention Framework—State Incentive Grant
SPMI Severe and Persistent Mental Illness (sometimes SMI, severe mental illness)
SRR Secure Residential Recovery (Facility)
SS Social services.
STB Short Term Beds
SUD Substance Use Disorder
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
SX6 Success By Six
TAY Transition Aged Youth
T&TA Training and Technical Assistance
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
TCR Therapeutic community residence
TF-CBT Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
THTI Transition Housing Toward Independence
TIC Trauma Informed Care
TIP Transition to Independence Process: model for delivering developmentally appropriate services to youth
TTL Total
TTW Ticket to Work (also known as TTWWIIA, Ticket to Work and Work Incentive Improvement Act)
TX Treatment
VR Vocational Rehabilitation
WIC Women, Infants, and Children
WISC Wechsler Tests
WRAP Wellness Recovery Action Plan (used as part of Recovery Education as developed by Mary Ellen Copeland)
WRAT Wide Range Achievement Test. A short test for evaluating basic skills of spelling, arithmetic and reading. The WRAT is widely used by schools for testing educational achievement.
YIT Youth in Transition (federal grant)
YPI Youth and Police Initiative

Приложение 2.

Таблица неправильных глаголов

В английском языке существуют глаголы, которые называются неправильными глаголами(irregular verbs). Их отличие от правильных глаголов состоит в том, что при образовании Past Simple (Indefinite) или Past Participle к инфинитиву глагола не добавляется окончание –ed, т.е формы английских неправильных глаголов образуются различными другими способами. Дополнительно о способе образования неправильных глаголов.

Ниже приведена таблица английских неправильных глаголов с транскрипцией и переводом, которую рекомендуется запомнить.

Таблица неправильных глаголов с транскрипцией и переводом

Infinitive   Past Tense   Past Participle   Перевод
Arise [ə'raiz] arose [ə'rəuz] arisen [ə'riz(ə)n] возникать, появляться
Awake [ə'weik] awoke [ə'wəuk] awoken [ə'wəukən] будить, просыпаться
Be [bi:] was,were [wɔz], [wз:] been [bi:n] Быть
Bear [bɛə] Bore [bɔ:] born [bɔ:n] рождать, приносить
Beat [bi:t] Beat [bi:t] beaten ['bi:tn] Бить
Become [bɪ 'kʌm] became [bɪ 'keɪm] become [bɪ 'kʌm] становиться
Begin [bɪ 'gɪn] began [bɪ 'gæn] begun [bɪ 'gʌn] начинать(ся)
Bend [bend] Bent [bent] bent [bent] гнуть, сгибать
Bind [baɪnd] bound [baʊnd] bound [baʊnd] связывать
Bite [baɪt] Bit [bɪt] bitten ['bɪtn] кусать(ся)
Bleed [bli:d] bled [bled] bled [bled] кровоточить
Blow [blou] blew [blu:] blown [bloun] Дуть
Break [breɪk] broke [brouk] broken ['broukən] ломать(ся)
Breed [bri:d] bred [bred] bred [bred] воспитывать
Bring [brɪŋ] brought [brɔ:t] brought [brɔ:t] приносить
Build [bɪld] built [bɪlt] built [bɪlt] Строить
Burn [bɜ:rn] burnt [bз:nt] burnt [bз:nt] гореть, жечь
Burst [bз:st] burst [bз:st] burst [bз:st] разразиться, взрывать(ся)
Buy [baɪ] bought [bɔ:t] bought [bɔ:t] Покупать
Cast [kɑ:st] cast [kɑ:st] cast [kɑ:st] кинуть, лить (металл)
Catch [kætʃ] caught [kɔ:t] caught [kɔ:t] ловить, схватывать
Choose [tʃu:z] chose [tʃouz] chosen ['tʃouzən] выбирать, подбирать
Come [kʌm] came [keɪm] come [kʌm] приходить
Cost [kɒst] cost [kɒst] cost [kɒst] Стоить
Cut [kʌt] cut [kʌt] cut [kʌt] Резать
Dig [dɪg] dug [dʌg] dug [dʌg] рыть, копать
Do [du:] did [dɪd] done [dʌn] Делать
Draw [drɔ:] drew [dru:] drawn [drɔ:n] рисовать, тащить
Dream [dri:m] dreamt [dremt] dreamt [dremt] мечтать, сниться
Drink [drɪŋk] drank [dræŋk] drunk [drʌŋk] Пить
Drive [draɪv] drove [drouv] driven ['drɪvən] Водить
Eat [i:t] ate [eɪt, et] eaten ['i:tn] Есть
Fall [fɔ:l] fell [fel] fallen ['fɔ:lən] Падать
Feed [fi:d] fed [fed] fed [fed] Кормить
Feel [fi:l] felt [felt] felt [felt] чувствовать
Fight [faɪt] fought [fɔ:t] fought [fɔ:t] Бороться
Find [faɪnd] found [faʊnd] found [faʊnd] Находить
Fit [fit] fit [fit] fit [fit] подходить по размеру
Fly [flaɪ] flew [flu:] flown [floun] Летать
Forget [fər 'get] forgot [fər 'gɒt] forgotten [fər 'gɒtn] Забывать
Forgive [fər 'gɪv] forgave [fər 'geɪv] forgiven [fər 'gɪvən] Прощать
Freeze [fri:z] froze [frouz] frozen ['frouzən] замерзать
Get [get] got [gɒt] got [gɒt] Получать
Give [gɪv] gave [geɪv] given ['gɪvən] Давать
Go [gou] went [went] gone [gɒn] идти, ходить
Grow [grou] grew [gru:] grown [groun] Расти
Hang [hæŋ] hung [hʌŋ] hung [hʌŋ] висеть, развешивать
Have [hæv] had [hæd] had [hæd] Иметь
Hear [hɪər] heard [hɜ:rd] heard [hɜ:rd] Слышать
Hide [haɪd] hid [hɪd] hidden ['hɪdn] Прятать
Hit [hɪt] hit [hɪt] hit [hɪt] попадать в цель
Hold [hould] held [held] held [held] Держать
Hurt [hɜ:rt] hurt [hɜ:rt] hurt [hɜ:rt] ранить, ушибить
Keep [ki:p] kept [kept] kept [kept] держать, сохранять
Kneel [ni:l] knelt [nelt] knelt [nelt] становиться на колени
Knit [nɪt] knit [nɪt] knit [nɪt] вязать (спицами)
Know [nou] knew [nu:] known [noun] Знать
Lay [leɪ] laid [leɪd] laid [leɪd] класть, положить
Lead [li:d] led [led] led [led] вести, возглавлять
Lean [li:n] leant [lent] leant [lent] наклоняться
Learn [lɜ:rn] learnt [lɜ:rnt] learnt [lɜ:rnt] Учить
Leave [li:v] left [left] left [left] оставлять, покидать
Lend [lend] lent [lent] lent [lent] занимать, одалживать
Let [let] let [let] let [let] позволять
Lie [laɪ] lay [leɪ] lain [leɪn] Лежать
Light [lait] lit [lit] lit [lit] освещать, зажигать
Lose [lu:z] lost [lɒst] lost [lɒst] Терять
Make [meɪk] made [meɪd] made [meɪd] Делать
Mean [mi:n] meant [ment] meant [ment] Значить
Meet [mi:t] met [met] met [met] встречать
Mistake [mis'teik] mistook [mis'tuk] mistaken [mis'teik(e)n] ошибаться
Pay [peɪ] paid [peɪd] paid [peɪd] Платить
Put [pʊt] put [pʊt] put [pʊt] класть, ставить
Read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] Читать
Ride [raɪd] rode [roud] ridden ['rɪdn] ехать верхом
Ring [rɪŋ] rang [ræŋ] rung [rʌŋ] звонить, звенеть
Rise [raɪz] rose [rouz] risen ['rɪzən] подниматься
Run [rʌn] ran [ræn] run [rʌn] Бежать
Say [seɪ] said [sed] said [sed] Говорить
See [si:] saw [sɔ:] seen [si:n] Видеть
Seek [si:k] sought [sɔ:t] sought [sɔ:t] Искать
Sell [sel] sold [sould] sold [sould] продавать
Send [send] sent [sent] sent [sent] Посылать
Set [set] set [set] set [set] класть, ставить
Shake [ʃeɪk] shook [ʃʊk] shaken ['ʃeɪkən] Трясти
Shine [ʃaɪn] shone [ʃoun, ʃɒn] shone [ʃoun, ʃɒn] светить, сиять, блестеть
Shoot [ʃu:t] shot [ʃɒt] shot [ʃɒt] Стрелять
Show [ʃou] showed [ʃoud] shown [ʃoun] показывать
Shrink [ʃriŋk] shrank [ʃræŋk] shrunk [ʃrʌŋk] садиться (о материале), уменьшать(ся), сокращать(ся)
Shut [ʃʌt] shut [ʃʌt] shut [ʃʌt] закрывать
Sing [sɪŋ] sang [sæŋ] sung [sʌŋ] Петь
Sink [sɪŋk] sank [sæŋk] sunk [sʌŋk] Тонуть
Sit [sɪt] sat [sæt] sat [sæt] Сидеть
Sleep [sli:p] slept [slept] slept [slept] Спать
Smell [smel] smelt [smelt] smelt [smelt] нюхать, пахнуть
Slide [slaid] slid [slid] slid [slid] скользить
Sow [sou] sowed [soud] sown [soun] сеять, засевать
Smell [smel] smelled [smeld] smelled [smeld] нюхать, пахнуть
Speak [spi:k] spoke [spouk] spoken ['spoukən] Говорить
Spell [spel] spelt [spelt] spelt [spelt] произносить по буквам
Spend [spend] spent [spent] spent [spent] Тратить
Spill [spɪl] spilt [spɪlt] spilt [spɪlt] проливать
Spit [spɪt] spat [spæt] spat [spæt] Плевать
Split [splɪt] split [splɪt] split [splɪt] расщеплять
Spoil [spoɪl] spoilt [spoɪlt] spoilt [spoɪlt] Портить
Spread [spred] spread [spred] spread [spred] распространять(ся)
Stand [stænd] stood [stʊd] stood [stʊd] Стоять
Steal [sti:l] stole [stoul] stolen ['stoulən] Воровать
Stick [stik] stuck [stʌk] stuck [stʌk] приклеивать(ся), застревать, упорствовать
Sting [stiŋ] stung [stʌŋ] stung [stʌŋ] Жалить
Strike [straɪk] struck [strʌk] struck [strʌk] ударять, бастовать
Strive [straɪv] strove [strəuv] striven ['strɪvn] стараться, стремиться
Swear [sweə] swore [swɔ:] sworn [swɔ:n] давать клятву
Sweep [swi:p] swept [swept] swept [swept] мести, подметать
Swim [swɪm] swam [swæm] swum [swʌm] Плавать
Take [teɪk] took [tʊk] taken ['teɪkən] брать, взять
Teach [ti:tʃ] taught [tɔ:t] taught [tɔ:t] Учить
Tear [teər] tore [tɔr] torn [tɔrn] Рвать
Tell [tel] told [tould] told [tould] рассказывать
Think [θɪŋk] thought [θɔ:t] thought [θɔ:t] Думать
Throw [θrou] threw [θru:] thrown [θroun] Бросать
Understand [ʌndər 'stænd] understood [ʌndər 'stʊd] understood [ʌndər 'stʊd] Понимать
Upset [ʌp'set] upset [ʌp'set] upset [ʌp'set] опрокидывать, расстраивать (планы), огорчать
Wake [weɪk] woke [wouk] woken ['woukən] просыпаться
Wear [weər] wore [wɔr] worn [wɔrn] Носить
Weep [wi:p] wept [wept] wept [wept] Плакать
Wet [wet] wet [wet] wet [wet] мочить, увлажнять
Win [wɪn] won [wʌn] won [wʌn] выигрывать, побеждать
Wind [waind] wound [waund] wound [waund] извиваться, обматывать, заводить (часы)
Write [raɪt] wrote [rout] written ['rɪtn] писать


Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 1996

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