This car is better than that. That bike is old
Неопределенный и определенный артикли
Неопределенный артикль a (an) происходит от числительного one (один), определенный — от указательного местоимения that (тот).
Артикль употребляется:
перед каждым нарицательным существительным. Артикль не употребляетсяесли перед существительным стоит:
указательное или притяжательное местоимение,
другое существительное в притяжательном падеже,
количественное числительное,
отрицание по.
Например: This is ту book. I have no book. It's teacher's book.
Упоминая предмет впервые, мы употребляем перед ним неопределенный артикль а(ап). Упоминая этот же предмет вторично, мы ставим перед ним определенный артикль the. Например: This is a book. The book is interesting.
Неопределенный артикль a (an)
Употребляется перед единичным, отдельным предметом, который мы не выделяем из класса ему подобных. Неопределенный артикль an обычно стоит перед существительным, которое начинается с гласного звука: an apple, an egg.
Например: J bought a book yesterday. Я купил вчера книгу (одну из многих ей подобных). I have an apple. У меня есть яблоко (одно, какое-то).
I — ■ — —1
Неопределенный артикль a (an) может употребляться только с исчисляемыми существительными, стоящими в единственном числе. Перед неисчисля-емыми существительными или существительными во множественном числе неопределенный артикль опускается.
г) с существительными, перед которыми стоят при-
тяжательные или указательные местоимения:
This car is better than that. That bike is old.
д) с существительными, за которыми следует коли-
чественное числительное, обозначающее номер:
/ have read page eight of the magazine.
vourite is ... Microsoft Word. 3. My friend has... car.... car is broken now. My... friend has no... motorcycle.
4. Our flat... is large. 5. I received a... letter from my
friend yesterday.... letter was very long. 6. She has two...
daughters and one... son. Her... sonis... lawyer. 7. My...
brother's... friend has no... dog. 8. This is... house....
tree is green. 9. They have... party.... party is... a birth-
day party.. 10.1 read a book on marketing yesterday....
book was interesting and useful.
Exercise 1.6. Use the articles a, an, the where it is necessary:
1. Yesterday I saw... new film, but... film wasn't very interesting. 2. Washington is sitiated on ... Potomac river, and London is situated on... Thames. 3. Yuri Gagarin was... first man to fly over... Earth in spaceship. 4. My younger sister will go school... next year.
5. In... summer we went to ...Black Sea coast. 6. ... New
York is one of the biggest business centers in the world.
7. Lomonosov was... great Russian scientist. He was born
in... small village on... shore of... White Sea. 8. Is your
dress made of... silk or... cotton? 9. ... Peter's brother
is... student. He will be a lawyer soon. 10. One of my
neighbours is a student of ... faculty of Philosophy. Phi-
losophy is ... very difficult discipline. 11. My mother is
... accountant. I don't want to be ... accountant. I want
to be ... manager.
Exercise 1.7.Use the articles a, an, the where it is necessary:
1... Germany is ... most developed country in Europe. 2.. .History and ... Computer Science were... my favourite subjects at... school. 3. I don't know ... nearest way to... bank. 4. ... Economics is one of ... most important disciplines at ... University. 5. Usually I get up at... 7 o'clock in... morning. 6...Rostov is situated on... Don. 7. Will you have... cup of... tea? 8.Warsaw is ... capital of Poland. 9. We shall go to...cinema... together with... boyfriend (girlfriend). 10. This is... book,... book is very interesting. 11.Do you see... sun in... sky today? 12. He is... engineer by... profession.
Exercise 1.8. Insert (вставьте) the article where necessary:
Three men came to... New York for... holiday. They came to... very large hotel and took... room there. Their room was on... forty-fifth floor. In... evening... friends went to... theatre and came back to... hotel very late.
«I am very sorry», said... clerk of... hotel, «but... lifts do not work tonight. If you don't want to walk up to your room, we shall make... beds for you in... hall». «No, по», said one of... friends, «по, thank you. We don't want to sleep in... hall. We shall walk up to our room».
Then he turned to his friends and said: «It is not easy to walk up to... forty-fifth floor, but we shall make it easier. On... way to... room I shall tell you some jokes; then you, Andy, will sing us some songs; then you, Peter, will tell us some interesting stories*. So they began walking up to their room. Tom told them many jokes; Andy sang some songs.
At last they came to... thirty sixth floor. They were tired and decided to have... rest. «Well», said Tom, «now it is your turn, Peter. After all... jokes, I would like to hear... sad story. Tell us... long and interesting story with... sad end*. «... story which I am going to tell you», — said Peter, «is sad enough. We left... key to our room in... hall».
2. Зак. 427