Exercise 11. Open the brackets. Translate
1) Marshall Hall (to introduce) the term “reflex” in the 19th century.
2) The pupillary reflex (to associate) with the pupils’ function.
3) The ancient Greeks (to believe) that sneezing was a sign from the gods.
4) The neural regions involved in the sneeze reflex (to locate) in the brain stem.
5) In English-speaking countries, the common verbal response to another person’s sneeze (to be) “(God) bless you”.
6) In Renaissance times people (to think) that one’s heart stopped for a moment during the sneeze.
7) In the last few decades scientists (to propose) approximately 20 physiological reasons for yawning.
Exercise 12. Fill in the table. Tell about conditioned and unconditioned reflexes by the table
REFLEXES | Other names | Biological basis (a part of the nervous system they are controlled by) | Dependence on the previous experience | Features (stable/unstable, changeable/unchangeable) |
Unconditioned | ||||
Conditioned |
Завдання для самостійної роботи студента
1) Перекладіть словосполучення на англійську мову і складіть з ними речення
умовні і безумовні рефлекси
вроджені і набуті рефлекси
стійкі і нестійкі рефлекси
не залежний від попереднього досвіду
зіничний рефлекс
ковтання і слиновиділення
чхання і позіхання
2) Дайте розгорнуту відповідь на питання
1) What is a reflex?
2) What is the role of unconditioned reflexes in the human organism?
3) What kind of automatic reaction is a conditioned reflex?
4) Which reflexes are more stable?
3) Поясніть термін
умовні рефлекси
безумовні рефлекси
Exercise 1. Topic Vocabulary
Sensation [senʹseıʃ(ə)n] - відчуття
Perception [ pəʹsepʃ(ə)n ] - сприйняття
Consciously [ˈkɒn(t)ʃəslɪ] - свідомо
Property [ˈprɒpətɪ] - властивість
To represent [‚reprɪ’zent] - представляти
Expectation [͵ekspekʹteıʃ(ə)n] - сподівання
Namely - а саме
Goal - мета
Wrong - хибний, помилковий
Gestalt psychology[ɡəˈʃtɑːlt …]-гештальтпсихологія
Exercise 2. Pronounce correctly. Translate without dictionary
Stage [steɪdʒ], biochemical [͵baıəʋʹkemık(ə)l], identification [aıdentıfıʹkeıʃ(ə)n], interpretation [ın͵tɜ:prıʹteıʃ(ə)n], mmemory [’memərɪ], occasion [əˈkeɪʒ(ə)n], illusion [ıʹlu:ʒ(ə)n], hallucination [hə͵lu:sıʹneıʃ(ə)n], false [fɔ:ls]
Exercise 3. Translate into Ukrainian
The passive process of bringing information, the receptor cells of a sensory organ, the elementary properties of a stimulus, interpretation of sensory information, to represent and understand the environment, to create useful information of the surroundings, a higher brain function, to be transformed into neural signals, the errors of perception, a wrong perception, a false perception
Grammar. Modal verbs and their substitutes
1. We must learn to control our mood and behavior. MUST | We have to learn to control our mood and behavior. = TO HAVE TO |
Ми повинні (маємо) навчитися контролювати наш настрій і поведінку. | |
2. We may translate the text with a dictionary MAY | We are allowed to translate the text with a dictionary = TO BE ALLOWED TO |
Ми можемо (нам дозволили) перекладати текст зі словником. | |
3. Dogs can perceive smells much better than people do. CAN | Dogs are able to perceive smells much better than people do. = TO BE ABLE TO |
Собаки можуть (здатні) сприймати запахи набагато краще, ніж люди. |
*Modal verbs’ substitutes can be used in the Present, Past, and Future Tenses
Exercise 4. Translate. Pay attention to the use of modal verbs and their substitutes
1) Extrasensory perception can be found in animals.
2) All students have to attend their classes regularly.
3) You may stay here only for a week.
4) Elephants are able to detect vibrations through the ground for up to 50 km.
5) Great White Sharks can smell one drop of blood in a volume of water equivalent to an Olympic-size Swimming Pool.
6) Mary had to go to the dean’s office yesterday.
7) You will be allowed to smoke here.
Exercise 5. Read the text. Write out the keywords related to sensation and perception in
Two groups
In psychology, sensation and perception are stages of processing of the senses in human and animal systems.
Sensationscan be defined as the passive process of bringing information from the outside world into the body and to the brain. The process is passive in the sense that we do not have to be consciously involved in a "sensing" process.
Sensation is the function of the low-level biochemical and neurological events that begin with a stimulus upon the receptor cells of a sensory organ. It is the detection of the elementary properties of a stimulus.
Perception (from the Latin perceptio, percipio) is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment.
All perception involves signals in the nervous system, which in turn result from physical or chemical stimulation of the sense organs. Perception is not the passive receiving of these signals but is shaped by learning, memory, expectation, and attention. The goal of sensation is to detect, the goal of perception is to create useful information about the surroundings.
In other words, sensations are the first stages in the functioning of senses to represent stimuli from the environment, and perception is a higher brain function about interpreting events and objects in the world. Stimuli from the environment are transformed into neural signals, which are then interpreted by the brain.
It is quite possible that the same object may be perceived differently by different people or by the same person on different occasions. There are two errors of perception namely illusion and hallucination.
A wrong perception is called illusion. In illusion, we take a wrong meaning of the stimulus present before us. A false perception is called hallucination. In hallucination a person begins to perceive something in spite of the absence of any external stimulus.