Understanding the Selection. 1.Define the selection as a form of writing and present its contents in a nutshell

1.Define the selection as a form of writing and present its contents in a nutshell.

2.Speak on two time dimensions the narration touches upon.

3.Comment on the first paragraph. What implication does it carry? How does it colour the whole of the selected passage?

4.Mary’s utterances are more extensive than those of Tyrone. Why? Why is Mary so engrossed in the past?

5.Why do characters switch rapidly from one tone to another?

6.Account for the role of the author’s stage directions. Why are they so precise and detailed?

7.Comment on Mary’s syntax. What grammatical structures are prevailing in her speech? Why? What other means of emotional colouring can you single out in Mary’s utterances?

8.Tyrone: a character sketch. The writer’s method in presenting this character.

9.Judging from what you have read what do you think is the author’s attitude towards his characters? How do you feel it? Bear in mind that the play is autobiographical.

10. Speak on the problem of drug addiction. Take into account all aspects of the problem.

Words and Word-combinations to be memorized

1. to help things / cannot help things – изменить / нельзя изменить что-то

2. to drop in on smb – зайти к кому-то

3. from then on – с тех пор; ср. from now on – с этих пор

4. come to think of it – если задуматься над чем-то …

5. to lay in smth ahead – отложить про запас

6. to do smth on purpose – сделать что-то нарочно

7. to do that much for smb – хоть это сделать для кого-то

8. to look spic and span – шикарно выглядеть, быть одетым с иголочки

9. to bring up a topic – поднять тему, затеять разговор на тему

10. to be broke – быть без денег

11. to be sociable – общаться, быть общительным, syn. to socialize with smb

12. to make a fuss over smb – суетиться над кем-то

13. to carry it too far – зайти слишком далеко

14. to be on one’s way up to do smth – идти делать что-то; ср. I’m on my way up to change. – Пойду, переоденусь.

15. to give smb a cold shoulder – холодно относиться к кому-то


I. Explain and expand on the following.

1. “We loved each other! We always will! Let’s remember only that, and not try to understand what we cannot understand, or help things that cannot be helped.” 2. “But, naturally, after I married an actor – you know how actors were considered in those days – a lot of them gave me the cold shoulder.” 3. “I hated the ones who cut me much less than the pitiers.” 4. “If you are that far gone in the past already, when it’s only the beginning of the afternoon, what will you be tonight?” 5. “The past is the present, isn’t it? It’s the future too. We all try to lie out of that but life won’t let us.” 6. “I’ve always believed Jamie did it on purpose. He was jealous of the baby.” 7. “I knew from experience by then that children should have homes to be born in, if they are to be good children, and women need homes, if they are to be good mothers.” 8. Starts automatically on a customary lecture. (Tyrone) 9. Embarrassed by his generosity. (Tyrone)

II. Paraphrase the following sentences from the selection paying attention to colloquialisms.

1. “For God’s sake, don’t dig up what’s long forgotten.” 2. “I was so sick afterwards, and that ignorant quack of a cheap hotel doctor …” 3. “I hate to bring up disagreeable topics, but there’s the matter of carfare. I’m broke.” 4. “I’m knocked speechless.” 5. “You’ll probably meet some of your friends uptown and you can’t hold your end up and be sociable with nothing in your jeans.” 6. “That’s a rotten crack. I was only kidding, Papa.” 7. “But James, it’s absurd of Edmund to be so gloomy and to make such a great to-do about nothing.” 8. “Never mind, dear. I’m on to you.”

III. Explain the meaning of these words using an English - English dictionary.

Confusion, detachment, guilt, sarcastically, remote, resentment, bitter, violently, stubborn, affection, automatically, customary, quote.

IV. Find synonyms for these words and explain the difference in their meaning and use.

To hug; scornful; to scream; on purpose; to persuade smb; swiftly; to check oneself; genuinely; morbid; sociable; astonishment; filthy.

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