The symptoms of the relevant type of diabetes

Symptoms vary from person to person and between the two types of diabetes.

- in Type I diabetes, symptoms tend to be more acute than those of Type II diabetes and come on quickly, usually within several days to a few weeks. Symptoms include increased thirst, increased hunger, increased urination and weight loss. If the symptoms continue, the patient may develop nausea and vomiting, presence of ketones in the urine, severe weight and fluid loss, rapid breathing, a fruity or sweat-smelling odor to his breath, and loss of consciousness.

- In Type II diabetes, the symptoms are usually vague and occurs slowly, generally over weeks or months. The symptoms may be so mild that a person may have diabetes for a long time and not know it until a routine examination or procedure is performed. Common symptoms are increased thirst, increased urination, visual changes, itchiness, vaginal infections in women, sores that heal slowly, fatigue, weakness and irritability.

The components of diabetes management.

Treatment of diabetes is directed by the physician, but the responsibility for implementing the treatment rests with the patient. Therefore, to control his blood glucose, the patient will need to know how to manage the following:

- diet

- medications

- exercise program

- testing methods for sugar and ketone determinations

- acute problems

· hypoglicemia (low blood sugar)

· hyperglicemia (high blood sugar)

- guidelines for daily living and for skin and foot care

- guidelines for sick days.


Genitourinary symptoms

- renal / bladder disorder

- sexual dysfunction

- neurologic impairment

Treatment of the g.d.

- medication

- surgery

- long-term therapy

- guidelines for daily living

- prevention of complications

- coping strategies


- benigh prostatic hyperplasia or benigh prostatic hypertrophy (B.P.H.),

- urinary tract infection (U.T.I.),

- incontinence,

- chronic renal failure.

Diagnostic tests:

- kidney-ureter-bladder (K.U.B.) radiography

- renal computerized tomography

- nephrotomography

- renal ultrasonography

- cystourethroscopy

- intravenous pyelography

- radionuclide renal imaging (renal scan)

- renal angiography

- retrograde cystography

- retrograde ureteropyelography

- cystometry

- voiding cystourethrography

- clean-catch midstream urine specimen


A broad term , UTI refers to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in any portion of the urinary tract. It can occur as infection of the urethra (urethritis), the urethra and bladder (cystitis), or the urethra, ureters, bladder, and kidney (pyelonephritis). It's more common in women than in men.

The relevant causes of UTI.

- UTIs may occur after viral infections, such as mumps, measles, herpes, adenovirus or cytomegalovirus infections.

- The most common route of infection is from the urethra to the bladder.

The most common signs and symptoms of UTI.

The classic symptoms of UTI are frequency, urgency, and dysuria (often described as a burning sensation during urination). Hematuria may also occur. The patient may also complain of back pain, fever, chills, nausea, and vomiting .

The medication regimen.

Uncomplicated UTIs can be treated with any of several different courses of antimicrobial therapy.

ЛЕКСИЧЕСКИЙ МАТЕРИАЛ ПО ТЕКСТУ «Genitourinary disorders»

renal - почечный

bladder – 1) пузырь; мочевой пузырь; 2) полость; 3)циста

sexual dysfunction – сексуальные расстройства;

impairment – нарушение, недостаточность

failure – недостаточность, нарушение, расстройство

long-term - длительный

coping - психологическая адаптация, приспособление к стрессовым нагрузкам

benigh - доброкачественный

incontinence – недержание

radiography – рентгенография, радиография

computerized tomography – компьютерная томография

nephrotomography - нефротомография

ultrasonography – ультразвуковая эхография

cystourethroscopy - цистоуретрография

intravenous pyelography – внутривенная пиелография

angiography - ангиография

retrograde - дегенерирующий

urinary tract – мочевыделительный тракт

urethra – уретра

ureter - мочеточник

urethritis – уретрит (воспаление мочеиспускательного канала)

herpes - герпес

adenovirus - аденовирусный

burning sensation – чувство жжения

hematuria – гематурия

Text “Acute nephritis”

Etiology . Acute infections practically always precede the onset of acute nephritis. Diphtheria, measles, chickenpox, suppurative lymph glands, chills, appendiceal abscess or almost any infection in the body may responsible for nephritis, but tonsillitis, septic sore throat, and otitis media ear the main predisposing diseases.

Pathology . Acute glomerular nephritis is not merely a disease of the kidney. The term «acute glomerular nephritis» is used because the capillaries of the glomeruli are practically always the site of the initial lesion. It is known that infection by streptococci plays the predominant role in the cause of acute glomerular nephritis. The kidney is large and ischemic, and the capsule is usually under tension greater than normal.

Symptoms. Following an acute infection, for example, an upper respiratory infection, the patient may develop the clinical picture of acute nephritis within a period of from two to eight days. The classical textbook picture of hematuria, hypertension, edema and nitrogen retention is not always present. More often the patient has only evidences of renal inflammation as shown by the urine examination. Albuminuria, red blood cells, pus cells and casts in the urine are frequently the only signs and are often overlooked if symptoms are absent. Disturbances of urination characterized by a scanty outflow of urine or even complete anuria may be present.

The severity or mildness of the kidney disease cannot always be measured by the examination of the urine or any other tests. In the course of the first days of the disease there may appear fatal symptoms of heart insufficiency or kidney eclampsia, which are indicative of the severity of the disease. Hypertension is the most characteristic symptom. Sometimes the blood pressure rises rapidly to 200/120 mm Hg. Edema is very mild and hardly recognized by the examining.

The rise in the nonprotein nitrogen is a sign of renal insufficiency. Frequently the rise is rapid in the early stages of acute anuria. Then, after four or five days, when urine output is restored to normal, the blood NPN drops to normal. While the initial rise in NPN in the acute episode is not of great importance, it does point out to the physician that he must establish urinary flow as soon as possible. As a rule, if this condition is allowed to go uncorrected for seven or eight days genuine fatal uremia sets in.

Cerebral complications. Headache, visual disturbances, vomiting, convulsions and loss of consciousness occur in the course of acute nephritis. These complications were at one time thought to be the result of edema of the brain, and, although edema of the brain may be present, it is the hypertension that behind these features which is to blame, as they practically never occur without high blood pressure.

Remissions and relapses. After the first two weeks of acute nephritis patients usually appear to make a complete recovery and in some cases they do. In others the recovery is more apparent than real. Frequently the patient that seems to have recovered completely is only partly cured, and the cure is more on the surface then underneath. These patients may feel quit well, but in fact only the more acute, severe phase has ceased. In some of these cases a low grade, smouldering inflammation continues. This may be called the latent stage of acute nephritis, where nothing appears to be wrong unless careful urinary examination is carried out. Then the truth comes to light and it is found that an excessive amount of red blood cells, pus cells and casts are present in the urine. There may be no high blood pressure, headache, edema or other disturbances.

Sometimes these latent cases go on to recovery, while others continue and finally terminate with chronic glomerular nephritis. Perhaps the greatest problem in the management of acute nephritis is to recognize this latent stage and to deal with it satisfactorily.


1. to precede – предшествовать

2. suppurative - гнойный

3. septic sore throat –гнойная ангина

4. otitis media ear –отит среднего уха

5. glomerular – клубочковый, почечный клубочек

6. the site of the initial lesion –место первоначального повреждения

7. аlbuminuria – белок в моче, альбуминурия

8. pus cells –лейкоциты

9. casts –цилиндры

10. a scanty outflow of urine – скудное выделение мочи

11. anuria – отсутствие мочи

12. heart insufficiency –сердечная недостаточность

13. kidney eclampsia –почечная недостаточность

14. nonprotein nitrogen –небелковый азот

15. edema of the brain –отек мозга

16. to recovery – выздоравливать

17. smouldering – тление

18. latent stage - скрытый период

19.picture of urine-test –картина анализа мочи


1. Найдите в тексте GENITOURINARY DISORDERS и переведите следующие фразы:

1. лечение заболеваний мочевыделительной системы (МВС)

2. длительное лечение

3. профилактика осложнений

4. доброкачественная опухоль

5. стратегия психологической адаптации

6. сексуальные расстройства

7. инфекция МВС

8. почечная недостаточность

9. недержание мочи

10. наличие патогенных микроорганизмов

11. мочеиспускательный канал

12. расстройство мочеиспускания

13. чувство жжения

14. жаловаться на боли в спине

15. противомикробная терапия

2. Переведите на русский язык:

1. renal disorder

2. sexual dysfunction

3. impairment

4. surgery

5. long-term therapy

6. complications

7. coping strategies

8. benigh tumor

9. incontinence

10. Diagnostic tests

3. Переведите на русский язык:

1. the presence of pathogenic microorganisms

2. urinary tract

3. to occur as infection

4. urethritis

5. cystitis

6. pyelonephritis

7. ureter

8. kidney

9. viral infections

10. mumps

4 . Переведите на русский язык:

1. measles

2. adenovirus infections

3. cytomegalovirus infections

4. route of infection

5. from the urethra to the bladder

6. classic symptoms of UTI

7. dysuria

8. urgency

9. frequency

10. a burning sensation

5. Find in the text “Acute nephritis”picture of urine-test.

6. Recount the principal symptoms of the acute nephritis.

Translate into English: острая инфекция, заболевание почек, острый гломерулонефрит, почки крупные и ишемичные, клиническая картина острого нефрита, почечная инфекция, небелковый азот, повышение артериального давления, ремиссия и рецидивы.

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