Pharmaceutical Education in Great Britain

The history of pharmaceutical education has closely followed that of medical education. The first pharmaceutical collages in Great Britain were founded as the beginning of the 19th century.

The course of institution leading to a degree in pharmacy was extended from 4 to 5 years in 1960. The first and frequently the second year of treating, embracing general education subjects, are often provided by a school of arts and science. Many institutions offer graduate courses in pharmacy and cognate sciences leading to the degree of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in pharmacy, pharmacology or related disciplined. These advanced courses are intended for those who are preparing for careers in research, manufacturing or teaching in the field of pharmacy.

The basic 5-year curriculum in British collages of pharmacy embraces physics, chemistry, biology, bacteriology, physiology, pharmacology and many other specialized courses such as dispensing pharmacy. As the pharmacist is engaged in business as well, special training is provided in merchandising, accounting, computer techniques, pharmaceutical jurisprudence.

Before one is permitted to practice in Great Britain in which a license is required, an applicant must be qualified by graduation from a recognized collage of pharmacy, meet specific requirements for experience, and pass an examination conducted by a board of pharmacy appointed by the government. The passing of this board examination carries with it the legal right to practice pharmacy. The holder is then designated or licensed pharmacist.

Make up 10 questions to the text.

1. _______________________________________________________










2. Write down the topical vocabulary ________________

3. Write down the suitable words to the sentences:

Common, teaching, followed, encompasses, engaged, carries, Doctor of Philosophy, provided

1. The history of pharmaceutical education has closely ___________________ that medical education.

2. Many institutions offer graduate courses leading to the degree of Master of Science and ____________________.

3. These advanced courses are intended especially for those who are preparing for careers of research or _______________________in the field of pharmacy.

4. This professional training includes many subjects ____________________ to the medical curriculum.

5. The pharmacist is _______________________ in business.

6. The passing of board examination _____________________________with it the legal right to practice pharmacy.

Task III.

Translate the information and write down the pharmacist’s duties

- Pharmacists are the people that are behind the counter of the pharmacy, always in a white coat and looking professional.


- Pharmacists have to know the most common drugs up to and including any new drugs that is placed on the market.


- Pharmacists must know the work extremely well, our lives depend on them.


- Pharmacists have to know computerized pharmacy medication to be able to order what drugs they need.


- Pharmacists have to know about aseptic techniques for preparing sterile products.


- Pharmacists have to deliver medications to meet standard or emergency patient care.


1. Замініть позначені іменники займенниками

1. The girlsare playing tennis._______________________________________

2. I saw the girlsin the park.________________________________________

3. Put the bookson the shelf._______________________________________

4. The books are on the shelf._______________________________________

5. We have seen the film.__________________________________________

6. The filmis very interesting. ______________________________________

7. My sisterwent to the post-office.___________________________________

8. I am waiting for my sister._______________________________________

9. We listened to the teacher with great interest.________________________

10. The teacherexplains a new grammar rule. _______________________________________________________________

2. Вставте необхідний займеннник

1. On my way home I met Peter and told____________ about the trip. 2. I need this book badly. I can't prepare my report without__________3. I don't know the way to the railway station. Couldn't you show it to ________________4. We are going to spend the summer in the country. Will you join_____________? 5. Wait for ________ at the bus stop. 6. I know this woman. _______________ works at the factory with my mother. 7. I like this radio set very much. Where did you buy __________? 8. We'll be waiting for ____________.

3. Заповніть прогалини some або any

1.1 have ______________English books. 2. Are ____________ arm-chairs in the room? 3. There isn't ______________chalk in the classroom. 4. There is_______________ milk in the jug. 5. Mother has bought_____________butter. 6. There are not____________mistakes in my dictation. 7. There are __________lakes in this district. 8. Have you ____________relatives in Kyiv? 9. I've read____English stories this month. 10. Have you_____________ French newspapers?

4. Напишіть слова у трьох ступенях порівняння прикметників.

Bright_________________________ _______________________________
















Самостійна робота №4

Тема: Опрацювання матеріалів: «D.I.Mendeleyev», «N.D.Zelinsky», «I.P.Pavlov, «Вживання дієслова to be в мовленні та в конструкціях there is/are, there was/were.

Навчальні цілі:


- тематичну лексику та термінологію;

- внесок видатних вчених хіміків, медиків у розвиток медицини та фармації;

- особливості вживання займенників (особових, питальних, неозначених);

- утворення ступенів порівняння прикметників;


- прочитати та перекласти тематичні тексти;

- виконати лексичні вправи;

- опрацювати граматичний матеріал

- виконати граматичні завдання.

- «Дієслово to be », «Конструкція there is/are, there was/were» Л.Верба «Граматика сучасної англійської мови» с.11-20,

Task 1

Read and translate the text «D.I. Mendeleyev».

D.I. Mendeleyev

D.I. Mendeleyv, the great Russian chemist, was born in Siberia on February 8, 1834. At the age of 16 he entered the Pedagogical Institute in St.Petersburg, physico - mathematical department. He graduated from the institute in 1855 and was invited to lecture on theoretical and organic chemistry at the Technological Institute and then at the University.

In 1865 Mendeleyev was granted the Doctor of Science Degree for a thesis on the combination of alchohol with water. This work was both of theoretical and significance.

Soon after that D.I. Mendeleyev was appointed Professor of General Chemistry of St. Petersburg University. He carried on great research work there.

Mendeleyev’s greatest discovery was the Periodic Law. His Periodic Law opened a new era in the history of chemistry. His numerous works dealt with many subjects: properties of liquids, theories of solutions, the development of the gas law, the use of oil and many others.

D.I. Mendeleyev was a greatest patriot. He did everything for the development and progress of his country. He continued his research work to the very last day of his life. He died in 1907. At present everybody knows this Russian scientist.

Answer the questions

1. Who was D. Mendeleyev?


2. When and where was he born?


3. What institute did he graduate from?


4. What did D. Mendeleyev discover in 1860?


5. Whom did he become after returning to Russia?


6. What branches of science was he interested in?


7. What did he discover?


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